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As a human being, you have encountered various circumstances or moments
where you realized it is really a must to learn skills that can help you to protect yourself.
In this task, you will look back to your experiences and try to recall how you, as a
student or a teenager, managed your safety. Write your answers on the space provided

1. Share an accident or emergency that you experienced and give us the details on
how you exactly handled the situation.

There was this one time when we were on are way home from the public
market, we arrived at our village, my father signaled left to make a turn. As
we make a turn there was this motorcycle going fast and went in front of
the hood of car and crashed. The impact was not that strong because my
father stopped as he already saw it coming and didn’t continue to make a
turn so the impact will be diverted in front of the car hood instead of my
mother’s side of the door. Though I was not the one handle the situation,
as I look at my father, he was handling the situation well and calm. The
damage was not that big only the front plate got crushed and feel off. My
father ended it very quickly and without making it big involving the police
and such. As we were going home my dad told me, accidents like did
occurs out of nowhere, if ever I will learn to drive, I must always be alert
and focus on the streets and handle the situation calmly, because he told
getting angrier won’t make the situation any better.

2. List down your own ways or measures on how to promote and keep yourself safe. Give at
least 2-3 sentences to each safety measure to support your answer.
When it comes to driving safely, we must always be alert and focused when
driving. As driver we must always follow street regulations. It important for us to
study all the signs to avoid being in accident. Just like most doctors say,
prevention is better than cure. By following street regulations and it rules we
preventing having an accident.

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