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Written Communication, Professional

Writing through CV and Interview

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Participant Guide

Table of Contents

Module 10: Written Communication, Professional Writing through CV and

Interview Skills
Importance .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Learning Objectives ................................................................................................................................... 3
What is a CV............................................................................................................................................... 4
Curriculum Vitae translates as: ................................................................................................................ 4
Importance of a CV.................................................................................................................................... 4
Part 2: Content of the CV ......................................................................................................................... 5
Exercise: Write your personal information ............................................................................................. 6
Exercise: Write your First Draft CV ......................................................................................................... 8
Part 3 : Professional CV writing tips ....................................................................................................... 9
Part 4: Applying for jobs and submitting CV ........................................................................................ 11
Part 5 : Interviewing skills ....................................................................................................................... 13

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Participant Guide

Train for Employment

Module 10: Written Communication,
Professional Writing through CV and Interview
Normally employers receive tens (or hundreds) of CVs for apposition announced, and allocate a
minute to screen a CV. A well written and well organized CV can create a strong pre- interview
impression with employers and act as a script for the interview.

Successfully passing the interview will be your gateway to join the job you dream of. You have
to convince employers that you are their candidate. Through this module you will learn how to
leave a good impression, and respond in confidence to employer questions and to persuade
them that you deserve the position.

Learning Objectives
Upon the completion of this module, you will be able to:
 Write a professional CV
 Demonstrate the steps for applying for jobs
 Determine the interviewing skills

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Part 1: Definition and Importance of CV

What is a CV
Curriculum Vitae translates as:
“Course of Life”

A document that gives a brief outline of your:

 Experience
 Skills

Importance of a CV
 Demonstrate your suitability for the post.
 Gain you an interview.
 Create a strong favourable pre-interview impression with your employers.
 Act as a script for the interviewer.

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Part 2: Content of the CV

Tips before you write your CV

 Write it typed on a word document

 Writing style “Times New Roman”
 Writing font size: 12 and only your name is preferably to be in size 14
 Writing colour : Black and all tittles are bold
 Don't write “CV” on the document
 The first thing you type is your name and it’s preferably in bold

CV Content

I. Personal Information
 Don't write the word personal information
 Write your personal information in the middle of the page
 Start by writing your personal information in this sequence
 Your name in bold “B”
 Address (Street , Town, City, Country)
 Telephone number / landline number:
 Mobile number:..............
 E-mail:...................

Personal Information Example

John James Jack

27 El Ashgar St, Nasr city , Cairo, Egypt
Telephone number: …..., Mobile phone number:…………

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Exercise: Write your personal information

II. Objective statement:

 Other names: Professional Objective, Resume Capsule, Career Goals, etc.
 A statement of 1-3 lines summarizing your CV and interests

Why write one?

 Helps the employers find what they need to know quickly.
 Makes a good first impression.

How to write an objective statement

Answer the following questions and you will be able to write your objective statement

Questions about you

 What are your main qualifications, strengths, skills, and areas of expertise?
 What position(s) --or type of position --are you seeking?
 What are some of your professional goals?
 What type of organization or work setting are you most interested in?

III. Education
 List all degrees in reverse chronological order from recent to past
 List the dates and the name of the institute
 Mention your honours
 It’s preferable to state your graduation grade
 GPA ( optional)
 State your high school ( optional)

Education Example

Bachelor of Commerce from Cairo University

Major: Accounting. Graduation year: (2015).
Grade: (Excellent).

IV. Work Experience

 Write the work experience in reverse chronological order from recent to past.
 There is no need to write your duties at work
 State the company's name
 State the working period
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Work Experience Example:

May 2015 – September 2015. Accountant at ‘‘XYZ’’ office for accounting

August 2014- December 2014. Trainee at “ZYX” Bank

V. Key courses:
Important courses you took that will add value to your CV

Key courses examples:

 Principles of Banking certificate by the EBI ( Egyptian Banking Institute). September
 Advanced Accounting Course at ABC Institute
 Microsoft office certificate from ZYX institute

VI. Skills:
It means the professional skills you have that can attract the employer to hire you like
(personal skills, language skills and computer skills)

1) Personal skills:
 Communication skills.
 Negotiation skills.
 Selling skills.
 Time management skills.

