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language: English
countries: fr be mc ch lu

--------- Instrument Panel ---------

"Main" = "Main"
"Strummer" = "Strummer"
"Riffer" = "Riffer"
"Tab" = "Tab"
"FX" = "FX"
"Editor" = "Sample Editor"
"Settings" = "Settings"
"PresetPrev" = "Previous"
"PresetNext" = "Next"
"PresetSave" = "Save"
"PresetLoad" = "Load"
"DB" = "Sample Library"

"ActivatNotify" = "Demo remaining: 7 days; or Activate Now"

"ErrorCodes" = "Error codes: "
"LoadSampleFailed" = " Loading samples failed. Plug-in will not make sound. Please
set instrument path in Settings if you have moved samples folder into another
place. If your instrument path is correctly set but still have this error, please
contact service email."

--------- Main Panel ---------

"SusC" = "Sustain(C0)\nNotes of velocity 127 will be Pop."
"NHC" = "Natural Harmonic(C#0)"
"PMC" = "Palm Mute(D0)\nIf you press C0 and D0 at the same time:\nSubsequent notes
of high velocity = Sustain\nSubsequent notes of low velocity = Palm Mute"
"SIOC" = "Slide In&Out(D#0)\n1.D#0 before a note = Slide In(fret 2 to
highest)\n2.D#0 during a note = Slide Out(fret 3 to highest)\n3.Articulation will
revert to Sustain on note end."
"LSC" = "Legato Slide(E0)\n1.The two notes must overlap and E0 must be ahead of the
start note\n2.Slide triggered by E0 of high velocity will change position. Low
velocity will not\n3.Poly Slide: Press the highest note of destination set to slide
upwards; Press the lowest note of destination set to slide downwards\n4.Slide
Smoother: The speed of long slide (slide more than 2 frets) is determined by the
velocity of destination note"
"HPC" = "Hammer-On And Pull-Off(F0)\n1.The two notes must overlap and F0 must be
ahead of the start note\n2.HP triggered by F0 of high velocity will change fret
position if it goes beyond.Low velocity will not\n3.Poly Legato: Press the highest
note of destination set to Hammer - On; Press the lowest note of destination set to
Pull - Off"
"StrumC" = "Strum(F#0)\nIf you press C0 and F#0 at the same time:\nSubsequent notes
on strings 3 & 4 = Strum\nSubsequent notes on strings 1 & 2 = Sustain"

"MicMode" = "Sound Mode\n1.MS Mode\n2.Mono"

"BodyMicC" = "Body Mic Volume"
"AmbMicC" = "Ambience Mic Volume"
"Master" = "Master Volume"
"PAN" = "Pan"
"ResTime" = "Resonance Release Time"
"Capo" = "Capo"
"CapoLogicModeC" = "Capo Logic Mode(C6)\n1.Melody Mode, the range is 2
octaves\n2.Chord Mode, the range is 5 frets"
"REL" = "Release Noise Gain"
"FXG" = "Fx Gain"
"RES" = "Resonance Gain"
"FSA" = "Nail Sound Gain"
"FSR" = "Fret Release Sound Gain"
"PlayingModeSwitchC" = "Playing Mode\n1.Instrument Mode: It is limited by the real
playing rules of the instrument, such as two notes on the same string cannot ring
simultaneously\n2.Keyboard Mode: When Keyboard Mode is on, multiple notes can be
played on same string simultaneously\n3.Solo Mode : Only a single note can be
played simultaneously"
"OpenStringFirstC" = "Open String First(G#6)\nA1 D2 E2 and A2 4 notes will be
played on open strings.\nIt can be toggled on with note G#6, High velocity toggles
on, Low velocity toggles off."
"AutoLegatoModeSwitchC" = "Auto Legato Mode(D#6)\nThere are 3 modes: Automatic
Slide; Automatic Hammer On and Pull Off; Off\nNote D#6 with high velocity sets the
mode to Automatic Slide, and low velocity set the mode to Off"
"StrokeNoiseC" = "Stroke Noise\nA strummed noise will be generated automatically
for polyphonic notes"

"PitchBend" = "Pitch Bend"

"ManualVibratoWheel" = "Vibrato Wheel\nManual mode by Default."

