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2020, Vol. 40(1) 107–121
Vestibular migraine: An update on current ! International Headache Society 2019
Article reuse guidelines:

understanding and future directions

DOI: 10.1177/0333102419869317

Tzu-Chou Huang1,2 , Shuu-Jiun Wang3,4 and

Amir Kheradmand1,5

Background: Vestibular migraine is among the most common causes of recurrent vertigo in the general population.
Despite its prevalence and high impact on healthcare cost and utilization, it has remained an under-recognized condition
with largely unknown pathophysiology. In the present article, we aim to provide an overview of the current understand-
ing of vestibular migraine.
Methods: We undertook a narrative literature review on the epidemiology, presentations, clinical and laboratory
findings, pathophysiology, and treatments of vestibular migraine.
Results: Currently, the diagnosis of vestibular migraine relies solely on clinical symptoms since clinical tests of vestibular
function are typically normal, or difficult to interpret based on inconsistent results reported in earlier studies. The
challenges related to diagnosis of vestibular migraine lie in its relatively broad spectrum of manifestations, the absence of
typical migraine headaches with vestibular symptoms, and its very recent definition as a distinct entity. Here, we highlight
these challenges, discuss common vestibular symptoms and clinical presentations in vestibular migraine, and review the
current aspects of its clinical diagnosis and evaluation. The concepts related to the pathophysiology and treatment of
vestibular migraine are also discussed.
Conclusion: Vestibular migraine is still underdiagnosed clinically. Future studies are needed to address the pathophysio-
logical mechanisms and investigate effective treatment regimens.

Vestibular migraine, vestibular, migraine, dizziness, vertigo, headache
Date received: 18 March 2019; revised: 30 June 2019; accepted: 7 July 2019

Clinicians are no strangers to patients with migraine between the vestibular symptoms and migraine is also
symptoms and frequent dizziness. As a common neuro- reflected by a higher incidence of migraine in patients
logical disorder, migraine affects about 15% of the with recurrent dizziness who do not fulfill the criteria
general population (1). Dizziness is also a common for other vestibular disorders (18–23). Such clinical
symptom, accounting for up to 15% of visits in front-
line healthcare settings (2,3). Considering the preva-
lence of both conditions, an overlap in the clinical Department of Neurology, The Johns Hopkins University School of
presentations of vestibular symptoms and migraine Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
Living Water Neurological Clinic, Tainan, Taiwan
may not seem surprising at first. Several studies, how- 3
Neurological Institute, Taipei-Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
ever, have found a close association between dizziness 4
Brain Research Center and School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming
and migraine beyond coincidence (4–15). Dizziness is University, Taipei, Taiwan
more common in migraineurs compared with those suf- Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, The Johns
fering from other headache subtypes such as tension- Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
type headache, suggesting a pathological link between
Corresponding author:
migraine and dizziness (9,16,17). In some migraine Shuu-Jiun Wang, Neurological Institute, Taipei Veterans General Hospital,
patients, dizziness or vertigo is even more prominent #201, Shi-Pai Road, Section 2, Taipei 112, Taiwan.
and debilitating than the headache (12). The link Email:
108 Cephalalgia 40(1)

