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1. Rationale
Nowadays, corporate culture becomes an important factor in an organization. It
indirectly contributes to the making of any organizations’ success. Especially
in big companies, the culture takes part in enhancing the achievement of the
organization's goals and objectives, while making sure the employees stay
satisfied with their jobs.
Organizations have a unique culture that constitutes an inimitable
organizational competency against its competitors and provides a competitive
advantage (Barney, 1986; Hall, 1993; Peteraf, 1993; Wernerfelt, 1984). As a
result, in today's volatile and ever-changing business environment, the
preeminent leaders know the ways for shaping culture of their organizations
for achieving short and long-term goals (Kuratko & Welsch, 2004).
In today's setting, when the intense competition among traditional
commercial banks and digital banks to take up more market shares and
customer segments arises, the service qualities and customer satisfaction are
the top priorities, human resources becomes vital to any bank. When in
search of the best employees, recruiters would want to hire different people
from diverse cultures, educations, social relations, ideologies, characteristics…
Therefore, corporate culture is the important factor affecting the working
environment that sets each organization apart, aligns with the business’s
visions and creates diverse and unique policies to support those special
So how can banks become the ideal workplace for employees to
commit to in a long term? An ideal working environment is where the human
resources are impacted positively, pushed to extend the developments and
limitations and at the same time improved the human policies to create
satisfaction and minimize turnover, especially the talented and potential staff.
This is especially accurate in this time and place, since more and more
prominent bank names with attractive services appeared everyday.
However, in Vietnam, some companies that succeed in creating the
ideal environment to attract talents and retain the best workforce are the
foreign companies like Samsung and businesses in information technologies,
or multi-business groups such as FPT, VinGroup,... There are a few driving
factors to explain why they can make a difference in comparison to local
companies. Some of those can be listed, such as promoting teamwork,
appreciating innovation and creativity, recognition to individual’s progress
and achievement,... These purpose may not serve the purpose of creating the
best physical working condition, but they totally are for the mental of the
employees, to be dedicated to their work and the success of the organization.
In VietinBank- Hanoi branch, where there are more than 300
employees, it is very important to keep up and improve a prominent business
culture, especially when the staffs have undergone a vigorous hiring process
of selection, testing, and training to be able to work at the bank. After the
pandemic, many employees have to handle the effect of post-pandemic,
which cause a huge amount of employee to stop working. Whether it is the
benefits, the training, the policies or the stable in long term plan are effecting
the commitment to such demanding job, making use of the data from the
employees can be the optimal solution to this context. A research about “The
influence of corporation culture on employee commitment in VietinBank-
Hanoi branch” is crucial to optimize this strategy.

2. Objectives of the study

To determine and assess the influence of corporate culture on employee
commitment in VietinBank- Hanoi branch (VBH), thereby proposing solutions to
improve corporate culture in order to increase the commitment of employees to
the bank:
- Find, analyse previous research models and theories about the influence of
corporate culture to employee commitment.
- Figure the most effective factor that influence of corporate culture to
employee commitment.
- Systematize and propose theoretical models and practical issues related to
corporate culture factors.
- Evaluate the level of employee commitment in VBH, from there, find out the
advantages and disadvantages of the current corporate culture.
- Propose and suggest solutions and policies to improve the culture of VBH.

3. Research questions
- Which previous researches and theories are relevant to the topic?
- What factors affect the influence of corporate culture to the employee
commitment in VBH?
- Which factors influence the commitment of employees most?
- How different do demographic factors and culture factors impact the
commitment of employees?
- Which factor is most important to the commitment of the employee? Which
factors have the least impact on the employee’s commitment in VHB?
- What are the appropriate solutions to improve service quality and increase
customer satisfaction for digital banks in the future?

4. Research Overview
4.1. Overview of Corporate Culture
4.1.1. Definition of Culture
Culture plays a crucial role in our social lives. It is important for shaping social
relationships, maintaining and challenging social order, determining how we make sense
of the world and our place in it, and in shaping our everyday actions and experiences in
society. It is composed of both non-material and material things.
British anthropologist Edward Tyler is credited as he comes up with the first (1871)
“modern” definition of culture: “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief,
arts, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a
member of society.” Undoubtedly this definition influenced the shift toward current
dictionary definitions.
UNESCO defines the definition of culture as: “...the set of distinctive spiritual, material,
intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group, that encompasses, not
only art and literature, but lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions
and beliefs” (UNESCO, 2001).
Meanwhile, Professor, Dr. Ngo Dinh Giao defined culture as “a collection of traditional
values, ideas and beliefs that has been passed down and shared within a country”. He
also stated that “Culture is also a way of life, the ways of thinking passed from
generation to generation. Culture has different meanings for different ethnic groups,
because the cultural concept includes norms, values, customs ... ”
However, according to Professor Tran Ngoc Them, he stated: “Culture is an organic
system of material and spiritual values created by humans and accumulated through
practical activities, in human interaction with the natural environment and society
”(Tran Ngoc Them, Searching for Vietnamese Cultural Identities, Ho Chi Minh City
Publishing House, 1996)

