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3/29/22, 4:12 PM Assignments - Show

APTA Clinical Performance Instruments for PT

Student: Brenda K. Casanova

Clinical Staff: Brooke Meinema, Brooke Meinema

Site: i'move

Evaluation Name: PTH 832 Fall 2021 - Class of 2022

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Self Eval


1.   Professional Practice – Safety

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova I can establish and maintain a safe working environment with indirect supervision especially with patients of
low to moderate complexity. I am improving my ability to recognize physiological and psychological changes in
patients and adjusting the treatment session accordingly. I use a gait belt when necessary and regress an exercise
if it is too challenging for the patient (this has improved since my first few weeks here).

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova I have been able to establish and maintain a safe working environment with indirect supervision especially with
patients of low to high complexity. I have been able to recognize physiological and psychological changes in
patients and adjusting the treatment session accordingly. I use a gait belt when necessary and regress an exercise
if it is too challenging for the patient. I also use the right techniques for safe handling depending on what the
patient requires to maintain safety.

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema Guards appropriately. Uses belts or table as needed to help guard as needed. Consistently aware of pts safety.

CI Final

Brooke Meinema No concerns with safety. Guards appropriately. Uses belts. Clears environment.

Self +7
CI +5

2.   Professional Practice – Professional Behavior

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova I come to work prepared and ready to treat patients for the day. I am always on time and wear business casual
clothing to work consistently. I inquire about feedback and attempt to make changes suggested by my CI
without getting defensive. For the most part, I have maintained a positive and productive work environment. As
the weeks have progressed, I have better managed my time with treatment sessions.

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova I have continued to come to work prepared and ready to treat patients for the day. I am always on time and wear
business casual clothing to work consistently. I am still open for feedback from my CI and other PT's in the
clinic. I have been able to maintain a positive and productive work environment. I have improved my time
management skills as I am able to work with a patient for 40 minutes before ending the treatment session and
jumping into the next session with the next patient.

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema Always on time/early every day. Fully prepared for her day coming in to clinic and each session. Empathetic
with each patient and their families. Addresses pt and family members appropriately. Takes feedback very well.
Always looking for ways of improving or addressing limitations.

CI Final

Brooke Meinema Punctual and prepared. Communicates with other therapists and staff appropriately. Dresses professionally.


Professional Self +6
Behavior CI +5 1/10
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3.   Professional Practice – Accountability

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova I place the needs of the patient above my own self interests. Sometimes, I will have a game plan ready for
patients that day that has to be altered due to increase pain or discomfort, emotions that need to be addressed,
issues with a different part of their body, etc. I have abided by the policies and procedures and legal practice
guidelines set in place consistently. I have yet to go above and beyond expected standards of practice due to
being new in the clinic and first trying to figure out how I fit in at i'move. I still want to provide the best care
that I can in order to improve the patient's outcomes and quality of life.

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova I continue to place the needs of the patient above my own self interests. I feel confident adjusting my game plan
to accommodate the patient if something has changed. I have continued to abide by the policies and procedures
and legal practice guidelines set in place consistently. I have been able to participate in projects related to
physical therapy, but outside the realm of hands on patient care. When there is an interesting diagnosis, I read
EBP articles to improve my knowledge and skills.

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema Always receptive to feedback on ways to improve without getting defensive or frustrated. No issues with
HIPAA, OSHA, or confidentiality. Maintains modesty for patients and herself. Quick to resolve any issues that
do arise.

CI Final

Brooke Meinema Has always stepped in to help coworkers if they were running behind, needed help with their patient, or picked
up their patient if there was a scheduling issue and the patient needed to be seen. Corrects any mistakes that had
been made. Maintains confidentiality/hipaa.

Self +6
CI +6

4.   Professional Practice – Communication

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova I communicate respectively to patients as well as actively listening to understand what is being communicated
by patients. I do better listening and educated on different types of exercises compared to explaining
impairments and PT diagnosis to the patients. I am able to adjust my communication style based on the age of
patients, however, I have not had the opportunity to communicate with a patient that is a high complex case. I
will need more practice and experience to confidently educate patients based on their condition. I am learning
phrases from my clinical instructor to educate patients allowing them to better understand me. Again, I have
further improvements to be made in this category that will hopefully come with more experience.

