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Answer NO.


Economic, socio-cultural, technological, political-legal, and professional association issues all have an
impact on human resource management. These variables have a variety of effects on human resource

1. Economic factor:

Economic factors comprise the characteristics of the economic system, general economic conditions,
numerous economic policies, and numerous factors of production, including human resources, that
shape and form the growth of economic activity.

For Example:

Population and workforce, as well as labor market conditions, are all elements that influence human
resource management strategies.

2. Socio-cultural factor:

Socio-cultural issues cover a wide range of topics and have an impact on many elements of business,
including human resource management.

For Example:

These factors influence I societal expectations of organizations, (ii) attitudes toward job social status, (iii)
attitudes toward work achievement, (iv) attitudes toward authority structure, responsibility, and
organizational positions, (v) workforce mobility, and (vi) the role of unions in human resource

3. Technological factor:

Technological factors are the full total of knowledge that allows people to perform things in different
ways. These include inventions and techniques that have an impact on how things are done, such as
product design, production, and distribution.

For Example:

Technology affects an organization in two ways- (i) defining nature of jobs and (ii) affecting human
resource management practices.

4. Political-legal factor:
Political-legal issues include the political system, government’s role in business, various government
policies affecting business operations, and laws enacted by governments at both the federal and state

For Example:

Employees from backward classes, scheduled castes/tribes, and physically handicapped must make up
at least a set percentage of total employees in particular sectors. Employee compensation, safety,
working conditions, and labor relations must all adhere to various legal requirements.

5. Professional association:

There is a professional association for every major profession. A professional association is made up of
organizations and individuals who share professional, scientific, or technological goals.

For Example:

The association establishes a code of ethics to ensure that its members follow ethical guidelines. For
example, the National Institute of Personnel Management has given its members with a code of ethics
that governs their behavior when executing activities linked to human resource management.


Internal factors (also known as organizational factors) affect human resource management methods
within the organization. Human resource management in an organization operates within the context of
the organization’s broader vision.

1. Organizational strategy:

Human resource management challenges are not stand-alone concerns; they are developed from an
organization’s strategy. Whether overtly or indirectly, every organization establishes its strategy.

For Example:

Analyzing how strategy works in a business can show how it affects human resource management
practices. Strategy is implemented on three levels: corporate, business, and functional. Strategic
decision-making at the corporate level include determining that what business should we be in.

2. Organizational culture:

Another aspect that influences human resource management practices is organizational culture. The set
of assumptions, beliefs, values, and standards shared by an organization's members is referred to as
organizational culture.

For Example:

Influence of corporate culture on organizational processes and practices, particularly human resource
management techniques, is significant., they can be separated into two categories: high-performing
culture and low-performing culture.

3. Trade Union:
Despite the fact that a trade union within an organization is a separate entity, it has been viewed as an
internal component because the organization’s employees are members of the trade union.

For Example:

Generally, management and labor come to an agreement through collective bargaining. The relative
bargaining positions of management and labor determine the outcome of collective bargaining. If a
trade union has a stronger bargaining position, the outcome of collective bargaining will be in its favor

4. Organizational financial position:

While the aforementioned considerations continue to shape human resource management practices,
the financial status of the company has an impact on human resource management practices,
particularly those with significant financial ramifications.

For example:

As a result, when a company faces financial difficulties, the employees are the first to be laid off. This is
evidenced by large-scale layoffs during economic downturns. Employee stock options, profit sharing,
and performance incentives, are the product of a strong financial position.


Competitive strategy:

It is a unique in comparison to the other two. Even if a company concentrates, it must nevertheless
structure its activities using one of the other techniques. It will continue to look for ways to cut expenses
or provide value. The distinction is that a company that chooses to execute a focused strategy will focus
its marketing and sales efforts on a narrower market than a company that chooses to execute a broad
cost leader or differentiator. A company that follows a focus-different strategy.

Competitive strategy is based on a company’s skills, strengths, and weaknesses in relation to market
characteristics and its competitors’ capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses.

For Example:

1. Differentiated leadership:

hope to attain market leadership by using differentiated leadership. In addition, businesses charge a
premium for their goods (due to high value added features). Such products have a strong brand and
quality, a large distribution network, and constant promotional support, among other things. For
Example, BMW and Apple.

2. Cost focus:

In comparison to competitors such as Rolex, Titan, and Omega, Sonata watches are focused on providing
wrist watches at a moderate cost.

3. Differentiation focus:
Titan watches focuses on the high-end market and includes gems in its watches.

Corporate Strategy:

A corporate strategy is a clearly defined, long-term vision established by an organization with the goal of
increasing company value and motivating employees to take the necessary steps to attain customer
satisfaction. Furthermore, corporate strategy is an ongoing process that necessitates a consistent effort
to entice investors to trust the company with their money, ultimately expanding the firm’s equity.
Organizations that consistently deliver customer value are those that examine their business strategy on
a regular basis to enhance areas where the desired results are not being achieved.

