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OOP FINALS that inherit from each other, you can ell which

is the base class and which is the derived class

MODULE 8 by using the two classes in a sentence with
You are familiar with the concept of the phrase “is a(n).” A derived class always “is
inheritance from all sorts of nonprogramming a” case or example of the more general base
situations. When you use the term class. For example, a Tree class can be a base
inheritance, you might think of genetic class to an Evergreen class. An Evergreen “is
inheritance. You know from biology that your a” Tree, so Tree is the base class; however, it
blood type and eye color are the product of is not true for all Trees that “a Tree is an
inherited genes; many facts about you—your Evergreen.” Similarly, an
attributes, or “data fields”—are inherited. EmployeeWithTerritory “is an” Employee—
Similarly, you often can credit your behavior but not the other way around—so Employee
to inheritance. For example, your attitude is the base class.
toward saving money might be the same as You can write a statement that instantiates a
your grandmother’s, and the odd way that derived class object, such as the following:
you pull on your ear when you are tired might EmployeeWithTerritory northernRep = new
match what your Uncle Steve does—thus, EmployeeWithTerritory();
your methods are inherited, too. You also
might choose plants and animals based on Then you can use any of the next statements
inheritance. You plant impatiens next to your to get field values for the northernRep object:
house because of your shady location; you
adopt a Doberman Pinscher because you need northernRep.getId();
a watchdog. Every individual plant and pet has northernRep.getSalary();
slightly different characteristics, but within a
species, you can count on many consistent northernRep.getTerritory();
inherited attributes and behaviors. Similarly,
The northernRep object has access to all
the classes you create in object-oriented
three get methods—two methods that it
programming languages can inherit data and
inherits from Employee and one method that
methods from existing classes. In Java and all
belongs to EmployeeWithTerritory. Similarly,
object-oriented languages, inheritance
after the northernRep object is declared, any
• Save time because the Employee fields and of the following statements are legal:
methods already exist
• Reduce errors because the Employee
methods already have been used and tested
• Reduce the amount of new learning
The northernRep object has access to all the
Inheritance Terminology
parent Employee class set methods, as well as
A class that is used as a basis for inheritance, its own class’s new set method. Inheritance is
such as Employee, is a base class. When you a one-way proposition; a child inherits from a
create a class that inherits from a base class parent, not the other way around. When you
(such as EmployeeWithTerritory), it is a instantiate an Employee object, it does not
derived class. When considering two classes have access to the EmployeeWithTerritory
methods. It makes sense that a parent class MODULE 9
object does not have access to its child’s data
and methods. When you create the parent Overriding Superclass Methods
class, you do not know how many future When you create a subclass by extending an
subclasses it might have or what their data existing class, the new subclass contains data
fields or methods might look like. In addition, and methods that were defined in the original
subclasses are more specific than the superclass. In other words, any child class
superclass they extend. object has all the attributes of its parent.
You can use the instanceof operator to Sometimes, however, the superclass data
fields and methods are not entirely
determine whether an object is a member or
descendant of a class. For example, if appropriate for the subclass objects; in these
cases, you want to override the parent class
northernRep is an EmployeeWithTerritory
object, the value of each of the following members. To override a field or method in a
child class means to use the child’s version
expressions is true: northernRep instanceof
EmployeeWithTerritory northernRep instead of the parent’s version. When you use
the English language, you often use the same
instanceof Employee
method name to indicate diverse meanings.
If aClerk is an Employee object, the following For example, if you think of
is true: MusicalInstrument as a class, you can think of
play() as a method of that class. If you think of
aClerk instanceof Employee various subclasses such as Guitar and Drum,
However, the following is false: you know that you carry out the play()
method quite differently for each subclass.
aClerk instanceof EmployeeWithTerritory Using the same method name to indicate
different implementations is called
Programmers say that instanceof yields true if
polymorphism, a term meaning many forms—
the operand on the left can be upcast to the
many different forms of action take place,
operand on the right.
even though you use the same word to
Common Properties describe the action. In other words, many
forms of the same action-describing word
Below is a sample hierarchy with attribute and exist, depending on the associated object.
method definitions
Calling Constructors During Inheritance
We can make the following observations
about the class diagram: When you create any object, as in the
following statement, you are calling a
• attribute name and method getName() are constructor: SomeClass anObject = new
common in all three classes; SomeClass(); When you instantiate an object
that is a member of a subclass, you actually
• attribute employee number and method
are calling both the constructor for the base
getEmployeeNumber() are common in
class and the constructor for the extended,
Employee and SalesPerson class;
derived class. When you create any subclass
• attribute commission is specific to object, the superclass constructor must
SalesPerson class and does not appear in execute first, and then the subclass
other classes. constructor executes.
When a superclass contains a default overrides the superclass method. However, if
constructor and you instantiate a subclass a method has been overridden but you want
object, the execution of the superclass to use the superclass version within the
constructor usually is transparent—that is, subclass, you can use the keyword super to
nothing calls attention to the fact that the access the parent class method.
superclass constructor is executing unless the
constructor contains some action such as Comparing this and super
displaying a message. However, you should
realize that when you create a child object
both the parent and child constructors

