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3rd form Test States of Matter, Pure and Impure Matter Name: …………………………………………..

Duration: 20 minutes

Circle the most appropriate letter for each of the questions

1. Which of the following statements is correct?

A Osmosis is a special case of diffusion

B Brownian Motion involves the spreading and mixing of particles
C Diffusion is a special case of osmosis
D Brownian Motion involves the ordered movement of particles in either air or water

A substance X was heated until it was in liquid form and then allowed to cool naturally until it became a solid again, as
it cooled, its temperature was taken at regular intervals. Use the graph to answer questions 2, 3 and 4

2. The freezing point of substance X is:

A graph show ing the variation tem perature of
substance X over time
A 50 °C B 29 °C
C 30 °C D 24 °C
3. The substance X was in liquid form for:-
A 1 minute B 10 minutes
temperature / oC

40 C 4 minutes D 5 minutes

30 4. Substance X is in ONLY solid form from

A 10th minute B 5th minute
10 C 2nd minute D 12th minute

0 5 10 15 20
time /min

5. Chromatography can be used to separate:-

A ink B salt water C sand and water D crude oil

6. An example of a physical change is:

A baking a cake B burning of gasoline C melting of ice D heating of iodine crystals

7. Which of the following diagrams represent a mixture?


8. Filtration can be used to separate:-

A salt water B alcohol and water C sand and water D iodine crystals and sand

9. At which position would the ring form in the tube below?


10. Sublimation is:-

A the process by which a solid changes into a liquid

B the process by which a solid changes into a gas after passing through the liquid state
C the process by which a liquid changes into a gas
D the process by which a solid changes into a gas without going through the liquid state or vice versa

11. A solution is different from a colloid by:-

A its ability to be filtered B the size of the solute particles

C its appearance (same throughout) D the settling of the particles on standing

12. Which of the following pairs of substances would be a compound and a mixture respectively?

A air, distilled water B hydrogen gas, air

C distilled water, air D gold, carbon dioxide gas

13. A separating funnel is used to separate:-

A ink B oil and water C crude oil D salt water

14. Which of the following properties belong to a liquid AND a gas BUT NOT a solid?

A All particles are arranged in an orderly fashion B Particles move in a random fashion
C Particles move with a high degree of motion D Compressibility is high

15. A pure sample of carbon dioxide gas contains only:-

A carbon dioxide gas particles B carbon atoms C oxygen molecules D carbon dioxide atoms

16. You are given a mixture containing sand, alcohol and water. Select the option which has the correct methods in
the correct order in order to obtain pure samples of each substance.
A simple distillation, filtration B filtration, fractional distillation
C filtration, separating funnel D separating funnel, filtration


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