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Contemporary History
Ms. Ayala
Instructions: Write a three-page story, double-spaced (2.0) and Times New Roman font.

The story is fictional so you can add picturesque elements, it must include real aspects (10

or more) of the age that has been assigned by your teacher. All real aspects of the age

should be highlighted also include images (3 or more). Finally, you must save the document

in PDF and upload it to the platform before the assigned date.

If you do not follow instructions your grade will be affected with -10.

Please start your story on page 2


Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it by George Santayana

Mirian Solórzano
Ms. Ayala
Contemporary History

A Prohibited Love

A long time ago by the XVII

century was celebrated the votes

‘renovation of the king and queen

of that period on Spain ,their

names were Charles Aragon great-

great grandson of Fernando II de

Aragon and Isabell I de Castilla king and queen by the year of 1492 and Josephine

Hernandez great-great granddaughter of Francisco Hernandez and Guadalupe

Medina , however this story is kind of crazy because both came from different

worlds , they were united by destiny, however they have to fight to be together ,

let’s go back by the XV Century

where great-great grandfathers

of Josephine takes place on this

story . On the year of 1502

Cristobal Colon take a trip to

find many other commerce

routes and find a very beautiful place ,rich in minerals and women beauty , so he

decide to cheat on the aborigines that live there and take all their minerals and took

many people as slaves including Francisco and Guadalupe

And take them to Spain to work in

the palace making chores and

maintaining the palace. Both were

dead by the year of 1565 because

the monarchy on that age consider

slaves as obstacle for being elders

and take them out their lives , but their legacy continues being slaves until the year

of 1791 were monarchy decide to pay people were consider slaves for working on

the palace this is when Josephine takes place, she works on the palace as servant of

the prince on that age he was nothing less than Charles. Before he met Josephine he

was compromised with a women that was rich and on social status down than the

king that was Charles ‘father who decide with whom his son had to marry at .The

king what a very materialistic and shallow person , however his son doesn’t care

money ,he wants someone who really loves him no matter the social position. One

day Josephine was cleaning the prince´s bedroom and at the moment she was

cleaning the prince enter to the bedroom and find her there , at that moment the

prince that the prince observe her beauty felt something unique on her ,at the same

time Josephine feel attraction to the prince and the

prince give her a kiss and at that moment the king

enter to his bedroom and found them ,and

immediately the king fired up Josephine and

prohibited to the prince having the idea to have a

relationship with her and being near of her and worst

try to get marry with her, but the prince didn´t pay attention to her father and
continue visiting Josephine. One month later she gave her a unique gift that was

recently invented, sewing machine, and taught her literature and many things that

higher social position have only the right to know, but he taught her because he

have notice that Josephine likes to learn new things . the months passed and the

prince continue visiting her , but one day

one of the guard of the palace follow him

while he was on the way of Josephine´s

house and the guard told to the king what

was happening and the reaction of the

king was that he told him to kill

Josephine, so the prince will marry with

the rich women and the monarchy don’t be judge and rejected , because it wasn’t

allowed to the monarchy to get marry with lower social positions. Other of the

guards listen to the king´s command to the guard and go to tell the prince that the

king wants to kill her love and immediately the prince go to rescue her love by

cancelling the order that her dad has given and go to claim to her dad why he decide

to do that terrific thing to the person who really love her and convince his father that

she was her true love and accept get marry with her with the condition to taught her

how to behave as a higher position does, the posture that she has to be al the time

and all monarchy rules. Many months later come the day of the wedding and all the

citizens don’t accept that a kind of girl like Josephine will be at the throne because

of her social position , but the prince make them accept her and finally all the town

finish loving her way of treating them. Many years later the king and queen dead so

Charles and Josephine took the place as king and queen of Spain, and were very
generous during their reign and they finish treating aborigines descendants as not

important and allows them to receive some knowledge of literature, but sadly they

dead by the year of 1870 , first Josephine because she suffer a heart attack and then

Charles was betrayed by one of their soldiers.


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