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The Debate about Quantitative and Qualitative Research: A Question of Method or

Author(s): Alan Bryman
Source: The British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 35, No. 1 (Mar., 1984), pp. 75-92
Published by: Wiley on behalf of The London School of Economics and Political Science
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Accessed: 13/02/2015 21:55

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Alan Bryman

The debate about quantitativeand

qualitativeresearch:a questionof method
or epistemology?

The maindimensionsof the debateaboutthe relativecharacteristics

and merits of quantitativeand qualitativemethodology are out-
lined, emphasizingthe philosophicalissues which underpinmuch
of the discussion.A distinctionis drawnbetween epistemological
and technicalissues in relationto the controversy.Threeareasare
then selected which demonstratea tendency for the debate to
oscillate between epistemologicaland technical modes of ex-
pression. The question is raised as to whether it is possible to
establish a clear symmetry between epistemologicalpositions
(e.g. phenomenology, positivism) and associated techniques of
social research (e.g. participantobservation,social survey). The
conclusion is sceptical about the extent to which a neat corre-
spondencecan currentlybe established.

Over the past fifteen years, the debate over the relative virtuesof
quantitative and qualitativemethodology has gained considerable
impetus. While the exact constitution of the two methodologies
varies somewhat from author to author or is defined with varying
degrees of specificity, there is substantial agreement about the
fundamental antinomies and their practical implications for the
conduct of research.One of the difficulties,however,in representing
the divergenciesbetween the two methodologies, derives from a
tendency for philosophicalissues and technicalissues to be treated
simultaneouslyand occasionallyto be confused.Philosophicalissues
relate to questionsof epistemology,i.e. the appropriatefoundation
for the study of society andits manifestations.By contrast,technical
issuesbespeakthe considerationof the superiorityor appropriateness
of methods of researchin relation to one another. Much of the
recent methodologicalliteraturesees the latter as derivingfrom the
TheBritishJournalof Sociology VolumeXXXV NumberI


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76 Alan Bryman

former,i.e. the choice of a particularepistemologicalbaseleadsto a

preference for a particularmethod on the grounds of its greater
appropriatenessgiven the precedingphilosophicaldeliberations.As
we shall see, the two forms of argumentoccasionallybecome con-
fused with each other, and this is particularlyso when writershave
soughtto articulatethe relationshipsbetweenthe two methodologies.
In addressingthese issues the term 'methodolotgy' whetherdescribed
as quantitativeor qualitative,will referto an epistemologicalposition;
'method'and 'technique'will be used synonymouslyto referto ways
of gatheringdata. As such, 'method' and 'methodology' indicate
different levels of analysis, and since the two terms are often used
interchangeablylit is of considerableimportanceto distinguishthe
relevantrealmsof discourse.
In the 1950s and 1960s it was not uncommonto find discussions
of the relative advantagesand disadvantagesof social surveysand
participationobservation.2A solution to many of the discussions
seemed to lie in Trow's apparentlysound advice that 'the problem
under investigationproperlydictates the methodsof investigation'.3
This is a highly seductive solution in that it would appear that
whoever argues against it is likely to be implying the absolute
superiority of one particulartechnique, a position that requiresa
good deal of confidence in one's choice. In more recent years, the
nature of the debate seems to have changedsomewhatin that dis-
cussions centre upon comparisonsof quantitativeand qualitative
methods or methodologies. A prominent feature has been the
emergenceof textbooks dealingalmost exclusivelywith qualitative
methods,4 along with journals which focus exclusively on data
drawn from these methods (notably QualitativeSociology, Urban
Life and Anthropologyand EducationQuarterly),as well as special
issues of journals with a more general readershipdevoted to dis-
cussions of qualitativemethods.S In large part, these expositions
comprise a contrast between the two forms of methodology by
writers who either are themselvesusersof qualitativemethodology
or are rather sympatheticto it. Quantitativemethodologistsseem
rarelyto write about the natureof theirresearchactivityin contrast
to plausiblealternatives.Much of our currentunderstandingabout
the fundamentalsof quantitativemethodologyand its epistemological
distinctness from qualitative methodology derives from writers
within the latter tradition.This is not to suggestthat the depiction
of quantitativemethodology is necessarilyinaccurate;indeed many
of the expositionsreveala very clear understandingof (albeita lack
of sympathy with) its essential characteristics.The distinction
between quantitativeand qualitativemethodology has been elab-
orated not only in sociology, but also in related fields such as
evaluation research,6 educational research7 and organizational

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The debateabout quantitativeand qualitativeresearch 77

In some eases writers have ehosen not to use the quantitative/

qualitativedistinetionand have insteadused terms whieh have been
used as synonyms. The terms 'positivist' and 'empirieist' often
denote the same fundamental approaeh as 'quantitative',while
'naturalistie' field researeh, 'ethnographie', 'interpretivist', and
'eonstruetivist'are sometimesused instead of 'qualitative'.9What-
ever the nomenelature,what is inereasinglyapparentin the literature
dealing with researehmethodology is a tendeney to talk about the
distinetivenessof (and oeeasionallyeompatibilitybetween) quanti-
tative and qualitativemethodologiesas againstpartieularteehniques.
Whethersurveysare 'better' than partieipantobservationseems to
have beeome a question that is rarely addressed.Whetherthis is a
signifieantshift in emphasisand some of its eonsequeneesare the
foei of this paper.



