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Everyday, total population around the world is rising which also means that more sources for survival is

needed specially food and water. Do you think these sources for our survival can provide all the needs of
human beings around the world? Do you think as population gets bigger so do the biodiversity? Before I
get to the point, let me introduce first what is biodiversity and the survival needs of humans, we
humans. Biological diversity, or biodiversity, is the scientific term for the variety of life on Earth. It refers
not just to species but also to ecosystems and differences in genes within a single species. Everywhere
on the planet, species live together and depend on one another. Every living thing, including man, is
involved in these complex networks of interdependent relationships, which are called ecosystems. Now,
what are the human needs? Human beings have certain basic needs. We must have food, water, air, and
shelter to survive. If any one of these basic needs is not met, then humans cannot survive.

Now, we are all aware that there are threats in what we called 'Biodiversity' like Deforestation,
overhunting, overfishing and population. And sometimes we can't blame people because they want to
live, they want to survive. But, damaging biodiversity might create a bigger problem, and or worst is that
it may lead to extinction of some species. We need to protect biodiversity, we need to protect and
enrich these sources of our survival especially foods and water. And the only thing I see with this is to
reconcile the need to protect biodiversity and the needs for survival. Consider the following to reconcile
human health demands with the need to protect biodiversity growth: Local organic agriculture should
be supported. Consume foods that are in season. As secured agriculture sanctuaries, zone land used for
food production encourages biodiversity.

As a future teacher, what else can be done to enrich/improve education in school?

For me, education is at it's best if there is a respect yet strong connection between an educator and
his/her students. As a future teacher, the school policies must be improve as well as the of school
counseling methods to keep the students behave and respectful with their own. Respect is one of the
most important element for a teacher to teach well and for the students to excel in class. I want to
enrich the ethics and moral virtues of my students, because I believe that education is not all about
what is written on the book, it is also about education of good deeds and morality.

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