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova I have continued to communicate respectively to patients as well as actively listening to understand what is
being communicated by patients. I do better listening and educated on different types of exercises compared to
explaining impairments and PT diagnosis to the patients. I am able to adjust my communication style based on
the age of patients with differing complexities. I have defiantly improved my communication skills during initial
evaluations. I am more comfortable chatting with patients and making them feel more comfortable too.

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema Professional in communication. Experience with patients reporting difficult scenarios will come with time (talks
of depression, assault, cancer, etc) as this is something not everyone hears on a regular basis. Listens to what the
patient and their family members are saying and has appropriate responses in conversation.

CI Final

Brooke Meinema Talks with ease and comfort with patients. Difficult scenarios (references to personal situations) are improving
and the patient remains comfortable and confident disclosing information. Appropriate with conversations.

Self +5
CI +5

5.   Professional Practice – Cultural Competence

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova Although I understand the implications of cultural differences, I have not had the opportunity to adapt my
behavior accordingly in all aspects of physical therapy. There is not culture diversity in west Michigan.
However, I provide care in nonjudgemental manner when patient's beliefs and values conflict with mine. I
consider the gender, age, sexual orientation, and disability of health status when communicating with my 2/10
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patients. I have yet to experience a patient of a different culture and race than me, but I would respect individual
differences, preferences, values, life issues and emotional needs within and among cultures.

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova I continue to provide care in nonjudgemental manner when patient's beliefs and values conflict with mine. I
have had plenty of practice with especially with the Covid-19 and mask mandate conversations. I have had
practice directing the conversation to change the subject without making the patient feel unvalidated. I continue
to respect individuals regardless of their individual preferences, values, and life issues.

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema We haven't had many cultural differences. The few we have had have been handled well-enough. We've had a
few people with different religions, but very minimal diversity unfortunately.

CI Final

Brooke Meinema We still haven't had much diversity, but no concerns about this for future work.


Cultural Self +5
Competence CI +6

6.   Professional Practice – Professional Development

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova I am able to identify my strengths and limitations of my clinical performance. I ask for help or guidance when I
have questions about certain diagnosis or exercises. I take the opportunity to observe other therapists in the
clinic to different diagnoses and different treatment techniques. I have participating in marketing at i'move as I
helped create a flyer promoting a new program for women's health.

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova I still have been able to identify my strengths and limitations of my clinical performance. I continue to ask for
help or guidance when I have questions about certain diagnosis or exercises. I take the opportunity to observe
other therapists in the clinic to different diagnoses and different treatment techniques. I accepted the
responsibility for continuous professional growth; I am a life long learner. I participated in professional
activities beyond the practice environment (marketing and promotional duties).

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema Aware of strengths and limitations. Working to better areas that need more work. Interested in learning different
approaches and methods of treatment (WH, BFR, AT, mckenzie etc). Looking for more ways to see diverse
forms of treatments, evaluation approaches, etc.

CI Final

Brooke Meinema Aware of strengths and limitations. Seeks guidance. Motivated to continue learning and improving skillset.


Professional Self +6
Development CI +5

7.   Patient Management – Clinical Reasoning

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova I feel that I can provide a logical rationale for my clinical decisions for patients of low to intermediate
complexity. I feel that I need more practice with clinical reasoning especially with cases other than hip/knee
replacements, low back pain, post-op shoulder, and chronic pain within the shoulder. I try to choose exercises
and treatment strategies based on best available evidence. I definitely can take more time and be more consistent
with researching diagnosis and evidence based exercises

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova I feel that I can provide a logical rationale for my clinical decisions for patients of different complexities
consistently with indirect supervision. I have been able to treat a wider variety of diagnoses over the second half
of the clinical. I determine exercises and treatment strategies based on the patient needs and best available

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema Is ethical and logical in reasoning. Seeks evidence and advice for more complex cases to make sure patient is
receiving the best treatment and care possible. Recognizes limits.