2) Language skills:
 Arabic: Mother tongue.
 English : Excellent in writing and speaking.
 French: Good in writing and speaking

3) Computer skills:
 Write your level of proficiency in using Microsoft office ,Oracle, Java or any computer
professional program.
 Avoid stating internet surfing skills , windows ,face book or any social media.

Example of computer skills

 Excellent in using Microsoft office ( Word and Excel)

 Good in using Microsoft ( Power point)
 Knowledgeable in using Oracle database.

VII. Achievements/Activities/ Awards:

 State what you achieved and proud of that can help the employer have a good
impression about you .

 Participated in Charity activities with ‘‘Resala’’
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 Awarded golden medal in swimming
 Leaded my Marketing group project at Ain Shams university and scored high grades

VIII. Interests and hobbies:

 It’s an optional part
 Try to state meaningful interests

 Reading leader ship books
 Drawing
 Photo shooting
 Graphic designing
 Acting and directing movies

IX. References

 References refers to the people whom the employer can ask them about you
 Write professional references who knows you quite well and can talk about you
 Try not to write your family and friends but write people you worked with
 Don't write references upon request
 Write you references’ name, profession contact e-mail

References example:

Mr . Ahmed Mohamed manager at XXX company. Contact e-mail address:

Exercise: Write your First Draft CV

Now you are in a position to start writing your first draft

Apply theguidelinesyoulearnedtodevelopyourownCV,containingyouobjective
statement, personal information, education, and experience related to the job you are

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Participant Guide

Part 3 : Professional CV writing tips

I. Grammar and spelling check:

 Check your grammar and spelling mistakes.

 Use action verbs (in the past tense) to assist you in describing your experience and

Example: Worked, volunteered, organized, coached.....etc.

 Capitalize all the first letters of names and tittles in the document .
 Avoid capitalizing the whole name.
 Put the two dots: after each title.

Example: Objective statement :

 Don't forget full stop .

Example: Good in using Microsoft office .

II. CV appearance and format:

 CV must not exceed 2 pages especially for fresh graduates.

 If you use bullet points use the same symbol in all the contents e.g.
 .......
 .......
• .......
• ........
 Don't use any colours except black colour.
 CV must not exceed 2 pages.
 Don't ever fold it when submitting it to the employer.
 Use A4 paper for printing your CV.
 All tittles should be in Bold “B”

Example: Skills
 Don't over use the Bold

Example: Fresh graduate seeking a challenging job.

 Don't print on the two sides of the document

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III. Mistakes at CV:

 Avoid putting (graphs, tables, figures and logos) .

 Don't put your photo unless it’s required by the employer.
 In case you will use an abbreviated word write the full name beside it.

Example: participated in “ASU” (Ain Shams University)

 Activities.
 Your gender, marital status, birth date, military service and religion are not required for
professional CV.
 Try not to write (hard worker, creative, energetic, fast learner, helpful and cheerful .....
etc.) as your personal skills, as they are personal qualifications/descriptions.
 Writing “Thank you” at the end of the CV is prohibited.
 Don't write any word in Arabic letters as long as the CV is written in English language.

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Participant Guide
Part 4: Applying for jobs and submitting CV

I. Searching for the job :

 Make a list of companies of interest.

 Search at newspapers and websites

 Know the position you are applying for.

 Make sure that your qualifications, skills, experience and education fits with the employer

II. Cover letter:

 To sell yourself by making links between your education, work experience and interests
and the job role you’re applying for.
 To say why you’re interested in the job.
 To provide other information, e.g. about availability for interview.

The Cover Letter – Key Points:

Four key sections:

1. What you are contacting them i.e. the employer about?
2. Why you want to work in that job for that company?
3. Why they should be interested in you – i.e. what you have to offer
4. What you hope will happen next?

