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APTA Clinical Performance Instruments for PT

Student: Sydney Wynne

Clinical Staff: Jim Leland

Site: Northern Michigan Sports Medicine Centers

Evaluation Name: PTH 634 Summer 2022 - Class of 2024

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Self Eval


1.   Professional Practice – Safety

Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne I think I do a good job minimizing risk to patients and myself. I guard patients as necessary and have been
working on correctly gaging how much assistance they require. I also make sure the area is clear of objects that
could get in their way. I have also improved on using good body mechanics to protect myself when helping
patients. Additionally, I have been working on noticing when interventions need to be modified based on what
the patient can handle that day, and making the correct modifications.

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne I feel that my body mechanics have been improving as I have become more comfortable working with and
guarding patients. I also think I have continued to improve on reading patients, and knowing when to
discontinue or modify an exercise to keep patients safe.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland Sydney makes sound judgements regarding patient safety. She requires occasional, but rare, cues for her body
mechanics. She needs to be more comfortable getting close to patients while guarding.

CI Final

Jim D. Leland Sydney does a wonderful job modifying activities appropriately to meet the patient where they are at. She
recognizes changes in patients and how they may affect her treatment quickly and takes action. She can improve
by getting more comfortable getting close to higher fall risk patients for her own safety and theirs.

Self +3
CI +5

2.   Professional Practice – Professional Behavior

Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne I do a good job demonstrating professional behavior in the clinic. I show up early to work so I can review the
day's schedule with my CI and organize my thoughts. I think I have improved in talking with patients
throughout their treatment in a professional manner. I appreciate any feedback that I get, and I ask for feedback
as needed. I also try to be good about paying attention, critically thinking through exercises, and asking
questions while observing. If I have any questions about patients I make sure to make a note of them so I can
get them answered.

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne I feel that I have been better at building rapport and trust with patients. I continue to ask for feedback as needed
and I always appreciate and use it to adjust the way I treat. There have been a couple times where I had to
remain professional when a patient has said something or acted unexpectedly.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland Sydney arrives on time and acts in a professional manner. She is willing to help in any capacity and is very open
to any feedback. She could be more open to what she expects from a mentor and from her clinical experience at

CI Final

Jim D. Leland Sydney consistently performs in a professional manner. She displays empathy and understanding for patients on
a consistent basis. She engages everyone in an appropriate and professional manner while also remaining
friendly. She accepts feedback willingly and is dependable daily. 1/10
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Professional Self +5
Behavior CI +6

3.   Professional Practice – Accountability

Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne I have been good at my accountability. I make sure I know what is going on with my patients and if I make a
mistake or don't explain something well enough I make sure they know that is on me and not them. I care about
the patients and that they get the most out of PT while they're here and at home so I make sure to ask questions
if I am not sure about something and ask for their feedback as well. I've been trying to make sure I understand
what the patient wants to get out of therapy so we can work on that and incorporate that into treatment.

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne I have continued to address problems or mistakes that I notice and do what I can to. I also use feedback that I
get and apply it to improve my skills.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland Sydney actively acknowledges and addresses mistakes in a timely fashion. She puts feedback to use efficiently.
She completes tasks that help the clinic run smoothly without being asked.

CI Final

Jim D. Leland Sydney does a very nice job recognizing and correcting any minor errors. She is willing to go above and beyond
for patients and in assisting staff. She recognizes big picture ethical concerns with the profession and expresses
her opinions.

Self +3
CI +5

4.   Professional Practice – Communication

Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne I think I have improved with my communication since starting my clinical. My instructions to patients have
been getting smoother and more straightforward. I also think I have been doing a good job listening to patients,
how they're doing, and how their treatment is feeling. I feel that I've also had open communication with
PT's/PTA's/aides for feedback at anytime. I also think i have been improving with talking to patients in a way
they can understand. However, I am still working on improving this skill.