Using Superclass Constructors that Require


When you do not provide a constructor for a

class, Java automatically supplies you with a
default constructor—one that never requires Employing Information hiding
arguments. When you write your own
constructor, you replace the The Student class shown below is an example
automaticallysupplied version. Depending on of a typical Java class. Within the Student
your needs, a constructor you create for a class, as with most Java classes, the keyword
class might be a default constructoror might private precedes each data field, and the
require arguments. When a superclass has keyword public precedes each method. In
only constructors that require arguments, you fact, the four get and set methods are public
must be certain that any subclasses provide within the Student class specifically because
the superclass constructor with the the data fields are private. Without the public
arguments it needs. get and set methods, there would be no way
to access the private data fields.
When a superclass has a default constructor,
you can create a subclass with or without its The concept of keeping data private is known
own constructor. This is true whether the as information hiding. When you employ
default superclass constructor is the information hiding, your data can be altered
automatically supplied one or one you have only by the methods you choose and only in
written. When a superclass contains only ways that you can control. For example, you
constructors that require arguments; might want the setIdNum() method to check
however, you must include at least one to make certain the idNum is within a specific
constructor for each subclass you create range of values. If a class other than the
Student class could alter idNum, idNum could
Accessing Superclass Methods be assigned a value that the Student class
Earlier in this chapter, you learned that a couldn’t control.
subclass can contain a method with the same Methods You Cannot Override
name and arguments (the same signature) as
a method in its parent class. When this The three types of methods that you cannot
happens and you use the method name with a override in a subclass are:
subclass object, the subclass method
• static methods

• final methods

• Methods within final classes

A Subclass Cannot Override static Methods in

Its Superclass

A subclass cannot override methods that are

declared static in the superclass. In other
words, a subclass cannot override a class MODULE 10
method—a method you use without
instantiating an object. A subclass can hide a Code Reuse, Making Changes in Class
static method in the superclass by declaring a Hierarchy
static method in the subclass with the same
Code Reuse/ Making Changes in Class
signature as the static method in the
Hierarchy By allowing information of a
superclass. Then, you can call the new static
superclass to be taken on by subclasses, the
method within the subclass or in another class
information is said to be reused at the
by using a subclass object. However, this
subclass level. All newly created instances of
static method that hides the superclass static
the subclasses would have as part of their
method cannot access the parent method
definition the inherited information.
using the super object.
employee number, basic salary, and
A Subclass Cannot Override final Methods in getEmployeeNumber() of the Employee class
Its Superclass and name and getName() of the Person class
are said to be reused by the Manager and

Changes to software specification are

inevitable. Let us consider how changes in a
class hierarchy impact software maintenance
as a whole. The following situations will be

• Change in property definition for all

subclasses-Suppose a change in
representational scheme of the employee
number in Figure 6-3 is required. This change
will affect not only the attribute employee
A Subclass Cannot Override Methods in a number but also the method
final Superclass getEmployeeNumber() and possibly other
classes that inherit employee number. We will
examine this change in two possibilities:

(a) Inheritance Is Not Available

In the case where inheritance is not
available, the attribute employee
number and method  a manager—basic salary plus allowance;
getEmployeeNumber() would have to
be defined in all the relevant classes,  a salesperson—basic salary plus
for example, Employee, Manager, commission;
SalesPerson and Secretary. The
 a secretary—basic salary;
change in representational scheme of
employee number would thus have to  a technician—basic salary;
be affected individually on these
classes. The redundancy arising from  a clerk—basic salary.
the multiple definition of employee
At the Employee class, a getPay() method is
number and getEmployeeNumber()
defined to return the monthly pay of an
may lead to inconsistency in definition
employee since the method applies to all
if the change is not carried out
classes of employee.
(b) Inheritance Is Available • Adding/deleting a class-Adding a class into
an existing class hierarchy can be detrimental
With inheritance, the situation is
to the stability of the hierarchy. It is always
different. We would first define attribute
recommended that the addition of a new
employee number and method
class be created as a subclass in the class
getEmployeeNumber() in Employee class
hierarchy. The definition of existing classes
and let subclasses Manager, SalesPerson
will not be adversely affected by this
and Secretary inherit these definitions
from Employee class. The required change
in representational scheme for attribute MODULE 11
employee number would be limited to the
Employee class. The change would be Creating and Using Interfaces-Some object-
propagated to the subclasses via oriented programming languages, such as C+
inheritance. In this way, the change is +, allow a subclass to inherit from more than
thus limited to the superclass, enabling a one parent class.
uniform and consistent property Automobile class that contains data fields
definition for all subclasses. In addition, such as vehicle identification number, make,
redundancy in property definition at the model, and year. As well as Automobile
subclass level can be minimized and information and methods. It would be
software maintenance enhanced. convenient to inherit from both the
• Change in property definition for some InsuredItem and Automobile classes. The
subclasses- In some situations, a change in capability to inherit from more than one class
property definition at the superclass level may is called multiple inheritance.
not necessarily apply to all subclasses. The
above solution would therefore not apply in
these situations. To illustrate, let us extend
the Person class hierarchy further to include
two more employee classes: Technician and Multiple Inheritance Using Interface-The
Clerk. Let us assume the following for a interface construct in Java is used with single
HomeCare employee: inheritance to provide some form of multiple
MODULE 12 • All of the methods in an interface are
implicitly public and abstract, and all of its
Attributes in an Interface data items (if any) are implicitly public, static,
Data attributes declared in an interface and final.
construct are always static and final. They are • When a class inherits from another, the
static as there can only be one copy of the child class can use the nonprivate,
data available and final since they are not nonoverridden members of its parent’s class,
modifiable. By declaring data attributes in an but when a class uses an interface, it must
interface, constant declarations for use in implement its own version of each method
methods is possible.
Methods in an Interface
All methods in an interface are abstract
methods and any class that uses the interface Up till now we have been assuming all code is
must provide an implementation for them. bound during compilation. Such binding is
Like data attributes, an interface does not known as static binding. Binding can also take
have to explicitly declare its methods abstract place at run-time and this form of binding is
using the keyword abstract. Similarly, known as dynamic binding. Static binding is
interface methods are always public, and the limited and may lead to difficulty in software
access modifier public keyword is not required maintenance. Dynamic binding, on the other
since it is implied in the interface declaration. hand, provides design flexibility and may
However, in contrast with data attributes in enhance software maintainability. In this
an interface, methods may not be static since chapter, we will discuss static binding and
static methods, being class specific, are never dynamic binding. We will also examine how
abstract. dynamic binding contributes to polymorphism
—the ability of objects to respond to the
Abstract Class and Interface same message with the appropriate method
A class implementing an interface must based on their class definition
implement all the abstract methods declared Static Binding: adding a triangle
in an interface; otherwise, the class is
considered as an abstract class and must be • in the data section where a triangle is
declared using the abstract keyword defined;

• in the main code section where the

detection of a triangle and the appropriate
routine call have to be included in the switch

statement; and

• in the routine section where the specific

routine for calculating the area of the triangle
has to be included.

