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PTH 735

Practical Test 2

Grammar & Punctuation (5 pts)

Written Gait Description:

1.1. In 250 words, write a description of the gait pattern you observe for patient in video. Your
description should be written in the manner you would write it in the objective section of a
SOAP note.
 Written Description (51 pts)

Patient is wearing a gait belt and walks with assistance from one person and uses an assistive device
(normal cane) on the left side. The patient is wearing an AFO on the right lower extremity and a brace
that extends from her elbow to her wrist on the right upper extremity. Her trunk is maintained upward
with anterior pelvic tilt. Patient ambulates at slower than average walking speed and deviates from
straight line of progression at least two times by swinging her left leg across midline toward right
narrowing her BOS. The patient lost her balance when she crossed midline with her right lower
extremity and needed assistance to regain balance. The patient completed a pivot turn on the left and
required several slow steps on the right to complete a turn. The right foot does not clear the floor during
right swing phase more than 50% of the time. The patient contacts the ground with her forefoot at initial
contact with the right when her toe drags during swing, otherwise the patient contacts the ground during
initial contact with a flat foot on the right. The right knee hyperextends during loading response to
terminal stance of during the right stance phase. Patient does not demonstrate reciprocal arm swing
during gait. The patient’s steps lengths were inconsistence due to prolonged stance on the right.
Patient demonstrates a slight hip drop of the left when the right is in stance phase.

Follow-up questions:
1.2. For patient in video:
a) Select an appropriate formal gait assessment measure. (1 pt)
b) Justify selection. (3 pts)
Tug is a functional test that assessed mobility, balance, walking ability, and fall risk. The TUG
incorporates a transfer component with gait. The TUG is a recommended outcome to assess
gait in patients who have sustained a stoke.

1.3. For patient in video:

a) Select an appropriate formal balance assessment measure. (1 pt)
b) Justify selection. (3 pts)
The berg assess static and dynamic balance and fall risk in older adults. The patient lost her
balance with a decreased BOS. This test will have the patient stand in tandem and with ankle
bones touching to assess balance with a decreased BOS.

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