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Monday, October 31, 2016 Search This Blog

The Spirits Behind The Mystic Grimoire & The Semi- Search

Alphabetic Cipher
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The Spirits Behind The

Mystic Grimoire & The
Semi-Alphabetic Cipher
All spirits and names
derived herein are from
All spirits and names derived herein are from online sources who mostly do not credit where they get online sources who mostly do not credit
their information from. I make an attempt to at least identify their origin or cultural, and what they

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specialize in. There are 28 Spells and 27 Rituals, clocking in at 55 total. There are also over 90 spirits, where they get their information from. I
and over 100 Names used if one was to add them all together in the below section. Names used in make ...
this book are between the Spells and Rituals. Comb through the Spells Section and you will find
different magical words of power used there. The Ritual section has a really nice spirit catalog that is The Need to Do Things
inspiring as it leads to many great ideas. I said it elsewhere in one of the groups that I run, and that is
My life has changed a
that we can do better with the information that we now have nowadays, as this book was published 40
whole fucking lot over the
years ago, and that I really hope we do so.
last year, primarily
because I'm using sorcery to get what I
Honorary Mentions want in life, and also bec...

Powers Exercise for Achieving

Cosmic Name Bliss
Magic Flame (candle magic) >>yo Riv, you busy atm?
Sun << What's up! J >>got a
Gods of Chance couple of questions 'bout
meditation, but if you're...
Lady Luck

At this point, the first Alphabetically themed part of the book comes up, with a spell connected to Follow by Email
finding your own lucky gambling numbers associated with your name. It's kind of like making a sigil in
a way. No words of power or spirits names used in this specific spell, however it is the first place in
Email address... Submit
the book where we start to see things done alphabetically.

Moving onto the next spells, more words of power and spirits names:
Blog Archive
Light ▼ 2016 (8)
Power of Lust
▼ October (1)
Powers and Forces from Above
Powers of Love The Spirits Behind The
Mystic Grimoire & The
Healing Rays
Fountain of Youth
Luna ► September (1)
Troubles and Forces
Curse ► June (1)
Mystic Traveling Ray ► April (1)
Name Above All Other Names
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► February (1)
GADRIEL - Cheif ruling angel of the 5th Heaven in charge of wars among the nations. When a prayer
ascends to Heaven, Gadriel crowns it, then accompanies it into the 6th Heaven, according to the ► January (2)
Zohar. .
► 2015 (1)

Powers of Three (Holy Trinity)

Cosmic Wheel (Reincarnation, Cycle of Life, or Manifestation)
Powers that Govern (Cosmic Forces and Powerful Beings)
Social Share
Force of the Name (Power Behind Words)
Sphere of Abraxas (Gnostic name inscribed on talismans)
Rash of Mithra (Zoroastrian angelic Divinity of Covenant and Oath)
Spiritual Sun (Sun behind the Sun) Contact us
Creature of Earth
Lords of Karma
Occult Powers

CHERUBIM - The original name(of Akkadian/Assyrian origin) is “karibu”, and means: “one who prays” Email *
or “one who intercedes”, although Dionysus claimed that the word meant “knowledge.” In ancient
Assyrian art, the cherubim were pictured as huge winged creatures with leonine or human faces,
bodies of bulls or sphinxes, eagles etc., and were placed at the entrances of palaces or temples as Message *
guardian spirits. Later they came to represent the more gentle heavenly spirits they are viewed as
today. They are the first angels to be mentioned in the Old testament: (Genesis 3:22), where they
guarded the tree of life in Eden with a flaming sword. They are said to make up the chariots in
heaven, and to form or sometimes just bear up God’s throne. They are also often seen as the power
behind the winds. The cherubim excel in knowledge, Spirits of the Inner Plane, and Honest Spirits

TOBIIT – (Meaning "My Good" from Hebrew, likely sourced from 'The Book of Tobit', which is a book
of scripture that is part of the Catholic and Orthodox biblical canon).

CASSIEL (Casiel, Casziel, Kafziel) – He is the angel of Tears & Solitude. (who “shews forth the unity
of the eternal kingdom.”) He was responsible for creating Lilias (Lilith; Adam’s first wife) along with the Recent Posts
assistance of God as the Shekinah. Cassiel is a great Archangel who is the Supreme Regent of The
planet Saturn & of the astrological sign of Capricorn. He is a great Sarim (Ruling prince) of the choir of
Powers & he also governs the Seventh Heaven. Sometimes he appears as the angel of temperance.
Barrett in The Magus speaks of Cassiel as one of the 3 angels of Saturday, serving with Machtan and

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Uriel. In the Book of Spirits as well as in The Magus, the sigil of Cassiel is given, along with his
signature. In the latter work Cassiel Macoton (so named) is pictured in the form of a bearded jinn,
astride a dragon. In Grillot, Picture Museum of Sorcery, Magic and Alchemy, there is a reproduction of
a page from the Book of Spirits giving the conjuration of Cassiel.

SHATEIEL – The angel of silence, compared with Duma. He likely inspired the creation of the Greek
god Sigalion (if not the other way around), and also Tacita, Roman goddess of silence, and
Harpocratos, son of Isis, who was the god of silence.

