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1. E The students read aloud a A. Objects (realia, pictures,…) present in the

passage about United States immediate classroom environment should
geography. be used to help students understand the

2. A The teacher points to a part B. The native language should not be used
of the map after each sentence in the classroom
is read.

3. B The teacher uses the target C. Self- correction facilitates language

language to ask the students if learning.
they have a question. The
students use the target language
to ask their questions.

4. D The teacher answers the D. The teacher should demonstrate, not

students’ questions by drawing explain or translate. It is desirable that
on the blackboard or giving students make a direct association
examples. between the target language and the

5. G The teacher asks questions E. Reading in the target language should be

about the map in the target taught from the beginning of language
language, to which the students instruction; however, the reading skill
reply in a complete sentences will be developed through practice with
in the target language. speaking. Language is primarily speech.
Culture consists of more than the fine arts
(geography, cultural values,…)

6. M Students ask questions about F. Grammar should be taught inductively.

the map. There may never be an explicit grammar
rule given.

7. K The teacher work with the G. Students should learn to think in the
students on the pronunciation target language as soon as possible.

of “Appalachian”. Vocabulary is acquired more naturally if

students use it in full sentences, rather
than memorizing word lists.

8. C The teacher corrects a H. Writing is an important skill to be

grammar error by asking the developed from the beginning of
students to make a choice. language instruction.

9. L The teacher asks questions I. The syllabus is based on situations of

about the students; students ask topics, not usually on linguistic
each other questions. structures.

10.F The students fill in blanks J. Learning another language also involves
with prepositions practiced in learning how speakers of that language
the lesson. live.

11.H The teacher dictates a K. Pronunciation should be worked on right

paragraph about United States from the beginning of the language
geography. instruction.

12. I All of the lessons of the week L. Lesson should contain some
involve United State conversationally activity- some
geography. opportunity for students to use language
in real contexts. Students should be
encouraged to speak as much as possible.

13. J A proverb is used to discuss M.The purpose of language learning is

how Americans view communication (therefore, students need
punctuality. to learn how to ask and answer the

1-E 2-A 3-B 4-D 5-G 6-M 7-K


8-C 9-L 10-F 11-H 12-I 13-J

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