Quantitativemethodology is routinely depieted as an approaehto

the eonduet of soeial researehwhieh appliesa naturalseienee, and
in partieulara positivist, approaehto soeial phenomena.The para-
phernaliaof positivismare eharaeterizedtypieallyin the methodologi-
eal literature as exhibiting a preoeeupationwith operationaldefi-
nitions, objeetivity,replieability,eausality,and the like.10The soeial
survey is typieally seen as the preferredinstrument of researeh
within this tradition beeause it ean apparentlybe readily adapted
to sueh eoneerns. Through questionnaireitems eoneepts ean be
operationalized;objeetivity is maintainedby the distanee between
observerand observedalong with the possibilityof externaleheeks
upon one's questionnaire;replication ean be earried out by em-
ployinstgthe same researehinstrumentin another eontext; and the
problem of causality has been eased by the emergence of path
analysis and relatedregressiontechniquesto which surveysare well
suited. Researchof this kind is frequentlydeseribedas beingpositisist
or empiricist.In attributingto it labels of this kind an essentially
epistemologiealpoint is being made, namely that researehof this
genre is underpinnedby a distinctive theory of what should pass
as warrantableknowledge.Surveysare seen as instrumentsfor the
elucidation of researehwhich makes sueh epistemologicalassump-
tions, though experimentaldesigns and seeondaryanalyses of pre-
collected data are also often recognized as exhibiting the same
QualitativemethodoloXJdiffers in a number of ways. The sine
qua non is a commitmentto seeingthe social world fromthe point of
view of the actor,a themewhichis rarelyomittedfrommethodological

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78 Alan Bryman

writingswithin this tradition.Clearstatementsof this emphasiscan

be discernedin a broadrangeof writings.ll Becauseof the commit-
ment to see throughthe eyes of one's subjectsclose involvementis
advocated. There is a simultaneousexpressionof preferencefor a
contextual understandingso that behaviouris to be understoodin
the context of meaningsystems employed by a particulargroup or
society.l2 Qualitativeresearchis deemedto be much more fluidand
flexible than quantitativeresearchin that it emphasizesdiscovering
novel or unanticipatedfindingsandthe possibilityof alteringresearch
plans in response to such serendipitousoccurrences.l3This is con-
trastedsharplywith the quantitativemethodologist'sresearchdesign
with its emphasisupon fixed measurements,hypothesis(or hunch)
testing, and a much less protractedform of fieldworkinvolvement.
The philosophical underpinningsof qtlalitativemethodology are
typically attributedto phenomenology,14 Verstehen 1 5 and symbolic
interactionism.l6Many of these writersview the phenomenolosgical
theme as the most fundamentalone, symbolic interactionismand
Verstehen being prominent examples of its basic premises. The
contrastwith what is variouslycalledpositivismand a naturalscience
approachis ever present among these writers.The point about the
phenomenologicalposition is that it takes the actor's perspective
as the empiricalpoint of departure.Positivistapproachesare taken
to exhibit a tendency for the researcherto view events from the
outside and from the point of view of a clusterof empiricalconcerns
which are imposed upon social reality with little referenceto the
meaning of the observationsto the subject of investigation.While
the possibilitiesof phenomenologically-based researchtraditionare
occasionally questioned,l7 influential writers like Schutz clearly
left open the possibility of such a perspectiveby claimingthat it
may be necessary to 'abandon the strictly phenomenological
method'l8 in order to carry out the study of the social world. His
contrast between a naturalscience approachwhich sees people as
inert and a phenomenologicalapproachwhich seeks to focus upon
the lived experienceof peoplel9 providesa key-noteof this tradition.
In order to proceed with researchinto the social world which is
informedby epistemolotpcalprinciplesof this kind, researchmethods
are necessary which facilitate an inside view. Unstructuredinter-
viewingand life histories(the latterto a lesserextent) are frequently
mentionedas providingappropriatevehicles,but aboveall participant
observationis the most favouredtechnique.'Participantobservation'
is a ratherbroad term, in that not only does it encapsulatea wide
rangeof observationalpractices,it is also used to denote a fieldwork
strategy which includes generalinterviewing,usually of a relatively
unstructuredkind, the perusalof documents, and the interviewing
of key informants.But it is the ability of the participantobserver
to get close to his subjectsand so see the worldfrom theirperspective

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Thedebateabout quantitativeand qualitativeresearch 79

that is its chief attraction.In so doing qualitativeresearchersproduce

data which they often call 'rich'20by which is meant data with a
great deal of depth. Survey data are typically seen as deficient in
this respect for they provide superficial evidence on the social
world, winkling out the causal relationshipsbetween arbitrarily
chosen variableswhich have little or no meaningto those individuals
whose social worlds they aremeantto represent.Blumer's2lcritique
of 'variableanalysis'still stands as one of the most incisiveattacks
on such research, and is widely accepted within the qualitative
What is clear from the variousdiscussionsabout these two meth-
odologies is that they are being explicated at an epistemological
level and an attempt is then made to establisha link betweenit and
a technicallevel, i.e. the practiceof socialresearch.The epistemologi-
cal nature of the discussionis occasionallyreinforcedby recourseto
the term 'paradigm'-usually in a Kuhniansense-to denote the
two traditions.22In so far as paradigmsare meant to be incommen-
surable, then it is even clearerthat two divergentepistemological
bases are being expounded.In the context of this kind of discussion
the question of techniquesof investigationis no longerwhetherA is
'better' than B, but is A the appropriatetechnique in terms of a
particularset of epistemologicalpremisesX? Proponentsof qualitative
methodology justify their preference for participant observation
by reference to its ability to meet a prior set of epistemological
requirements,which have been summarisedbrieflyabove.The social
surveyis seen as relevantto a differentintellectualtradition,i.e. one
informed by the preoccupationsof a natural science approach.
As Johnson has argued,the revivalof interest in participantobser-
vation and field research 'is related to the abstract intellectual
debates in a very fundamentalway'.23 This implies that the surge
of interest in phenomenologicalideas, along with a resurgenceof
interest in symbolic interactionism,led to an increasein participant
observationand associatedresearchtechniques.It may also be the
case that for some social scientists,a disillusionmentwith the spread
of quantificationin researchled to a flirtationwith methods which
had often been seen as impressionistic,or unscientific,and the spread
of phenomenologicalwriting provided a ready-madejustification
for theirresearch.
The apparentlinking of more abstractphilosophicalissues with
questions of researchpractice appearsa more sophisticatedway of
treatingthe comparabilityof differentmethodsof investigationthan
a direct juxtaposition in terms of relative superiority.It is also
apparent that the notion of the 'appropriateness'of a particular
method is different.In Trow'swidely quoted observation(see above)
it is the problemthat determinesthe techniqueto be employed. It
is not preciselyclear what this means,but the notion of a problem

