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Title: Navigating the Complexity of Writing a Literature Review on Organizational Culture

Embarking on the journey of writing a literature review on organizational culture can be a daunting
task for many. It requires a meticulous approach, extensive research, and the ability to synthesize vast
amounts of information into a cohesive narrative. The intricacies involved in exploring the
multifaceted concept of organizational culture demand a keen eye for detail and a comprehensive
understanding of the subject matter.

One of the primary challenges of writing a literature review on organizational culture is the sheer
volume of existing literature. The topic spans various disciplines, including sociology, psychology,
management, and anthropology, among others. Navigating through this vast sea of academic papers,
books, and articles can be overwhelming, requiring significant time and effort to sift through relevant

Furthermore, the dynamic nature of organizational culture adds another layer of complexity. As
organizations evolve and adapt to changing environments, so too does the discourse surrounding
their cultures. Staying abreast of the latest research and theories in the field is essential for producing
a literature review that is both current and insightful.

Another challenge lies in the process of synthesizing diverse perspectives and findings into a
coherent narrative. Organizational culture is a nuanced concept with various dimensions, including
values, beliefs, norms, and rituals. Integrating these different aspects while maintaining a clear and
logical structure can be a daunting task for even the most experienced researchers.

Given the complexities involved, many individuals find themselves in need of assistance when
writing a literature review on organizational culture. This is where ⇒ ⇔ comes in.
With a team of experienced writers who specialize in organizational culture and related fields, ⇒ ⇔ offers professional assistance to those seeking to navigate the intricacies of
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By leveraging their expertise and knowledge, ⇒ ⇔ can help you craft a literature
review that is comprehensive, well-researched, and academically sound. Whether you're struggling to
find relevant sources, struggling to synthesize complex ideas, or simply feeling overwhelmed by the
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Don't let the challenges of writing a literature review on organizational culture hold you back. Trust
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Such a culture gives a competitive advantage to companies in the hospitality industry by helping
them differentiate themselves from others. If the leader can direct the efforts of opposing values
towards one corporate value cultural competence is achieved.ReferencesAltman Y. Knowledge
Management 0.96 0.44 Not significant since p value is greater than 0.05. Starbucks Corporation is an
example of a people-oriented culture. After their analyses, they offered the following
definition:Culture consist of patterns, explicit and implicit, of behaviour acquired and transmitted by
symbols, constituting the distinctive achievement of human groups, including their embodiment in
artifacts: the essential core of culture consists of traditional (i. An oft-neglected theme is the impact
of the quality improvement initiative within the organisation itself. It is for this reason that Schein’s
(1985) definitions are seen as the dominant framework for culture (Hatch 1997). V. Predicting the
Outcome Variable - Multiple Regression Analysis. Research often shows that many organisations
failed to read the business environment and created or maintained a culture that did not give the
organisation an edge over its competitors (Brown, 1995).Performance outcomes tend to be governed
by the culturally expected behaviours of individuals in the company (Cudaback 2000). The corporate
culture should be one to enhance economic performance without loosing the sight of different
cultures, which exist within the firm. Capture 16.78 0.00 Significant since p value is less than 0.05. A
total of 18 intentionally chosen managers participated. Libraries of Higher Educational Institutions in
Qatar. This paper explores organizational culture in general, some definitions and implications of
organizational culture are reviewed from different perspectives, and Cliffe's cultural themes are
addressed with the use of Scholes' cultural web and Hofstede's onion diagram model of
organizational culture. It appears that the comparison of visible aspects of culture across and within
organizations can provide useful information for guiding the directions of organizations. These
organizations aim to coordinate and align individual effort for greatest levels of efficiency. Research
Question 3: Is there a relationship between organizational culture and its. The study was conducted
among the employees of Nigerian commercial banks. If there is not an alignment between
environment and culture, managers should consider techniques to transform the culture. The
proposed research study concludes with the belief that appropriate handling of workplace diversity
may lead to more committed, pleased, and high-performing employees, as well as make the
organization a more efficient workplace. Application 0.21 0.89 Not significant since p value is greater
than 0.05. They are also asked to play the role of an OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health
Administration) inspector for a day to become more aware of the hidden dangers in the workplace.
Such elements influence the management of patient quality and safety, as there is low adherence to
change proposals. If this value system matches the organizational environment, the company
outperforms its competitors. T herefore, in addition to understanding the broader organization’s
values, managers will need to make an effort to understand subculture values to see its impact on
workforce behavior and attitudes. A month into the job, Alvin began having difficulty getting the
reports he needed for his own forecasting and trends reporting. In. Defining Corporate
CultureCorporate Culture is a characteristic of the organisation, not of individuals; however, the
measure of organisational culture is emanates from individuals. A culture that emerges within
