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Introduction to C Programming

Topic & Structure of Lesson

In this chapter you will learn about:

• Pointers
• Introduction to Pointers
• Declaring Pointer Variables
• Accessing Data through Pointers

CT018-3-1 Introduction To C Programming Pointer

Learning Outcomes

If you have mastered this topic, you should be able

to use the following terms correctly in your
assignments :
 Pointer
 Pointer variable
 Address

CT018-3-1 Introduction To C Programming Pointer


Pointer are a fundamental part of C. If you

cannot use pointers properly then you have
basically lost all the power and flexibility that C
allows. The secret to C is in its use of pointers.

CT018-3-1 Introduction To C Programming Pointer


• Pointers are one of the most powerful features of

the C programming language
• They are also one of the most difficult capabilities
to master
• Pointers enable programs to simulate call by
reference, and to create and manipulate dynamic
data structures

CT018-3-1 Introduction To C Programming Pointer


C uses pointers a lot. Why?:

– It is the only way to express some computations
– It produces compact and efficient code
– It provides a very powerful tool
C uses pointers explicitly with:
– Arrays
– Structures
– Functions

CT018-3-1 Introduction To C Programming Pointer

Introduction to Pointers

• Pointers are variables that contain memory

addresses as their values
• Normally, a variable contains a specific value, while
a pointer contains an address of a variable that
contains a specific value
• Which means a variable name directly references a
value and a pointer indirectly references a value

CT018-3-1 Introduction To C Programming Pointer

Declaring Variables

int counter=100;
counter variable name

value of counter

x790 address of counter

printf(“\n Value of counter %d”, counter); //100

printf(“\n Address of counter %p”, &counter); //x790

CT018-3-1 Introduction To C Programming Pointer

Declaring Pointer Variables

Pointers like any other variables need to be

declared before they can be used.

int *ptr;

Declares the variable ptr which is a pointer type

variable and which can point to an object of type

CT018-3-1 Introduction To C Programming Pointer

Declaring Pointer Variables

• The unary & gives the “address of a variable”.

• The indirection or dereference operator * gives
the “contents of an object pointed to by a

CT018-3-1 Introduction To C Programming Pointer

Declaring Pointer Variables

Memory allocation

int counter=10; counter


int *ptr; ptr



ptr indirectly references counter

whose value is 10

CT018-3-1 Introduction To C Programming Pointer

Declaring Pointer Variables

• In the previous slide, counter is declared at

address x560 and is assigned a value 10.
• ptr a pointer variable, is declared at address
• ptr is made to point to the address (&) of
counter. Which means it now contains x560 as
its value.

CT018-3-1 Introduction To C Programming Pointer

Accessing Data Through Pointers

void main() {
int a, *aPtr;
printf(“\n The address of a is %p”, &a);
printf(“\n The value contained in aPtr is %p”, aPtr);
printf(“\n The value of a %d and de-referencing
aPtr %d returns the same value”, a,*aPtr);

CT018-3-1 Introduction To C Programming Pointer

Accessing Data Through Pointers

void main()
char var=‘X’; // var a character variable, is declared and initialized to ‘X’
char *charPtr; //charPtr a pointer to a character is declared
charPtr=&var; //charPtr now holds (points to) the address of var
*charPtr=‘Y’; //The value which charPtr points to, is now changed to ‘Y’.
//using * in this manner is called dereferencing a pointer
printf(“\n Value of var now is : %c”,var);
// displays new value ‘Y’

CT018-3-1 Introduction To C Programming Pointer


In this chapter you learnt about:

• Introduction to Pointers
• Declaring Pointer Variables
• Accessing Data through Pointers

CT018-3-1 Introduction To C Programming Pointer

Question and Answer Session


CT018-3-1 Introduction To C Programming Pointer

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