CI Final

Brooke Meinema Uses ethical guidelines, patient history, previous experiences, and previous research in making decisions for
each patient. Recognizes if things are ineffective or patient would benefit from other types of treatments. 3/10
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Clinical Self +6
Reasoning CI +4

8.   Patient Management – Screening

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova I utilize tests and measures that are indicated for physical therapy intervention, and I can conduct them
appropriately especially for cases involving the shoulder, low back, and hip. I need further practice with other
regions of the body to be more consistent during the screening portion of the exam. So far, I have not had a
patient that needs to be referred to other services yet. However, I am aware of the yellow and red flags that
would indicate a referral elsewhere.

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova I utilize tests and measures that are indicated for physical therapy intervention, and I can conduct them
appropriately consistently. I review medical history from the patient and other sources prior to the initial eval
without supervision, consistently and efficiently. I select appropriate screening tests and measures and conduct
them appropriately with the outpatient population.

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema Reviews medical history to determine appropriateness of therapy. Utilizes tests and measures to make sure
patient does not need to see another provider.

CI Final

Brooke Meinema Reviews PMH, tests and measures, and patient response in determining appropriateness and need for continued

Self +8
CI +6

9.   Patient Management – Examination

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova I feel confident and comfortable obtaining a history from patients and other sources as part of the examination
with indirect supervision. I start thinking about possible diagnoses and formulate an initial hypothesis. With the
subjective information, I can perform tests and measures to help confirm or deny possible diagnoses. I try to
perform tests and measures without having the patient change different positions multiple times. I have been
performing the examination with direct supervision from my clinical instructor, but I feel that I can manage this
portion of the evaluation with indirect supervision. I also can make improvements with being more efficient
with this part of eval, because my CI helps me enter in the data into the EMR system. I have been working with
patients that are mostly considered simple cases with a couple of intermediate complex cases.

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova I feel confident and comfortable obtaining a history from patients and other sources as part of the examination
with indirect supervision. After history taking,I can perform tests and measures to help confirm or deny possible
diagnoses. I take into consideration patient position so I don't have them flip flopping all over the place. I have
been performing the examination with indirect supervision from my clinical instructor. Over the past 8 weeks, I
have become more efficient at taking the test and measures and documenting everything.

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema Goes through examination test/measures appropriately. Able to quickly and effectively get through exam for
some diagnoses with greater ease than others due to not having as much variety as we would like.

CI Final

Brooke Meinema Efficiently examines each patient going through special tests and other measures with ease. Sequences
appropriate tests.

Self +6
CI +7

10.   Patient Management – Evaluation

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova I can identify patient impairment and functional limitations after completing the examination, however, I take
extra time to process the information compared to my clinical instructor. I defiantly need to work on being more
consistent and efficient with making clinical judgements based on the data I collected from the examination. I 4/10
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feel more comfortable doing this with patients post-op and with chronic shoulder, hip, and back pain. At this
time, I am being directly supervised by my clinical instructor during the entire evaluation.

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova I can identify patient impairment and functional limitations after completing the examination and I have
improved on my efficiency with communicating this back to the patient. I feel more comfortable doing this with
patients a wider variety of patients compared to the mid-term. Performing multiple evals a week, gave me the
consistency I was lacking in this category at the mid term.

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema evaluates data found during exam in appropriate manner

CI Final

Brooke Meinema Reviews data during evaluation efficiently to make a plan for each patient based on their current state

Self +8
CI +6

11.   Patient Management – Diagnosis and Prognosis

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova I can establish a diagnosis for physical therapy intervention and list for differential diagnosis with direct
supervision that is congruent with pathology, impairment, functional limitation, and disability. Again, I feel
more comfortable when the diagnosis are of those that I have seen prior. I feel less confident when it is a
diagnosis or injury I have never seen before. Although I feel fairly comfortable establishing a diagnosis in my
head, I am working on being more confident when explaining it out loud to wither my CI or patient.

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova I can establish a diagnosis for physical therapy intervention and list for differential diagnosis with direct
supervision that is congruent with pathology, impairment, functional limitation, and disability. I have made
progress feeling more comfortable explaining how long the patient will need PT and give the prognosis.

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema Thinks through findings from exam to come to a reasonable diagnosis and prognosis for each patient,
communicating this with them.

