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European Journal of Scientific Research

ISSN 1450-216X / 1450-202X Vol. 119 No 2 February, 2014, pp.265-271

Use of Mobile Phone among Farmers for Agriculture


Abdul Razaque Chhachhar

Corresponding Author Department of Communication Faculty of Modern Languages and
Communication Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400, Serdang Selangor

Barkatullah Qureshi
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 Serdang Selangor

Ghulam Mujtaba Khushk

Department of Social and Development Science, Faculty of Human Ecology
Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400, Serdang Selangor

Zulfiqar Ahmed Maher

Information Technology Centre, Sindh Agriculture University TandoJam, Pakistan


Information and communication technologies are increasing day by day in

developing countries and have provided positive results in different sectors of the society.
The study was investigated about the main purpose of use of mobile phones; mobile phones
saved time money and energy and Internet use on mobile phone. The total 150 of the
respondents were interviewed from Taulka Manjhand District Jamshoro. The result showed
that 93.3% of the respondents have their own mobile phones 80% of the respondents use
mobile phones to communicate with their friends. Furthermore, it revealed that 95.3% of
the respondents did not communicate with any agriculture officer about their crop issues
and problems. The result showed that 95% of the respondent did not search information
about market prices regarding their good and services. While only 3% of the respondents
search information about market it showed that the respondents whose education were high
interested to get the information about market prices and only 2% of the respondents some
time search the information regarding market. Result indicated that majority of the
respondents did not use mobile phones for agriculture purpose and similarly internet also
not use for getting marketing information regarding agriculture and crop price. It need to
provide awareness among farmers about proper use of mobile technologies for increase the
agriculture product and increase their income by mobile phones in their working places.

Keyword: Mobile phones internet agriculture, marketing and weather information.

The mobile phones one of the main form of communication technology in developed and developing
countries. Mobile phone has played more important role compare to land line phones. These
technologies have growth in European and North America in 20th Century. The industry was growth
Use of Mobile Phone among Farmers for Agriculture Information 266

very fast in recent years. The one billion mobile phones were sell in worldwide in twenty years while
the second billion were sold in only four years and third billion were sold in two years. The mobile
phones were coverage was increased and subscription was expanded in developing countries. It was
estimated than around 50% of the world population have their own mobile phones. However, it was
revealed that 80% of the population live in the range of mobile phones networks (GSMA, 2006).
Mobile technology is one of the best forms of transferring information by using SMS MMS or direct
calling to concern person. Nowadays this technology is increasing day by day in developing countries
and now farmers are also getting a good benefit from this in perspective of market, weather and
communication with family and friends.
Information communication technologies (ICT) have provided new ideas, methods and
techniques disseminating and improving the knowledge and information among people of different
societies. Furthermore, ICTs have helped the people in different sectors of society and given new
opportunities for development in all sectors. The term ICTs used to include electronic and print media
such as mobile phones, internet, telephone, computer, radio and television. ICTs have reduced the gap
among different communities and together them. ICT diffused information and knowledge among
societies especially in rural areas of the developing countries. There is no doubt that by using
communication technologies rural people have improved their agricultural and product. The use of
ICTs for instance mobile phones have brought significant changes in agriculture development (Warren,
2002, Gregg & Irani 2004, Arokoyo, 2005).
Mobile phones have given new thinking and approach to farmers for making a decision about
getting the information of market and weather from concern person. Now the farmers can
communicate with customers to sell their product in good price same time they can keep up to date
each other’s about market as well as weather (Bayes et al., 1999, Goodman, 2005, Kwaku & Kweku
2006). Farmers easily can get information from market buyers about their commodities price from their
working places and long distance of market. It can be said that Mobile phones have increased network
among larger communities and market buyers in remote areas. Aker and 2008, Goyal, 2008) indicated
that mobile phones have brought significant changes in the prices of the product and farmers are now
getting reasonable prices of their produce from market.
In the perspective of Pakistan there are many communication centres were established for
disseminating the information to farmers for the development of agriculture. Such as in Sialkot Punjab
information and communication is providing information regarding weather forecast marketing
pesticides and prices information to farmers. The mobile phones have provided good opportunities to
farmers to directly communicate with buyers and traders for sell their product in good price as well as
arrive in market to avoid from waste. Furthermore, mobile phones also have given a new approach to
decide either to sell their product in good price or stay for reasonable price in market. Another study
was conducted in Ghana where result showed that before the mobile phones farmers spent many days
to reach in market but now mobile phones have made their life easy to direct communicate with
customers and sell their produce on the spot (Smale& Tushemereiruwe, 2007). Mobile phones
nowadays spreading very fast in developing countries and most of the people are getting benefit from
this technology with any hurdle and problem. In many areas of Africa farmers are using mobile phones
where internet services are not good the farmers are obtaining the information about agriculture issues
from related officers (Gakuru et al 2009).
Many studies showed that the access of communication technologies have impact on the
economic, poverty reduction as well as agriculture development. The use of mobile phones could
increase the efficiency of farmers by affordable access of communication technologies in rural areas of
developing countries. The study was conducted in Bangladesh indicated that use of mobile phones
increased access of information among men and women and improved their living standard (Abraham,
2006; Aker, 2008; Galperin & Mariscal, 2007; Jensen, 2007, Bhavnani et al. 2008).
Mobile phones have given good opportunity to farmers especially fishermen to obtain best
price on the time and take decision about land and sell their fish on particular time. Now mobile
phones have keep able to the farmers either to sell their produce in good price or decide to keep it for
267 Abdul Razaque Chhachhar, Barkatullah Qureshi,
Ghulam Mujtaba Khushk and Zulfiqar Ahmed Maher

