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English, Activity #2: Pattern of Idea Development

Topic: The value of making mistakes

Pattern of Development: Definition/Persuasion

“The principles behind making mistakes”

The widely acknowledged man known to be one of the greatest physicists of all
time, Albert Einstein, once said: “A person who never made a mistake, never tried
anything new.” In view of this statement, what is a mistake? Wrong choices?
Regrets? Failures? Chances we didn’t take? Misunderstandings? Why do we make
mistakes? What are they and why are we so afraid of them?

Mistakes are, generally, a decision or an action that we come to regret. We’ve all
made it before, yet we still avoid it, why? Is it because of the pain, loss, or
struggle caused by our misjudgment? Certainly, we might agree that we don't like
the consequences of a choice, and hence we call it a mistake.

However, as much as we despise making mistakes, it can still bring us into an

understanding that our biggest enemy can be ourselves. We learn to reflect on
our previous decisions, wrong or right, we continuously learn. By overcoming our
shortcomings, we become stronger people as we come to know our strengths and
weaknesses. It would never be ideal for us to learn by mistakes rather than
precision, however, it is when we make mistakes do we learn more than when we

It takes a lot of courage to admit a mistake, because it is when we humble

ourselves of our imperfections and start to grow as a whole. The reality behind
this unfortunate, unfair world is that no man is perfect, every individual is bound
to make a mistake; be it the high and mighty, the strong and intelligent, the weak
and powerless, everyone, is predestined to make a mistake; but what matters
isn’t the mistake a person has made, because it is not what defines them; it is
what they make of it. If it is to learn from it, run from it, or repeat it.

If we strive for greatness and success, we must grasp what qualities we possess
and polish it to the best of our efforts. We must learn to move on from past our
mistakes; moving on does not necessarily mean we forget, but we accept what
happened and continue moving forward. The past you’ve lost will never come
back, the past mistakes can’t be corrected, the words you’ve said cannot be taken
back, the things you’ve done cannot be reversed, but you can learn from the past
to never repeat it. That is the lesson we learn in life, and the only tool we need to

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