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doesnot seem to includethe more philosophicaldeliberations which

have been in operationin recent years. In this latter milieu it is not
somuch a problemthat determines the use of a particular technique
buta prior intellectualcommitmentto a philosophicalposition. these
problem is then presumably formulated within the context of
commitments. This suggestion also makes some sense in terms of
theindividualbiographiesof many socialresearchers,most of whom
doseem to be weddedto a particularresearchtechniqueor tradition. up
Fewresearcherstraversethe epistemologicalhiatus which opens
betweenthe researchtraditions.
One peculiarityof the variouswritingswhich have spawnedthese
debatesis the fact that it is the terms'quantitative'and 'qualitative'
whichare used as symbols or referencepoints for the intellectual
undercurrents. Yet the question of the presence or absence of
quantitative data is but a superficialmanifestationof the underlying
epistemological issues. Indeed, neither directly signifiesthe clusters
of commitmentsfor which they are presVmedto stand. There
fewhard-nosedpositivists who would deny the validity of at least
somequalitativematerial;while many participantobserversemploy a
a modicum of quantitativeevidence in their research,albeit of
rudimentarykind, or alternativelyuse a variety of 'quasi-statistical'
terms,as Gans24calls them. Whilesuch considerationsof degree that
quantificationshould not be forgotten, it is slightly puzzling
it is this particulardimension of the debate that is taken as
terminological focus.


It has been observedabove that the quantitative/qualitative distinc-

tion has become one whichin largepart derivesfrom epistemologicalbe
issues and that questions of researchtechnique are taken to
systematicallyrelated to these issues. This seems to be a quite
different form of argument from that which takes place when
writers distinguishbetween methods or techniques.Trow's dictum
that problems determine methods is essentially a reference onlyto a
technical rather than an epistemologicalissue. It suggestsnot
that one techniquecan never be inherentlysuperiorto its supposed in
alternatives,but also that a techniqueis likely to be more useful to
some contexts than others. Others, like Zelditch2s have sought
systematizesuch considerationsby delineatingthe linkagesbetween
objects and techniques.An example of the object-techniquenexus
can be discernedin the suggestionby Warwickand Liningerthat:
The samplesurveyis an appropriateand useful meansof gathering
informationunderthreeconditions;when the goalsof the research

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Thedevbato and qualitativerssearch
about quant-itative

call for quantitativedata, when the informationsought is reason-

ably specific and familiar to the respondents, and when the
researcherhimself has considerableprior knowledgeof particular
problems and the range of responses likely to emerge. All of
these conditions are met in the areasof researchthat have been
the traditionalstrongholdsof the survey-- publicopinionbvoting,
attitudesand beliefs,and economicbehaviour.
Participantobservationis usually more appropriatewhen the
study requires an examination of complex social relationships
or intricate patterns of interaction; ... when the investigator
desires first-hand behavioural information on certain social
processes,such as leadershipand influence in a smallgroup;when
a majorgoal of the study is to constructa qualitativecontextual
picture of a certain situation or flow of events; and when it is
necessary to infer latent value patterns or belief systems from
such behaviour as ceremonialpostures, gestures, dances, facial
expressionsor subtleintlectionsof the voice.26
Such argumentsare 'technical'in that they simplyseek to demarcate
those substantiveissues or domainsin which particularmethods of
investigationare appropriateor inappropriate.Thereis a myriadof
technical reasonswhy participantobservationis preferableto social
surveysin such a sense or vice versa.The final lines of Gans'classic
studyor the Levittownerstell the readerthat 'Themail questionnaires
and interviewsprovidedmore systematicallycollected data and are
thus more scientific in one sense, althoughless so in another, for
they can only reportwhat people say they do and feel, andnot erhat
a researcherhas seen them say, do and feel'.27 In other words, the
gap between word and deed maE give participantobservationa
technical edge over a survey, particularlywrhenthe possibilityof a
disjuncture may be problematic. In another classic participant
observer study, Whyte28 notes that a questionnaireto delineate
the distributionof the attitudesof racketeersis not a feasibleunder-
taking.Considerationsof these kinds are boundup with researchers'
judgments about technical viability and are quite distinct from
philosophicaldebateswllich arguefor the superiorityof a particular
epistemological bedrock from which considerations of method
then emerge.
The more recent mode of discussingmethods of investigationin
terms of appropriateknowledgebases occasionallyloses sight of its
position by vacillatingbetween an epistemologicallevel or mode of
discussionon the one hand and a technicalone on the other. This
reveals itself in three main areas each of which forms the subject
of the subsequentsections.
(i) Techniqueand Sensitivity One of the argumentsthat is often

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82 Alan Bryman
proferred in supportof
techniquesaremoresensitive qualitativemethodologyis that
to the complexitiesof its associated
than quantitative social phenomena
methods which tend to ride
enigmatic quality. The quest roughshod over their
indicators(and abstractcausal for directly observablequantitative
imposedupon an relationshipsamongthem) which
unsuspecting are
underlyingphenomena in their social reality neither capturesthe
understanding of their contextual complexity nor facilitates an
involvement,however, provides significance.Prolongedand close
cerns.This form of empiricalleverageupon such
reasoningrevealsitself in con-
drawnfrom an two comparisons,both
ineach of the educational context, between research
endof an articletraditions articulatedin this paper.
highly supportiveof the
Light,29at the
theColemanreport30 qualitativeagenda,
arepoor predictorsofwhich found that the schools childrenattacks
standard achievement.The researchwas a attend
quantitativeresearchwhich piece of
causalvariableswhich were attemptedto sift out relevant
underlyingconceptualbase. expressedas operational
Lightcontraststhis study definitionsof
a recentstudyfrom with
in schools and came England3l. . . systematically
to very different observedstudents
moreholistic data it conclusions. With richer,
encein the proportion found that schoolsmadean
of studentswho passed enormous differ-
got arrestedfor nationalexams or
output data, they also . . . Whilethe investigators
went into the schools collected
socialprocesseslay to find out what
trast.In contrast to the the successesand failuresof the
whichtried to analyse a wastefully expensive ColemanReport,
variables training programmeby isolatinga few
from the
anddiscoveredkey whole, the Britishstudy examinedthe whole
dimensionsof educational
systematic observationovertime could programsthat only
The discover.32
second examplederives
which from a monograph
forms part of a series written by Patton33
on Evaluationwhose producedby the North Dakota Study
work has
useful since, in additionto been describedby Mishleras
and methodological outliningsome of the crucial
and differences between
doing approaches,they also specify the positivist
phenomenologicalresearch'.34In the methods for
outlinesquantitative report in question,
and qualitative
and their philosophical methodologyas opposing
to explicate the underpinnings.In a chapterwhich
draws characteristics
heavily on a study by of the two
Shapiro3s methodologies,he
Throughprogrammein which sought to evaluatethe
openout the educational schools. Such projectsaim to widen
and child environmentto enhancethe developmentof
The complexity of the interactionsas well as among
psychological processes within

