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Get immediate medical attention if you 0090, Appas Centro
have these warning signs: Tabuk City, Kalinga
Trouble breathing.
Persistent pain or pressure in your Grade 8 - Mariner
chest. Tabuk City National High School Coronavirus (COVID-19)
New confusion. Awareness.
Inability to arouse (wake up from
Bluish lips or face.
This list does not include all possible
symptoms. Contact your healthcare
provider if you are concerned you may
coronavirus, have other symptoms or
stay home.
have any severe symptoms.
How is coronavirus diagnosed?
stay safe.
COVID-19 is diagnosed with a laboratory
test. Your healthcare provider may collect
a sample of your saliva or swab your nose
or throat to send for testing.
When should I be tested for the
coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Call your healthcare provider if you:
Feel sick with fever, cough or have
difficulty breathing.
Have been in close contact with a
person known or suspected to have
Your healthcare provider will ask you
questions about your symptoms. Your
healthcare provider will tell you if you
need to be tested for the novel
coronavirus, COVID-19 and where to go to
be tested.
Less common symptoms:
What is Covid-19? a rash on skin, or discoloration of Maintain at least 1 meter
[Corona (New) + Virus + Disease] fingers or toes. distance between you and
aches and pains. people coughing or
Coronaviruses are a family of sore throat. sneezing.
viruses that can cause respiratory diarrhea.
Avoid touching your face.
illness in humans. They get their Cover your mouth and nose
name, “corona,” from the many when coughing or sneezing.
loss of taste or smell.
crown-like spikes on the surface Stay home if you feel unwell.
of the virus. Severe acute Serious symptoms:
difficulty breathing or shortness of
respiratory syndrome (SARS),
breath. Always wear face
Middle East respiratory syndrome
chest pain or pressure. mask and/or face
(MERS) and the common cold are loss of speech or movement. shield when
examples of coronaviruses that going out or
. Seek immediate medical attention if you
cause illness in humans. talking to other
have serious symptoms. Always call before people.
The new strain of coronavirus,
visiting your doctor or health facility.
COVID-19, was first reported in
People with mild symptoms who are
Wuhan, China in December 2019. otherwise healthy should manage their Practice physical
symptoms at home. distancing by avoiding
Signs and Symptoms of On average it takes 5–6 days from when unnecessary travel and
COVID-19 Infection someone is infected with the virus for staying away from
symptoms to show, however it can take up large groups of people.
COVID-19 affects
different people in to 14 days.
different ways. Most
infected people will
To prevent infection and to slow
develop mild to
transmission of COVID-19, do the following:
moderate illness and
recover without Wash your hands
hospitalization. regularly with
Most common symptoms: soap and water,
or clean them
with alcohol-
dry cough. Disinfect surfaces and exposed areas.
based hand rub.
tiredness. Always sanitize and use disinfectants.

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