findings have prompted efforts to recognize and classify Patients with VM symptoms frequently report sen-
migraine-associated dizziness under a distinct diagnos- sitivity to head motion and visual surroundings or dis-
tic entity. abling misperceptions such as a sudden feeling of
Historically, different criteria have been applied to imbalance or tilt. When it comes to characterizing ves-
define a clinical entity that can incorporate vestibular tibular symptoms, dizziness or vertigo are often loosely
and migraine symptoms and, along the way, various used terms that may convey different symptom experi-
terms such as migraine-associated dizziness, migraine- ences in different people. According to the ICVD (28),
related vestibulopathy, migrainous vertigo, benign vertigo is a sensation of self-motion when no self-
recurrent vertigo, and vestibular migraine have been motion is occurring or a sensation of distorted self-
proposed (5,7,8,11–13,15). Among these terms, vestibu- motion during an otherwise normal head movement.
lar migraine (VM) has become widely accepted as it Dizziness is defined as a sensation of impaired spatial
links vestibular and migraine symptoms, and it is also orientation without a distorted sense of motion. In fact,
compatible with the terminology of the International dizziness is a broader term that encompasses false spin-
Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD). The ning sensations (i.e. spinning vertigo) and also other
operational criteria for VM diagnosis were proposed false sensations such as swaying, tilting, or veering
in 2004 by Neuhauser et al. (24). These criteria were (i.e. non-spinning vertigo). In this classification,
later validated and revised with the consensus of the having dizziness does not preempt inclusion of vertigo
International Headache Society (IHS) and the commit- if both symptoms are present as defined by their cri-
tee for the International Classification of Vestibular teria. Vestibular symptoms do not include a pure sen-
Disorders (ICVD) of the Bárány Society (Table 1) sation of impending fainting (presyncope), disordered
(25–27). As included in the VM diagnostic criteria, thinking (mental confusion), or detachment from real-
the presence or history of migraine is essential for its ity (depersonalization). Likewise, the term dizziness
diagnosis, but the headache and vestibular symptoms should not be applied if the patient experiences a gen-
do not need to temporally coincide. eralized weakness or a non-specific sense of malaise or
Unlike a typical migraine aura, which can last
Table 1. Diagnostic criteria for vestibular migraine based on 5–60 minutes, vestibular symptoms in VM sufferers
the International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd can persist for hours, leading to severe impairment of
edition (ICHD-3) (25) and the International Classification of daily activities (25,26,29,30). This is a common clinical
Vestibular Disorders (ICVD) of the Bárány Society (26). scenario in VM patients, which often becomes challen-
ging for clinicians and costly for patients to treat, indi-
Vestibular migraine (ICHD-3 and ICVD) cating an unmet need to delineate VM pathophysiology
A. At least five episodes fulfilling criteria C and D
(31). In this article, we review common VM symptoms
B. A current or past history of 1.1 Migraine without aura or 1.2
and clinical presentations. The current concepts related
Migraine with aura
C. Vestibular symptoms of moderate or severe intensity, to VM pathophysiology and its treatment are dis-
lasting between 5 minutes and 72 hours cussed. Also, some of the barriers in addressing the
D. At least 50% of episodes are associated with at least one of neural mechanisms of dizziness, vertigo, and visuo-
the following three migrainous features: spatial symptoms in VM patients are highlighted.
1. Headache with at least two of the following four charac-
a) Unilateral location Epidemiology and demographic factors
b) Pulsating quality Vestibular migraine is a common cause of spontaneous
c) Moderate or severe intensity vertigo in both children and adults (32–34). In children,
d) Aggravation by routine physical activity
benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood is considered
2. Photophobia and phonophobia
an early manifestation of migraine affecting about 3%
3. Visual aura
E. Not better accounted for by another ICHD-3 diagnosis or of children between ages 6 and 12 (35,36). A recent
by another vestibular disorder nationwide study in the United States based on the
Probable vestibular migraine (ICVD) ICHD-3 criteria found a VM prevalence of 2.7% in
A. At least five episodes with vestibular symptoms of moder- adults (37). In a large population study in Germany,
ate or severe intensity, lasting 5 min to 72 hours VM lifetime prevalence was estimated at about 1%,
B. Only one of the criteria B and D for vestibular migraine is and its one-year prevalence was about 1% (12). In a
fulfilled (migraine history or migraine features during the community-based study of middle-aged women, the
episode) one-year VM prevalence was higher, at about
C. Not better accounted for another vestibular or ICHD 5% (38). Despite classification efforts in recent years,
VM has remained clinically underdiagnosed.
Huang et al. 109

Vestibular migraine is reported to account for 4–10% headache subsides, and in some patients headache
of diagnoses in specialized dizziness and headache and vestibular symptoms never occur together. Also,
clinics, although these numbers reflect different inclu- a minority of VM patients may experience vestibular
sion criteria among various studies (11,39–41). symptoms in the time frame of 5–60 minutes, as defined
According to a study that examined data from a ter- for the duration of aura, and even fewer patients have
tiary dizziness center, only 2% of patients were sus- these symptoms immediately before the headache
pected to have VM by referring doctors, whereas starts. Apart from the headache and vestibular symp-
20% were later diagnosed as VM by specialists (42). toms, VM patients may experience photophobia, pho-
In a Korean multicenter study, about 10% of migrain- nophobia, or visual aura. In a case series, 60% of VM
eurs were diagnosed with VM in their first visit to neur- patients reported phonophobia, 70% photophobia, and
ology clinics (43). Another study found that only 10% 36% migraine auras (11). In another study, 87% of
of patients who met the VM diagnostic criteria were VM patients had photophobia, 86% phonophobia,
told that migraine was the cause of their vestibular 64% headache, and 13% migraine auras (52).
symptoms (37). Phonophobia refers to a sound-induced discomfort,
Similar to other subtypes of migraine, VM has a which is a bilateral, transient phenomenon distinct
female preponderance, with a reported female to male from unilateral or persistent aural symptoms. Other
ratio of 1.5–5 to 1 (5,7,8,11,12,44,45). The reported age intermittent auditory symptoms, such as a sense of
of onset for VM symptoms is between 8 and 50 years pressure or fullness in the ears or tinnitus, have been
old or even older (median ages being the mid-30s reported in up to 40% of VM patients (5,8,9,52–55).
to 40s) (12,21,39). Usually, migraine headache tends However, since these symptoms are non-specific and
to present first, and patients may be headache-free also common in other vestibular disorders, they were
for years before the onset of vestibular symptoms. In not included in the VM diagnostic criteria (26). Of note,
one study, the mean duration between the onset of migraine features must be present at least half of the
headache and vestibular symptoms was about eight time along with vestibular symptoms in order to fulfill
years (46). In women, vestibular symptoms can the criteria for VM diagnosis. At least one migraine
become more pronounced around the time of meno- feature is needed along with the vestibular symptoms,
pause (47). but different migraine features may be present at differ-
In keeping with the heritability and genetic back- ent times. Although the co-occurrence of migraine and
ground of migraine disorders, familial occurrence has vestibular symptoms is required by the ICHD-3 criteria
been reported in some VM patients, with an autosomal for VM diagnosis, the Bárány classification ICVD
dominant pattern of inheritance and a decreased pene- has recognized the heterogeneity of migraine presen-
trance in men (48). Within a family, there could be tation in VM patients, and those patients who only
multiple affected individuals, some with VM and have a history of migraine without co-occurrence of
some with other migraine variants. In a survey of migraine features and vestibular symptoms are included
family members in patients with chronic vertigo under a subcategory of probable vestibular migraine
(and no auditory or neurologic disorders), half of the (Table 1) (26).
biological relatives who reported vertigo met the Vestibular symptoms: In VM patients, vestibular
diagnostic criteria for migraine, as opposed to a small symptoms are generally triggered or aggravated by
percentage of unrelated spouses who also reported changing position, self-motion, or visual motion
vertigo (13). within the surrounding environment. These patients
may describe their symptoms as a sense of spinning,
Clinical presentation: Basis for VM floating, rocking, tilting, swaying, or as being off-
balance, off-kilter, lightheaded, foggy, or unsteady
diagnostic criteria
(Table 2). These various terms may reflect different
Common VM features: Vestibular migraine patients internally experienced phenomena. Analogies such as
may have a history of migraine earlier on in their feeling drunk or sea-sick, getting off a roller-coaster
lives, and their migraine symptoms are often variable or merry-go-round, or even walking on air or pillows
in nature, duration, or temporal relation to their ves- are also commonly used by the patients. Such diverse
tibular symptoms (5,11,49). The core migraine features nature of vestibular symptoms is recognized in the VM
in VM patients are similar to those of migraine with or diagnostic criteria as different forms of vertigo or
without aura. VM patients also report similar migraine dizziness, including spontaneous vertigo, positional
triggers such as sleep disruption, menstruation, stress, vertigo, visually induced vertigo, and head motion-
or specific foods (e.g. aged cheese, red wine, or mono- induced vertigo or dizziness (Table 2). Spontaneous
sodium glutamate) (11,50,51). Not uncommonly, VM vertigo is defined as a false sense of motion, either
patients develop vestibular symptoms after the as internal vertigo with primarily a sensation of
110 Cephalalgia 40(1)

