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APIs in Apps: The Basics

API is one of those computer terms which anyone who talks about mobile or web apps seems
to use and yet, it is one of those terms people seem to struggle to define.
Sure it is a way of connecting your application with the Internet or a way of creating a seamless
link with content, or…. But what does that mean?

What is an API?

Online application driven services such as Uber, AirBnB, Facebook, Alibaba and Paypal all have
one thing in common. They drive their core-operations on internet platforms without having
any obviously quantifiable assets to justify their astronomically high valuations.
The underlying key to their success is the fact that they are masters at exploiting Application
Program Interfaces (APIs) to drive competitive advantage. Strategy experts Bala Iyer and
Mohan Subramaniam described APIs as a technology that allows firms to interact and share
information with other firms on an unprecedented scale, taking advantage of the far-reaching
progress in digitization and the rising influence of software in our day-to-day lives.
In simple English, Application Programming Interfaces are sets of rules or instructions which
manage or control how one application can talk to another.
An API is a set of commands, functions, and protocols which programmers can use when
building software for a specific OS or any other software. The API allows programmers to use
predefined functions to interact with the operating system, instead of writing them from
“An API is a machine-to-machine interface rather than a user interface. It allows developers to
access the functionality of other software modules through well-defined data
structures…”Marieke Guy, Jisc Good APIs report

How are APIs used?

APIs give another program or application access to data, information or functionality so that it
can share or use some of the “host” program’s resources easily and with minimum restrictions.
This facilitates a sharing of information. This is subject to certain rules defined by the person
who is doing the sharing. The whole point of an API is to define how it is used.
An API defines the interfaces by which one piece of software communicates with another at the
source level. It provides abstraction by providing a standard set of interfaces - usually functions
- that one piece of software (typically a higher-level piece) can invoke from another piece of
software (usually a lower-level piece).
For example, an API might abstract the concept of drawing text on the screen through a family
of functions that provide everything needed to draw the text. The API merely defines the
interface; the piece of software that actually provides the API is known as the implementation
of the API.
It is common to call an API a "contract". This is not correct, at least in the legal sense of the
term, as an API is not a two-way agreement. The API user (generally, the higher-level software)
has zero input into the API and its implementation. It may use the API as-is, or not use it at all:
take it or leave it!

When and where are they used?

APIs are used when two or more separate systems need to work together to achieve something
that they cannot do alone.
An example: You are buying an item in online through your credit card. You will provide credit
card details and press the continue button. The online web application will initiate a transaction
with your bank or credit card provider which will tell you whether the information you provided
is correct or not. To enable this interaction with your bank a lot of things need to happen in the
The application will send your credit card details to a remote application which will validate
your information and send the result back your application. An API is used in this scenario.

What are the advantages of APIs?

A key advantage of the automated nature of an API is the ability to deal with large numbers of
transactions without the need for a comparable increase in administrative costs.

Another advantage of APIs is that they are Future-Ready. As needs change, APIs help to support
unanticipated future uses. Making data available via API can support faster and easier data
migration and improved data quality review and cleanup. APIs can provide greater flexibility in
delivering services; for example, using a service that accesses a backend system to power a new
In a recent article in ZDNet, Dion Hinchcliffe, executive vice president of strategy at Dachis
Group, was quoted as saying that the benefits of opening up an API can be strategic. The
Austin, Texas-based consultancy focuses on social technologies for businesses.
Hinchcliffe highlighted revenue generation and traffic growth as "very real benefits" of open
APIs but noted that the most important outcomes are having direct access to innovation and
company sustainability.
"APIs are a way to cost effectively scale a company's businesses in many simultaneous new
directions as well as tap the ingenuity of a large partner ecosystem, all while largely firewalling
risk," he said in an e-mail. This ability is important, he emphasized.
He explained that traditional business partnerships, joint ventures, and product integrations are
time-consuming and expensive to create and maintain. In comparison, the open API model is
"designed for nearly effortless, asymmetric scale", where almost all the work needed by the
partner is pushed to the other end of the relationship, he said.
All the API provider has to do is "create the API and support it well", Hinchcliffe added.
First, rather than focus on the value of the API per-se, it’s helpful to think of the value of the
effect of the API. Remember it’s the organization’s core business which is valuable. An API is a
channel to provide new types of access to the existing value an organization provides.
Another common misconception is that for an API to be valuable, API users must be prepared
to pay for it. This is true only if the API itself is the product. In most models, this is not the case.
APIs are usually driving some other metric (pizza sales, affiliate referrals, brand awareness, etc.)
and the value of the API to the organization will be measured differently. Consequently, the
value of the API to users is the effect of an API call, rather than the call itself.


Given that an API can be subject to the common attacks occurring on the web, security is a valid
consideration. However, an API is also capable of being secured in exactly the same way as
normal web pages - so there are plenty of well-known security measures that can be put in
place. The categories to consider are:
Secure communication. Transport Layer Security (TLS), as seen on secure "https" or
"padlocked" websites, provides for encrypted communication between the consumer and
Authentication. Ensuring that a consumer is who they say they are can be done in a number of
ways, and an advanced and well-known method is OAuth - it is used by Twitter, for example.
Authorization. This is about determining what the authenticated consumer of your API is
allowed to do. For example, it is possible to limit the number of requests a consumer can make,
or provide read-only access to particular consumers.