Probably one of the more clever spells in this book is by combining CASSIEL and SHATEIEL
together, who both know about tears, solitude, and silence, in order to inspire someone to have fun in
life! Counter Intuitive Spellwork! : )

PEDAEL (”Whom God delivers”) In Jewish mysticism, the angel of deliverance.

SUSABO – The Nuctemeron Genii of voyages and of the 6th hour.

ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL – A Major Healing Angel who oversees other Healing Angels as well.

MORAEL (MORIEL) – In Goetic lore the Angel of awe or fear who rules the month of Elul (August-
September). Most importantly, and in respect to this book, when it comes specifically to consecrating
a magical cloak, he can make all things in the world invisible.

It is interesting to note here that the rituals go in a semi-alphabetical related order depending on the
spirits named in each ritual as opposed to the ritual name itself. This will make more sense later on in
this blog, yet for now there are 27 rituals in all and the order goes:

A B C D E F G I H J K L M N O U Q R S T V W P X Y Z T (27)

(Below are the letters that are out of alphabetical order, and the "T" at the end is extra).


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I spent a while trying to figure this out, yet I don't feel that it leads to anything of practical value. I will
leave it open to anyone who would like to explore or add to this Semi-Alphabetical Cipher, as I'm
describing it.

H & I are switched around.

U is placed where P should be.
P is placed between W & X
And there is an extra T at the end
After the first T, the U was swapped with P

The only connection I can make here for sure is that there are two T's. Alphabetically, T is normally
followed with U, yet not as presented above. In the two T rituals, the spirit, TURMIEL, is featured
twice. If we look at the two "T" Rituals, we find that TURMIEL is actually worked with as the Cosmic
Being in the first "T" Ritual, and then worked with again in the second T Ritual's Mantrum! Again, this
will almost instantly make sense when you read through the Ritual section below. This spirit's first
letters are "TU" which are in alphabetical order, however this is quite a stretch that I am making here.
That being, that these letters were moved around just like the spirit was.

So not entirely alphabetical, however it is still kind of interesting what the meaning might be behind
this, if not just a random Parker Brothers Publishing moment of chance, where if the people who put
this book together were still around, they would probably wonder why I vested time into figuring out
something that may have very little significance or that they may have barely even noticed when they
put it there, but who knows : )

Honestly, I just can't help but find this approach kind of lazy for my own reasons. Mostly working with
beings whom seem to be chosen alphabetically and in Rituals that are listed almost alphabetically as
well. Along with even recycling the same spirit twice as a Cosmic Being in the first "T" ritual and then
as a Mantrum in the second "T" ritual as previously discussed above.

IAOTH who was also featured in 'The Miracle of New Avatar Power' (NAP) is in this book, along with
the spirit, EBUHUEL, who was not in NAP, yet was summoned with ELUBATEL (who was) and
originally from the 6th and 7th Books of Moses. You can tell in general that the author was a really big
fan of those books, along with the Nuctemeron Genii, however he also changed it up quite a bit in this
volume from NAP. He uses Kamea, Angels from the Book of Enoch, various names of Metatron in
different rituals, Goetic spirits even, and many other beings from various traditions and cultures who
were not covered previously in NAP. In fact, NAP has a very limited spirit catalog compared to this

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book by far. That being said, the way these beings were grouped together in a nearly alphabetical
fashion comes with its advantages, mainly when it comes to researching them, However, NAP is
concise and works well with the simplicity that it has. So this book is very Quantity orientated, yet it
does not dismiss the overall quality, effectiveness, and innovation within this book as well.

In each Ritual there are 3 spirits whom are presented as a Password, a Cosmic Being, and a
Mantrum. Along with 2 planets corresponding to the tree of life, a Talisman from the Talisman Kit
provided with the book, and the appointed time to undergo the procedure of the Rituals. The
discussing of the spirits will be the only thing of import within this blog, where the scholar is
concerned, I would like to recommend the outstanding Magical Forum that is none other than
the STUDIO ARCANIS along with joining in on any magical discussions related to the following
information, as it will expand your magical knowledge and aid in your magical education.

In all cases, when it comes to working with spirits, I always suggest to take apart the structure and
simply work with the beings themselves. That is why I will only be including the spirits names here, as
it is the only factor that truly matters from within my perspective. All else is mostly fun add-ons with
the exception of the Ritual preparation of purity that is laid out and really quite good provisions that he
gives. All of the extra stuff again, is a lot of fun, and dresses it up like a grimoire, which it truly is,
however in this case, it is what separates NAP's streamlined approach of doing things to a more
ceremonial formatting that we see here in this book. The Grimoire itself has quite a lot of excellent
material in its spell section, yet the way it differs from NAP is that it doesn't always feature a spirit in
each spell. Sometimes it presents words of power, concepts, or mystical ideas, which were all
presented in the "Honorable Mentions" category above and at the beginning of this blog. So this is
what I would encourage the reader of this blog to do. Strip it all away of everything until the spirits are
the only thing that is laid bare, and then work with these beings at your own discretion, and in your
own way of approaching things if you feel it so desired.

Ritual Spirit Catelog (Beings original names before they were altered when published in this

Note: Two of the names out of alphabetical order start with the letter "M" and the last spirit
alphabetically out of order starts with the letter "O" which I emboldened. The first is MISSABU in the A
section of the Rituals through which this spirit serves under Arcan. The second is the 23rd spirit in this
grimoire, MUMIAH, in the "I" section, who has an "EE" sound in its name like the other two spirits, and
finally, the last spirit out of alphabetical order is the 66th spirit in the rituals section, OMOPHORUS in
the "W" section, which beats me : ) I guess it could sound like a "W" if you pronounced it, O-MO-
FORE-WUHSS, but again, I'm stretching things a lot here.