4.1.2. Definition of Corporate Culture

“Corporate Culture”, also known as “Company Culture” or “Organizational Culture”, is a
concept that was introduced into management science in the late 1960s. Therefore,
there are currently many definitions for this concept.
A definition offered by Edgar Schein (1990) of MIT’s Sloan School of Management is that
organizational culture is: “a pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned
as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked
well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the
correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems.” In this study, he
categorized corporate culture into three fundamental categories: observable artifacts,
espoused values, and basic underlying assumptions. Later on, in 2004, Schein (2004)
represents social psycholog, thinks that organizational culture is a model of assumptions
that are created and developed by a group that has learned to overcome its internal and
external problems. A certain social and cultural model has grown because of a
subconscious learning process.
In the “Corporate Culture and Performance" in 1912, Kotter and Heskett mentioned
corporate culture is conceived as a belief and values shared in the organization, helping
to form employee behavior patterns. Whilst Ricardo and Jolly (1997) stated that the
concept often coupled with intangible values and beliefs apprehended and shared
among the organization’s members. These values and beliefs are exclusive within each
organization and help distinguish one from another. That culture defines and shapes
attitudes and behaviors of the human resources.

4.2. Overview of Employee Commitment

4.2.1. Definition of Employee Commitment
Commitment is defined as the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity; the
level of enthusiasm an employee has towards his/her tasks assigned at a workplace. It is
the feeling of responsibility that a person has towards the goals, mission, and vision of
the organization he/she is associated with.

4.2.2. The characteristics of Employee Commitment

Meyer and Her-scovitch (2001) also identified several bases for the development of
each of the three forms of commitment. They argued that the primary bases for the
development of affective commitment are personal involvement, identification with the
relevant target, and value congruence (cf. T. E. Becker, 1992; T. E. Becker et al.,1996).
Since long researchers have paid much attention to organizational culture as a factor
that affects performance of the firm by increasing employees commitment, making
them productive, enhancing their self-confidence, coordinating group or team work, and
reinforcing behaviors which are ethical (Deal & Kennedy, 1982; Ouchi & Wilkins, 1985).

4.2.3. The role of Employee Commitment to Corporate Culture

Meyer and Herscovitch (2001) stated commitment as a force that binds an individual to
a course of action. This implies that commitment is one among a set of energizing forces
that contributes to motivated (intentional) behavior.
It is argues that commitment can serve as a particularly powerful source of motivation
and can often lead to persistence in a course of action, even in the face of opposing
forces (cf. Brickman, 1987;Scholl, 1991).
In contrast, normative commitment develops as a function of cultural and organizational
socialization and the receipt of benefits that activate a need to reciprocate (Scholl, 1981;
Finally, continuance commitment develops as the result of accumulated investments, or
side bets (H. S. Becker, 1960), that would be lost if the individual discontinued a course
of action, andas a result of lack of alternatives to the present course (Powell &Meyer,
Organisational culture can be used to foster organisational commitment, convey a
philosophy of management, rationalise and legitimate activity, facilitate socialisation
and motivate employees (Ellson 2004:62).

5. Theoretical Framework
5.1. Domestic Research
- Hà Nam Khánh Giao, Bùi Nhất Vương (2016),“ảnh hưởng của các yếu tố VHDN
đến sự gắn bó đến tổ chức của nhân viên công ty cổ phần CMC Telecom ở
In the article, the authors mention 6 factors in the research model. The results show
factors - in terms of diminishing importance - on Employee Engagement
including: Job Creativity, Teamwork, Training and Development, Reward and
Recognition, Communication within the organization.