Multiple places are affected as a result of

Remember: extending shape types, and this is error prone.
An alternative approach to static binding is of superclass references, it can hold subclass
dynamic binding. references. This is true whether the
superclass in question is abstract or concrete.
More on Dynamic Method Binding
Operation Overloading-Circle and Square
When you create a superclass and one or have similar calculateArea() method in their
more subclasses, each object of each subclass class definition. Although both methods have
“is a” superclass object. Every the same method signature, they have
SalariedEmployee “is an” Employee; every different method implementation, since the
Dog “is an” Animal. (The opposite is not true. formula for calculating area of each is not the
Superclass objects are not members of any of same. While it is impossible in conventional
their subclasses. An Employee is not a imperative programming languages to have
SalariedEmployee. An Animal is not a Dog.) two routines having the same name, it is
Because every subclass object “is a” allowed in object-oriented programming. The
superclass member, you can convert subclass ability to use the same name for two or more
objects to superclass objects. As you are methods in a class is known as operation
aware, when a superclass is abstract, you overloading in object-oriented terms
cannot instantiate objects of the superclass;
however, you can indirectly create a reference Same Method Signature-Two methods are
to a superclass abstract object. A reference is said to have the same method signature if:the
not an object, but it points to a memory name of the methods are the same; and the
address. When you create a reference, you do number and type of formal parameters are
not use the keyword new to create a concrete the same.
object; instead, you create a variable name in
which you can hold the memory address of a Overloading Method Names-Methods having
the same method signature may pose
concrete object. So, although a reference to
an abstract superclass object is not concrete, problems in the compilation process
depending on where they are used in the
you can store a concrete subclass object
reference there. program. In this section, we will consider
various situations and report on the validity of
Dynamic method binding-is most useful when overloaded method names. In the code
you want to create a method that has one or fragment below, method A() is overloaded by
more parameters that might be one of several A(int x), A(int x, int y), and A(String s). These
types. four methods are distinguished in the
compilation process by the number and type
Creating arrays of Subclass Objects-Recall of parameters present in the method call.
that every array element must be the same
data type, which can be a primitive, built-in
type, or can be a type based on a more
complex class. When you create an array in
Java, you are not constructing objects.
Instead, you are creating space for references
to objects. In other words, although it is
convenient to refer to an array of objects,
every array of objects is really an array of
object references. When you create an array
Polymorphism is facilitated by dynamic
binding and the ability to use the same name
for similar methods across class definitions. It
would not be possible to achieve
polymorphism if a programming language
does not support these facilities.
Polymorphism encourages programmers to
specify what method should happen rather
than how it should happen. This approach
allows flexibility in code design and promotes
incremental program development.


Modularity-We have so far discussed the

Polymorphism (additionals)-We noted earlier basic facilities for creating objects through
in that we can achieve code binding at run- Java class definitions and code reuse by
time with dynamic binding. Also, appropriate inheriting properties of similar but more
method call can be made without making any general classes. In this chapter, we look at the
direct reference to it in the message. As is important issue of modularity and the related
evident in the output of the code, the mechanisms available in Java.
appropriate calculateArea() method for the
respective object was selected. Methods and Classes as Program Units-A
method is comprised of statement sequences
It is apparent that the message and is often viewed as the smallest program
(calculateArea()) from the sender (main()) has unit to be considered as a subprogram. It is
been interpreted appropriately by the self-contained and designed for a particular
receiver. A circle receiving the message has task which represents an object behavior.
used its own method calculateArea() to Together with data, a coordinated set of
calculate the area and a square receiving the methods completes the specification of
same message has done the same with its objects. As we have seen, data and methods
own calculateArea() method. The ability of are the constituents of a class definition.
different objects to perform the appropriate Compared to a method, a class definition is
method in response to the same message is the next bigger unit under design. Properties
known as polymorphism in object-oriented defined in a class can be distinguished into
object and class properties. Object properties
are definitions that are specific to objects and
Selection of Method-In polymorphism, the apply to all objects from the same class. Class
interpretation of a message is not affected by properties, on the other hand, apply only to
a sender. What a sender knows is that an the class even though the structure and
object can respond to a message but it does behavior of objects of a class is defined by the
not know which class the object belongs to or class.
how it will respond to the message.
Object and Class Properties
Incremental Development
Counting Instance
Listing 8-1 contains the code for an example
that counts the number of objects
instantiated from the SalesPerson class.

