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Ayurvedic Indications of Datura:

The holistic science of Ayurveda classifies this herb in “Upavisha Varga” which is a secondary toxic plant.
Upavisha Varga usually means a category of plants of poisonous or toxic origin. Ayurveda vouches that in
small doses these plants under the Upavisha category are effective and have medicinal uses but can be lethal if
not purified through the Sodhana process or taken in excess.

This powerful herb is broadly mentioned in ancient ayurvedic scriptures of Charaka Samhita and Raj Nighantu
for treating various problems including Deepana (enhances stomach fire), Pachana (helps in digestion), Kustha
(treats skin disorders), Rochana (stimulates appetite), Amahara (treats indigestion), and Vamana (prevents
nausea and vomiting), Rasayani (rejuvenates the whole body), Dahahara (relieves burning sensation), Mehahara
(treats diabetic symptoms), Hridaya (treats heart problems), Kaphahara (prevents cough and cold), Varnya
(improves complexion), and Svasahara (treats respiratory ailments).

Parts of Datura Used In Medicinal Formulations

Datura plant as a whole has several characteristic properties including anti-spasmodic, analgesic, sleep-
inducing, expectorant, sedative, hypnotic, intoxicant, uterine stimulant and bronchodilator properties.

Owing to its several therapeutic properties, the entire plant, be it the fresh or dry leaves, seeds, roots, or fruits,
Datura has carved its way in many traditional and alternative medications.

Datura seeds
Generally, datura seeds are used in Ayurveda, traditional Indian and alternative medicines. Before using datura
in medicines, datura seeds require a series of detoxification and purification processes. These processes help to
reduce the toxicity level in the human body and enhance medicinal value of datura.

In raw form, datura seeds might be very dangerous and poisonous. Therefore, do not try anything described in
this article yourself, just consult related professional for more detail.

Datura seeds when used in raw form are extremely dangerous and poisonous, hence before using them in any
formulation, the seeds require a series of sodhana or purification process, to detoxify the harmful effects, so as
to reduce the toxicity levels in the human body and to promote the therapeutic value of the part.

Leaves are smoked in low dose in blends

Asthma: The smoke from the burning leaves are useful in this condition.

Dhattura Shodhana – Purification method for seeds of Dhatura

Dhatura seeds are taken in a clean cloth. Tied in the form of suspending pack. It is suspended and kept dipped in
a vessel containing cows milk. This setup is called as Dola Yantra. It is boiled in cows milk for 1 Prahara (3
hours). This procedure is called as Swedana. After 3 hours, the seeds are washed in hot water, dried and

Datura Side Effects:

Being a toxic plant, it is strongly advocated to use or consume any part of the plant only after proper diagnosis
and consultation with the doctor. Specifically, datura leaves and seeds contain a high concentration of
poisonous alkaloids like Daturine and albumen in addition to mucilage and ash. These alkaloids contain about
25% potassium nitrate. If the plant parts are consumed raw without purification, it can be extremely lethal
towards health.

An overdose or use of improperly purified Datura can lead to the following health conditions:
Hallucination and intoxication
Dry mouth
Heart palpitation
Muscle stiffness
Allergic reactions
Increased heart rate
Increase in Intraocular pressure
In certain chronic cases, it can be extremely lethal and can ultimately cause unconsciousness, coma and even

Improves Respiratory Health

Famed as a traditional remedy for all sorts of respiratory troubles, Datura is truly effective as an alternative
treatment for asthmatic conditions. Having powerful anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and anti-spasmodic
properties, the entire plant hold high significance in treating all sorts of respiratory troubles including the
common cold, flu, whooping cough, asthma, bronchitis, etc. Being a natural expectorant, it helps in getting rid
of the mucous deposits within the chest and nasal cavities and thus helps in breathing. On proper dosage, this
herb strengthens the lung muscles and improves its functioning.

Datura seed powder
60 mg to 125 mg

Datura leaf powder

60 mg to 200 mg

Datura root powder

60 mg to 200 mg

Datura flowers
60 mg to 125 mg

Datura seed ash

500 mg to 1 grams

Also known as Kanakasavam, this formulation contains purified Datura that is mainly aimed at the treatment
and prevention of respiratory diseases. The presence of bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory properties, the
formulation provides relief from an acute attack of asthma and increases the airflow to the lungs by dilating and
relaxing the bronchial pathways.

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