CI Final

Brooke Meinema Comes to reasonable diagnosis and prognosis for each patient and communicates this with each patient


Diagnosis and Self +7

Prognosis CI +5

12.   Patient Management – Plan of Care

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova I am able to establishes goals and desired functional outcomes that specify expected time durations. However, I
need to be more consistent with determining what percent of their typical function they are currently at.
Establishes a physical therapy plan of care that works with the patient. I could do better with involving the
family, caregiver, and others involved in the delivery of health care services. I am able to progress and modify
plan of care and discharge planning based on patient responses.

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova I am able to establishes goals and desired functional outcomes that specify expected time durations. I have been
more consistent with determining what percent of their typical function they are currently at. I have efficiently
established a physical therapy plan of care that works with the patient. I am able to progress and modify plan of
care and discharge planning based on patient responses with indirect supervision.

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema Makes appropriate goals for each patient. Follows protocols and plans established by other providers or
practitioners. Utilizes resources appropriately.

CI Final

Brooke Meinema Discusses plan of care with patient and sets reasonable expectations for them going forward.

Self +7
Plan of Care
CI +6 5/10
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13.   Patient Management – Procedural Interventions

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova I am able to perform interventions safely, effectively, and efficiently with patients that are low to moderate
complexity with indirect supervision. I can also perform intervention consistent with the plan of care and utilize
alternative strategies to accomplish functional goals. I am working on being more confident and consistent with
proving rationale and explanations for interventions selected for patients presenting with various diagnoses. I
have the ability to adjust intervention strategies according to variables related to age, gender, and co-morbidities
with indirect supervision. However, I feel more comfortable and consistent treating the older patient population.
I could use more practice with considering prevention, health, wellness and fitness in developing a plan of care
for patients with musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiopulmonary, and integumentary system problems.

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova I am able to perform interventions safely, effectively, and efficiently with patients that are low to moderate
complexity with indirect supervision. I can also perform intervention consistent with the plan of care and utilize
alternative strategies to accomplish functional goals. I have been more confident and consistent with proving
rationale and explanations for interventions selected for patients presenting with various diagnoses. I have the
ability to adjust intervention strategies according to variables related to age, gender, and co-morbidities with
indirect supervision. I had the opportunity to work with the middle age and younger population.

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema Performs procedures appropriately based on patient need. Is safe and effective with interventions performed.
Assesses patient response to each activity and determines next step for treatment based on current or previous
responses to therapy.

CI Final

Brooke Meinema Performs appropriate interventions in a safe and effective manner. Monitors patient during each activity.


Procedural Self +5
Interventions CI +6

14.   Patient Management – Educational Interventions

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova I am just trying to figure out how to identifies patient learning style and implement the learning style into
practice. I have been becoming more comfortable instructing the patient regarding the patient's condition,
intervention, and transition to his or her role at home, work, school or community with indirect supervision after
the initial evaluation. I provide patients with the necessary tools such as exercises for home and education to
manage their problem. I am working at becoming more efficient when providing educational interventions
especially with complex cases.

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova I am more comfortable and efficient instructing patients regarding the their condition, intervention, and
transition to his or her role at home, work, school or community with indirect supervision after the initial
evaluation. I provide patients with the necessary tools such as exercises for home and education to manage their
problem. I am working at becoming more efficient when providing educational interventions especially with
complex cases. I need more practice with recommending consultative services to patient.

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema Improving in educating the patients using language and demonstrations patients can understand. Working on
improving fluidity and confidence with demonstrations and educational components.

CI Final

Brooke Meinema Improving skills for demonstrating and describing educational information to patient.


Educational Self +6
Interventions CI +5

15.   Patient Management – Documentation

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova I select relevant information to document the delivery of physical therapy care.
I also document all aspects of
physical therapy care, including screening, examination, evaluation, plan of care, intervention, response to
intervention, discharge planning, family conferences, and communication with others involved in the delivery of
care. I document patient care consistent with guidelines and requirements of regulatory agencies and third-party
payers with indirect supervision. My documentation that is accurate, concise, timely and legible. I can defiantly
work on being more efficient with my documentation especially with evaluations.

