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We Will Win this

12th June 2021

I’m putting together a book of the transcripts of all my videos for As
I was working my way through the transcripts, I came across this one from September
16th. I thought it was worth publishing part of it here on my website.
`I still believe we will win this war but you and I are going to have to fight hard. Videos,
radio shows and demonstrations are a splendid beginning but that’s all they are – a
beginning. All are magnificent but they aren’t going to stop the United Nations, the
Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation from stealing
your life and your soul.
When I use the word `war’ it’s no exaggeration: it is exactly what I mean.
Our governments want to destroy us mentally. Their aim is to make us so weakened and
so frightened that we will do everything they want. Everything that has happened was
meant to happen.
No one with more than a quarter of a brain could possibly believe that the so-called covid
crisis is a real crisis. The damned virus now kills fewer people than just about any major
illness you can think of. The number of people being killed by the lockdowns, the masks,
the social distancing and all the rest of the garbage is far, far greater than the number
being killed by a bug which was never any more of a threat than a flu bug.
This isn’t a crisis – it’s a crime. And most people are sleep walking to their own
destruction. And to our destruction too.
The corruption involved in this scam is unbelievable. The evidence is all in plain sight. I
am preparing two books at the moment. One is a collection of all the transcripts of all the
videos I have made between the end of April and the beginning of September. The
second book is an analysis of the history of Agenda 21 – a word by word assessment of
how the United Nations and a group of billionaires have schemed to take over the world.
Copies of all my notes are stored in safe places. If anything happens to me these books
will still appear. When they are ready, I promise to sell both books as cheaply as I can.
I’ll put a note on my website when they’re ready.
It all sounds crazy doesn’t it?
A take over of the world.
Total control of our bodies, our minds and our souls.
But that is precisely what they have planned.
And it is precisely what they are doing. It seems unbelievable but it is true. And I’ll show
precisely how it was carefully planned, how it has been managed and where it is going –
unless we stop it.
The IMF and World Bank are reported to be bailing out failing airlines with billions of
dollars of our money. In exchange they are said to be forcing airline bosses to force all
passengers – including small children – to wear masks. Remember those terrible pictures
you’ve seen of tiny tots being forced to wear masks? Well, maybe we now know who
was behind it and why pilots and crew behaved so appallingly.
It’s the banks which want us all faceless.
It was allegedly Goldman Sachs which told the World Health Organisation, Bill Gates’
pet organisation, to force the world’s populations to wear masks.
How many people will die as a result of these policies? I have no idea and nor has anyone
I wonder how many other countries have been bribed in this way? The aim is clearly to
crash every economy in the world. And that, of course, is part of Agenda 21.
Nothing that has happened to the world in the last six months has been an accident.
Everything has been planned. Schools were deliberately closed so that children’s
education would be wrecked. Hospitals were shut so that people would die. Patients in
care homes and nursing homes were killed by being deprived of medical and nursing
care. Thousands died because they were denied food and water. Churches were closed to
deprive people of spiritual comfort.
All this happened all around the world.
They want your body, they want your mind, they want your soul. And they want a good
many of us dead. I’m afraid that until you understand that you don’t understand anything
at all.
I am terrified by the number of people who still don’t realise precisely what is happening.
Everything that is happening was planned decades ago – and is only now coming to
fruition. Every strange planning decision was planned. The rows about gay marriage,
trans-sexualism and black lives matter campaigns were all designed to erase our history,
to cause chaos and confusion and to spread dissent. Even the introduction of bicycle
lanes, bizarre street furniture and smart motorways were all part of the United Nations
plan created decades ago. They want to get rid of the motor car because they want us all
living in smart cities. Regionalisation, as promoted by the European Union, is a step
towards globalisation. The European Union itself became part of Agenda 21 some years
ago. Jargon phrases such as `new normal’ were invented over a decade ago. I could show
you them in print.
The plan all along has been to get rid of all nationalities.

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