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne I think I have improved quite a bit on my communication skills since coming here and since the midterm
evaluation. I have been better at making conversation with my patients and making sure they feel comfortable. I
have also been more aware of nonverbal cues from patients and make sure to look at their facial expressions
while doing manual or exercises to make sure they're okay. I think I've also been better at talking to aides about
what I want them to do with patients when I get the opportunity to. Every so often I will say something in more
medical terms and it will take me a second to think about how to simplify a concept for patients, but this skill
has been continuing to improve.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland Sydney maintains an open line of communication, although it is evident at times that she would like to voice her
thoughts and opinion on a matter and does not do so. She interacts very well with all staff members and patients.
She is an active listener with patients. At times she can get too focused on clinical pieces and has difficulty
maintaining conversation while completing a session.

CI Final

Jim D. Leland Sydney does a wonderful job interacting with staff and patients alike. She has been able to practice delegating
(as appropriate) and working closely with support staff. She engages in "big picture" dialogue on an appropriate
level. She adjusts her patient education to the abilities and needs of patient without complexity.

Self +4
CI +7

5.   Professional Practice – Cultural Competence

Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne There is not a large culturally diverse population at this location so I don't know if I have put this skill to a true
test. However, I think I have done a good job respecting other people's beliefs as they come up, and being aware 2/10
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of putting aside my own biases.

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne There is not a large culturally diverse population in Northern Michigan, but there are socio-economical
differences and I don't let this sway the quality of care I give.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland Sydney treats all staff and patients equally and with respect. Northern Michigan has a lack of diversity, but there
is a wide variety of socio-economic classes that exist. Sydney provides equal care to all without deviation.

CI Final

Jim D. Leland Sydney treats all patients with equal respect. Her exposure to cultural variety at this facility is limited, but she
has worked with patients across the socioeconomic spectrum. She provides all care in a non-judgmental manner.


Cultural Self +1
Competence CI +5

6.   Professional Practice – Professional Development

Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne I have been doing well asking for advice and help when I need it, but I also think I ask for confirmation a little
too much sometimes. I also think I do a better job at thinking of skills I need to work on than skills I have done
a good job with, which I have been working on doing better at because overall I think I have been doing a pretty
good job during this clinical and I've been learning a lot. I've tried to take every opportunity to learn and grow
my skillset, and I ask for feedback often.

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne I feel that I definitely improved in this area since the midterm evaluation. One big skill I have been trying to
grow is my own confidence in my skills. While I still of course have room for growth, I've really been pushing
myself to act and be more confident in front of patients. I think this helps their trust in me too. I still try to be
good about reflecting at the end of each day on what what I've done well and what I could work on, and I still
make notes to work on this the next day I come to work. I've also talked to my CI more about the profession of
PT itself, and have learned more about that in my time here as well. I am also currently writing an article for the
clinic right now about the importance of direct access in the physical therapy profession.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland Sydney consistently identifies areas that she excels and areas that are more of a work in progress. She can be
overly hard on herself at times. She asks appropriate questions, but can rely heavily on her CI for guidance. This
will improve as she learns to trust her knowledge and critical thinking skills. She is willing to participate in
professional development activities, including watching surgery and writing an article for the local newspaper.

CI Final

Jim D. Leland Sydney accurately identifies her strengths and limitations and asks for help appropriately. She has made efforts
to seek out other leaning opportunities. She discusses topics related to the profession in an open manner. She
establishes accurate an attainable goals for herself on a daily and weekly basis.


Professional Self 0
Development CI +7

7.   Patient Management – Clinical Reasoning

Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne I think this is an area that I have come a long way in since starting my clinical, but still recognize there is a long
way to go as well. I know a lot of this will come as I see more patient cases and learn more along the way, but
with the knowledge I have and with what I have learned the past few weeks, I think I have been making good
patient centered decisions. I've been challenged to think critically about a lot of my decisions, and I think that
has helped me in making the right choices.