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Spirits out of order are number: 3, 23, 66 (This might have absolutely zero meaning or significance

Again, the Letters out of alphabetical order in this section are:

"H" "I", "U", & "P",

2nd Note: The pronunciation of the various names are often spelled differently than what they actually
are, yet because of the semi-alphabetical cipher used, it made searching for the names that much
easier. For example, YAY-DO-TUN looks like it starts with the letter "Y", yet because it is in the "J"
section of the Ritual names, it is a Y sounding J, and it is the angel JEDUTHUN. There are many
other examples like this throughout the book, however as an example for someone who hasn't read it
yet, it is like when JEHOVAH is pronounced YEHOVAH.

Note 3: Anything that is in bold is alphabetically out of order, and adds to why this cipher is semi-

The following section is how each of the Rituals appears in the book, yet they are stripped away of
everything else but the spirits themselves. I have also summarized the descriptions of these beings in
this section for those who would just like a quick reading experience. The full definitions along with my
view on the intent and purpose behind each combined effort of spirits worked with in each Ritual are
provided within the next section as a more expanded readers addition for those interested. Enjoy! : )

ABALIM (Angel of Thrones)
MISSABU (3) (Monday Angel of Air Serving Arcan)

BARBATOS (Fallen Angel/Goetic Demon)
BODIEL (Ruling Angel of the 6th Heaven/Goetic spirit who serves under BARBATOS)
BEZALIEL (Fallen Angel, Book of Enoch)

CORAEL(Angel that grants prayers. Grimoire of Turiel)
CAMAYSAR (Nuctemeron Genii: "Marriage of Contraries")

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CARACASA (Ruling Angel of Spring)

DARQUIEL (Monday Angel of First Heaven)
DELUKIEL (Guard of 7th Heaven's Araboth's Gates)
DEMORIEL (Goetic Demon)

EPITITIOKH (Virgin Aeon, Gnostic Lore)
ELADEL (One of the 72 Kabbalistic Zodiacal Angel)
EBUHUEL (An Angel Invoked in Kabbalistic workings from the 6th & 7th Books of Moses)

FARUN FARO VAKSHUR (Protecting Angel in Persian lore).
FURLAC (A ruling Angel over Earth)
FARVARDIN (Angel of March, also from Persian lore, name means "one of the Cherubim").

GUABAREL (Angel of Autumn)
GAMBIEL (Zodiacal Angel in the 6th and 7th Books of Moses. Ruler over Aquarius Zodiac).
GARFIAL (A guardian of the 5th Heaven)

IAOTH (Solomonic Archangel, also in the General Purpose NAP Spell).
MUMIAH (23) (Angel with control over Health, Science, and Medicine).
ISHLIAH (An angel governing the East)

HARIEL (Cherubim ruling over tame beasts, science , arts, and invoked against the profane).
HELELETH ("The God who lived before", Gnostic lore).
HIBEL-ZIWA (An angel from Mandean lore).

JOSATA (Angel invoked in Solomonic rites)
JESUBILIN (A Holy Angel of God invoked in Gnostic rites)
JEDUTHUN (An Angel who leads choirs of Angels to sing hymns to God)

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KATZFIEL (An Angelic Prince of the Sword)
KEVEQEL (Zodiacal Angel)
KAPHKAPHIEL (Angel name found on Oriental charm called a Kamea, used to ward off evil)

LOQUEL (An Angel of the 1st Heaven)
LIBRABIS (Nuctemeron Genii of Hidden Gold)
LAMA (Angel of Air, over Tuesday, of 5th Heaven, invoked in the West, & from the Heptameron)

MEHUMAN (An Angel of Confusion)
MELHA (Chief of The Order of the Flames, Buddhist version of Seraphim).
MAYMON (Chief Angel of the Air, Ruler of Saturn, subject in South wind).

NURIEL ("Fire of the Lord", Jewish Mythology).
NARUDI (Akkadian spirit, ”Lord of the great gods,”)
NARIEL (Also known as ARIEL, governs the South Wind, ruler of the noonday winds).

OCTINOMON (A "most holy angel of god" invoked during rituals to conjure the Reed).
ONAFIEL (A regent of the Moon.)
OROMASIM (Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses, one of the three princes of the world).

UZIPHIEL (Hechaloth lore, Angelic guard at the 1st of 7 heavenly halls).
UMEROZ (Angel of the 2nd hour of the night, serving under Farris).
UVAYAH (One of the many names of the angel Metatron). (METATRON - 1)

QUELAMIA (One of seven great throne angels of the 1st Heaven, 'The Book of the Angel Raziel')
QANIEL (An angel who guards the gates of the South Wind in the 3rd heaven).
QAFSIEL (An angelic guardian of Seventh Heaven. Often invoked for protection 'Book of Enoch').

REMPHA (In Egyptian theology, Chief of the Order of Thrones and genius of time).

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RAM AVATAR (The 7th of the ten avatars in Vedic lore).
RAHABIEL (An angel invoked in a charm along with Phaniel, Ariel, Lahabiel, and Raphael.)

