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Hello, everyone!

OLT CLI support configures ONT WAN interface, through OLT can configure HUAWEI Route type ONT
Internet wan,Voice WAN,IPTV WAN and TR069 WAN.
Generally, one WAN interface configures one service, one WAN interface can be configured for multiple

1、Enable OMCI configuration from OLT

By default, OLT through XML delivery configuration for ONT, do not support configure WAN interface by
CLI, if need from CLI configures ONT WAN interface, the OMCI configure mentioned should be enabled.
MA5800-X17(config)#gpon ont home-gateway config-method omci

2、Configure Internet WAN

1)Create WAN interface
Step 1,configure the wan interface index id and ip obtain mode, for example, wan interface-id configure
as 3 and using static ip address(ip obtain mode can be configured as PPPOE or DHCP)
MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#ont ipconfig 15 1  ip-index 3  static ip-address mask vlan 200 priority 5 gateway

Step 2,configure the wan interface type as the internet.

MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#ont internet-config 15 1  ip-index 3

2)Bind the LAN port with WAN interface

Step 1,create route policy, configure lan1and SSID1 bind with WAN 3.
MA5800-X17(config)#ont policy-route-profile profile-id 0
MA5800-X17(config-policy-route-profile-0)#policy-route 0 port-based eth 1 wlan 1  wan 3

Step 2,bind the route-policy with the ONT.

MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#ont policy-route-config 15 1 profile-id 0

Step 3,configure the port LAN1 as L3 mode, or the above command not works.
MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#ont port route 15 1 eth 1 enable

Step 4,display the ONT LAN-WAN bind info

If not bind the policy-route-profile,the OLT will return: The entry does not exist.
MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/1)#display ont routing-table policy-route 15 1
Policy route type : SourcePhyPort
Physical port name : LAN1,SSID1              <--if step 3 not configure , here will no LAN1
Vender class ID : -
Ether type : -
Wan name : OLT_C_1_INTERNET_R_VID_200
Total: 1

3)Configure the WAN interface type and NAT

Step 1,create WAN profile, configure WAN interface as route mode, and enable NAT.
MA5800-X17(config)#ont wan-profile profile-id 0
MA5800-X17(config-wan-profile-0)#connection-type route
MA5800-X17(config-wan-profile-0)#nat enable

Step 2,bind the ONT WAN index with WAN profile.

MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#ont wan-config 15 1  ip-index 3  profile-id 0

4)Above command will create WAN in the ONT as below.

3、Configure IPTV WAN

1)Create WAN interface.
Step 1,configure the WAN interface index and IP obtains mode (ip-index not configure will use the
default 0).
MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#ont ipconfig 15 1 static ip-address mask vlan
2 priority 5 gateway

Step 2,configure the WAN interface type as multicast.

MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#ont multicast-config 15 1  ip-index 0

2)Configure multicast VLAN

MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#ont port multicast-forward 15 1  ippath 0  4094       <--the ippath id same
as ip-index id

3)Configure WAN interface type and NAT

Step 1,Create WAN profile ,configure the WAN interface as bridge mode ,disable NAT .
MA5800-X17(config)#ont wan-profile profile-id 1
MA5800-X17(config-wan-profile-1)#connection-type bridge
MA5800-X17(config-wan-profile-1)#nat disable

Step 2,bind the ONT WAN interface with WAN profile .

MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#ont wan-config 15 1  ip-index 0  profile-id 1

4)Above command created WAN interface as below

5)Configure multicast parameters
Step 1,create ONT multicast profile, configure multicast mode, igmp version, priority etc.….
MA5800-X17(config)#ont multicast-profile profile-id 63
MA5800-X17(config-ont-multicast-profile-63)#igmp mode proxy
MA5800-X17(config-ont-multicast-profile-63)#igmp version v3
MA5800-X17(config-ont-multicast-profile-63)#igmp priority 7
MA5800-X17(config-ont-multicast-profile-63)#igmp precedence 1

Step 2,bind the multicast profile to the ONT

MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#ont multicast-config 15 1 multicast-profile profile-id 63

From the ONT webpage confirm the ONT IGMP enabled.

4、Configure TR069 WAN

1)Create WAN interface
Step 1,configure the WAN interface index and IP obtains mode (ip-index not configure will use the
default 0).
MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#ont ipconfig 15 1 static ip-address mask vlan 100
priority 5

Step 2,in the ont-lineprofile enable TR669.

MA5800-X17(config)#ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 7
MA5800-X17(config-gpon-lineprofile-7)#tr069-management ip-index 0
MA5800-X17(config-gpon-lineprofile-7)#tr069-management enable

2)Configure WAN interface type and NAT

Step 1,create WAN profile, set the WAN as route mode and disable NAT.
MA5800-X17(config)#ont wan-profile profile-id 0
MA5800-X17(config-wan-profile-0)#connection-type route
MA5800-X17(config-wan-profile-0)#nat disable

Step 2,binding the ONT WAN interface with WAN profile.

MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#ont wan-config 15 1 ip-index 0 profile-id 0

3) Above command above command created WAN interface as below

4)Configure TR069 server (ACS server ) parameters

Step 1,Create ONT TR069 profile.
MA5800-X17(config)#ont tr069-server-profile add profile-id 1 url user root admin123

Step 2. Bind the TR069 profile with the ONT.

MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#ont tr069-server-config 15 1 profile-id 1

From the ONT verify the configuration :

5、Configure VOIP WAN

1)Create ONT SIP profile
Create sip profile and configure VOIP related parameters.
MA5800-X17(config)#ont-sipagent-profile modify profile-id 1 proxy-server proxy-server-port
5060 outbound-server outbound-server-port 5060 registration server-uri
expiration 3600

2)Create VOIP WAN

Step 1,configure the wan interface index id and ip obtain mode,for example using ip-index 2.
MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#ont ipconfig 15 1 ip-index 2 dhcp vlan 4000

Step 2,Create sip interface and bind with the SIP profile.
MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#if-sip add 15 1 1 ip-index 2 sipagent-profile profile-id 1

Step 3,configure VOIP telephone number for the pots port1.

MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/4)#sippstnuser add 15 1 1 telno 88880001 username u88880001 password
p88880001 mgid 1
3) Confirm created wan interface from ONT as below:

4)Configured VOIP parameter as below :

6、From OLT query the ONT WAN interface information.
From the OLT can query the ONT WAN information directly.
Thank you for reading!

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