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne I know that my CI said this was one of my strong suits since the beginning of my clinical, but I think that I can
see that better now that I am nearing the end of my experience. I feel that I have been consistently improving on
thinking through my options, choosing exercises and interventions with a purpose, and thoroughly thinking
through differential diagnosis and different special tests and measurements. The thing that usually gets me is
when there is something I haven't learned yet or little details that my CI points out to me. This hasn't happened
much lately now that I have had more independence, but I sometimes wonder if I am missing something that I
just don't know to check or think about.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland Sydney does a very nice job reasoning through evidence and using it to make sound clinical judgements. She
has more recently been able to identify when part of her Plan of care is less effective than intended and has
made adjustments accordingly, with guidance. She is able to look at a patient globally and does not frequently 3/10
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get "tunnel vision." The speed at which she makes decisions and the confidence to follow through with those
decisions will improve with time and experience.

CI Final

Jim D. Leland Sydney uses her didactic knowledge in combination with critical thinking skills very well. She is able to reach a
clinically sound decision independently with simple cases and with occasional assistance for more complex
patients. She recognizes her weaknesses and works to fill in gaps in her knowledge and skill set. She needs
guidance at times for the "why" for all that she does, but for a first year student she has excelled past many of
her peers in this category.


Clinical Self +8
Reasoning CI +6

8.   Patient Management – Screening

Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne I think I have been improving on identifying which tests to use during evals. Most of the tests I do I know
generally how to do them, but there are some details here and there that need fine tuning. I think with more
practice my performance of these tests will improve. I also think I have improved at taking the data from my
evals and interpreting it correctly.

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne This is one skills that I have noticed improve since the midterm. I feel like I am able to get through subjective
and objective portions of the eval now without missing big items, and remembering to ask or check more small
details too. I still feel like I need to check with my CI at times to make sure I am not missing anything, or to see
if he would add anything else, but overall I would say I feel much more comfortable in selecting and carrying
our correct tests and measures now.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland Sydney does a nice job performing tests and measures accurately and appropriately. She has yet to encounter a
situation that required external referral. She reviews medical history of new evaluations prior to initiating
treatment without prompting.

CI Final

Jim D. Leland Sydney recognizes possible red flags easily and works to rule out what she can as able. She seeks assistance
with screening as needed. She performs tests and measures accurately with minimal guidance for standard
procedures and minimal guidance for less frequently used tools. She has not had to refer out for appropriate care
throughout this experience, but I would expect she would do so accurately.

Self +7
CI +4

9.   Patient Management – Examination

Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne Similar to above, I have improved on choosing which tests and measures to take, and interpreting the data.
There are a couple of measures or observations I miss without prompting at times and some of my special tests
can be fine tuned. However, I do think I have improved in this skill since starting my clinical, and I feel much
more comfortable in choosing special tests and carrying those through in an eval.

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne I am very happy with how my confidence has grown with the objective portion of evals. In the past week or so
with going right from the subjective to the objective, it has been more challenging at times to think of the tests
that I want to do without taking the time to step out of the room and think/talk through it. However, I think I
have been improving with this and am better at processing and making notes of what I want to test while talking
to the patient. Of course with this there are sometimes things I miss that I would have liked to ask or take
because I don't have much time to think about it, but this has been improving the past couple weeks.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland Sydney does a nice job completing a well rounded, but efficient patient history. She would benefit from
establishing her own template to streamline her interview process. She selects appropriate and evidence based
tests and measures and implements them accurately. Her sequencing of her evaluation has been stellar.

CI Final

Jim D. Leland Sydney has grown by leaps and bounds in her examination skills. She selects appropriate tests and measures and
implements them with confidence. She needs gently guidance on modifying examination techniques based on
patient comfort, but is able to sequence them appropriately to avoid constant changes in patient position. She
completes examination across multiple body systems on a consistent basis. 4/10
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Self +6
CI +4

10.   Patient Management – Evaluation

Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne I've definitely improved in putting the data together to come to a clinical decision during an eval. There are
times when there is conflicting evidence, and I have to think through which evidence makes the most sense, but
I have been improving at this skill.

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne I think I have been doing a good job at being thorough during my eval in collecting the necessary data, and then
using that to come to a clinical decision about diagnosis and plan of care. I want to continue on improving on
noticing the smaller details, which sometimes add to or change the course of my thinking.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland Sydney does a very nice job putting together her findings and patient interview to lead her clinical judgement.
She needs guidance to come to her conclusion, but does not need someone to simply "give" her the answer. She
is able to accurately identify functional limitations for new patients.