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Thedebateabout quantitativeand qualitativeresearch 83

children, and their pedagogicalramifications,are given considerable

attention. In line with manyother studiesof educationalinnovation,
when statisticalcomparisonson test scoreswere carriedout between
children undergoingthe programmeand those not, there were no
discernibledifferences.Shapiroalso carriedout a more qualitative
investigationbased upon the observationof childrenin classrooms.
These studies, by contrast, found 'the quality of relationshipbe-
tween teacherand childrenand amongthe children,the varietyand
interest of the curriculum,and the generalatmosphereof the class-
room were notably different'.36Pattonarguesthat Shapiro'sanalysis
demonstrateshow 'quantitative methodologicalproceduresdeter-
mined the results'.37 Similarly Light observed in his Coleman-
Rutter comparisonthat the former's'methoddeterminedwhat was
In spite of the fact that both writersseem convinced that they
understandwell the implicationsof these comparisons,their impli-
cations are less clearin the context of the issues being addressedin
this paper.Both writershave a point. One cannothelp but be uneasy
when studies emerge with discrepant results which seem to be
attributableto the methods employed. Even more so when it is
rememberedthat the practical issues and irnplicationsat stake in
these examples are ones of great mapnitude.But two problems
remain. First, how is one to 'know' which is the 'correct'analysis?
Both Light and Shapiro(and Patton) opt for the qualitativestudies,
presumablybecause the closer involvementof researchersin such
studies yield 'richer', more complete data. But these are rather
subjectiverules of inferenceand it may be that there are occasions
when the close involvementof the researcherobscures a different
range or level of phenomena.Second, what does all this have to do
with the clash between positivismand phenomenologywhich is of
considerableinterest to both Light and Patton? If it is true that
educational innovations do make a difference and that qualitative
researchbetter equips the researcherfor such inferences, then an
important methodologicalpoint is being establishedat a technical
rather than an epistemologicallevel. All that is being said is that,
as Patton seems to observe,39the researchtechnique must fit the
problemat hand. Why,then, all this talk of the divergentphilosophi-
cal bases of the two methodologies?They are quite redundantto
the question of the suitability of one techniqueas againstanother
in terms of solving a researchproblem. If the researchproblem is
one which directly emanates from a particularepistemological
position then the question of the appropriatenessof a research
technique is significant, for the technique must properly reflect
the epistemologicalframeworkin which the researchis embedded.
If the problem is one such as those mentioned here (e.g. does a
particulareducationalinnovationresult in a numberof anticipated

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84 Alan Bryman

benefits?),then the issue of the epistemologicalstatusof techniques

would seem to servelittle purpose.Indeed, it should be noted that
the preferencefor the qualitativestudy in both of the cases cited
above seem to be basedupon technicalratherthan epistemological
criteria. Other examples of discussionsof this kind exist in the
methodological literature in the social sciences. In terms of the
questions being addressedhere, they serve as an example of a
tendencyfor epistemologicalandtechnicalissuesto becomeconfused.
(ii) Qualitative Research as Preparation This next theme is a long-
standingone in the literatureon researchmethodology.Its fundamen-
tal pointis thatbecauseof the unstructurednatureof most qualitative
researchwith its associatedlack of specifiedhypotheses,except in
a very loose sense, qualitativeresearchis inherently exploratory.
As a result of this emphasis,the qualitativeresearcherembarkson
a voyage of discoveryratherthan one of verification,so that his or
her researchis likely to stimulatenew leads and avenuesof research
that the quantitativeresearcheris unlikely to hit upon, but which
may be used as a basisfor furtherresearch.Suchresearchwill follow
up the leads suggestedby qualitativeresearchandwill seek to confirm
or reject them using the more rigorousframeworkassociatedwith
a naturalscienceapproach,i.e. quantitativemethodology.
A concordatof this kindbetweenthe two methodologiesis clearly
attractiveto those engagedin quantitativeresearch.It providesthem
with a continuous supply of leads, hunches, or hypotheses which
they can confirm, reject, or qualify, while simultaneouslyretaininsg
their methodological ascendancy over qualitative research. Since
this position takes the view that evidencemust passa particulartype
of test prior to its acceptance,qualitativeresearchmerelyprovides
fodder for quantitativeresearchersand so occupies a lower rung on
the epistemologicalladder. However,researchersin the qualitative
mould often accept this position too. Gans in his study o f the
West End, refers to his researchas a 'reconnaissance-an initial
explorationof a communityto providean overview'and then points
out that: 'Many of the hypothesesreportedhere can eventuallybe
tested againstthe resultsof moresystematicsocialscienceresearch'.40
This view of qualitativeresearchas a preparationfor quantitative
researchis one which can be noted in a varietyof contexts, though
there are those who object too, albeitoften on technicalratherthan
Commentslike those of Gans which view qualitativeresearchers
as providersof ideas are ones which operate at a technical level,
i.e. they are talkingabout relationshipsbetweenresearchtechniques
and their associateddata. One might anticipate,however, that the
more recent writingon methodologywhichemphasisesepistemologi-
cal distinctions would be less likely to exhibit a preparednessto