Table 2. Vestibular symptoms in vestibular migraine patients these symptoms are non-specific and may also
and relevant terminology defined by the International occur with other vestibular disorders (9,10,60–62).
Classification of Vestibular Disorders (ICVD). Vestibular symptoms are considered moderate when
Terms usually used by patients
they interfere with daily activities and considered
Spinning, rocking, tilting or swaying severe when they prevent daily activities.
Unsteady, off-balance or off-kilter Clinical overlap in VM presentations: Any vestibular
Lightheaded disorder can be complicated by superimposed migraine
Foggy, clouded or disoriented attacks, in which cases VM is not the primary culprit.
Drunk or seasick For example, migraine is more common in patients
Floating sensation, or walking on air or pillow with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
Coming off a roller-coaster or merry-go-round than in age- and sex-matched controls (11,44,63–65),
Vestibular symptoms defined by ICVD and having migraine could be associated with an
Spontaneous vertigo as a false motion sensation of self or increased risk of developing BPPV (66). Vertigo can
also be a feature of migraine with brainstem aura, but
Visually induced vertigo
Positional vertigo (after a change of head position)
other symptoms related to brainstem involvement (e.g.
Head motion-induced vertigo (during head motion) dysarthria) are typically not seen in VM patients.
Head motion-induced dizziness (sensation of disturbed spatial Thus, with such a wide range of clinical presentations,
orientation) the co-occurrence of migraine and vestibular symp-
toms is not specific to VM patients, and other dis-
orders with similar symptoms should always be
considered in the differential diagnosis (Figure 1). In
self-motion, or as external vertigo with primarily a this scheme, the distinction between VM and other
visual sensation of motion within surroundings. vestibular disorders such as Ménière’s disease can
Positional vertigo refers to a false sense of motion become unclear, especially since the auditory and ves-
after changing head position, and visually induced ver- tibular signs of labyrinthine pathology may be absent
tigo is characterized as a false sense of self-motion trig- in the early stages of Ménière’s disease (67,68).
gered by complex or large moving visual stimuli. Head Therefore, it is not surprising that both conditions
motion-induced vertigo refers to a distorted sense of are often reported to coincide (55,68–71). Migraine
motion during head movement. This is different from is more commonly reported in patients with
positional vertigo that occurs after a new head position Ménière’s disease than in otherwise healthy individ-
is adopted. Head motion-induced vertigo is also distin- uals, and about 13% of the patients meet the diagnos-
guished from motion sickness, in which the dominant tic criteria for both VM and Ménière’s disease (72).
symptom is nausea, and not vertigo. Various studies Such association has prompted theories about a link
have reported spontaneous vertigo in 20–85% of VM between these two conditions versus those that attri-
episodes, positional vertigo in 18–60%, and head bute the overlap to the secondary migraine symptoms
motion intolerance in 30–80% of the episodes provoked by vestibular symptoms in Ménière’s dis-
(5,6,9,36,39,44,52,53,56). These symptoms may vary ease. Whether there is a pathological link between
in individual patients, but spontaneous vertigo is the these two conditions remains unclear. Vestibular
most common reported vestibular symptom, followed symptoms in VM patients are also similar to those
by positional vertigo (12,57), head motion-induced ver- of another clinical entity that was recently defined as
tigo, and visually induced vertigo (5,58,59). The term persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD)
‘‘dizziness’’ is also included in the VM diagnostic cri- (73,74). Similar to VM, PPPD patients have symptoms
teria and is defined as a sense of disturbed spatial orien- consistent with perceptual dysfunction in spatial orien-
tation. However, it is not clear why the current VM tation and also experience fluctuating dizziness or
criteria only mention head motion-induced dizziness unsteadiness, provoked by postural changes or visual
with nausea, and other related terms such as spontan- motion. Both VM and PPPD patients may have
eous, positional, or visually induced dizziness are not comorbid psychiatric conditions such as anxiety and
included. depression (44,75–78). Also, migraine is one of the
The duration of vestibular symptoms in VM patients most common conditions associated with chronic
is quite variable (9,11,39,52). About 30% of patients visuospatial symptoms in PPPD patients (about
have symptoms lasting for minutes, 30% lasting for 15–20% of cases) (44,73). Since VM and PPPD are
hours, and 30% lasting for several days at a time. both defined only by clinical symptoms and have
The other 10% often report fluctuating daily symp- unknown pathogenesis, it is not clear whether the
toms. Nausea, vomiting, and susceptibility to motion overlap in their clinical presentations represents a
sickness are also frequent in VM patients; however, pathological link between these two conditions.
Huang et al. 111