When two systems (websites, desktops, smartphones) link up through an API, we say they are
"integrated." In an integration, you have two sides, each with a special name. One side we have
already talked about: the server. This is the side that actually provides the API. It helps to
remember that the API is simply another program running on the server 3. It may be part of the
same program that handles web traffic, or it can be a completely separate one. In either case, it
is sitting, waiting for others to ask it for data.
The other side is the "client." This is a separate program that knows what data is available
through the API and can manipulate it, typically at the request of a user. A great example is a
smartphone app that syncs with a website. When you push the refresh button your app, it talks
to a server via an API and fetches the newest info.
The same principle applies to websites that are integrated. When one site pulls in data from the
other, the site providing the data is acting as the server, and the site fetching the data is the

Using APIs

REST is a standard, found everywhere HTTP is used, with a clear vocabulary for actions (for
most intents and purposes, composed of 4 words: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), and a
BYO Back End
Dropsource gives you the power to include any data you want in your apps, as long as it is
driven by an API that meets a few basic requirements. Although our goal is to eventually be
agnostic to API design, there are a few requirements an API must meet before it can be
Dropsource compatible (for the time being).
APIs must:
● be RESTful
● support JSON
● if using protected services, follow one of these authentication schemes:
1) Basic Auth
2) OAuth2 (password & implicit flow)
3) API Key
● have logical status code responses

How an API works

API’s make use of fixed communication protocols. These govern how computers can
communicate effectively. Data for an API is usually retrieved from a server and HTTP is the
common protocol used when talking to the server.
Communication in HTTP centers around a concept called the Request-Response Cycle. The
client sends the server a request to do something. The server, in turn, sends the client a
response saying whether or not the server could do what the client asked.
To make a valid request, the client needs to include four things:
1. URL (Uniform Resource Locator) 1
2. Method
3. List of Headers
4. Body
URLs become an easy way for the client to tell the server which thing it wants to interact with.
Of course, APIs also do not call them "things", but give them the technical name "resources."
The request method tells the server what kind of action the client wants the server to take. In
fact, the method is commonly referred to as the request "verb."
The four methods most commonly seen in APIs are:
● GET - Asks the server to retrieve a resource
● POST - Asks the server to create a new resource
● PUT - Asks the server to edit/update an existing resource
● DELETE - Asks the server to delete a resource
Here's an example to help illustrate these methods. Let's say there is a pizza parlor with an API
you can use to place orders. You place an order by making a POST request to the restaurant's
server with your order details, asking them to create your pizza. As soon as you send the
request, however, you realize you picked the wrong style crust, so you make a PUT request to
change it.
While waiting for your order, you make a bunch of GET requests to check the status. After an
hour of waiting, you decide you've had enough and make a DELETE request to cancel your order
Headers provide meta-information about a request. They are a simple list of items like the time
the client sent the request and the size of the request body.
The request body contains the data the client wants to send the server. Continuing our pizza
ordering example above, the body is where the order details go.
A unique trait of the body is that the client has complete control over this part of the request.
Unlike the method, URL, or headers, where the HTTP protocol requires a rigid structure, the
body allows the client to send anything it needs.
These four pieces — URL, method, headers, and body — make up a complete HTTP request.

Figure 2. The structure of an HTTP request.

HTTP Responses
After the server receives a request from the client, it attempts to fulfill the request and send
the client back a response. HTTP responses have a very similar structure to requests. The main
difference is that instead of a method and a URL, the response includes a status code. Beyond
that, the response headers and body follow the same format as requests.
How APIs build on HTTP
By now, you can see that HTTP supports a wide range of permutations to help the client and
server talk. So, how does this help us with APIs? The flexibility of HTTP means that APIs built on
it can provide clients with a lot of business potential. We saw that potential in the pizza
ordering example above. A simple tweak to the request method was the difference between
telling the server to create a new order or cancel an existing one. It was easy to turn the desired
business outcome into an instruction the server could understand. Very powerful!
This versatility in the HTTP protocol extends to other parts of a request, too. Some APIs require
a particular header while others require specific information inside the request body. Being
able to use APIs hinges on knowing how to make the correct HTTP request to get the result you

Dropsource API integration

Developers are able to integrate existing cloud API’s into Dropsource by using Swagger which
provides superior API tools that make API’s easier for both users and machines to interpret.
Here is a link to learn about Swagger and its awesomeness:
Put simply, Swagger works by allowing a developer to document everything about their API in
JSON or YAML (paths, parameters, authentication schemes, protocols, data model definitions,
response and body definitions, and API meta information). Once all of this information is
documented, Dropsource can learn about your API and make all the relevant options available
on the Workbench, our visual development environment so that you can easily connect your
app’s interface to the API endpoints.


The Harvard Business Review summarizes the value of API’s as follows:

Today, a firm without application program interfaces (APIs) that allow software programs to
interact with each other is like the internet without the World Wide Web. Just as the World
Wide Web opened up the internet’s potential for use by billions, APIs — specifications or
protocols for how to exchange information or request online services from an organization —
are allowing companies to grow businesses at unprecedented rates by sharing services with
external firms.

You may develop a stunning application which serves its market well. But when you add a
meaningful API link it is like adding touches of color to a monochrome image. Imagine Charlie
Chaplin without his oversized shoes. He can still walk and go from place to place without them,
but add the shoes and you are adding a whole new dimension and meaning which transforms
the man Chaplin into the Tramp we all love. Use APIs to transform your application from great
to something special!

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