The variable count in the alternative solution

is declared as an object attribute rather than a
local variable of the static method main() as
was the case for the previous solution. As an
The code begins with the declaration of a object attribute, count can now be
variable count. This variable is used to incremented in the constructor method of the
continually create the number of SalesPerson SalesPerson class. However, with each
objects. For each creation of a SalesPerson obj instantiation of a SalesPerson object, the
count variable of each newly created object is
count = count+1;
incremented. Since two instances of
This statement is executed twice since two SalesPerson object were created, two
SalesPerson objects were instantiated. Finally, independent copies of count, each having the
the code prints out the number of value 1, were present. Figure 8-1 shows the
SalesPerson objects instantiated via the state of the two created SalesPerson objects.
Shared Attributes-Another solution can be
System.out.println(count + " salespersons
found in Listing 8-3 whereby count is declared
have been created");
as static. Declaring count as static allows the
The output: variable count to be shared among all
instances of the SalesPerson class. Thus,
"2 salespersons have been created” s1.count refers to the same memory location
as s2.count. The statement:
suggests that two SalesPerson objects were
count = count+1; in the constructor
created, and this is clearly correct. While the
method therefore increments the same
solution is correct, it is cumbersome since for
shared copy of count as shown in Figure 8-2.
each new instantiation of SalesPerson object, The output from the code:
a fresh
”2 salespersons have been created”
count = count+1;
is correct
statement has to be added into main(). An
alternate class organisation is given in Listing
8-2, where count is incremented within the
constructor method of the SalesPerson class.
This strategy supports abstraction and is
advantageous because the user does not have
to bother with operations on count.
First, while modules should be as independent
as possible with minimal coupling, no module
can be totally isolated from other code since it
is unusual for a module to work in isolation.
Thus, there must be entities on an object that
are accessible externally. On the other hand,
objects should reveal as little as possible of
their internal workings so that there will be
minimal dependence on such details. Ideally,
objects will reveal information on a need-to-
know basis. We have earlier seen the use of
the visibility specifiers private and public

Private variables-are either used within the

class definition, or a public accessor method is
implemented to provide the access required
outside the class definition. We assume the
Class Attributes-The static variable count is latter to be the case and provided a publicly
also known as a class attribute. While a class accessible getCount() to return the value of
definition specifies the structure and behavior count.
of objects within, it may have its own
Between the public and private extremes,
attribute and method definitions. An attribute Java also allows for two more categories:
definition that is preceded with the keyword protected and the default visibility of
static is a class attribute. While we previously “friendly.”
viewed the static variable count as shared
amongst all instances, its association with the
class is consistent. As a class attribute, it is
also accessible to instances of the class.
While the public and private specifiers allow
Class Methods-In another change in Listing 8- for all-or-nothing access outside of the class
4, we make getCount() a class method by definition, the protected keyword makes
prefixing it with the static keyword. The entities that follow it accessible to code
results from the code is the same as that of fragments with its immediate subclass. For
Listing 8-3 with just static count. Note the entities with no access specifier, friendly
access is assumed. Here, access is given to
difference in representation between the
code fragments within the same package.
getCount() method of Figure8-3 for Listing 8-4 Table 8-1 summarizes accessibility rules from
and Figure 8-2 for Listing 8-3. In Figure 8-3, most restrictive to least restrictive.
both SalesPerson objects s1 and s2 do not
own the getCount() method since the method
belongs to the SalesPerson class as
represented by the outermost bubble
surrounding instances s1 and s2.

Controlling Visibility-We have mostly ignored

the issue of visibility of attributes and
methods. Any discussion on modularity is not
complete without discussing visibility issues.
Creating and Using packages-Throughout
most of this book, you have imported
packages into your programs. As you learned
in previous Chapters, a package is a named
collection of classes; for example, the
java.lang package contains fundamental
classes and is imported automatically into
every program you write. You also have
created classes into which you explicitly
imported optional packages such as java.util
and javax.swing. When you create classes, you
can place them in packages so that you or
other programmers easily can import your
related classes into new programs. Placing
classes in packages for other programmers
increases the classes’ reusability

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