Right head impulse Left head impulse

300 300
Covert Covert

Velocity [°/s]

Velocity [°/s]
saccades saccades
200 200

100 100

0 0

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

Time [ms] Time [ms]

Figure 1. Video head impulse testing (vHIT) shows bilateral vestibulopathy in a patient with clinical presentation consistent with
vestibular migraine (VM): 37 year old Navy man with 2-year history of fluctuating dizziness, described as feeling of being drunk lasting
for hours, and attacks with spinning sensation lasting for minutes without headaches. He reported frequent headaches, twice a month,
associated with dizziness, nausea, photophobia and phonophobia since age 25. Bedside neurological and vestibular examinations were
only remarkable for difficulty in tandem gait. The vHIT shows reduced vestibular gains in the horizontal canal planes at 0.7, calculated
as eye velocity (black traces) divided by head velocity (red traces: Right side and blue traces: Left side). There are also corrective
saccades in the eye traces. These ‘‘covert’’ saccades are embedded in the deficient vestibulo-ocular responses during head rotation and
are difficult to discern with the naked eye. Cases like this show that vestibular dysfunctions can be complicated by superimposed
migraine attacks; however, VM is not the primary culprit.

under Frenzel goggles). The nystagmus was low-velo-

Clinical finding and laboratory testing city and sustained during the vestibular attack, but it
Vestibular migraine is a diagnosis primarily based on dissipated during the symptom-free period.
clinical history, with currently no pathognomonic clin- While some studies have found a higher incidence of
ical sign or laboratory test that can verify its diagnosis. central vestibular dysfunction in VM patients (39,86),
Vestibular laboratory abnormalities are quite variable others have found no significant central vestibulo-
among VM patients, which may reflect inconsistent ocular findings (76,88), or have reported a higher inci-
findings regarding the existence of a peripheral vestibu- dence of peripheral vestibular dysfunction in VM
lar component. Nevertheless, vestibular testing is still patients (6,23,80,89). Such variability could be related
helpful to rule out other disorders considered in the to lack of standard diagnostic criteria among earlier
differential diagnosis (Figure 1). Neurological examin- studies or a sole reliance on clinical symptoms by the
ation is usually normal in VM patients during symp- current VM criteria, which does not prevent inclusion
tom-free periods. However, some mild, non-specific of patients with other vestibular disorders who may
vestibulo-ocular abnormalities have been reported in have superimposed migraine symptoms. In this context,
association with VM. Pursuit abnormality is reported findings such as asymmetry in caloric responses
in up to 48% of VM patients, spontaneous nystagmus (reported in up to 20% of VM patients), or vestibular
in about 10% of patients, and central positional loss with video head impulse testing (vHIT) cannot be
or gaze-evoked nystagmus in up to 28% of patients specific to VM and may represent a secondary migraine
(5–7,45,59,79–84). These non-specific ocular motor syndrome triggered by uncompensated vestibular dys-
abnormalities increased over time, from 16% to 41% function (Figure 1) (5,6,39,80,85,90–92).
of patients during a follow-up after 5.5 to 11 years (85). The cervical and ocular vestibular evoked myogenic
Apart from pursuit dysfunction, the most frequent potentials (cVEMP/oVEMP), the widely used labora-
ocular motor abnormality is central positional nystag- tory tests of otolith function, have also shown conflict-
mus. In a small study, about 70% of patients were ing results in VM patients. Some studies have reported
found to have pathological nystagmus during their reduced amplitude or delayed latencies of VEMP
VM attacks (86). Another study found nystagmus was responses (93–98), whereas other studies have found
provoked by horizontal headshaking in 35% of VM asymmetrical VEMP responses with normal latencies
patients, and spontaneous nystagmus in 19% of the and amplitudes (99,100). Three recent studies using
patients during vestibular attacks (87). Head shaking- ICHD criteria have reported abnormal oVEMP but
induced nystagmus is also reported in between the normal cVEMP responses in VM patients, which dif-
attacks (79,81). Vestibular migraine patients were also fered from the pattern of VEMP responses in normal
found to have positional nystagmus after removal of controls (101) or patients with Ménière’s disease. A sig-
visual fixation (e.g. vestibulo-ocular examination nificant vestibulo-ocular finding that could be related to
112 Cephalalgia 40(1)