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova 6/10
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I select relevant information to document the delivery of physical therapy care. I also document all aspects of
physical therapy care, including screening, examination, evaluation, plan of care, intervention, response to
intervention, discharge planning, family conferences, and communication with others involved in the delivery of
care. I document patient care consistent with guidelines and requirements of regulatory agencies and third-party
payers with indirect supervision. My documentation that is accurate, concise, timely and legible. I can defiantly
work on being more efficient with my documentation especially with evaluations.

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema Very quick and thorough with documentation. Putting in relevant information for both insurance purposes and
communication with therapists for future visits. We haven't had any peer-to-peer opportunities for her to sit in
on, but I'm confident she would do well.

CI Final

Brooke Meinema Quick and thorough with documentation reporting needed information in a concise manner.

Self +5
CI +5

16.   Patient Management – Outcomes Assessment

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova Applies, interprets, and reports results of standardized assessments throughout a patient's episode of care.
Assesses and responds to patient and family satisfaction with delivery of physical therapy care. I seek
information regarding quality of care rendered by self and making sure the patient is involved in the treatment
session. I also evaluate whether functional goals from the plan of care have been met.

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova Applies, interprets, and reports results of standardized assessments throughout a patient's episode of care
consistently and efficiently. Assesses and responds to patient and family satisfaction with delivery of physical
therapy care with indirect supervision. I still seek information regarding quality of care rendered by self and
making sure the patient is involved in the treatment session. I also evaluate whether functional goals from the
plan of care have been met.

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema Checks standardized assessments and touches on functional goals throughout care.

CI Final

Brooke Meinema Reviews standardized assessments as needed.


Outcomes Self +6
Assessment CI +6

17.   Patient Management – Financial Resources

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova I use my treatment time effectively with patients. I have been able to adhere to or accommodate unexpected
changes in the patient's schedule and facility's requirements with indirect supervision. I think I utilizes accurate
documentation, coding, and billing to support request for reimbursement (I haven't got feedback regarding this
statement). I have been able to adapt and function within the organizational structure of the practice setting with
indirect supervision. I have not had any experience with negotiating with reimbursement entities for changes in
individual patient services. I have had the opportunity to participate in team meetings and have listened to
lectures related to patients and care delivery. I could use more practice with participating in financial
management of physical therapy in order to be considered consistent and efficient in this category.

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova I use my treatment time effectively with patients. I have been able to adhere to or accommodate unexpected
changes in the patient's schedule and facility's requirements with indirect supervision consistently and
efficiently. I utilize accurate documentation, coding, and billing to support request for reimbursement. I have
been able to adapt and function within the organizational structure of the practice setting with indirect
supervision. I have had the opportunity to participate in team meetings that reviewed diagnosis coverage.

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema We haven't had many discussions with patients about meeting their insurance max or caps or having to navigate
those issues at this point, but I anticipate that will be coming up more frequently as the end of the year
approaches and insurance benefits have been maxed out. We are working on some marketing tools. We also
haven't had too many discussions of authorizations at this point, but will address this as time goes on.

CI Final

Brooke Meinema Bills approrpriately. Understanding more about patient's insurance caps, deductibles, OOP. 7/10
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Financial Self +7
Resources CI +6

18.   Patient Management – Direction and Supervision of Personnel

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova This category is a more challenging to grade myself as there are not PT techs and PTAs to delegate and provide
instruction to in regards to patient care. I feel that I have the capabilities to work together with a PTA to provide
quality care for the patient. I would be able to respect their contributions and monitor the outcomes of patients
receiving PT services delivered by other support personnel.

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova I have collaborated more with the athletic trainer at i'move as we have shared more patients over the last 8
weeks. I have consistently demonstrated respect for the contributions of other support personnel. I am aware of
physical therapy services that can be directed to other support personnel according to jurisdictional law, practice
guidelines, policies, codes of ethics, and facility policies. I also efficient at applying time-management
principles to supervision and patient care.

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema We haven't really had any patients to share with our AT at this point, and I have not really communicated with
her when I would refer a patient to see him instead of a PT. I have no concerns that she'll catch on with that if I
have a patient I share with him.

CI Final

Brooke Meinema Communicates with others who are seeing her patients. Have had discussions and understands working in
collaboration with AT.