CI Final

Jim D. Leland Sydney does a much better job combining information rapidly during decision making. She recognizes patterns
and combinations of subjective and objective material to make sound clinical decisions. She continues to
improve her pace of not only decision making, but performance of overall evaluation in general. She needs to
continue to review evidence based materials to drive home clinically relevant ideas.

Self +5
CI +5

11.   Patient Management – Diagnosis and Prognosis

Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne I have been getting better at this throughout my experience thus far. Sometimes I get caught thinking the
diagnosis may be more complicated than it is. However, I think I have been better at noticing details about
symptoms and results from special tests, and that has been helpful in coming up with a diagnosis. Deciding
prognosis and timeline of how the patient will progress is still difficult for me.

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne I think with simple cases I have been improving quite a bit, where I may ask a question but usually I know the
answer myself. With more complex cases I sometimes get confused or don't know how multiple factors may
affect a patient's outcomes. Recently, I have had more surgical patients, and I am not sure with those what the
protocols are and how hard to push them depending on what stage of healing they're in. I think this will get
better with time as I am exposed to more surgical patients.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland Sydney needs guidance at times to form a list of possible differential diagnoses, but is very accurately with her
primary or most likely diagnosis. She is able to explain these details to the patient in understandable terms and
gives them an accurate prognosis based on her findings.

CI Final

Jim D. Leland Sydney does a very nice job with differential diagnosis for simple cases and requires only minor guidance for
more complex cases. She is able to talk herself through her findings and combine subjective and objective
findings to come to a relevant conclusion. She is able to better recognize the effect that comorbidity may have
on their current complaint. She needs to improve in her prognostic skills, but that will simply come with time.


Diagnosis and Self +5

Prognosis CI +5

12.   Patient Management – Plan of Care

Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne This skill is something that I've had to work hard at throughout this experience so far. From where I started, I
think I have learned a lot. However, this is still one of the harder aspects of patient care for me, so I am
continuing to learn more and work to be better at it. 5/10
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Self Final
— Sydney Wynne This is definitely an area I have had to put some extra effort into, but I would say that I've come a long way
since my first week when I struggled to think of 1-2 exercises for my patients. I have gotten to a point where I
am comfortable making plans for my patients, but still have my CI check over them and talk about any
additions he would like to see. I am also still working on my skills in progressing and modifying plans. For the
most part I understand whens something needs to be progressed or modified, but I'm not always sure the best
way to go about this. This is something that has been improving in the past 3 weeks.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland Sydney does a nice job creating a plan of care than addresses patient's needs and wants. She selects functional
interventions and is able to adjust on the fly with guidance. She identifies what activities will be beneficial using
information from the patient interview as well as her tests and measures.

CI Final

Jim D. Leland This is an area that will continue to improve with continued practice and skill development. Sydney is able to
complete a POC independently for simple cases that utilizes current standards of practice and evidence based
findings. With more complex cases, she continues to need guidance. She is able to change her plan on the fly
with minimal to no cues and does so when appropriate.

Self +6
Plan of Care
CI +5

13.   Patient Management – Procedural Interventions

Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne This is similar to the one above, and again I have been working on getting better at this skill. I do think I have
improved on recognizing when modifications need to be made or when substitutions need to be corrected. I
think I have also recently been improving on judging how hard to push a patient based on their age/condition.

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne This is also an area that has definitely been improving, but still needs a good amount of work, which I think will
come with time. I have recently realized that when it comes to more young and athletic people, I struggle in
thinking of exercises that would be appropriate for them aside from some basic exercises. However, I think for
the population I've been working with for most of my experience, I have improved quite a bit in selecting
exercises and adjusting them as needed. And I have used this growth to help in creating plans for people in
different populations.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland Sydney needs guidance to adjust her interventions to the functional level of the patient at times, but this will
improve simply with the experience of working with a variety of people. She is able to modify activities based
on patient response. She is more comfortable with performance of manual techniques as her experience has
progressed, but this will be an ongoing task for her.