"StringForceC" = "Specify a string to be played. A0 - C1 correspond to 4th string -

1st string. High velocity String Force will affect fret position, while low
velocity will not"
"StringForce4C" = "String Force(A0):String 4\n"
"StringForce3C" = "String Force(A#0):String 3\n"
"StringForce2C" = "String Force(B0):String 2\n"
"StringForce1C" = "String Force(C1):String 1\n"
"CapoForceC" = "Capo Force(C#1)\nSwitch to a position manually. Press and the Capo
Force keys (yellow) will appear. Then press G1-A2 to switch to position 0-16

"ScratchC" = "Scratch"
"SlapC" = "Slap"
"SilentPressC" = "Silent Press(Mute All Ringing Notes)"
"SilentStrokeC" = "Silent Stroke(Mute All Ringing Notes)"
"DownstrokeNoise1C" = "Downstroke Noise 1"
"UpstrokeNoise1C" = "Upstroke Noise 1"
"DownstrokeNoise2C" = "Downstroke Noise 2"
"UpstrokeNoise2C" = "Upstroke Noise 2"
"StrumModeToggleC" = "Strum Mode Toggle(Vel 64-127:On; Vel 1-63:Off)"
"PolyRepeater1C" = "Repeat 1(D6)\nPress D6 or E6 to repeat notes being played.
Polyphonic notes are supported"
"PolyRepeater2C" = "Repeat 2(E6)\nPress D6 or E6 to repeat notes being played.
Polyphonic notes are supported"
"HitTopOpenC" = "Hit Top(Open)"
"HitTopMuteC" = "Hit Top(Mute)"
"HitRimC" = "Hit Rim"
"TabPlayToggleC" = "Tab Play Toggle(Vel 64-127:On; Vel 1-63:Off)"
"RiffPlayToggleC" = "Riff Play Toggle(Vel 64-127:On; Vel 1-63:Off)"
"HoldPedalC" = "Hold Pedal"

--------- Strummer Panel ---------

"chordMapPageBtn0C" = "Fret: 0-14"
"chordMapPageBtn1C" = "Fret: 10-24"

--------- FX Panel ---------

"Compressor" = "Compressor"
"EQ" = "Equalizer"
"Echo" = "Echo"
"Reverb" = "Reverb"
"Bypass" = "Bypass All FXs"
"OnOff" = "On/Off"
"SoftKnee" = "Soft/Hard knee"
"Attack" = "Attack Time"
"Release" = "Release Time"
"Threshold" = "Threshold Value"
"Ratio" = "Ratio"
"PeakRms" = "On: RMS detection\nOff: Peak detection"
"AutoRel" = "Auto Release"
"AutoGain" = "Auto Gain"
"ManuGain" = "Gain Makeup"
"EQOnOff" = "Enable/Disable"
"EQSolo" = "Solo the filter. The frequency range depends on the Q value"
"EQFT" = "Filter type"
"EQFreq" = "Filter frequency"
"EQGain" = "Filter Gain"
"EQQ" = "Filter Q value"
"EQRemove" = "Remove"
"Freq" = "Frequency"
"Gain" = "Gain"
"Q" = "Q"

"DelayOnOff" = "Enable/Disable"
"DelayTime" = "Delayed Time(It is affected by Grid)"
"DelayVolGain" = "Volume Gain"
"DelayPan" = "Pan"
"DelayFB" = "Feedback"
"DelayLCFSwitch" = "Lowcut Filter Switch"
"DelayHCFSwitch" = "Highcut Filter Switch"
"DelayLCFFreq" = "Lowcut Filter Frequency"
"DelayHCFFreq" = "Highcut Filter Frequency"
"DelayRemove" = "Remove"
"DelayGrid" = "Grid"
"DelaySendAll" = "Send Level"
"DelaySendReverb" = "Reverb Send Level"
"DelayGain" = "Gain Makeup"
"DelaySendLock" = "Send Lock"