future and sell later in good price. The wide ranges of the communication technologies have given
good approach for introduce their production in different market and get good price from market
(Mittal et al., 2009).
Agricultural information can play very important role in the development of small farmers. By
using a communication technologies farmers can increase their product and their income. In the
perspective of the mobile phones farmers can directly communicate with buyers and customers for sell
their produce in good price. Furthermore, in remote areas farmers are still facing many problems in
use of technologies due to lack of infrastructure and awareness among farmers community. Most of the
farmers depend on old traditional methods and use same methods in agriculture. Lack of knowledge,
illiteracy and trainings can improve the conditions of farmers in their areas for the development of
agriculture. Mobile phone technologies have provided a good plat form for farmers to share their
knowledge and information among each other on the time such as market rates and weather
information in developing countries (Munyua, 2007, Lehr, 2007).

Material and Method

The quantitative method was used for data collection. Total 150 respondents were selected for data
collection from Taulka Manjhand District Jamshoro, Sindh Pakistan. The survey method was adopted
for data collection by using the questionnaire. The convenience sample approach was used for getting
the information regarding use of internet on mobile phones. Main purpose of use of Mobile phones and
Mobile phones saved time and money. The SPSS 21 version was used for data analysis of this study.

Demographic Profile of Respondents

The result indicated that 150 male respondents participated in this study. The more than half 54% of the
respondents’ age was 26 to 30 years old while 25.3% age was 31-35 years. The respondents were also
asked about their marital status the result showed that majority 83.3% of the respondents were married and
16.7% of the respondents were single. The information about the respondents education level were revealed
that 15.% education level was non-formal education however 25% of the respondents education level was
primary 24.7% of the respondents education was matriculation while 11.3% of the respondents education
level was intermediate and 8% of the respondents were bachelor education. Furthermore, the respondents
were also asked about their monthly income result revealed that more than half of the respondents 70% of
the respondents income was six to ten thousand rupees in month while 20.7% of the respondents’ income
was one to five thousand rupees in month (refer table 1).
Table 1: Demographic profile of respondents

Variable Frequency Percentage

Male 150 100.0
20-25 20 13.3
26-30 81 54.0
31- 35 38 25.3
36- 40 11 7.3
Total 150 100.0
Marital status
single 25 16.7
Married 125 83.3
Total 150 100.0
Education level
Non formal education 30 15.0
primary 50 25
Use of Mobile Phone among Farmers for Agriculture Information 268
Table 1: Demographic profile of respondents - continued

Matric 37 24.7
Intermediate 17 11.3
Bachelor 16 8.0
Total 150 100.0
Monthly income
1- 5 Thousand 31 20.7
6-10 thousand 105 70.0
11- 15 thousand 14 9.3
Total 150 100.0

Data from table 2 the respondents were asked about own mobile phones the result showed that
majority 93.3% of the respondents were their own mobile phones while 6.3% of the respondents have
no mobile phones. Furthermore, the respondents were inquired about the main purpose of the use of
mobile phones the result revealed that more than half of 80% said that the main purpose of use of
mobile phones was to communicate with their friends while 13.3% said they contact with family and
only 6.7% of the respondents said that they sometime talk with metrological department and get the
information about weather. The respondents were also asked about the benefit of the mobile phones the
result showed that 88% of the respondents said that mobile phones have given a good benefit such they
can easily communicate with each other without any hurdle while also get information about new
product from shopkeepers and usage of pesticides in crops.
However, the respondents were investigated about contact with agriculture officer about
agriculture problem majority 95.3% of the respondents said they did not communicate with agriculture
officer about agriculture problems in their field it was showed that most of the farmers are using same
old method in agriculture and were not interested to adopt new technologies for the grow of their
product. Furthermore, farmers were also were not taking any risk to use new seeds in their fields.
However, result showed that only 4.7% of the respondents were contacted with agriculture officer
regarding agriculture issues and problems in their field. It showed that the farmers who were more
educated were aware about the benefit of this technology and were communicated with agriculture and
metrological officers for getting the update of weather as well as diseases of agriculture and use of
pesticides in their farms (refer table 2).