CI Final

Jim D. Leland Sydney utilizes interventions that are consistent with her POC and has done a much better job of modifying
activities to meet the needs of the patient within the session. She has improved her ability to change her
activities on the fly. Her comfort level with performing simple hands on techniques will continue to improve as
she completes her upcoming coursework.


Procedural Self +4
Interventions CI +5

14.   Patient Management – Educational Interventions

Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne My patient education as far as their interventions go has improved. I have been getting better at modifying my
teaching styles based on what the patient seems to understand best, and offering different ways to explain things
to provide the best way of understanding for the patient. As far as education goes on the patient questions about
their diagnosis, I think this will get better with time as I get more experience and learn more.

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne The last three weeks has been focused more on patient education than the first three were, and I think I have
been improving at answering their questions, explaining their diagnosis, and sounding confident while doing so.
There are still times when I get my CI for some questions when I want to be sure the information I am getting
them is absolutely correct, but I know with time and experience I will feel more comfortable with those kinds of

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland Sydney does a nice job with patient education at evaluations, but does need a little guidance for using patient
friendly language. Her ability to educate on the fly will improve as she is given more independence from session
to session. 6/10
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This is an area that Sydney has shown significant improvement. She is much more comfortable speaking to
CI Final

Jim D. Leland
patients and is confident in her answers. She has done a wonderful job keeping language simple and avoiding
complex medical jargon.


Educational Self +6
Interventions CI +5

15.   Patient Management – Documentation

Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne Since learning the formatting here I think I have done a pretty good job with my documentation. There are some
details here and there that need to be edited, but overall I feel like my documentation has been a relatively
strong suit during this experience.

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne I think my documentation has continued to improve as I have gotten used to the system. I definitely see how it is
easy to get behind if you don't stay on top of it, and as I've seen more patients it is a bit harder to keep up with
it. It will be interesting to see how my documentation goes as I learn new systems in the future.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland Sydney completes her documentation in a timely and efficient manner. She has adapted well to an EMR system
that is admittedly quite "clunky." She needs guidance on making sure her documentation reflects more
functional activities, but has done a lovely job keeping her paperwork succinct and accurate.

CI Final

Jim D. Leland Sydney's documentation has been accurate and meets the necessary requirements for each patient. She needs
occasional cues to suss out relevant information at times, but generally does a very nice job including functional
changes. Her efficiency with documentation will improve with practice.

Self +4
CI +2

16.   Patient Management – Outcomes Assessment

Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne I haven't really had to formally reassess a patient and their outcome measures, but every time I see a patient I
take note of how they are doing compared to the previous time I saw them. When I am writing goals I try to
make them attainable and measurable so we can use comparable measures later down the line when assessing

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne I still have not formally had the opportunity to assess a patient's progress or done a discharge, but I have
continued in practicing progressing patients and noticing when they need a change in their plan.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland This is an area that Sydney has not yet been able to experience on a regular basis due to her short tenure here as
well as the unforeseen absence of her CI. She does a nice job assessing and addressing the needs of the patient
within a session and changing their treatment plan based on their overall progress, but has not had to do many
progress reports or discharges recently. This will be an area she gets more experience with in the near future.

CI Final

Jim D. Leland Sydney was unable to perform a lot of outcome assessment due to the length of her rotation, but with her limited
experience on it did a very nice job. She regularly performed more "informal" re-assessment within session and
from one to the next. This is an area that she will no doubt perform well on as she continues on.


Outcomes Self +5
Assessment CI +5

17.   Patient Management – Financial Resources

Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne I understand how to properly bill for units of time with federal vs non-federal billing. I have been improving on
using my time efficiently too, taking less time to think and more time to actually do the treatment. 7/10
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Self Final
— Sydney Wynne I have continued to have minimal problems with billing. I think I have had to make 1-2 edits since the midterm,
but other than that have had no problems. I have been using my time effectively and efficiently so that I can bill
for treatment correctly.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland Sydney documents and codes accurately. She is the first student I have had who consistently bills correctly for
Medicare without guidance. She completes her billing and documentation on time and uses her time efficiently.
Her documentation efficiency will improve with continued practice.