"ReverbRoomSize" = "Room Size"

"ReverbVolGain" = "Volume Gain"
"ReverbPreDelay" = "Predelay Time"
"ReverbBassGainSwitch" = "Bass Gain Switch"
"ReverbTrebleGainSwitch" = "Treble Gain Switch"
"ReverbBassGain" = "Bass Gain"
"ReverbTrebleGain" = "Treble Gain"
"ReverbSendLock" = "Lock the Send Level"
"ReverbSendLevel" = "Send Level"
"ReverbRoom" = "Room"
"ReverbSHall" = "Small Hall"
"ReverbHall" = "Hall"
"ReverbLHall" = "Large Hall"
"InMeter" = "Input Meter"
"OutMeter" = "Output Meter"

"GainMeter" = "Gain Meter"

"SendMeter" = "Send Level Meter"
"SendReverbMeter" = "Send-to-Reverb Level Meter"
"LCF" = "Lowcut Filter"
"HCF" = "Highcut Filter"
"LSF" = "Low Shelf Filter"
"HSF" = "High Shelf Filter"
"PF" = "Peak Filter"
"FX-Comp" = "FX - Compressor"
"FX-EQ" = "FX - EQ"
"FX-Echo" = "FX - Echo"
"FX-Reverb" = "FX - Reverb"

--------- Edit Panel ---------

"Articulation" = "Articulation"
"Pitch" = "Pitch"
"String" = "String"
"Fret" = "Fret"
"VelLayer" = "Vel Layer"
"Cycle" = "Cycle"
"Tune" = "Tune"
"Gain" = "Gain"
"SelAll" = "Select All"
"DeselAll" = "Deselect All"
"All" = "All"
"Metal" = "Metal"
"Alternative" = "Alternative"
"Cat" = "Category"
"Browse" = "Browse"
"Save" = "Save"
"Path" = "Path:"
"Name" = "Name"
"FName" = "File Name"
"Author" = "Author"
"LMTime" = "Last Modified Time"
"Rat" = "Rating"

"EditUnsavedWarning" = "You have unsaved tunes. Do you want to close anyway?"

--------- Settings Panel ---------

"System" = "System"
"Sample" = "Sample"
"Riffer" = "Riffer"
"About" = "About"

"instPathBrowseC" = "Set instrument library path"

"MasterTune" = "Master Tune:"
"MaxVoices" = "Max Voices:"
"Voices" = "Voices:"
"Memory" = "Memory:"
"BendRange" = "Bend Range:"
"PolyBend" = "Poly Bend"
"PolyBendC" = "Only lower note is bent when playing poly bends without this
"AdvBend" = "Advanced Bend"
"AdvBendC" = "When toggled on, the tone of the bend notes can be changed by a
Physical Modeling system"
"ModRange" = "Mod Range:"
"ModRangeC" = "Mod Wheel Range\nThe Mod Wheel changes pitch and loudness, and
trigger a vibrato noise when the value >= 0.75"
"ModRate" = "Mod Rate:"
"ModRateC" = "Mod Rate\nThe unit is 1/32 note"
"AutoMod" = "Auto Mod"
"PedalNoise" = "Pedal Noise"

"MIDIOut" = "MIDI Out"