Vestibular migraine Healthy control

80 80

Eye velocity °/sec

Eye velocity °/sec
0 0

–80 –80
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Time Time
TC Right: 30 sec Gain right: 0.8 TC Right: 7 sec Gain right: 0.8
TC Left: 33 sec Gain left: 0.8 TC Left: 7 sec Gain left: 0.8

Figure 2. Vestibulo-ocular responses during step velocity rotations (60 /sec) in a VM patient versus a healthy control. Data points
show the slow phase velocity of vestibular nystagmus induced by rotation around the body axis to the right (positive values) and left
(negative values). The gains of vestibular responses (maximum eye velocity/60 /sec step velocity) are normal in both the VM patient
and the healthy control; however, the durations of nystagmus measured as time constant (TC) are longer in the VM patient compared
to the healthy control (30–33 sec versus 7 sec). See reference 106 for rotational chair testing.

VM pathophysiology is a longer duration of post-rota- pain or ‘‘central sensitization’’ that often presents as
tory nystagmus in VM patients compared with healthy allodynia (108–110). Some of these neurotransmitters
controls or migraine patients without dizziness (i.e. are also expressed in the vestibular system (e.g.
increased time constant of the vestibulo-ocular reflex) CGRP and serotonin) and might be involved in VM
(Figure 2) (81). VM patients were also found to have pathophysiology (108,111,112). The trigeminal nucleus
quicker modulation of the otolith-ocular response is connected to the contralateral thalamus, which in
during off-axis rotation (i.e. body centrifugation) (76). turn sends projections to the temporal, parietal, insular,
These findings suggest an innate hypersensitivity of the and cingulate cortical regions. The nociceptive brain-
vestibular system in these patients. Balance impairment stem centers such as the nucleus raphe magnus,
is also commonly reported in VM patients, including periaqueductal gray and hypothalamic areas are
abnormal Romberg and sensory organization test also connected with the TVS and vestibular nuclei
(SOT) (76,79,86,89,91,92). Studies using static posturo- (113,114,114). These reciprocal connections can modu-
graphy have found increased sway in VM patients com- late neural activity within both the TVS and the
pared with healthy controls (80,104). Hearing vestibular system (112,113,115–118). For example, tri-
impairment is reported in about 8% of VM patients, geminal stimulation produced nystagmus in migraine
which is often mild and non-progressive, as opposed to patients, suggesting increased vestibular excitability in
progressive low frequency hearing loss in Ménière’s these patients compared with healthy controls
patients (40,85,105). (116,119). Similarly, spontaneous nystagmus during
VM attacks or prolonged vestibular responses in
some VM patients (i.e. long time constant of vestibular
Pathophysiology nystagmus) could be linked to vestibular hyperexcit-
To date, VM pathogenesis remains obscure as the wide ability in these patients (76,81,120). It is, however, not
ranges of clinical and laboratory findings do not seem clear whether such hyperexcitability is at the level of the
consistent with a uniform pathology. Such variability peripheral vestibular system or the brainstem, or
comes from sole reliance on clinical symptoms and lack whether it could be related to the modulating effects
of objective measures for diagnosis, which have ham- of the cerebellum or cerebral hemispheres on the ves-
pered efforts toward understanding VM pathophysi- tibular system.
ology. Various mechanisms have been put forward to The phenomenon referred to as cortical spreading
explain VM symptoms and some are broadly inferred depression has been proposed as the neural correlate
from other migraine disorders (Figure 3). In this con- of migraine aura (107). This is a depolarization wave
text, altered neural activity within the trigeminovascu- that slowly spreads across the cerebral cortex, followed
lar system (TVS) is considered the primary mechanism by a prolonged suppression of cortical activity. The
for headache in migraine patients (107). The TVS theory of cortical spreading depression cannot explain
neuropeptides, such as substance P and calcitonin chronic or fluctuating symptoms in migraineurs.
gene-related peptide (CGRP), can cause vasodilation However, according to its proposed mechanism, symp-
and neurogenic inflammation, leading to throbbing toms such as hypersensitivity to light and sound could
Huang et al. 113

Thalamocortical Sensory dysmodulation

network Spatial disorientation

Nociceptive brainstem Trigemino-vascular

centers system Headache

Vestibular Vestibulo-ocular dysfunction

system Vestibular hypersensitivity

Figure 3. Possible mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of vestibular migraine. Abnormal sensory modulation or integration
within the thalamo-cortical network could result in dizziness and spatial disorientation. Hyperactivity within the trigeminovascular
system (TVS) and nociceptive brainstem centers could result in headache. Altered activity in the vestibular system could lead to
transient vestibulo-ocular dysfunction or vestibular hypersensitivity associated with migraine features.