SANGARIEL (An angel who guards the portals of Heaven.)
SHATHNIEL (An angel to inscribe on a kamea for warding off evil).
SAM HII ("Creation of Life", A Mandaean angel).

TIKARATHIN (Lord of hosts, invoked in ritual magick and a secret name of God).
TORQUARET (An angel of autumn).
TURMIEL (A guard at the gate of the West Wind).

VARUNA (Chief of the 7 Vedic divinities (i.e. suryas), analogous to the Judaeo-Christian angels.)
VOCASIEL (One of two governing spirits of the zodiacal sign of Pisces).
VOHU MANAH ("Good thought”. An archangel in Zoroastrianism).

WALLIM (Angel who serves & resides in the 1st heaven.)
WEATTA (Sixth & Seventh Books of Moses, Angel of the seal.)
OMOPHORUS (66) (In Mandaeanism, a ”world-supporting angel.”)

PHATIEL (An angel of the 5th hour of the night serving under Abasdarhon.)
PURAH (Angel invoked at the close of Sabbath. In Jewish lore. Oblivion. Angel of forgetfulness).
PURUSHA The cosmic spirit in Sanskrit lore. He is the 1st cause).

XATHANAEL (AKA Nathanael - Gospel of Bartholomew: Xathanael was the sixth Angel created).
XOMOY (An angel of The 6th and 7th Books of Moses. Invoked to help during ritual conjurations.)
XONOR (An angel of The 6th and 7th Books of Moses. Invoked to help during ritual conjurations).

YEBEMEL (One of the seventy-two angels of the zodiac.)

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YAHALA (An angel who guards the gates of the West Wind. stationed in the Third Heaven).

ZEBURIAL (An Angel who guards the halls of the Seventh Heaven).
ZEFFAR (The "genius of irrevocable choice" who also serves as a genii of the ninth hour.)
ZURIEL (“God is My Rock”, Cures stupidity. Childbed Angel, A prince of Principalities).

TISHBASH (Another name of METATRON).
TURMIEL (A guard at the gate of West Wind).
TARSHISHIM (Order of Virtues according to The Zohar).


(Note that the above is the exact order that each of the Rituals is listed in the book, and so a semi-
alphabetical cipher is formed from this.)

The below section gives the full definitions of each spirit along with a summary on my part or
my analysis on each of the Rituals, as to why the author chose the spirits that he did.

A. (With a twist)

Password: ABALIM (Abalim a.k.a. Arelim - an order of angels known to the Christians as the
Thrones. Their name means "great angels" and they are said to be mighty and strong. The chief
intelligences of the Abalim are Zaphkiel and Jophiel.)

Cosmic Being: ATAPHIEL (An angel who supports heaven with 3 fingers)

Mantrum: ME-SAH-BOO (MISSABU – A Monday angel of the air serving Arcan <= so kind of “A”

A, A, M


Password: BARBATOS (An angel formerly of the order of Virtues. “This fact,” reports Spence in ‘An

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Encyclopedia of Occultism’, “was proved after infinite research.” In Hell, where Barbatos now dwells,
he is a Great Duke, ruling over 30 legions of spirits. He “giveth understanding of the song of birds,
knows the past and can fortell the future.” He may be invoked in magical rites, and he will appear
gladly, but only when the sun is in the sign of Saggitarius. For Barbatos’ sigil, see Wierus, ‘Peudo-
Monarchia’; Waite, ‘The Book of Black Magic and of Pacts’; & ‘The Lemegeton’.)

Being: BODIEL (A ruling prince of the 6th Heaven, according to ‘Hechaloth Zoterathi, quoted in ‘3
Enoch’ 17. The ruling angels usually designated are Sabath, Sandalphon, Zachiel, or Zebul.)

Mantrum: BAY-ZAH-LEE-ALE (BEZALIEL also Busasejal, Basasael), Aramaic ‫( ניאל‬damaged), Greek

Θωνιήλ (damaged), was the 13th Watcher of the 20 leaders of the 200 fallen angels that are
mentioned in an ancient work called the Book of Enoch. This angel is probably one of the most
controversial of the list of fallen angels in the Book of Enoch. He is often left off the list of angels from
chapter 6 as a result of the problematic transmission of the text. The R. H. Charles[1] translation from
1917 does not include him on the list of 20 leaders. Michael Knibb[2] says as of 1982 there were
various translations of the name all with different names and meanings. The name Bezaliel (Shadow
of God) is taken from chapter 69 and is the 13th angel listed there. Also known as another of the
guardians of the gates of the North Wind, Bezaliel is one of many angelic guardians of the gates.)

This is kind of a controversial Ritual in the book one could say. Aside from the author saying
no pacts with the devil in the dust jacket, you can see that some of these spirits are Goetic and
another is a fallen angel from the book of Enoch. There is also a Talisman used in the Kit that
is of Goetic origin. This is why it is always important to do one's research before jumping into
working with spirits before taking everything at face value. The beings are mighty forces
and benevolent, however if one insists on not working Goetia, you can be warned ahead of
time now.


Password: CORAEL (An angel petitioned in magical prayer for the fulfillment of the invocant’s
desires. Corael is invoked along with the angels Setchiel and Chedustaniel in the Secret Grimoire of

Being: CAMAYSAR (In occultism, the angel of “the marriage of contraries.” He is a Nuctemeron genii
of the 5th hour.)