Table 2: Main purpose of use of Mobile phones

Variables Frequency Percentage

do you have your own mobile phone
yes 140 93.3
No 10 6.7
Total 150 100.0
what is your main purpose to use Mobile
contact with friends 120 80.0
contact with family 20 13.3
contact with Metrological deptt 10 6.7
Total 150 100.0
Do you understand that mobile phones given benefit
yes 132 88
No 18 12.0
Total 150 100.0
Do you contact with agriculture officer by phone
yes 7 4.7
No 143 95.3
Total 150 100.0
269 Abdul Razaque Chhachhar, Barkatullah Qureshi,
Ghulam Mujtaba Khushk and Zulfiqar Ahmed Maher

The respondents were asked about the increase income by use of mobile phone the result
revealed that 79.3% of the respondents said that mobile phones did not increase their income. It
showed that most of the farmers use mobile phones only communicate with their friends and family but
they did not communicate with any customers, brokers for sell their product in market with good price.
However, only few farmers whose education level was good to communicate with market people and
get latest information of different crops from market. The respondents were inquired about the mobile
phone made their life easy the result indicated that 84% of the respondents said that mobile phones
have made their life easy. There is no doubt that mobile phones have made the life very easy without
any interrupt their life people communicate with each other from thousands of kilometres and discuss
with each other’s and share information about different issues. Mobile phones saved, money, energy
and time of farmers result showed that 86% of the respondents said that by using of mobile phones
they have save their time, money and energy. Furthermore, farmers indicated that where they go
hundred kilometres to sell their product in market now they sell their production on the spot. While
14% of the respondents showed that the mobile phones did not save their time, money and energy
(refer table 3).

Table 3: Mobile phones saved time and money

Mobile have increased your income

yes 30 20.0
No 119 79.3
some time 1 .7
Total 150 100.0
mobile phone made easy your life
Yes 126 84.0
No 24 16
Total 150 100.0
Mobile have saved your money, energy and time
Yes 129 86.0
No 21 14.0
Total 150 100.0

Data from table 4 the respondents were asked regarding the use of internet on mobile phones
majority 84.7% of the respondents said that they use internet on mobile phones. The result showed that
the respondents whose education was not high also use the internet on mobile phone and search
different things for their entertainment. Some of them read the online newspapers and magazines on
internet. However, 15.3% of the respondents did not use internet by mobile phones. These are the
respondents whose education is informal and have no any knowledge and information about use of the
internet. These respondents only use mobile phones to communicate with friends and family.
Furthermore, the respondents were investigated about the use of social media on mobile phones
the result revealed that 60% Facebook on internet by mobile phone. In this perspective it was clear that
most the respondents whose education level was more than matric were using the Facebook on mobile
phone and communicate with their friends. While 2% of the respondents were used twitter these were
whose education level was bachelor level. Furthermore, 14% of the respondents were used social
media as well as other websites on internet. The respondents were inquired about search of weather
information on internet the result indicated that majority 95% of the respondents did not search any
weather information on internet by mobile phone.
It was clearly showed that majority of the respondents were unaware about the proper use of
internet on mobile phone only just they use social media websites. Furthermore, it was showed that
most of the farmers only use internet for Facebook use. Only 5% of the respondents search some time
weather information by Google on internet through mobile phone. The respondents whose education
was high some time use to search the weather information on internet. However, majority of the
Use of Mobile Phone among Farmers for Agriculture Information 270

respondents was no information that how to search the weather information on internet. While the
respondents were investigated about the searching the information regarding marketing information on
internet by mobile phone the result showed that 95% of the respondent did not search information
about market prices regarding their good and services. While only 3% of the respondents search
information about market it showed that the respondents whose education were high interested to get
the information about market prices and only 2% of the respondents some time search the information
regarding market (refer table 4).

Table 4: Internet use on mobile phone

Internet on mobile phone Frequency Percentage

Yes 127 84.7
No 23 15.3
Total 150 100.0
Use social media by mobile
Facebook 120 60
LinkedIn 0 0.00
Twitter 4 2
Others 28 14
Total 150
search weather information by mobile
Yes 10 5.00
No 140 95.0
Total 150 100.0
Marketing information by mobile phone
Yes 6 3.0
No 140 95.0
Some time 4 2.0

In different developing countries communication technologies have improve the economy and living
standard of people and differ communities are getting benefit from these technologies but in the
perspective of the Pakistan it showed that farmers are not using these technologies for agriculture
development. Result clearly revealed that farmers did not use mobile phones for communicating with
agriculture and customers but only communicate with family and friends. If farmers contact with
agriculture officers and customers they can increase their income as well as contribute in economic
development of the country. However, there is need to provide trainings and increase their education
than it can give a positive results in agriculture development of the country.

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