CI Final

Jim D. Leland Sydney works efficiently, bills and codes appropriately, and completes her documentation on time. She has
adjusted to scheduling changes on the fly without skipping a beat and without it negatively affecting her patient


Financial Self +1
Resources CI +5

18.   Patient Management – Direction and Supervision of Personnel

Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne I haven't had to do much with this skill, but I did get to talk through a treatment plan with a PTA which was
helpful and good practice. I have only done this once but I got good feedback from her that was helpful.

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne I still have not done a lot of this, but this last few weeks I did more than I had the first 3 weeks. I worked with
aides mostly, but was able to talk to some PTA's about patients in general.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland Sydney will get more experience in the direction of support personnel in the coming weeks. She thus far has
done a nice job interacting with support staff, but has not yet had to do a lot of directing.

CI Final

Jim D. Leland This has been an area of significant growth for Sydney. Her comfort level directing care for PTAs and
interacting with PT aides has changed dramatically. She does a nice job identifying when assistance is needed
and utilizes appropriate people within the clinic. She has made it a point on several occasions to stop and
interact with patients who are seeing other clinicians that day to inquire about their progress.


Supervision of Self +7
Personnel CI +7

19.   Summative Comments / Caseload / Days Absent

Areas of Strength
Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne I think I am strong at listening to patients and gathering what they need/want to work on. I have also improved
on recognizing when exercises may need to be modified for patients. My palpation skills have improved enough
where I feel like I am now more effective during the manual portion of treatment sessions as well.

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne Since the midterm, I think I have grown stronger with my communication with patients. I feel more confident in
talking to them, and I feel better about building rapport with them and educating them. I also feel stronger in my
ability to make a plan for patients. This still isn't my strongest spot, but I feel stronger in it than I initially did.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland Critical thinking: Sydney has very good critical thinking skills and is able to work her way through challenging
situations with gentle guidance. She rarely needs to be "told" and answer to something.
Her measurements are accurate and her special testing selection and implementation has been quite good.
Evaluation sequencing: This is an area that the majority of students struggle with, but Sydney has done a very
nice job limiting transitions and completing evaluations that prevent undue stress to the patient.

CI Final

Jim D. Leland Critical thinking: This has continued to be a significant strength for Sydney. She is able to talk herself through
her thought process in all things patient care and needs only gentle guidance to come to a sound decision. She is
able to see the "big picture" and rarely gets bogged down in the details. Communication: This has moved from
an area of weakness to an area of strength. Many patients and staff have commented on what a pleasure it has
been to work with her and the ease with which she interacts with everyone has changed tremendously.
Examination and Diagnostics: Although this is a place that requires continued growth, for having only one year
of didactic knowledge under her belt, she has done an exceptional job with her evaluations/examinations and
coming to an accurate diagnosis. 8/10
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Areas for Further Development

Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne I am still continuing to improve my planning of interventions and patient education. I am also working on fine
tuning my eval skills, especially my special testing and identifying everything I need to test and measure. I think
my palpation during evals could be more thorough as well.

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne I can still work on my ability to come up with new exercises/progressions on the spot while I am working with
patients. If given time before or after I see a patient, I can usually think of something else to do with them, but if
I am with a patient, I have a hard time thinking about it in that moment. I can also work on my upper extremity
knowledge. I feel like my UE special tests still need some fine tuning, and I don't think my knowledge on UE
pathologies/conditions is as extensive as the LE ones.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland Communication: Sydney can be a bit reserved at times and internalizes thoughts that may be relevant to a
patient's care. She also needs to be more confident in how she directs patients and less questioning of her own
knowledge. This will no doubt improve in the coming weeks. Treatment implementation and creation: Thus far
Sydney has more or less followed the POC set out by her CI for pre-existing patients and she is reluctant at
times to stray from this without heavier guidance. Again, there is no doubt this will improve in coming weeks.
Confidence: Sydney does not "trust" her own level of knowledge yet and it can definitely show at times. She
needs to recognize that she has a strong base to build from and convey that outwardly.