Mantrum: CAR-RAH-CAR-SAW (CARACASA – One of the ruling angels of Spring along with the

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angels Core, Amatiel, and Comissoros.)

(Sidenote: Experiment working with CORAEL, SETCHIEL, and CHEDUSTANIEL together)

CAMAYSAR is a Nuctemeron genii and a very interesting choice to throw in here. In particular,
it seems to suggest if one is poor it will attract wealth as it marries opposites. This is actually
quite a beautiful way that the author decided to work with genii. No idea why CARACASA is
here. I also recommend working with the other spirits in this spirits class or hierarchy together
as well. It is possible that I found the wrong one as the Mantrum looks to be pronounced
differently from the actual name provided here, however with CAMAYSAR, he pronounces the
first part of that name “car” may sar. So it would make sense for him to pronounce
CARACASA with an “R” sound in CASA being a similar fashion. A little confusing, but let's
move on : )


Password: DARQUIEL (An angel over Monday. Resident of the 1st Heaven. Associated with Gabriel
& invoked from the South.)

Being: DELUKIEL (One of the guards in the 7th Heaven’s (Araboth’s gates.)

Mantrum: DO-MA-REE-ALE (DEMORIEL - ("blood and the lion") DEMON among the 31 AERIAL
SPIRITS of SOLOMON. Demoriel is the emperor of the north, served by 400 great dukes, 600 lesser
dukes, and 7,000,008,000,009,000,001 ministering spirits. There are 12 primary dukes, each of whom
has 1,140 attending spirits: Amibiel, Cabarim, Menador, Burisiel, Doriel, Mador, Camael, Dubilon,
Meclu, Churibal, Dabrinos, and Chomiell.

Again, this is plain confusing. Why would he choose these first two angels? It almost seems
as if he just started with the letter “D” so therefore the author threw them into a D themed
Ritual with no method as to why this was involved. While with DEMORIEL, though it looks like
DOMORIEL is likely yet again another Goetic Demon. Now this makes sense to have in this
ritual seeing how it is about money. Again, the chant is a little different than the name that I am
suggesting, so it could be different, but not likely. This is why it is again always good to do
research on these things beforehand instead of just taking the authors word on everything
and jumping into accidentally summoning a Goetic demon to do your bidding if you never
intended on working Goetia. Oh well, too late now! : )

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Spell: Titillating nature ritual

Password: EPITITIOKH (A virgin Aeon, mentioned in Gnostic lore.)

Being: ELADEL (One of the 72 angels ruling the zodiac, as listed in Runes, The Wisdom of the

Mantrum: ABE-BOO-HOO-ALE (EBUHUEL - An angel of omnipotence, one of 8, as recorded in “The

Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses.” Ebuhuel may be invoked in Kabbalistic conjurations.)

The first name is very powerful as many gnostic names are. I find that simply reciting gnostic
names often lead to some incredibly powerful evocative experience, if it is a true name of said
lore and lineage. Unsure why the second spirit is worked with here, and like in NAP, now
EBUHUEL is worked with as I mentioned earlier, instead of ELUBATEL. I definitely recommend
working with all of those angels from the 6th and 7th books of Moses together as an
experiment, and as they were originally planned out to be summoned.


Password: FARUN FARO VAK-SHUR (FARUN FARO VAKSHUR – In ancient Persian theogony, the
protecting angel of mankind. Metatron in Judaeo-Christian occult lore, where he is often referred to as
the “sustainer of mankind.”)

Being: FURLAC ( Or Phorlakh) – An angel who rules over the Earth.)

Mantrum: FAR-VAR-DEEN (FARVARDIN – Angel of March (in ancient Persian lore). Farvardin also
governed the 19th day of each month. He is called “one of the cherubim.”

So, calling on some form of protection, then an angel who rules over earth, and then an angel
with a name that sounds at the beginning like the first spirit in this Ritual (they are both
Persian). Nope, none of this is making sense either. It literally feels like these spirits were just
put together because they all have “F” at the beginning of their names. None of these even

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have anything to do specifically with love which the Ritual is about.


Password: GUABAREL (Angel of Autumn. In addition to Guabarel, another angel cited in occult lore
as governing Autumn is Tarquam.)

Being: GAMBIEL (Ruler of the zodiacal sign of Aquarius, as cited in Camfield, A Theological
Discourse of Angels. He is mentioned also in The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses as a zodiacal

Mantrum: GAR-FEE-ALL (GARFIAL or GARFIEL – One of the guardians of the 5th Heaven. Angel of
Autumn, Ruler of Aquarius, and a guardian of the 5th Heaven

Again, what these spirits specialize in does not link up to the purpose of the ritual which in
this case is enslaving someone as a partner.

I. (H skips this I-ish M sandwich section)

Password: IAOTH (In the Testament of Solomon, Iaoth is one of the 7 Archangels (a variant of the 7
Aeons). He is equated with Beqa, the first and fallen of the Aeons. By the power of Iaoth’s name, the
demon Kurteel (who causes bowel pains) can be overcome. In the sense that Kurteel is a variant of
Kasbeel (Beqa’s title after the fall), calling the name of Iaoth in aid seems to indicate some conjuration
of his former divine nature.)