For Example:

1. Cost leadership:

Cost leadership is a strategy in which companies provide their products and services at the lowest price
that customers are willing to pay, allowing them to be competitive and achieve a volume of sales that
allows them to be industry leaders. Wal-Mart in the retail industry, McDonald’s in the food business,
and Ikea, the furnishing store that offers low prices, are all instances of cost leaders.

2. Product differentiation:

Product differentiation refers to a company's attempt to provide a distinctive value proposition to its
customers. Companies who are able to differentiate their products from the competitors typically obtain
a competitive advantage, resulting in increased earning.

3. Global products strategy:

Horizontal integration, vertical integration, and global product strategy, in which multinational
corporations market a homogeneous product over the world, are all examples of corporate strategies.



1. Duties and responsibilities:

● Taking care of correspondence
● Meetings of the organizing and servicing committees, as well as meetings of the academic board
(producing agendas, taking minutes etc)
● Report writing and research
● Preparing and managing statistics and data, such as attendance figures
● Invoice processing
● Acquiring equipment and other products
● Coordinating with prospective students, other universities, government bodies, and outside
● Assisting in the approval and evaluation of courses
● Drafting and enforcing regulations/policies
● Event scheduling and planning
● Arranging and administering student recruitment, tests, and assessments

2. Qualifications and required training:

A bachelor’s degree in education, English, psychology, sociology, business studies, statistics, information
technology, administration, or management may be useful. Prior higher/further education, as well as
office or commercial work experience, can be beneficial.

Some qualifications are available from the Institute of School Business Leadership, which are
appropriate for school administrators.

3. Key skills for administrator:

Administrators of education should have the following skills. Interpersonal, IT, numeracy, organization,
time management, negotiating, and communication abilities are all necessary. It’s also crucial to have a
pleasant phone manner and maintain discretion when dealing with confidential information.


Traits that must be present in HR manager:

1. Communication skills:

You must be able to communicate oneself clearly in both oral and writing communication as an HR
professional. Because the team is in charge of Recruitment, the human resource area necessitates a lot
of talking.

2. Organizational skills:

Recruitment, training, performance reviews, individual development plans, and employee relations are
just a few of the responsibilities covered by HR. For example, each role in the firm need an uniform
employee training platform. HR, on the other hand, entails a variety of tasks.

3. Decision making skills:

HR necessitates a great deal of decision-making. One notable example is during the hiring process, when
they must determine whether or not an applicant is a good fit for the position. Recognizing good talent
is a difficult skill to master. It necessitates planning, experience, and intuition.

4. Training and developmental skills:

Training and development is another function of human resources. HR managers are in charge of
providing chances for employees to grow in order to enhance performance and value.

5. Budgeting skills:

HR is in charge of all compensation and benefits. Training and development, social activities,
performance appraisals, and so forth are all examples of this.

6. Emphatic skills:
From workload to wage complaints to a workplace conflict, the HR team interacts with a lot of people
and their problems. As a human resource manager, you must be empathic in order to comprehend the
perspective of others before passing judgement.


Strategic Human resources Management:

Human Resources Management can have a direct impact on a company’s growth if it is used
strategically. To satisfy the needs of the company’s long-term ambitions, HR personnel must take a
strategic approach to developing and keeping staff.

Steps of Strategic human resources management process:

1. Develop a thorough understanding of your company’s objectives:

Because the effectiveness of strategic HR is determined by how well it aligns with the goals of your
organization, you must have a solid awareness of your organization’s goals, objectives, and mission.

2. Evaluate your HR capabilities:

By assessing your present HR capabilities, you will gain a better understanding of your current workforce
and how they contribute to the achievement of your goals and objectives.

3. Analyze your current HR capacity in light of your goal:

Evaluation of your HR capacity can assist you in identifying roadblocks and developing a strategy to
capitalize on opportunities and successfully address challenges. Strategic HR personnel will assess the
quantity of employees as well as their abilities.

4. Estimate your company’s future:

It’s time to forecast your HR needs after you’ve done an analysis of your company’s employees and
talents in connection to your goals.

5. Determine the tool:

HR personnel should consult with the appropriate departments to learn how employees’ tools affect
their capacity to do their jobs that will help to organize the workforce.

6. Implement the Strategic human resources Management:

After you’ve completed the research and forecasting of your company’s HR needs, it’s time to begin
expanding your workforce and developing current employees in order to prepare your firm for future

7. Evaluating and corrective action:

In order to conduct a strategic HR management review, HR personnel should set a deadline. This
assessment will look at how far you’ve come and where you can improve.

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