CI Final

Jim D. Leland Confidence: Although this is an area that Sydney has grown tremendously, she needs to learn to trust herself and
her skill set. Have faith in what you know.
Variety of treatment and skills: Sydney needs to continue to grow her
tool-box of treatment, but this will simply come with time and experience. This is an area that all clinicians
should continue to address throughout their career.

Caseload/Other Comments
1) What is the full caseload at your clinical site for a new graduate?
2) Considering the rating anchors, what percent of a new graduate caseload is the student capable of managing at this time?
Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne N/A

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne I don't know what the full caseload at my clinical site for a new grad is. I think I am capable of managing about
50-60% of a full caseload. Seeing the patients is okay, but keeping up with the documentation for it is difficult.
In addition to that, it is still nice to have some time to think between patients and not go right from one patient
to another.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland A new graduate is expected to see 8 patients in an 8 hour day. Currently, Sydney is at approximately 40 to 50%
of a new graduate caseload.

CI Final

Jim D. Leland A new graduate should see 8 patients in an 8 hour day. I believe Sydney would be capable of seeing 75 to 100%
of this caseload at this time (Documentation notwithstanding).


Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne Overall I need to continue working on fine tuning my techniques during evals, and continue improving my
treatment plans.

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne I need to continue working on my skills with interventions and plans, as well as modifying plans on the go. In
addition, I can continue working on my patient education and communication with patients when they ask me
questions about their condition.

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland Be confident in your knowledge. The saying is "fake it 'til you make it." Patients will be more likely to buy in
with what you say and do if you have confidence. Continue to dig deep into the "why" when you do things and
think ahead. It will help you continue to develop critical thinking skills and allow you to adapt sessions on the
fly. Do not be afraid to challenge a peer on their thoughts and beliefs. Open debate is good for the profession
and allows all clinicians to develop.

CI Final

Jim D. Leland Keep doing what you are doing and build up your confidence level. Continue to focus on the "why" of
everything you do and see the big picture. Build your skill set, find what fits "you" best, and build from there.
Develop your opinions and share them with your classmates and future colleagues. Open discussion is good for
the profession. Sydney has done a wonderful job, has been a joy to have in the clinic, and will no doubt make an
exceptional clinician who will represent the profession well.

Mid-Term Days Absent

0 days

0 days

Final Days Absent

0 days 9/10
7/20/22, 9:08 PM Assignments - Show

0 days

Reason for Absence

Self Mid-Term
— Sydney Wynne N/A

Self Final
— Sydney Wynne N/A

CI Mid-Term

Jim D. Leland NA

CI Final

Jim D. Leland Na

Evaluation Sign Off Dates/Times

Self Mid-Term

[CI] Jim D. Leland - 06/03/22 11:18 AM

[Student] Sydney Wynne - 06/03/22 08:35 AM

Self Final

[CI] Jim D. Leland - 06/24/22 12:32 PM

[Student] Sydney Wynne - 06/24/22 11:32 AM

CI Mid-Term

[Student] Sydney Wynne - 06/03/22 11:20 AM

[CI] Jim D. Leland - 06/03/22 08:30 AM
[CI] Jim D. Leland - 06/03/22 08:30 AM
[CI] Jim D. Leland - 06/03/22 06:40 AM

CI Final

[Student] Sydney Wynne - 06/24/22 12:34 PM

[CI] Jim D. Leland - 06/24/22 11:32 AM
[CI] Jim D. Leland - 06/24/22 06:04 AM

Post-Assessment Comments
Please review this Mid-Term evaluation:
(Last comments edited 06/24/22 12:33 PM)
At midterm I was comfortable working about 40-50% of the caseload and doing
documentation. I did not feel overwhelmed with this and thought it was going

Save Comments
Mid-Term comments by Karen Grossnickle - 06/06/22 11:10 PM

Sydney, Good job to date. Please make sure that you answer the case load question and percent case load of your CI - if you could add this to the
comments or send in an email to me with a cc: to Jim I can included it in your record. Dr. Grossnickle
Please review this Final evaluation:

Save Comments 10/10

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