different departments, branches, or geographic locations is called a subculture. The cognitive
perspective relates closely to Schein’s Levels Two and Three. The company pays employees above
minimum wage, offers health care and tuition reimbursement benefits to its part-time as well as full-
time employees, and has creative perks such as weekly free coffee for all associates.
The first challenge is to operationalise the definition of organisational culture. The studies reviewed
focused more on cross-national research design with less attention on the longitudinal aspect.
Variables Clan Adhocracy Market Hierarchy Creation Capture Organization Storage Dissemination
Application KM. Within the same organization, marketing and manufacturing departments often
have different cultures such that the marketing department may emphasize innovativeness, whereas
the manufacturing department may have a shared emphasis on detail orientation. Although the
culture literature has at times focused on the culture of an organization as shared basic assumptions
(Schein, 1985), or as metaphors within organizations (Morgan, 1986, 1997), it is not sufficient to
attempt to understand and measure them. Capture 16.78 0.00 Significant since p value is less than
0.05. Accounting in this regard, takes into account not only the financial capital, but also the
intellectual capital, and their collaborated bearing on a well-developed value proposition. Accounting
systems exist and function in a nuanced format, which has a direct bearing on organizational culture,
especially through efficient distribution of finances across various operative mediums within the
organization, which are in turn, proportionate with optimizing revenue generation through
performance. Qatar. This will help library directors and managers to take strategic. Hofstede (2001, p.
29) describes the masculinity versus femininity dimension as “related to the division of emotional
roles between men and women. Dissemination 2.08 0.09 Not significant since p value is greater than
0.05. It is crucial, however, that those responding to a survey instrument actually report underlying
values and assumptions (culture), not just superficial attitudes or perception (climate)” (p. 135). The
following are the four key Confucian principles as described by Hofstede (2001):1. Testing for
Significance of Relationship between Variables. Related to the nature of human group behaviours,
the concept has been promoted in the areas of anthropology, sociology, organisational and social
psychology—all leading to varying perspectives on cultures (Schein, 1990). In other words, in these
cultures employees are engaged in their jobs and personally invested in improving customer
experience such that they identify issues and come up with solutions without necessarily being told
what to do. Storage 1.92 0.11 Not significant since p value is greater than 0.05. Capture 3.67 0.01
Significant since p value is less than 0.05. The company also places emphasis on training intact work
teams. Employees participate in twice daily meetings named “morning overview meetings” (MOM)
and daily afternoon discussions (DAD) where they collaborate to understand sources of problems
and determine future courses of action. Its bureaucratic culture is blamed for killing good ideas in
early stages and preventing the company from innovating. Intel’s response was to be open about the
problem, but it statistically downplayed the severity of it. Knowledge Management Assessment
Instrument (KMAI) to. This construct of ideas and thoughts on paper is a good start but does non
thoroughly define literature. SummaryA review of the literature suggests that the definition of
corporate culture can be centred in a social context (Hofstede et al. They continue:Simply stated,
successful companies have developed something special that supersedes corporate strategy, market
presence, or technological advantages. Organization, Storage, Dissemination and Application.
However, the management, while operating these changes, frequently overlook the necessary
changes that are required to do away with the shortcomings of a traditional accounting system. The
term power distance is derived from research into the emotional distance between subordinates and
their supervisors. Research shows that strong cultures lead to more stable corporate performance in
stable environments. Literature takes many signifiers and has evolved over clip along.
These organizations truly live the mantra that “people are their greatest asset.” In addition to having
fair procedures and management styles, these companies create an atmosphere where work is fun
and employees do not feel required to choose between work and other aspects of their lives. Trying
new things and prospecting for opportunities. To browse and the wider internet faster
and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Correlation is significant at
the 0.05 level (2-tailed). This paper deals with the very sensitive sector of health care in which
medical staff provide citizens with health care services. Creation 1.38 0.24 Not significant since p
value is greater than 0.05. This article examines the related concepts of organisational culture,
organisational learning and total quality management and shows how a synthesis of this knowledge
can assist in develop ingcontinuous organisational learning and improvement. The norm in the
company is to examine the present to better understand and position the company for its future.
Based on the dimensions of OCP, how would you characterize its culture. For example, a British
Airways baggage handler noticed that first-class passengers were waiting a long time for their
baggage, whereas stand-by passengers often received their luggage first. The Mirriam-Webster
dictionary defines literature as: Hagiographas in prose or poetry; particularly Hagiographas holding
excellence of signifier or look and showing thoughts of permanent or universal involvement. These
findings indicate that engaging with a quality improvement program can change the nature of social
interactions within the organisation. One typology that has received a lot of research attention is the
organizational culture profile (OCP), in which culture is represented by seven distinct values. While