Tips for writing the cover letter:

 Formal presentation , preferably to a named person
 “Dear Mr/ Ms. or Dear Sir/ Madame,
 Cover letters should not be longer than one page with a simple language.
 End up by:

Thanking the employer

Write ( Yours sincerely, or Yours faithfully, )
Sign your name
Enclosure : CV

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Participant Guide
III. Emails:

Tips for sending your CV through e-mail.

 Write a subject line

Example: CV of a fresh graduate

 Keep the message focused, short and readable.

 Write the e-mail in a formal way.
 Don't use caps look while typing all the e-mail
 Mention the attached CV in the e-mail
 Say why are you sending your CV
 Write the reasons that convince the employer to call you for an interview
 Ask for their feedback
 Thank the employer
 Attach your CV

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Participant Guide

Part 5 : Interviewing skills

I. How to prepare yourself for an interview

1) The first step “the call” for an interview:

 Greet the person calling and welcome her/him.
 Choose a positive attitude so it could be reflected on your voice.
 Ask the person calling
 Time and location of interview
 Who will I be meeting with?
 What is the person’s job title
 What type of interview (1 to 1 or panel)
 What is the contact number I can get back in case of facing emergency?

2) When you get the Interview:

 Research the company
 Review job posting, advertisement
 Review your resume
 Practice interview answers
 Prepare questions to ask the interviewer

3) On the day of the Interview:

 Wear professional dress code.
 Be clean and well groomed.
 Take copies of your CV and any required documents.
 Arrive 10 minutes early.
 Be alert, relaxed and ready to react.
 Make your mobile phone silent or switched off.

II. Ice breaking and Body language at interview

 Knock on the door before entering the interview room.
 Greet the interviewer.
 Use Mr. or Ms. un less asked to use first name.
 Let them offer to shake hands first.
 Take direction as to where to sit.
 Smile and make eye contact.
 Speak calmly, clearly, and confidently.
 Do not speak softly.
 Do not over-talk.
 Do not show arrogance.
 Do not make negative references to others.
 Don't lie.
 Listen carefully to questions and seek clarification if you are not sure of what is being
 If you are not comfortable claiming your achievements, no one will know them.

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 Do not focus on your responsibilities rather than your accomplishments .

Extra professional tips during the interview.

 Keep them business focused.
 Mentions skills that are relevant to the job.
 Back up what you say with examples.
 Be positive – never “badmouth” another employer.
 Show motivation and enthusiasm.

III. Interview questions and it's professional answers

1) Interviewing types and situations
 One to one
 Panel interviews
 Scenario and Role play
 Case interviews

2) Interview questions:
a. Tell me about yourself?
(Stay focused on those things about yourself that make you best qualified for the job.)

b. What are your strengths?

(Make sure you know them before you get to the interview).
Relate them to the job, Say your professional qualification, skills, knowledge or experience.
c. What are your weaknesses?
(Careful of this one. What you say can and will be held against t you.)
Talk about traits that could be improved
d. How did you hear about the position?

e. What do you know about the company?

(Say facts about the company).

f. Why do you want this job?

(Don’t mention the salary only but mention other things)
g. Why should we hire you?

h. What’s a time you exercised leadership?

i. How do you deal with pressure or stressful situation?

j. What motivates you?

k. How do you deal with conflicts?

l. What is your expected salary?

Know before the interview what is the market salary and how much you need.
Do not be the first one to mention a number.

More questions about your experience

a. How would your current (or last) boss describe you?
(Be honest . . . They may be talking to him/her)

b. How do you react to criticism?

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(This is not the time for ego)

c. Give an example of a risk you took at work or school and how it turned out?
What did you learn from the outcome?

3) Closing the Interview

 Be positive and leave good impression

 Do not ask whether you have been successful.
 Let them know that you want the job!
 Smile and say thank you

General tips for CV writing and Interviewing skills

 Get some work experience (even unpaid) during your long vacation.
 Participate in extra leadership activities.
 Get as much understanding as you can of different professions, jobs and industries.
 Begin to narrow down the jobs/industries/companies you are interested in.
 Attend recruiting events.

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Summary :

In this module, you learned how to:

 Write a professional CV
 Demonstrate the steps for applying for jobs
 Determine the interviewing skills.

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