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*Report format

标题 : Report on……………… (关于什么,通知校长关于什么的)




1. State the aim of the report. (你写这份报告的目的是什么)

2. Elaborate unsatisfactory of the school canteen condition. (扩展你对食堂的恶劣状况有啥不满)

* Are the tables and benches 长椅 enough to accommodate 容纳 the large number of students?

* How do the students feel about the food and drinks?

- pricey 贵, no variety 没有什么选择, lacks of taste 不好吃

* is the food prepared 准备 in a hygienic 卫生 manner?

3. Explain 解释 the rude behaviour 态度 of canteen workers. State examples.

- impatient 不耐烦

- rude and arrogant 骄傲, they often shout at students

- causes bad mood

3. Give suggestions 建议 to improve the condition of the canteen.

- provide 提供 more tables and benches to cope 应付 with the increasing population 人口 of the school.

- school should lower 降低 the prices, different menu everyday so that students will have more choices to
choose from.

- Cleanliness should be given top priority 优先



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