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Jane Ann C.


GE 3- MWF 4:00-5:00pm

After I watch the video about the ongoing poverty on America my ideal impression about
America have changed, I always believed and see that it is a very well off country that everyone
was wealthy. Yet after I watch the video I found out, that it was somehow the same with
other countries that even though it is known to be a well off country it can't be denied that
poverty still exist on the hidden corners of a country. While on the other hand we faced
different struggles everyday just like how are we going to survive.

I believed that in every country their is no perfect government, however they are trying to cope
it up to help those less fortunate people. Despite the poverty that America is facing they
provide care for their people just life for those people who sleep in their cars they were
provided utilities that they need for their daily basis, this includes comfort rooms, kitchen and
etc. They also have food stamps that help those people buy there food without paying cash,
they also have a food truck that go around places in which a family avial the free food, for
some of these family loss their job and cannot even provide food. They also provide medical
assistance to those less fortunate people in which they have health care team that will help
those people and treat those people from head to toe. However their is still some discripancy
for those people that were living on streets the government has not yet elucidated actions on
how they can help those people. And its sad to hear that those people were forced to leave in
that particular area.

On the other hand I was really amazed on the strict rules of America as how they implemented
it on their country, you are not even allowed to still leftovers food from a garbage for it was
even owned by America. And they also have strict rules on their eviction policies if a tenant was
not able to pay they're rent on time they are notified by state and they are given time to
evacuate, but the sad thing is that if a tenant was nit able to evacuate on a given time they have
to do a forced evicticted. I've learned a lot from the documentary I realized that life is a matter
of how you start your typical day to survive and fill in your needs of your day to day basis. And
strongly believe that poverty is not a hindrance for you to move forward and be successful in
life to make better ways for you and for others. The video was really an eye opener for
everyone of that we should not really judge a book by its cover for realty is within. Instead of
looking down those less fortunate people we should be a helping hand to them in our own
simple ways.

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