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The debateabout quantitativeand qualitativeresearch 85

accepta rathersecondaryrole in the overallresearchprocess.Lofland

in a book which seeks to distinFish the two methodologiesand to
delineatetheir epistemologicalunderpinningsobserves:'Quarltitative
studies serveprimarilyto firmup and modify knowledgefirst gained
in a fundamentallyqualitativefashion'.42Similarobservationscan
be found in Everedand Louis's specificationof the philosophical
positions of 'inquiry from the inside' and 'inquiry from the out-
side',43 in the introductionby Shaffir et al. to their collection of
reminiscencesby qualitativeresearchers(though they do observe
that such research is not always preliminary),44and in Faraday
and Plummer'ssuggestionsabout the use of life histories in the
explorationof sexualbehaviour.45
The interesting feature about this perspective derives from the
distinct impressionthat can be gleanedfrom the recentmethodologi-
cal literature that quantitative and qualitative methodology are
epistemologicallydistinct. Researcherswithin a qualitativetradition
have increasinglysought to present their work as an alternative
modus operandifor the conduct of social research.The suggestion
that qualitativeresearchis somethingwhichis priorto morerigorous,
hypothesis testing researchseems to belie this point. I his is so,
first becauseby diminishingthe epistemologicaldifferencesbetween
the two approachesit accepts by implication the notion of verifi-
cation of unstructured research, thereby in part accepting the
positivist frameworkin which quantitativemethodologyis deemed
to be embedded.Second, in affirminga view of qualitativeresearch
as something likely to be in need of confirmationit belittles the
significanceof qualitativeresearchper se, and is indicativeof a lack
of confidencein its associatedaccount of a theory of knowledgefor
the social sciences. In these ways, evidence is found for a second
areain which technicaland epistemologicalissues drift out of align-
ment. While there may be technical reasons why social research
might usefully be built upon a modus operandiin which qualitative
researchprovidesinsights and hunches for empiricalconfirmation,
the philosophicalaccounts of the two approachesseem to indicate
very fundamentaldivergencesin orientationbetween the two meth-
odologies. The suggestionthat one is or may be preparatoryto the
otherplacesboth withinthe sameepistemologicalframework.

(iiz) CombiningMet-hods The third area in which technical and

epistemologicalissues become confused is the suggestionthat both
quantitative and qualitativeresearchare best thought of as comp-
lementaryand should thereforebe mixed in researchof many kinds.
This emphasis has coincided-with the growing attention focused
upon 'triangulation'46in social reseaJch.\Shile this termis occasion-
ally taken to refer to a broad approach in which are combined
'multiple observers,theoreticalperspectives,and methodologies',47

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86 Alan Bryman

it generallydenotesa referenceto a combinationof researchmethods.

The point about the advocacyof combinedstrategiesis that it seems
to exudegoodsense.Whyshouldtherenot be attemptsby researchers
to capitalizeupon the strengthsof differenttechniquesand combine
them in overall researchprojects? Such a view seems to lack the
methodologicalparochialismthat is at risk when writersextol the
virtues of a particular method, while directly or inferentially
denigratingthe alternatives.
The difficulty with this thesis, in the context of the present
discussion,is that the argumentfor triangulatedstrategiesis essen-
tially a technicalone. It impliesthat a better overallview of reality
is achievedwhen, say, a social surveyis linkedto some unstructured
questioningor participantobservation.It also enablesthe researcher
to check the possibleeccentricitiesof a particulartechniquein order
to discernwhether any inherent bias is present.Thus Whyte48has
expressed his irritation with the tendency for the two types of
researchto polarizeand has expressedhis preferencefor combining
the two strategies,thereby enjoying the fruits of each. He demon-
strates the utility of employing an integratedstrategy by drawing
upon his researchinto Peruvianvillagesin which both surveysand
anthropologicaltechniqueswere employed.Anomalousresultswhich
were derivedfrom surveydatawerecross-checkedagainstqualitative
evidence,and out of this processit was possibleto makea substantial
theoreticaladvance.So Whyteasserts:'Mystrategycalls for a weaving
back and forth among methods through the various stages of
research.'49Recommendationsof this kind arebasedupon technical
considerations,namely that a superiorpiece of researchwill emerge
if techniquesare combined. This contention may well be true, but
the debates about quantitativemethodology are, as has repeatedly
been observed, epistemologicalin nature. In spite of this, many
writers who address and often acknowledgethe distinctivenessof
the two methodologiesin philosophicalterms, make pleas for the
mixingof the two.
Douglas, whose work is generally located outside the positivist
stream and who is often accreditedas one of those who has influ-
enced the outlining of the philosophical bedrock of qualitative
methodology5°tells us that:
Since all researchmethods have costs and benefits,and since they
differ greatly in their particularcosts and benefits, a researcher
generally finds it best to use some combinationor mixture of

Similarindicationscan be discernedin Agar'sintroductorybook on

ethnography,S2Wilsonin his exposition of the 'qualitative-phenom-
enologicalhypothesis',S3Rist when explicatingeducationalresearch
paradigms,S4and many others. Other researcherslike Sieber and

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Thedebateabout quantitativeand qualitativeresearch 87