both can represent a company’s performance, it is important to identify whose performance is being
measured in order to assure accuracy.The firm’s corporate culture should be like a melting pot where
employees and partners with their diverse talent could create a “salad bowl”, where each one is
different but when they come together, they create synergies, which lead to an excellent work.
Values are the assumptions that have been forwarded by the leaders of the organization and
considered to be ideals that are desired by all the members of an organization. It was applied the
correlation to evaluate connection r among criteria of three areas: best practices in diversity
management, teamwork climate and employee turnover rates. Rather, members appear to have
internalised the norms of behaviour and are relying upon their own resources to meet the
expectations of the culture.;Effects, Performance and Measurement of Corporate CultureConsider
the financial effectiveness of a company whose culture is not well defined. A pilot study to test the
reliability of the instruments with a random sample. In organizations where safety-sensitive jobs are
performed, creating and maintaining a safety culture provides a competitive advantage, because the
organization can reduce accidents, maintain high levels of morale and employee retention, and
increase profitability by cutting workers’ compensation insurance costs. A culture’s content is more
likely to affect the way employees think and behave when the culture in question is strong. It is
crucial, however, that those responding to a survey instrument actually report underlying values and
assumptions (culture), not just superficial attitudes or perception (climate)” (p. 135). However, the
management, while operating these changes, frequently overlook the necessary changes that are
required to do away with the shortcomings of a traditional accounting system. Storage 1.28 0.28 Not
significant since p value is greater than 0.05. Employees are empowered to resolve customer
problems in ways they see fit. Collectivism stands for a society in which people from birth onwards
are integrated into strong, cohesive in-groups, which throughout people’s lifetime continue to protect
them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty.Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars (2000) addressed the
same concept labelling them individualism and communitarianism. Keywords: Organizational
Culture, Leadership, Leadership Styles, Organizational Performance Composed of values, beliefs,
norms, language, symbols, and habits, an organization's culture is the systematic way that employees,
leaders, and work groups behave and interact with each other. Dissemination 2.08 0.09 Not
significant since p value is greater than 0.05. Creation -0.66 0.51 Not significant since p value is
greater than 0.05. Knowledge Management 0.81 0.52 Not significant since p value is greater than
0.05. A process that helps organizations find, select, organize, disseminate.
Related to the nature of human group behaviours, the concept has been promoted in the areas of
anthropology, sociology, organisational and social psychology—all leading to varying perspectives
on cultures (Schein, 1990). Keywords: Organizational Culture, Leadership, Leadership Styles,
Organizational Performance Composed of values, beliefs, norms, language, symbols, and habits, an
organization's culture is the systematic way that employees, leaders, and work groups behave and
interact with each other. Application -0.25 0.81 Not significant since p value is greater than 0.05. The
reason behind this collaborative effort involves financial incentives for forged team performance.
Each concentrated on ways of mitigating the negative effects of hierarchy. For example, logger,
aircraft pilot, fishing worker, steel worker, and roofer are among the top 10 most dangerous jobs in
the United States. Disruptive Innovation and Accreditation in Christian Higher Education for the. It
concludes that an effective organization culture promotes the organization competitiveness. The final
component, a roadmap, was developed to reflect the most appropriate direction for organizati. The
data was analyzed for getting the research purposes. The investigation was done by distributing 100
questionnaires to the IT Companies management team in Salem District. This fundamental belief
forces managers to embrace and comprehend the concept of workplace diversity, its barriers and
benefits. These cultures also stress fairness, competition, and performance. Storage -0.66 0.51 Not
significant since p value is greater than 0.05. This initiative met with substantial resistance, and many
high-level employees left during his first year. The cognitive perspective relates closely to Schein’s
Levels Two and Three. It is crucial, however, that those responding to a survey instrument actually
report underlying values and assumptions (culture), not just superficial attitudes or perception
(climate)” (p. 135). Libraries of Higher Educational Institutions in Qatar. In 2005, the company
implemented a results oriented work environment (ROWE) program that allows employees to work
anywhere and anytime; they are evaluated based on results and fulfillment of clearly outlined
objectives. Organization 11.00 0.00 Significant since p value is less than 0.05. Storage 1.92 0.11 Not
significant since p value is greater than 0.05. If this value system matches the organizational
environment, the company outperforms its competitors. Clan culture is a friendly working place
where people share themselves. It will be interesting to see whether he will bring the same
competitive approach to the world of philanthropy. Organisational practices, on the other hand, are
learned through socialisation at the work place, which most people enter as adults—that is, with the
bulk of their values firmly in place” (p. 394). If there is not an alignment between environment and
culture, managers should consider techniques to transform the culture. Submission to power is the
earliest formative experience in human life (Wrong, 1980, p. Organization 0.62 0.61 Not significant
since p value is greater than 0.05. Sociability is the degree of friendship interactions among members.
Creation 4.82 0.00 Significant since p value is less than 0.05.

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