(a) (b) Dynamic roll tilt

VM patients 2
Control Normal
1.6 Migraine
Head upright Threshold

Right head tilt
0.1 1
–4 0 4
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 4. (a) Spatial orientation measured as subjective visual vertical (SVV) errors in a group of VM patients versus healthy controls
(127). In the upright head position, there is no significant difference between VM patients and controls. During static lateral head tilt to
the right (20 ), SVV errors in VM patients are in the opposite direction of head tilt, consistent with overestimation of the head tilt
position for spatial orientation. (b) During low-frequency dynamic head tilt, VM patients show a lower motion detection threshold
compared with migraine patients without dizziness and healthy controls (modified with permission from Lewis et al. (125)).

be linked to a generally hyperexcitable brain state in reporting direction of rotation (126). During lateral
migraine patients (121). This has led to the concept of head tilts, VM patients had larger errors in spatial
sensory dysmodulation, in which deficient habituation orientation compared with healthy controls (Figure 4)
and potentiation of sensory responses are implicated in (127). When the head is tilted, the brain must integrate
migraine pathogenesis (122,123). Accordingly, expos- vestibular signals that encode head position with visual
ure to one sensory stimulus results in hypersensitivity inputs in order to maintain spatial orientation. The
that can extend to other sensory stimuli. VM patients, larger errors of spatial perception in VM patients
likewise, show higher sensitivity to motion in the roll were in the opposite direction of the head tilt, consist-
plane (e.g. lateral head tilt with respect to gravity) ent with overestimation of the head position in the pro-
(Figure 4) (120,124,125). Perception of tilt during cess of sensory integration for spatial orientation. In
whole body centrifugation is also altered in VM keeping with this result, VM patients reported dizziness
patients, suggesting that the integration of semicircular mostly in the same head direction that induced larger
canal and otolith inputs is affected in these patients. errors of spatial orientation. VM patients were also
During whole-body yaw rotations, VM patients were found to have high variability in spatial orientation
found to have altered perceptual thresholds while with the head in the upright position (128,129).
114 Cephalalgia 40(1)

Altogether, these findings suggest that visuospatial a role in VM patients warrants further research
symptoms in VM patients are related to altered sensory (48,145–150).
processing and integration that contribute to the per-
ception of spatial orientation. Regarding the effect of
visual motion, VM patients had larger visual-induced
errors in spatial orientation during and after optoki- The uncertainties surrounding VM diagnosis over the
netic stimulation compared with healthy controls last few decades have also limited advances in treat-
(126,130,131). These errors also increased significantly ment. In general, VM patients can be managed with
in migraine patients with the duration of visual lifestyle modification, dietary adjustments, medications,
stimulation (132). In addition, VM patients had larger vestibular physical therapy, and activities that can
postural sway with visual motion compared with enhance perception of spatial orientation, such as
healthy controls (76,131,133). Regarding other sensory ping-pong or dancing. Given the considerable psycho-
modalities, there is evidence for sensory dysmodulation social impact of symptoms in VM patients, it is import-
affecting the auditory system in VM patients. In the ant to adjust treatment strategies based on each
presence of noise, otoacoustic emissions were less sup- patient’s needs. Those who are not significantly
pressed in VM patients compared with healthy con- impaired by their symptoms may benefit from reassur-
trols, suggesting a link to phonophobia in these ance to allay their fear and prevent unnecessary medical
patients (134). costs. This is especially important for patients with
Imaging studies suggest structural and functional prominent vestibular symptoms. Those who are signifi-
changes within the temporo-parietal regions in VM cantly impaired by their symptoms often benefit from
patients (117,135,136). The higher-order neural mech- combined interventions. In this process, identifying
anisms within these cortical regions are involved in triggers and implementing measures to circumvent
sensory integration for coherent spatial perception them can be used as the first line of treatment. As a
(137). In addition, VM patients were also found to key intervention, dietary adjustment and eliminating
have abnormal thalamic activities (117,138). These triggers such as red wine, aged cheeses, artificial sweet-
patients showed increased thalamic activations with eners, processed meats, chocolate, caffeine, MSG, and
cold water ear irrigation during fMRI studies, in com- alcohol are found to be effective in reducing symptoms
parison with migraine patients without aura or healthy (14,151,152).
controls (138). The magnitude of thalamic activation Like other migraine subtypes, medical treatment in
was positively correlated with the frequency of migraine VM patients aims to reduce frequency and severity of
attacks in VM patients. Also, increased ictal PET activ- symptoms. Most medications used for VM treatment
ities during vertigo attacks in VM patients were noted are aimed at prophylactic therapy. These medications
in the temporo-parieto-insular areas and bilateral tha- are mainly antihypertensives, antidepressants, and anti-
lami (117). These findings are in agreement with the epileptics with general applications in migraine preven-
studies that show the role of the thalamus as a major tion. Their use in VM treatment is supported by data
sensory relay within the vestibular pathways, and its mainly from small studies, and there is insufficient evi-
involvement in multisensory processing and integration dence from randomized controlled trials that can verify
including vestibular, visual, and somatosensory inputs the effect of these medications for VM prevention
(139,140). However, little is known about these sensory (Table 3) (153). Beta-adrenergic inhibitors such as pro-
processes and how these higher-level networks could be pranolol, calcium channel blockers such as verapamil,
affected in VM patients. and anti-epileptic medications such as topiramate
The familial occurrence of VM suggests a genetic and lamotrigine are sometimes effective in migraine
component in its pathogenesis. Although there are prophylaxis, but their role in VM treatment is not
some familial migraine syndromes such as hemiplegic clear (51,151,154–161). A prospective randomized
migraine or episodic ataxia, similar mutations (e.g. non-placebo-controlled study in VM patients suggested
CACNA1A or ATP1A2) are not found in VM patients flunarizine is effective in decreasing the severity and
(141,142). The CACNA1A gene encodes a subunit of frequency of vertigo attacks (159). A retrospective
the voltage-gated P/Q-type calcium channels, and its study found that cinnarizine decreased vertigo fre-
mutation can cause at least three neurological disorders quency in VM patients (160). Tricyclic antidepressants
linked to calcium channelopathy: Episodic ataxia type (TCAs), which have a broad mechanism of action, are
2, familial hemiplegic migraine type 1, and spinocere- shown to be effective in reducing episodic migraine
bellar ataxia type 6 (143). Vertigo and migraine symp- symptoms (154). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
toms are also common in patients with episodic ataxia (SSRIs) or serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibi-
type 2 (144). Despite the lack of evidence for mono- tors (SNRIs) have also been tried for VM prevention
genic inheritance, whether polygenic inheritance plays (154,161). These antidepressants may provide benefit in
Huang et al. 115