"MIDIExportMode" = "Export Mode:"
"MIDIChannelMode" = "Channel"
"MIDIKeySWMode" = "Keyswitch"
"MIDIChannelModeC" = "Exported midi will contain channel information. This will
also toggle on Midi Guitar Mode on Settings Panel. Make sure the input channel of
midi track is set to all. Not available for some DAWs such as Pro Tools, Ableton
Live, etc"
"MIDIKeySWModeC" = "Exported midi will contain strman information. Available for
all DAWs"
"MIDIGuitarModeSwitch" = "Midi Guitar"
"MIDIGuitarModeSwitchC" = "When toggled on, MIDI guitars are supported, each
channel corresponds to one string. It is possible to assign any channel to a
string. And an extra way for assigning guitar fingering is provided. Ensure the
channel of MIDI track is set to \"Any\""
"MIDIInvert" = "Invert"
"VelLayThres" = "Velocity Layer Threshold:"
"VelLayThresC" = "Velocity Layer Threshold\nChanges the threshold of each velocity
layers, different samples are used for different velocity layers"
"VelSens" = "Velocity Sens:"
"VelSensC" = "Velocity Sensitivity\nDetermines how much loudness is impacted by
velocity. If the Velocity Sensitivity = 0, velocity doesn't change loudness"
"OffVel" = "Off Velocity:"
"OffVelC" = "Off Velocity\nWhen Auto Off Velocity is toggled on, this value will be
sent as the off velocity."
"AutoOffVel" = "Auto Off Velocity"
"AutoOffVelC" = "This feature is used for MIDI keyboards which don't support Off
Velocity, in order to trigger Release and Fret Release sounds"

"SampleCycle" = "Sample Cycle:"

"SeparateCycle" = "Separate"
"RoundRobinCycle" = "Round Robin"
"RandomCycle" = "Random"
"SeparateCycleC" = "Samples cycle independently for each note and each velocity
layer, more appropriate for ARP and Strumming"
"RoundRobinC" = "More appropriate for solo melody and bass line"
"RandomC" = "Samples cycle randomly"
"CycleX3" = "Cycle X 3"
"CycleX3C" = "Cycles are 3 times longer for each note"
"CycleReset" = "Cycle Reset"

"GlobalEnvelope" = "Global Envelope:"

"EnvStart" = "Start"
"EnvAtt" = "Attack"
"EnvRel" = "Release"
"EnvDec" = "Decay"
"EnvSus" = "Sustain"

"ExportHum" = "Export Humanization"

"AutoScroll" = "Auto Scroll"
"AuxDisp" = "Auxiliary Display"
"NoteDisp" = "Note Display:"
"Metronome" = "Metronome:"
"MetronomeVel" = "Metronome Velocity:"
"Swing" = "Swing:"
"VelHum" = "Velocity Humanization:"
"DlgOnTop" = "Dialog Window Always on Top"
"DisableAni" = "Disable UI Animations"
"DisableAniC" = "When toggled on, UI Animations will be disabled to improve
"KBSkin" = "Keyboard Skin:"

"DisableGL" = "Disable OpenGL"

"DisableGLC" = "Toggle this button to disable OpenGL if your computer are with
outdated graphic cards or the graphic cards are with broken drivers"
"NeedUpdate" = "Upgrade to latest version"
"AlreadyUpdate" = "Already up-to-date"
"RegTo" = "Registered To:"
"VerNum" = "Version Number:"
"ProducedBy" = "Produced By:"
"ProducedStaff" = "Kane Kang"
"ProgramBy" = "Program:"
"ProgramStaff" = "Yile Yang, Liang Chen, Tianwei Zhao, Jie Chen"
"SampledBy" = "Sample Engineer:"
"SampleStaffAGM" = "Ruifeng Jiang, Xiaoguang Huang"
"ArtDesignBy" = "Artistic Design:"
"RecordBy" = "Recording:"
"RecordStaffAGM" = "Guoan Yao, Dawei Yuan"
"FBPage" = "Facebook"
"SCPage" = "SoundCloud"
"YTPage" = "YouTube"
"TwPage" = "Twitter"
"KVRPage" = "KVR Forum"
"ASPage" = "Ample Sound Website"
"CopyRightAt" = "Copyright @ 2012-2019 Ample Sound Ltd."

"SetPathError1" = "It seems there are more than 1 instance of "

"SetPathError2" = " running. Instrument path setting requires only 1 instance
"SetPathError3" = "This is the same path as existed!"
"SettingsFileLostError" = "Did not find settings file. It is abnormal. Please
contact service."
"SettingsFileReadError" = "Read settings key error. It is abnormal. Please contact

--------- CPC Panel ---------

"CPC" = "Customized Parameters Control"

--------- System ---------

"OK" = "OK"
"Cancel" = "Cancel"


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