5.2. Foreign Research

5.2.1. Model of Research by Ricardo and Jolly (1997)
Ricardo and Jolly (1997) was identified dimension of organizational culture include
communication, training and development, rewards, decision making, risk taking,
planning, team work, and management practices. Teamwork, Communication,
Training-Development, and Reward-Recognition in most literatures as dimensions of
organizational culture and have greatest effect on employees' behavior commitment.
Figure: Model of Research by Ricardo and Jolly (1997)

5.2.2. Model of Research by Ramdhani et al. (2014 & 2017)

The formulation of the research logical framework presented in this study follows the
suggestion given by Ramdhani et al. (2014), Ramdhani and Ramdhani (2014). Discussion
focused on the framework of the relationship between organizationalculture on
employee commitment to organizational as illustrated on figure below.
Figure: Relationship of organizational culture on employee commitment to
organizational (Ramdhani et al., 2014)
Abdullah Ramdhani, Muhammad Ali Ramdhani, and Hilda Ainisyifa in 2017, Model
Conceptual Framework of Corporate Culture Influenced on Employees
Commitment to Organization also have a research where the result shows that
based on the literature review, the authors find that organizational culture is
related to employees' commitment to organization. The built of corporate
culture on the pattern of teamwork, communication, training development,
and reward-recognition will create a sense of belonging and employees
commitment to organization.

5.2.3. Model of Research by Syed M. et al (2012)

According to the author, coporate culture influences employee dedication
through a model where coporate culture is supported by 5 factors, including: Risk
taking by creavity and innovation, Training and development, Working
environment, Human orientation, and Orientations and future plans.
Figure: Model of Research by Syed M. et al (2012)

5.2.4. Model of Research by Islam, T., Ahmed, I. and Ahmad, U.N.B.U. (2015)
A two-stage approach was applied using structural equation modeling. In the
first stage, confirmatory factor analysis was applied, and in the second stage,
path coefficients were examined. The study found , perceived organizational
support and organizational learning culture were positively associated with
affective commitment but negatively associated with turnover intention. In
addition, structural equation modeling confirms that affective commitment
performs the role of mediator.
Figure: Model of Research by Islam, T., Ahmed, I. and Ahmad, U.N.B.U. (2015)

6. Proposed Framework and Hypothesis

6.1. Factors
6.1.1. Control variable
The demographic characteristics of employees play an important role in their
perceptions of organisational culture. According to Bellou (2010), Employees’
perceptions of organisational culture differ according to characteristics such as gender
and age (Bellou 2010:13). Employees’ values also change depending on their nationality,
age and education level (Hofstede, Neuijen, Ohayv & Sanders 1990:312). All in all,
previous research suggests that demographic variables impact corporate culture, which
in this research includes: Gender, Age, Education level, Position, Income, Working

6.1.2. Dependent factors Communication
Various theories and management policies suggest that there should be a positive
relationship between communication and commitment to the organization (Huff et
al., 1989). Good organizational communication between the employee and their
manager ensures they do their job well. Horizontal communications (informal, with
proximate colleagues, of socio-emotional content) are less strongly related to levels
of commitment at both organizational and unit level, than are vertical
communications (strategic information and communication with management).
Vertical communication from senior management predicts organizational commitment
best, whereas commitment with the unit is predicted better by vertical communication
at that level. Results are inconsistent with approaches to commitment in
organizations and teams that assume commitment stems from interpersonal relations,
but more consistent with approaches to organizational commitment based on a social
identity approach which tend to focus on social-level antecedents of commitment and
identification (Postmes et al., 2001). Another study examines links between
communication, organizational commitment, and perceived organizational support
using questionnaire data gathered from 244 university employees. Employee
perceptions regarding the top management‐employee communication relationship,
the quality of top management's communication, and superior‐subordinate
communication were strongly related to organizational commitment. Perceived
organizational support was influenced by the top management‐employee
communication relationship and the quality of co‐worker's and top management's
communication. Perceived support mediated the co‐worker communication‐
commitment relationships (Allen, 1992). Communication design can be conducted
indirectly, since there are a set of communication choices through a knowledge portal.
Knowledge portal is an important aspect to disseminate knowledge of organization
(Pamoragung et al., 2006).
H1: Communication is positively correlated with employee commitment in VBH. Teamwork
Teamwork may affect a person’s commitment. Teamwork occurs when group
members work together in ways that utilize their skill well to accomplish a purpose
(Schermerhorn, 2003). Teamwork refers to interpersonal activities that facilitate the
achievement of objectives (Colquitt et al., 2009). A person's commitment to the task
will be higher when the goals of organization is important considers and the team
have confidence of ability to achieve (Gary, 2009). Therefore, teamwork is the
willingness and ability to cooperate with others to become a meaningful part of the
team to achieve a solution that is beneficial to all parties so the solid teamwork will
make one's commitment increased to the organization (Purba, 2015). Teamwork can
be achieved when groups develop a sense of shared commitment and synergy among
members. The concept of teamwork is increasingly important as a corporate culture
in order to productivity and employees’ organizational commitment (Boon and
Arumugam, 2006; Sola et al., 2012).
A teamwork leads the persons to understand each other on their tasks in the
organization. Synergy and collaborative teamwork improve their performances. The
teamwork was built in a good atmosphere and will directly harmonize the employees,
with the result that they feel a part of integral to a model of "family" in the organization.
These models will direct the employees to have a high commitment to the
organization in achieving organizational goals.
H2: Teamwork is positively correlated with employee commitment in VBH. and Development