Trendss point to the cumulativeadvantagesthat accrued to their

researchby combining both quantitativeand qualitativemethods,
though the latter author is somewhat suspiciousabout the extent
to which a neat, additivedovetailingis as easy as some writersmake
it sound. In slight contrast,Myerssought to developa methodologi-
cal strategy 'somewhere between ethnographicand conventional
surveymethods'.S6James in the context of her reflectionsupon the
ethnographicstudy of drug use, views such researchas 'fillingout
the gaps' and 'putting meat on the bones' of quantitativeanalyses
of these phenomena.S 7 Finally, van Maananin the preface to a
special number of the AdminzstrativeScience Quarterlyvery suc-
cinctly outlines the epistemologicalissues at stake, but then asserts
that 'qualitativeand quantitativearenot mutuallyexclusive'.S8
Many of these authors explicate the philosophicalassumptions
upon which the two methodologiesare supposed to be grounded,
while others seem to take them as 'givens'in their discussions,and
then move to a considerationof the possibility of mixing them in
pieces of research.The difficulty is that at a technicallevel methods
may be commensurableas Whyte and others have sought to show,
but at an epistemologicallevel quantitativeand qualitativemeth-
odologies are written about as though their knowledge bases are
quite incommensurable. Considera statementsuch as:
When we speak of 'quantitative'or 'qualitative'methodologies,
we are, in the final analyses speakingof an interrelatedset of
assumptions about the social world which are philosophical,
ideological, and epistemological. They encompass more than
The recent methodologicalliteratureis replete with views such as
this which make clear statementsabout issues which are more than
technical ones. Yet, as with the two previoussections, one finds
researchersoscillatingbetween epistemologicaland technicalmodes
of expressionand levels of analysis.In pointing to the virtuesof a
triangulatedstrategyvirtuallyall of the writerscited here, many of
whom have done a great deal to reinforcethe philosophicalissues,
move in the directionof a technicallevel. Thisis not surprisingsince
positivismand phenomenology,to take the two majorphilosophical
strands,are far apartin termsof what they view as the properstance
to be takenin relationto the social world,what is to passas warrant-
able knowledge,and the way in which knowledgeis accumulated.
As such, the possibility of a reconciliationindeed seems remote.
In the context of a particularstudy a researchermay perceiveareas
in which a useful contributionmight be made by both quantitative
and qualitativemethods, but it cannot be derivedfrom this that the
epistemologicalissues signified by the debate between quantitative
and qualitativemethodologiesarezpsofacto reconciled.

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88 Alan Bryman

It may be that at the technical level the quantitative/qualitative

distinction is a rather artificial one. The arguments for trian£;ulatin£;
research techniques suggest this in part. But even research which
relies almost exclusively upon one mode rather than the other often
contains elements of both. Survey researchers often punctuate their
research reports with brief transcripts of the verbalizations of their
respondents. While the use of these transcripts is often to illustrate
a quantitatively established point and thereby relieve the reader
from the tedium of a large number of tables, their use is often to
give some sense of how respondents view a particular cluster of
issues. Indeed, some survey researchers seem to exhibit a commit-
ment to the epistemology of qualitative research, in particular its
emphasis upon seeing through the respondents' eyes, yet use the
technical paraphernalia of the survey.60 In contrast, qualitative
researchers frequently make quasi-quantitative assertions, such as
'many', 'frequently', or 'some of the time'.61 While the establishment
of such implicit frequencies is far removed from the rigorous statisti-
cal techniques often associated with quantitative methodology, they
contribute to a blurring of the lines between the two styles. At the
epistemological level, the distinction is less obviously artificial since
the underlying tenets relate to fundamentally different views about
the nature of the social sciences, which have resisted reconciliation
for a very long time.62 However, a great deal of research which is
apparently either quantitative or qualitative in orientation is con-
ducted with little, if any, recourse to such philosophical debates.
At the technical level, researchers seek to achieve a degree of con-
gruence between a research problem and a technique, or cluster
of techniques, to answer the issue at hand. Consequently, while
the quantitative/qualitative distinction may be a useful device for
distinguishing types of technique as an organizing principle in the
context of text-books about research methods, its use as an account
of research practice is not without problems. The suggestion that
participant observers are carrying out research which is outside the
positivist mainstream often seems highly farfetched when their
research monographs are examined closely. In other words, while
the apparent debate between quantitative and qualitative meth-
odology may have some meaning at the epistemological level, e.g.
in terms of causal adequacy as against adequacy at the level of
meaning, in the context of research practice there is no direct link
between these precepts and particular techniques, since research
typically comprises both elements. This is also a clear inference that
can be gleaned in the writings of the advocate of methodological
'triangulation'. Indeed, there may be a case for saying that techniques
are neutral in respect of epistemological issues and debates.

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Thedebateabout quantitativeand qualitativeresearch 89


This paper has distinguished between technical and epistemolc)gical

levels of discussion in the literature dealing with the quantitative/
qualitative distinction. Ihree areas have been pinpointed in which
the levels of discussion become unclear, fundamentally because the
writers concerned often shuttle uneasily between epistemological
and technical spheres of discourse.
The idea that there is a link between methodology qua epistem-
ology, on the one hand, and technical issues relating to research
method, on the other hand, is a conxention that has increased in
prominence in the last ten years or so. The basic problem with this
line of discussion, a difficulty erhich may lie behind some of the
inconsistencies which some writers have exhibited, is precisely that
it is a conxJention.There is no necessary 1:1 relationship between
methodology and technique in the practice of social research.
Snizek63 has shown, drawing upon an analysis of journal articles,
that research techniques cannot be directly extrapolated from a
knowledge of a researcher's epistemological assumptions. Similarly
Marsh64who has also sought to distinguish philosophical issues from
technieal ones, has questioned whether the survey technique is
inherently positivistic. One might equally question whether partici-
pant observation is inherently phenomenological, for it is difficult
to discern in the writings of generations of social scientists using this
technique such as \Shyte, Gans or Skolnick,65 as uTellas some of the
more recent writers, a deep preoccupation with philosophical matters.
Rather, they exhibited a concern for achieving a piece of research in
a manner that was most appropriate to the topic at hand. Indeed,
much of this work could easily be regarded as positiist, or a ariant
of it, and some writers66 have located participant observation in the
same epistemological space as the social survey. \\lhile they may hane
had a preference for a particular style of research, this preference ^ras
more likely to be a personal one, often deriving from their training.
It may be that this is not a good reason for choosing a particular
research method, but it does suggest that attempting to relate
questions of method to philosophical debates in the manner of
many recent authors fail to supply a sufficiently accurate account
of the research process. It may also be that we are witnessing the
classic confusion of 'is' and 'ought', namely that mans writers feel
that the choice of method should be taken in the light of an appreci-
ation of philosophical contexts, but this is not what they appear to
be saying. Their argument seems to be that quantitative and quali-
tative methodology (and their Xarious synonyms) are or exhibit
distinctive epistemologies and that particular methods of research
are appropriate to each. The argument of this article is that, while
these are highly stimulating suggestions, they need to be subjected