Table 3. Summary of studies on preventive treatments for vestibular migraine defined based on the ICHD-3 criteria.

Drug Daily dose Study design Duration Outcome

Propranolol 40–160 mg 33 patients, prospective, 4 months Severity: DHI 55.8  2.7 (Salviz et al. 2016)
randomized, controlled to 31.3  3.7* (158)
VSS 7.3  0.3 to 2.1  0.4*
Attacks per month: 12.6  1.8
to 1.9  0.7*
Venlafaxine 37.5–150 mg 31 patients, prospective, 4 months Severity: DHI 50.9  2.5 (Salviz et al. 2016)
randomized, controlled to 19.9  2.9* (158)
VSS 7.1  0.3 to 1.8  0.5*
Attacks per month: 12.2  1.8
to 2.6  1.1*
Venlafaxine 37.5 mg 25 patients, prospective 3 months Severity: DHI 41.7  16.9 (Liu et al. 2017)
to 31.3  14.1* (157)
VSS 5.9  1.7 to 3.8  1.2*
Flunarizine 10 mg 25 patients, prospective 3 months Severity: DHI 46.6  15.1 (Liu et al. 2017)
to 39.8  16.3* (157)
VSS 6.4  1.9 to 5.9  1.6*
Valproic acid 1000 mg 25 patients, prospective 3 months Severity: DHI 46.8  13.5 (Liu et al. 2017)
to 38.7  13.6* (157)
VSS 5.8  1.8 to 5.3  1.0
Cinnarizine 75 mg 24 patients, retrospective 3 months Attacks per month: 3.8  1.1 (Taghdiri et al. 2014)
open-label to 0.4  0.6* (160)
*p < 0.05.
DHI: dizziness handicap inventory (175); VSS: vertigo severity score (157,158).