One way to gain corporate competitive advantage is through the increase of their
efforts to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes of their employees in order
to maximize organizational performance and ability to compete effectively (Aini Syifa,
2012). Wagonhurst (2002) stated that training and development as development of
skills, specifies measurable objectives, and should result in observable change in
behavior. Considering the cost of training and development programs are quite large,
corporations should evaluate the extent of benefits derived from training and
development programs being implemented. Here after, corporations provide
infrastructure facilities to provide opportunities for employees to develop themselves,
not only to reduce errors but reduce the overall costs associated with time, resources
and productivity. Training is a conscious and planned effort undertaken by the
organization to evaluate suitability and increase the capacity of employee’s to
perform their duties. It is believed that employee satisfaction on their abilities in
fulfilling their duties will increase their commitment to the organization.
H3: Training and Development is positively correlated with employee commitment in
VBH. Creativity and Innovation

Creativity and innovation are highly appreciated factors in many studies to enhance
employee's engagement with the organization. With the risk-taking to innovate,
research, and accept innovations, innovations, and new ideas from employees give
employees the incentive to contribute ideas to the organization. Research by Truong
Hoang Lam and Do Thi Thanh Vinh (2012) shows that taking risks for creativity and
innovation plays an important and positive role in enhancing employee engagement,
especially in the field of information technology and engineering. However, in other
industries, innovation and innovation are as important as education and finance
(Carville & Sudha, 2016).
H4: Creativity and Innovation is positively correlated with employee commitment in
VBH. Policies Fairness and Consistence

The role of the administrator is highly valued in many studies. Correct, consistent, and
workable policies can help staff safety mind and stay to work for a long time with the
organization. This factor has been proven in the study of Denison & Mishra (1995) and
Maister (2005). This factor is also considered as a measure of the professionalism of the
bank. Fair, consistent governance policies throughout implementation and
implementation that are expected to impact employee confidence and their pride in the
organization, motivating striving and strengthening commitment.
H5: Consistent and Fairness governance policies have a positive impact on employee
commitment in VBH. Reward and Recognition

Reward and recognition can be defined as increased salary, bonuses, and promotion
which are conferred of employees superior performance (Kambey et al., 2016). The
recognition is a process of giving an employee a certain status within an organization.
This is a very crucial factor towards an employee's motivation. Recognition
describes how the work of an employee is evaluated and how much the appreciation
he receives in return from the organization. It also specifies the way an organization
gives its employee the reward and status for his work and activities (Danish and
Usman, 2010) Reward is a one of attention from organization to employee for their
effort and contributions. Rewards as part of organization culture will influence
positively to employees commitments to organization. The author’s believe that the
system of reward and recognition will be affected on job satisfaction, where job
satisfaction is one of the objectives given awards to employees, and furthermore
increase the employees commitment to organization.
H6: Reward and Recognition has a positive impact on employee commitment in VBH. Long-term Vision

A long-term vision within the organization is important for defining the overall goals and
mission of the organization, and is also a guide to guide the actions of the employees
within the organization. Carville & Sudha (2016) shows that the long-term factor is
important in employee concentration. A clear, workable plan goal and orientation is
important in enhancing employee engagement. Phan Thi Minh Ly (2010) shows that the
clear and long-term vision of the leaders of commercial banks will create the confidence
for their employees in the future development of the bank, from which employees will
always actively contribute for long-term goals. In the current context, the banking
industry has many changes, the long-term development orientation is even more
important to reinforce the trust of employees in the bank to strengthen commitment.
H7: Orientation of long-term plans has a positive impact on employees' commitment
in VBH.