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9o Alan Bryman

to considerableinvestigationbefore they can be consideredaxioms

of researchin the socialsciences.
Departmentof SocialSciences


1 J. Buchler, The Conceptof Method, 7 R. C. Rist, 'Overview- on the

New York, ColumbiaUniversityPress, relations among educational research
1961, p. 126. paradigms:from disdain to detente',
2 For example, H. S. Becker and Anthropology and Education Quar-
B. Geer, 'Participantobservationand terly, vol. 8, 1977, pp. 42-9 and
interviewing: a comparison', Human A. J. Magoon, 'Constructivist ap-
Organization, no. 3, vol. 16, Fall, proaches in educational research',
1957, pp. 28-32; M. Zelditch, 'Some Review of Educational Research, vol.
methodological problems of field 47, no. 4, Fall 1977, pp. 651-93.
studies', American Journal of Soci- 8 R. Evered and M. R. Louis,
ology, vol. 67, no. 5, March 1962, 'Alternativeperspectivesin the organ-
pp. 566-76. izational sciences: "Inquiry from the
3 M. Trow, 'Comment on partici- inside" and "Inquiry from the out-
pant observation and interviewing', side"', Academy of ManagementRe-
Human Organization,vol. 16, no. 3, view, vol. 6, no. 3, 1981, pp. 585-95.
Fall 1957, p.33. 9 For example, F. W. Lutz and
4 Prominent examples are: W.J. M. A. Ramsay, 'The use of anthropo-
Filstead, Qualitative Methodology: logical field methods in education',
FirsthandInvolvement with the Social Educational Researcher,vol. 3, Nov-
World, Chicago, Markham, 1970; ember 1974, pp.5-9; Magoon,op. cit.;
J. Lofland, Analyzing Social Settings, Douglas op. cit.; S. Wilson, 'The use
Belmont, Wadsworth,1971; R. Bogdan of ethnographic techniques in edu-
and S. J. Taylor, Introduction to cational research', Review of Edu-
Qualitative Research Methods, New cational Research, vol. 47, no. 1,
York, Wiley, 1976; J. D. Douglas, Winter1977, pp. 245-65.
InvestigativeSocial Research,Beverley 10 Such emphases are typically
Hills, Sage, 1976; H. Schwartz and stressed because they represent the
J. Jacobs, Qualitative Sociology: A manifestations of positivism in soci-
Method to the Madness, New York, ology. More philosophical treatments
Free Press, 1979; W. B. Shaffir, tend to stresspositivism'sfundamental
R. A. Stebbins, and A. Turowetz, tenets, e.g. L. Kolakowski, Positivist
Fieldwork Experience: Qualitative Philosophy, Harmondsworth,Penguin,
Approaches to Social Research, New 1972, ch. 1, or A. Giddens 'Introduc-
York, St Martin'sPress, 1981. tion' in Positivism and Sociology,
5 In particular, Administrative London, Heinemann, 1974, pp. 1-22.
Science Quarterly, vol. 24, no 4, 11 Examples are legion, with the
December 1979 and Sociological Re- following being a short list from a
view, vol. 27, no. 4, November 1979. wide field: Wilson, op. cit., pp. 249,
6 M. Q. Patton, Alternative Evalu- 259; Magoon,op. cit., p. 652; Lofland,
ation ResearchParadigms,N. Dakota, op. cit., pp. 4, 7; Filstead, op. cit.,
University of North Dakota Press, pp. 6-7; Douglas, op. cit., pp. 24,
1975. 190-1; R. M. Emerson, 'Observational

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Thedebateabout quantitativeand qualitativeresearch 91