cases with psychiatric comorbidities such as anxiety and effective in four patients with prolonged or frequent
depression. Recently, monoclonal anti-CGRP antibo- vertigo attacks in VM patients (167), similar to the
dies have been approved for migraine prevention. effect of steroids on patients with status migrainosus
Serum CGRP levels are elevated interictally in chronic (168).
migraine patients and to a lesser extent in those with Vestibular rehabilitation has been used to alleviate
episodic migraine (162). CGRP is also detected in symptoms and promote recovery in VM patients, as in
human cochlear and vestibular end organs, and thus other vestibular disorders (169). Although most studies
it may also play a role in vestibular physiology show that focused vestibular rehabilitation benefits
(163,164). However, it is unknown whether CGRP patients, no randomized control study has evaluated
has a role in VM pathogenesis and whether the the efficacy of vestibular physical therapy in VM
CGRP antagonists or monoclonal antibodies can be patients (170). One early study compared the effect
effective for VM treatment. of vestibular rehabilitation in 14 VM patients to
There are only a few randomized controlled studies 25 patients with migraine who had unrelated vestibular
on acute treatment for VM attacks. One small double- dysfunction, and showed both groups improved signifi-
blind, placebo-controlled study showed 38% of VM cantly on subjective and objective outcome measures
patients improved from severe or moderate vertigo to within four months (84). This finding was supported
mild or no vertigo in two hours after taking zolmitrip- by another study of 34 VM patients (14). A prospective
tan, compared to 22% with placebo (165). However, study in which 20 VM patients received a nine-week
due to the limited power of the study, the difference customized vestibular rehabilitation program also
did not reach statistical significance. Rizatriptan showed benefits, regardless of their medication regimen
reduced vestibular-induced motion sickness in migrain- (171). In another study, 28 VM patients based on
eurs compared to the placebo (166). The authors sug- ICHD-3 beta criteria and 79 patients with tension-
gested that rizatriptan may reduce motion sickness by type headache and dizziness were recruited (172).
influencing serotonergic vestibulo-autonomic path- Both groups were trained in vestibular therapy exer-
ways. Sumatriptan was also effective in improving cises during a five-day admission process and were
both headache and vertigo regardless of their temporal assessed 6 months later. The results showed that ves-
relation (155). Steroid injections were reported to be tibular rehabilitation contributed more prominently to
116 Cephalalgia 40(1)

clinical improvement in the VM group compared with diagnostic criteria. Neurological and ocular motor
the tension-type headache group. In practice, vestibular examination is usually normal in VM patients during
rehabilitation can be particularly beneficial to patients symptom-free periods. However, some mild, nonspeci-
if secondary complications such as deconditioning or fic vestibulo-ocular abnormalities such as positional
visual dependence have developed. VM patients often nystagmus have been reported, especially during VM
experience dizziness and disorientation with changes in attacks. So far, no pathognomonic clinical or labora-
head and body positions, which raises the possibility of tory finding exists for VM; however, vestibular testing
a ‘‘higher level’’ dysfunction in multisensory integration is still helpful to rule out other disorders considered in
for spatial orientation (i.e. visual, vestibular, and som- the differential diagnosis. Vestibular laboratory
atosensory inputs). Therefore, natural activities that abnormalities are quite variable among VM studies.
can enhance spatial perception and body coordination, Such variability could be related to the lack of standard
such as ping-pong and dancing, can be helpful to alle- diagnostic criteria used in earlier studies or the reliance
viate symptoms in these patients. Such an approach is on clinical symptoms alone in the current VM criteria,
supported by the effects of long-term training in discip- which does not prevent inclusion of patients with other
lines such as ballet dancing and yoga. Experts in these vestibular disorders who may have superimposed, sec-
fields are better at processing and weighting body per- ondary migraine symptoms. Like other types of
ceptual information and are less visually dependent in migraine, both abortive and preventive medications
their perception of spatial orientation (173,174). have been used in VM patients. However, the efficacy
of these medications has not been verified by large-
scale randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials.
Non-pharmacological treatment including life-style
Vestibular migraine is among the most common causes adjustment, trigger avoidance and vestibular rehabilita-
of recurrent vertigo in the general population, with lar- tion are also shown to be beneficial in VM patients. The
gely unknown pathophysiology. Patients with VM pathophysiology of VM remains largely unknown;
experience disabling spatial misperceptions including however, recent findings have provided some prelimin-
unusual sensitivity to head motion or visual stimuli, ary insights. These include reports of abnormal motion-
or sudden feelings of imbalance or tilt. These symptoms detection thresholds during roll tilt or yaw rotation, or
often become chronic and lead to severe impairment of larger errors of spatial orientation during head tilt,
daily activities in VM sufferers. Unlike typical migraine which suggest high-level dysfunctions related to ves-
aura, vestibular symptoms in VM patients are not tem- tibular processing in these patients. So far there is no
porary symptoms that occur with headaches, and their information about the plausible role of central neural
duration can last from hours to several days. Currently, processes in VM spatial disorientation and their link to
the VM diagnosis is entirely based on clinical his- visuospatial symptoms in these patients. Therefore,
tory, and according to the recent consensus of the gaining insight into these processes and how they
International Headache and the Bárány Societies, the result in dizziness, vertigo, and spatial disorientation
presence of episodic vestibular symptoms associated in VM patients is an important step towards devising
with at least one migraine feature can fulfill the VM effective treatment strategies.

Clinical implications
. VM is among the most common causes of recurrent vertigo. In addition to vertigo, patients may experience
disabling spatial misperceptions.
. The diagnosis of VM is entirely based on clinical history, and no laboratory test is pathognomonic.
. The pathophysiology of VM remains obscure, but recent studies suggest sensory dysfunction is related to
processing vestibular inputs.
. The treatment of VM requires lifestyle adjustment, trigger avoidance and vestibular rehabilitation as well as
abortive and preventive medications, although solid evidence is still lacking.

Declaration of conflicting interests Funding

The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
article. article: This study was supported in part by the following
Huang et al. 117

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