Being: MUMIAH (An angel with control over the sciences of physics and medicine and is in charge of
health and longevity. His corresponding angel is Atembui.)

Mantrum: ISH-LEE-AH (ISHLIAH - One of the angels governing the East.)

Ok, this one kind of makes sense now. Solomonic Archangel who overcame a demon of
disease along with an Angel who controls science, physics, medicine, health, and longevity,
followed by an angel governing the east. The last one doesn’t make as much sense here as the
first two do. However the connection I made is that the angel governing the east is where the

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sun rises, and so in effect “healing rays” come from, however, I am stretching yet again for
this one. Also, MUMIAH is alphabetically out of order, yet as stated earlier, it has an "EE"
sound in it's name, similar to the other two spirits.


Password: HARIEL (Also Harael or Behemial) – An angel with dominion over tame beasts. Hariel is
invoked against impieties. He rules science and the arts. He is of the Cherubim.)

Being: HELELETH (Or Eleleth [“The God who Lived before”]. In Gnostic lore, a great luminary,
described thus in the Hypostasis of the Archons: “the great Heleleth descends from the Holy Spirit; his
aspect like gold, his vesture like snow.”)

Mantrum: HEE-BALE-ZEE-WAH (HIBEL-ZIWA or Hiwel-Ziwa – In Mandean lore, an angel equated

with Gabriel.

I found this part of my research interesting. This is a very diverse Ritual. An angel of the
Cheribum, followed by another Gnostic spirit, and then finally, a Mandean Angel, all in one

J. (J after H)

Password: JOSATA (Or Josta – An angel invoked in Solomonic magic rites in the Uriel conjuration.
Josata is one of the 4 magical words or names spoken by god (“with his mouth, to his servant
Moses”), the other 3 names being Ablati, Abla and Caila.

Being: JESUBILIN (According to the Grimorium Verum, a “holy angel of God” invoked in Gnostic rites.
The name is a variant form of Serabilin.)

Mantrum: YAY-DO-TUN (JEDUTHUN – (“praising” or “judgment”). in the cabala, lord of the evening
choirs in heaven. As “Master of howling” he leads myriads of angels in chanting hymns of praise to
God at the close of each day. Psalms 39, 62, 77 are inscribed “to the chief musician, even Jeduthun.”
Here, clearly, Jeduthun is a mortal (a Levite), one of the directors of music at the temple; but in the
early Middle Ages the Zoharists transformed Jeduthun into an angel and assigned him in heaven a
post similar to the one he invested on earth. (See Asaph; Heman)

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Good inspiration from these ones.


Password: KATZFIEL (An angelic prince of the Sword (therefore under Tzadkiel, who serves
Michael). He is also a guard of the 6th Heaven. It is said that Katzfiel’s sword emits lightning.)

Being: KEVEQEL (One of the 72 angels of the zodiac.)

Mantrum: KAFF-KAFF-EE-ALE (KAPHKAPHIEL – An angels name found on an oriental charm

(kamea) used for warding off evil.)

These choices again are not that straight forward. Yet, they kind of make sense . It still seems
and feels kind of random as if they were just picked due to their first letter in their names
starting off with “K”. Really I am a fan though of the diverse combinations of different beings
from all over the world that I'm seeing all over this Grimoire. Very obscure too, I find the author
did quite a lot of research considering when this book came out in the 70's and without
internet, quite a lot of digging was involved, especially in order to make it mostly alphabetical.
It still does seem a bit lazy the way it was thrown together is all, and the Rituals could
potentially be a lot more effective with more analogous spirits together in my opinion.


Password: LOQUEL (An angel who resides in the 1st Heaven. Under Gabriel.)

Being: LIBABRIS (LIBRABIS – Genius of hidden gold and one of the genii of the 7th hour in The

Mantrum: LA-MA (LAMA – In The Heptameron, Lama (or La Ma) is an angel of the air, a ruler of
Tuesday, and dwells in the 5th Heaven. He is invoked from the West.

1st Spirit ruled under Gabriel which is an archangel often associated with the West and the
last spirit is an Angel of air yet invoked in the West. The Nuctemeron genii, LIBRABIS makes
sense when it comes to winning, but not much else about this. Maybe also the fact that the

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first angel resides in the 1st heaven having something to do with coming in 1st place.


Password: MEHUMAN (”True, faithful” One of the seven angels of confusion.)

Being: MELHA (Chief of The Order of Flames (Buddhist counterpart of the Seraphim).

Mantrum: MAY-MOON-EYE (MAYMON – Chief angel of the air, ruler of Saturn, and subject to the
South Wind. He has three angels that minister to him: Abumalith, Assaibi, and Belidet.)

At this point, I really don't like how the author just decided to pick his spirits in an almost
entirely alphabetical formatting, even more so than I already felt about it. These Rituals can get
good working results, however they could be so much more powerful! It just feels very thrown
together without taking much time on some of these. The first spirit's purpose is to confuse or
make obedient, the 2nd, MELHA, is appropriate regarding the title having the word "Volcanic"
(which I omitted all the names of the Rituals to avoid any copyright run-ins) and the last spirit
being Saturnian and an overseer of a few angels is a powerful choice. It is educational, but a
bit jumbled in its meaning.