Field Work', Annual Review of Soci- 38, no. 3, June 1973, pp. 354-67.
ology, vol. 7, 1981, pp. 351-7; M. H. 18 A. Schutz, ThePhenomenology
Agar, 17zeProfessional Stranger,New of the Social World,London, Heine-
York, Academic Press, 1980, p. 194; mann,p. 31.
J . S. Spradley,Participant Observation, 19 A. Schutz, Collected Papers
New York, Holt, Rinehart and Volume 1, The Hague, Martinus
Winston,1980, p. 194. Nijhof,1967, p. 34.
12 E. G. Mishler, 'Meaningin con- 20 Emerson, op. cit., pp. 315,
text: is there any other kind?Harvard 360; Agar, op. cit., p. 11; Lofland,
Educational Review, vol. 49, no. 1, op. cit., p. 76; Evered and Louis,
February 1979, pp. 2, 8; J. van op. cit.
Maanen, 'Reclaiming qualitative re- 21 H. Blumer,'Sociologicalanalysis
search for organizational research: and "the variable"', American Socio-
a preface', Administrative Science logical Review, vol. 21, no. 6, Decem-
01arterly, vol. 24, no. 4, December ber 1956, pp. 683-90.
1979, p. 520; P. Halfpenny, 'The 22 Evered and Louis, op. cit.;
analysis of qualitative data', Socio- Emerson, op. cit., pp. 353, 374, 375;
logical Review, vol. 27, no. 4, Nov- Magoon, op. cit., p. 653; Patton,
ember 1979, p. 803. op. cit., pp. 9-10; Rist, op. cit., p. 42.
13 B. Glaser and A. L. Strauss, 23 J. M. Johnson, Doing Field
The Discovery of Grounded Theory, Research,New York, Free Press, 1975,
Chicago, Aldine, 1967; W. B. Shaffir, p. 3.
R. A. Stebbins, and A. Turowetz, 24 H.J. Gans, The UrbanVillagers,
Fieldwork Experience, New York, Glencoe, Free Press,p. 34.
St. Martin'sPress, 1981, pp. 6, 7, 24; 25 Zelditch, op. cit.
P. Rock, The Making of Symbolic 26 D. P. Warwickand C. A. Linin-
Interactionism, London, Macmillan, ger, The Sample Survey: Theory and
1979, pp. 183, 207; Lofland, op. cit., Practice, New York, McGraw-Hill,
p. 76; Bogdan and Taylor, op. cit., 1975, pp. 9-10, as quoted with
p. 80; J. Irwin, 'Participant obser- approval in the text-book by A.
vation on criminals', in Douglas, Orensteinand W. R. F. Phillips,Under-
Research on Deviance, New York, standing Social Research, Boston,
RandomHouse, pp. 130-1. Allyn and Bacon, 1978, pp. 411-12.
14 S. T. Bruyn, The Human Per- 27 H. J. Gans, The Levittowners,
spective in Sociology, New Jersey, London, Allen Lane, The Penguin
Prentice Hall; C. A. B. Warren,Iden- Press,p. 450.
tity and Community in the Gay 28 W. F. Whyte, Street Corner
World, New York, Wiley, p. 10; Society, second edition, Chicago,
Wilson, op. cit., pp. 245-249; Mishler, Universityof ChicagoPress,p. 308.
op. cit., 10-11; Rock, op. cit., pp. 29 D. Light, 'Surface data and
192, 195; Bogdan and Taylor, op. cit., deep structure: observing the organ-
pp. 2,5. ization of professional training',
15 Patton, op. cit., p. 19; Filstead, AdministrativeScience 0uarterly, vol.
op. cit., p. 4; Warren,op. cit., p. 160; 24, no. 4, December 1979, pp.551-9.
Bogdan and Taylor, op. cit., p. 14; 30 J. S. Coleman, K. Q. Campbell,
A. Faraday and K. Plummer, 'Doing C.J. Hobson, J. McPartland, A. M.
life histories', Sociologzcal Review, Mood, F. D. Weinfeldand R. L. York,
vol. 27, no. 4, November1979, p. 776. Equality of EducationalOpportunity,
16 Spradley, op. cit., pp. 8-9; Washington,U.S. GovernmentPrinting
Shaffir et al., op. cit., p. 112; Rock, Office,1968.
op. cit., p. 178; Irwin, op. cit., p . 131; 31 M. Rutter, B. Mangham, P.
Bogdanand Taylor, op. cit., p. 13. Mortimore, and J. Ouston, Fifteen
17 J.L. Heap and P.A. Roth, Thousand Hours, Cambridge, M.A.,
'On phenomenological sociology', HarvardUniversityPress, 1979.
American Sociological Review, vol. 32 Light, op. cit., p. 558.

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92 Alan Bryman

33 Patton, op. cit. M. G. Trend, 'On the reconciliation

34 Mishler,op. cit., p.11. of qualitativeandquantitativeanalyses:
35 E. Shapiro, 'Educationalevalu- a case study',HumanOrganization,vol.
ation: rethinking the criteria of 37, no. 4, Winter 1978, pp. 345-54.
competence', School Review, Novem- 56 V. Myers, 'Toward a synthesis
ber 1973, pp.523-49. of ethnographic and field methods',
36 Ibid., pp.528-9. Human Organization,vol. 36, no. 3,
37 Patton, op. cit., p.15. Fall 1977, pp. 244-51.
38 Light,op. cit.,p.558. 57 J. James, 'Ethnography and
39 Patton, op. cit., p .14. social problems', in Weppner,Street
40 Gans, The Urban Villagers, op. Ethnography, Beverley Hills, Sage,
cit., p. 350. 1977,pp.184, 193.
41 For example W. F. Whyte, 'Re- 58 van Maanen,op. cit., p. 520.
search methods for the study of con- 59 Rist, op. cit., p. 62.
flict and co-operation', The A merican 60 An obvious example is J. H.
Sociologist, vol. 11, no. 4, November Goldthorpe, D. Lockwood, F. Bech-
1976. hofer, and J. Platt, The Affluent
42 Lofland, op. cit., p. 6. Worker in the Class Structure, Lon-
43 Evered and Louis, op. cit., don, CambridgeUniversityPress.
p. 390. 61 Gans,op. cit., p. 34.
44 Shaffiret al., op. cit., pp. 10-11.62 This is very evident in W. G.
45 Faraday and Plummer,op. cit., Runciman, A Treatise on Social
p. 778. Theory Volume One: The Meth.
46 E. J. Webb, D. T. Campbell, odology of Social Theory, London,
R. D. Schwartz, and L. Sechrest, CambridgeUniversityPress,1983.
Unobtrusive Measures: Non-reactive 63 W. E. Snizek, 'An empirical
Research in the Social Sciences, assessment of "Sociology: A Multiple
Chicago,Rand McNally,1966. Paradigm Science"', The American
47 N. K. Denzin, The Research Act Sociologist, vol. 11, no. 4, November
in 50 cio logy, London, Butterworth, 1976, pp. 217-19.
1970, p. 310. 64 C. Marsh, 'Problems with sur-
48 Whyte,op. cit. veys: method or epistemology', Soci-
49 Ibid., p. 216. ology, vol. 13, no. 2, May 1979,
50 Cf. Bogdan and Taylor, op. cit., pp. 293-305. See also C. Marsh, The
ch. 1. Survey Method, London, Allen &
51 Douglas,op. cit., p. 30. Unwin,1982.
52 Agar,op. cit., p.53. 65 Whyte, Street Corner Society,
53 Wilson,op. cit., p. 261. op. cit.; Gans, op. cit.; J. Skolnick,
54 Rist, op. cit., p.48. Justice Without Trial, New York:
55 S. D. Sieber, 'The integration Wiley, 1966.
of fieldwork and survey methods', 66 For example, D. Willer and
American Journal of Sociology, vol. J. Willer,Systematic Empiricism,New
78, no. 6, May 1973, pp. 1335-59; Jersey, Prentice-Hall,1973.

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