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‘To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being

wrong.’(Joseph Chilton Pearce). Comment.
Everyone experience plenty of storms in their lives. Most of the storms catch you by surprise, so
you have to learn very quickly that you couldn’t regulate the weather.

There’s nothing wrong with being incorrect, except by being scared of it we’re failing to learn.
This knowledge and understanding make us more experienced and skilled with every error.

Our lives depend on these mistakes. These mistakes teach us so we’re getting wiser. They tell us
that we only need to pick ourselves up and continue when things go wrong.

Choosing to be positive and being fearless will determine how you will live your life. Every day
we make decisions. Some decisions are easy and some are difficult or life-changing.

I think this quote, by Joseph Chilton Pearce, translates well into all areas of our lives. With so
much pressure to succeed, to win, and to be permanently right, it is an invigorating and
refreshing thing not to fear failure. There is nothing wrong with being wrong, except being
frightened of it. We fail so that we learn. This knowledge and understanding develop us (and our
writing) so that with every mistake we become more experienced and more adept.

Our lives depend on these mistakes. They humble us so that we don’t overreach ourselves. They
teach us so that we become wiser. They show us that when things go wrong, we need only pick
ourselves up and write about it, to carry on.

Every day we make decisions. Some of these are as simple as what we’re going to eat for
breakfast, or what we would like to watch at the cinema. Others are more obviously life-
changing. It is important that, no matter what, we make these decisions in our strides. Some
people live their whole lives in fear of embarrassing themselves or seeming wrong. It is this fear
that holds them back, not the being wrong itself. Even a seemingly wrong decision opens up new
avenues with new opportunities for us to take. We are always moving forwards, always.

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