Password: NURIEL (An angel in Jewish mythology, translates as "Fire of the Lord" and is the angel
responsible for hailstorms. In Jewish legend, Moses encountered Nuriel in the 2nd heaven,[2] when
he issues from the side of Chesed (Mercy), Nuriel manifests in the form of an eagle,[3] an eagle that,
when issuing from the side of Geburah (Strength), is Uriel. In the Syriac Book of Protection, Nuriel is
characterized as a "spellbinding power" and is grouped with Michael, Shamsiel, Seraphiel, and other
great angels.[4] According to the Zohar Nuriel governs Virgo.[5] He is 300 parasangs (approx. 5.6 km)
tall and has an army of 50 myriads of angels (= 500,000) "all fashioned out of water and fire."[6] The
height of Nuriel is exceeded only by the Erelim, by the watchers, by Af and Hemah, and of course by
Metatron, who is the tallest hierarch in heaven. In gnostic lore, Nuriel is one of seven subordinates to
Jehuel, prince of fire.[5] Nuriel is also effective as a charm for warding off evil. His name is found
engraved on oriental and Hebrew amulets, notably those worn by pregnant women.[7]

Being: NARUDI (An Akkadian spirit, ”Lord of the great gods,” whose image was placed in homes to
ward off evil people.)

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Mantrum: NAY-REE-ALE (NARIEL - ”By some called Ariel,” according to The Magus he governs the
South Wind and is ruler of the noonday winds.

Now this is a great combination that makes a lot of sense! The spirits here match the title of
the ritual, and are all quite powerful. If anything else, one gains a rich spirit catalog from this


Password: OCTINOMON (A "most holy angel of god" who is invoked during rituals to conjure the

Being: ONAFIEL (A regent of the Moon.)

Mantrum: OH-ROE-MA-SEEM (OROMASIM - According to The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses,
one of the three princes of the world. The other two are Araminem and Mitrim.)

Holier than thou, magnetic influence from above, & Princely Influence as well.

U. (Skipping P, Q, R, S & T)

Password: UZIPHIEL (In Hechaloth lore, an angelic guard stationed at the 1st of the 7 heavenly halls.

Being: UMEROZ (Angel of the 2nd hour of the night, serving under Farris.)

Mantrum: OO-VAH-YAH (UVAYAH – One of the many names of the angel Metatron.)

Angel of the 1st heavenly hall, not sure why the second one was chosen, and Metatron relating
to being the highest archangel. So a kind of 1-2-1 approach I suppose.

Q. (Stays alphabetical again until T)

Password: QUELAMIA (He is one of the seven great throne angels according to The Book of the

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Angel Raziel. These throne angels reside in the 1st heaven, & “execute the commands of the

Being: QANIEL (An angel who (along with many others) guards the gates of the South Wind. He is
stationed in the 3rd heaven, where the winds are contained.)

Mantrum: KAFF-SEE-ALE (QAFSIEL - “The Book of Enoch claims that Qafsiel is an angelic guardian
of Seventh Heaven. He was often invoked by ancient Jewish magic for protection against enemies.
The charm would be written in the blood of a bird and tied to the foot of a dove. If the dove flew, the
enemy would be removed.”
(Faber. L. 2010. The Book of Angels. London. Arcturus Publishing Ltd.)

Angel of the 1st Heaven, Angel of the 3rd Heaven, and an Angel of the 7th Heaven.


Password: REMPHA (In Egyptian theology, chief of the Order of Thrones and genius of time. In
Hermetics, Rempha is one of the seven planetary genii and the archangel of Saturn.)

Being: RAM AVATAR (Rama, Ramachandra) – The 7th of the ten avatars in Vedic lore.

Mantrum: RAH-HA-BEE-ALE (RAHABIEL - An angel invoked in a charm along with Phaniel, Ariel,
Lahabiel, and Raphael.)

Powerful Egyptian spirt and Chief, Vedic Avatar, and an powerful Angel.


Password: SANGARIEL (An angel who guards the portals of Heaven.)

Being: SHATHNIEL (An angel to inscribe on a kamea for warding off evil.)
Mantrum: SAM-HE-ALE (SAM HII a.k.a. Shom Hii ("creation of life") - a Mandaean angel who serves
as one of the four Malki (Uthri or angels) of the North Star.)

Angel guarding Portals of Heaven, Angel Warding off Evil, An angel of the North Star.

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Password: TIKARATHIN (Also Thikarathin, Thikarthin) – Lord of hosts, invoked in ritual magick and a
secret name of God.

Being: TORQUARET (An angel of autumn.)

Mantrum: TOUR-ME-ALE (TURMIEL – One of the many guards at the gates of the West Wind.)

Remember this name TURMIEL as it will come up again in the 2nd "T" Ritual. None of the
spirits chosen make sense here with what this Ritual suggests.


Password: VARUNA (Chief of the 7 Vedic divinities (i.e. suryas), analogous to the Judaeo-Christian
Being: VOCASIEL (Or Vocatiel) – One of two governing spirits of the zodiacal sign of Pisces (fish),
the other spirit being Rasamasa.)
Mantrum: VO-WHO-MA-NAH (VOHU MANAH or Vohu Mano) – (“good thought”) one of the 6 amesha
spentas (archangels) in Zoroastrianism. Vohu Manah is the personification of good thought. In the
Avesta, Vohu is the 1st of the amesha spentas. He receives the faithful soul at death.)