Supervision of Self +7
Personnel CI +6

19.   Summative Comments / Caseload / Days Absent

Areas of Strength

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova -Timely and efficient documentation especially for daily/progress notes. -Performing treatment sessions with
indirect supervision and being flexible and adaptable to address the patient's needs and wants for the day (for
mostly shoulder issues and low back pain)
- My manual skills have improved since my first clinical rotation. I
am better at determining the problem area with my hands and treating it.

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova -Timely and efficient documentation especially for daily/progress notes. -Performing treatment sessions with
indirect supervision and being flexible and adaptable to address the patient's needs and wants for the day - My
evaluation skills have improved since midterm in terms of efficiency and flow - My manual skills have
improved since my first clinical rotation. I am better at determining the problem area with my hands and treating
- My communication and education skills have improved especially during the treatment sessions.

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema She is doing very well developing relationships with patients. She is establishing trust with them. Very willing
to learn new approaches. Takes feedback well. Occupies downtime by following other therapists, finishing
documentation, and other projects around the clinic.

CI Final

Brooke Meinema Patient's seem very sad to see her going because she has developed strong relationships with them. Several front
desk staff have expressed her being their favorite student due to her efficiency with notes, willingness to help
with any task that needs to be done, and comfort taking on any patient that needs to be treated. Punctual,
efficiently uses her time, and continues trying to better her skillset.

Areas for Further Development

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova -I need to improve confidence with my education and communication skills with the patient especially during
initial evals. -I need to get practice evaluating different types of diagnosis other than shoulder pain, low back
pain, and joint replacements. -I am not efficient when I do give explanations to patients as I take time to think
before I speak.

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova Even though, I have more confidence with my education and communication skills. I still have work to do with
being more confident with my words when explaining diagnosis and prognosis during the initial evaluation. I
also want to be more efficient when I do give explanations to patients during the initial eval (this has improved
during treatment sessions). 8/10
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Confidence and communicating description of diagnoses and plan with patients. Needing more experience with
CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema a variety of cases.

CI Final

Brooke Meinema Continuing to build confidence in a wider variety of cases.

Caseload/Other Comments
1) What is the full caseload at your clinical site for a new graduate?
2) Considering the rating anchors, what percent of a new graduate caseload is the student capable of managing at this time?
Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova 1) One patient every 40 minutes 2) 50-60%

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova 1. one patient every 40 min 2. 75-80%

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema 50-60% of the caseload independently

CI Final

Brooke Meinema Most new grads have a full caseload with time set aside for mentoring. I feel she would be capable to
maintaining a full caseload of a new grad.


Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova I recommend I practice educating my family members with different diagnosis to allow myself to get
comfortable explaining the diagnosis in layman's terms.

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova I recommend that I study neurological conditions before I start my new clinical rotation.

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema continue building confidence and ease descriptions

CI Final

Brooke Meinema continue with the motivation you currently have
continue working on improving your skillset make sure to take
time for yourself and your own needs as you enter the workforce

Mid-Term Days Absent

0 days

0 days

Final Days Absent

0 days

0 days

Reason for Absence

Self Mid-Term
— Brenda K. Casanova No reason

Self Final
— Brenda K. Casanova No reason.

CI Mid-Term

Brooke Meinema no

CI Final

Brooke Meinema none

Evaluation Sign Off Dates/Times

Self Mid-Term

[CI] Brooke Meinema - 11/03/21 01:47 PM

[Student] Brenda K. Casanova - 11/03/21 01:33 PM

Self Final

[CI] Brooke Meinema - 12/16/21 12:49 PM

[Student] Brenda K. Casanova - 12/16/21 12:49 PM

CI Mid-Term

[Student] Brenda K. Casanova - 11/03/21 01:48 PM 9/10
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[CI] Brooke Meinema - 11/03/21 01:47 PM
[CI] Brooke Meinema - 11/03/21 01:34 PM

CI Final

[Student] Brenda K. Casanova - 12/16/21 12:56 PM

[CI] Brooke Meinema - 12/16/21 12:49 PM
[CI] Brooke Meinema - 12/16/21 12:49 PM

Post-Assessment Comments
Please review this Mid-Term evaluation:

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Please review this Final evaluation:

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