6.1.3. Proposed Research Model

Figure : Proposed Research Model
(Source: Author, 2020)
7. Research Method
7.1. Research Design
Figure : Research process flowchart
(Source: Author, 2020)

1. Secondary data: Finds ideas and topics through secondary data from
information channels such as the internet, books, newspapers, then select
and refer to documents that contribute to ideas, research topics. assist.
2. Research overview: Find the theoretical bases and research reviews
through topic-related from secondary data and topic decisions.
3. Research model: Draw out the factors affecting the passenger satisfaction
of the topic thanks to the research overview and secondary data.
4. Preliminary interview: To test the intelligibility of the stated definitions
and modify the model, the research team interviewed 3 clients who used
to use the digital banking model
5. Distribution of questionnaires: After the preliminary interview, the
research team build up a questionnaire, and proceed to distribute the
questionnaires directly.
6. Analyzing and assessing the impact of factors: through secondary data, in-
depth interviews and sociological surveys, analyze the data and make an
assessment of the impact of factors by using spss software.
7. In-depth interviews: Through the results obtained, conduct interviews
with 3 bank employees.
8. Recommendations: from data, evaluation of factors give
recommendations and suggestions to improve customer satisfaction.
9. Completion: Synthesize and complete the report.

This topic combines quantitative and qualitative research. When doing quantitative
surveys, the team distributes the survey questionnaires and collects the data to be
analyzed and processed. However, because of the limitation of the number of survey
questions, it is not possible to deeply understand the causes leading to the choices and
assessments of each survey object. Combining qualitative research methods, namely
conducting in-depth interviews with a number of employees, will overcome this
shortcoming to explain the general evaluation trend of bank staff. This also gives a more
general perspective on the current state and policy of the bank. From there, make
conclusions and propose the most complete solution.

7.2. Data Collect Method

7.2.1. Primary data Survey design
- Objective: Collect employee’s personal opinion as well as their assessment of the
current working culture in VBH.
- Sample size: 300 staffs.
The survey questionnaire consisted of qualitative questions in combination with
quantitative questions. In terms of demographics, the group is divided into three main
groups of education level: high school graduate, university graduate, master and
doctoral degree; and three monthly income levels: Less than 5 million dong; from 5 to
10 million dong; over 10 million dong. In terms of working characteristics, the group
divided the number of working period into 3 levels: less than 1 year, 1-3 years, and over
3 years. Current working position has 2 levels: staff level, manager level.
Quantitative surveys use the scale scale or the ladder scale instead of the nominal scale.
After considering between the Likert and Stapel scales, the team decided to choose the
Likert scale because of the advantages of measuring the positive numbers, convenient in
processing and analyzing data later.
Focus on analyzing the factors affecting customer satisfaction using Digital Banking
instead of measuring customer satisfaction. Therefore, the set of observed variables in
the study is measured on a 5-point Likert scale with the following scales: 1- Strongly
disagree, 2- Disagree, 3- Neutral, 4- Agree, 5- Strongly agree Italy. From there to
processing the data, digitizing the results obtained and starting to analyze the impact of
these observed variables on customer satisfaction. Interview
Interviews were conducted with the purpose of serving as a basis for adjusting the
wording of the scale, research model and the stated concepts. Apply qualitative
method, conduct interviews with 3 employees at VHB in 5 to 15 minutes.
In general, staff members recognize the factors the research team recommends that
affect customer satisfaction. Such factors include: Communication, Teamwork, Training
and Development, Creativity and Innovation, Policies Fairness and Consistence, Reward
and Recognition and Long-term Vision. When being introduced to definitions of groups
of influencing factors and questions about observed variables, the staff commented that
they were easy to understand. Then edit some expressions to ensure the survey results
will be more reliable with the research topic and more convenient in data analysis in the
following steps.

7.2.2. Secondary data

The secondary data is related to the theoretical issues of the coporate culture, the
progress of culture throughout the years, public documents, news and reports on
business and personal situation at VHB in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.
Moreover, based on published reports, related topic researches, articles both domestic
and international in professional journals, magazine, newspaper, also informations on
the Internet as references.

7.3. Research Analyse Method

Data from survey questionnaires were synthesized, recovered and classified by the
research team. Then, the research team made preliminary statistics by means of mean,
variance, standard deviation combined with graphs, tables, frequency tables through
Excel software.
The team analyzed the encrypted data using SPSS software. The scales are preliminarily
assessed through these steps:
- Test the reliability of Crobach Alpha coefficients.
- Test the fit of KMO model.
- EFA (Explpratory Factor Analysis).
- Pearson Correlation Analysis.
- Regression Analysis.

8. Scope Of The Study

The study researches the impact of corporate culture on the commitment of employees
who are working at VBH.
- Spatial scope: VietinBank - Hanoi branch at number 6, Ngo Quyen Street, Hoan
Kiem District, Ha Noi.
- Time scope: the research was conducted over a period of 2 months from
01/10/2020 to ….

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