This is a good one. Once again, aside from the impressive spirit catelog that this book had for
the 70's, this is also a clever way of putting them together for this Ritual having to do with
knowing what is to come. Makes sense.

W. (Almost)

Password: WALLIM (He is an angel who serves & resides in the 1st heaven.)

Being: WEATTA (In the sixth & seventh Books of Moses, he is an angel of the seal.)

Mantrum: OH-MOE-FOR-US (OMOPHORUS– In Mandaeanism, a ”world-supporting angel.” He

carried the earth on his shoulders, like another Atlas.

And back to not making sense again : )

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Password: PHATIEL (An angel of the 5th hour of the night serving under Abasdarhon.)

Being: PURAH (Puta, Poteh) – An angel invoked in magickal rites at the close of the Sabbath. In
Jewish lore, he is lord of oblivion, the angel of forgetfulness. Isaac Luria associates him with Esau-

Mantrum: POO-ROO-SHAH (PURUSHA – The cosmic spirit in Sanskrit lore. He is the 1st cause,
itself being uncaused. Compare with the cabalistic En Sof, the ”unimaginable creator of the

In order to prevent sounding overly redundant I just won't say anything here about this not
making any sense.


Password: XATHANAEL (AKA Nathanael - while the Roman Catholics and others claim that all of the
angels were made at the same time, the Gospel of Bartholomew says that Xathanael was the sixth
angel to be created. The testimony of Beliar the devil makes the same claim but, this is a less than
reliable source.)

Being: XOMOY (An angel of The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses who is invoked as a kind and
helpful spirit during ritual conjurations.)

Mantrum: ZONE-OR (XONOR- An angel of The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses who is invoked as
a kind and helpful spirit during ritual conjurations.)

Just grouping X spirits together and coming up with something for them to do in a Ritual
format. Oh well, what can you do.

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Password: YEBEMEL (One of the seventy-two angels of the seventy-two quinaries of the degrees of
the zodiac.)

Being: YESHAYAH (One of the many names of Metatron.)

Mantrum: YAH-HA-LA (YAHALA - An angel who guards [with many others] the gates of the West
Wind. He is stationed in the third Heaven, where the winds are held.)

Now this is strange! When one consecrates their magical robe before wearing it in this book,
they call on the spirit Morael. This being supposedly has the ability to make anything in the
world invisible. Yet this Ritual is specifically about invisibility and not a single spirit who
specializes in such abilities are in it! But guess what! They all start with Y!!! : ) On a side note,
this is yet another Ritual that uses a name of Metatron in this Grimoire.


Password: ZEBURIAL (One of the angels who guard the halls of the Seventh Heaven.)

Being: ZEFFAR (The "genius of irrevocable choice" who also serves as a genii of the ninth hour.)

Mantrum: ZOO-RAY-ALE (ZURIEL – His name signifies, “God is My Rock”. A regent of the sign of
Libra. One of the seventy childbed amulet angels. He is a prince Regent of the choir of the
principalities. He cures stupidity. He also assists Uriel in the ruling of September. Also he is cited as
being “chief of the house of the fathers of Merari.” in Numbers 3:35.)

The being of choice worked with here is ZEFAR, a Nuctemeron Genii. It has to do with getting
rid of bad luck. So by connecting bad luck with having a binding or unchangable choice, I
think that it's pretty genius the way he puts this spirit here.


Password: TISHBASH (Another name of Metatron.)

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Being: TURMIEL (One of the many guards at the gates of the West Wind.)

Mantrum: TAR-SHE-SHEEM (TARSHISHIM - Order of Virtues according to The Zohar)

This is the 2nd "T" Ritual I was talking about earlier, and the final Ritual in the book. TURMIEL
is now the Cosmic Being here instead of being the Mantrum as it was in the first "T" Ritual.
Also where yet again, another name of Metatron is used.

In Conclusion

The Mystic Grimoire is a marvelous book, however there are a lot of things going on here that don't
seem to make much sense sometimes, even on an intuitive level, I have had to do quite a lot of
stretching to make things work or fit together where they simply do not seem to, and have completely
thrown out all logic in some places in exchange for things being in a semi-alphabetical format, which
can be good on a subconscious level with the Rituals having a "why would this work so well" kind of
vibe to it, yet I also feel that people are at least a little entitled to know about the forces they are about
to work with before jumping directly into it. At least I'm that way. Leading me to feel like it was a
rushed project at least to some extent, and in areas where NAP felt like more a finished book, at least
energetically. The spirits were mostly listed together alphabetically, and even though these were
apparently the most effective Spells & Rituals from the authors own Hermetic Order of Campo Santo,
it just feels really hodgepodged together for some reason, mainly, again because of the semi-
alphabetical cipher used here. It just feels like more time could have been spent carefully selecting
the right spirits for the job in each Ritual. Now with that being said, I am well aware of the fact that
spirits can do way more than what a short description says they are cable of, and the bottom line is
that these Rituals work. So as I expressed before, I truly want to see people do better than this 40
years later after its publish and on the verge of being re-published. I want to see people go on to
create their own magical systems that are highly beneficial, powerful, and amazing. That get them
and the world around them the results that they desire, and that are so profoundly inspired that the
late great author of this fantastic magical work might look down on them and smile upon those lucky
few who had his great work influence them.

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