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Kartilya ng Katipunan

The Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan also known as

Katipunan or KKK,was a Philippine revolutionary society founded by anti-Spanish colonialism
Filipinos in Manila in 1892; its primary goal was to gain independence from Spain through a

The Kartilya ng Katipunan served as the guidebook for new members of the organization, which
laid out the group's rules and principles.

The Kartilya was the moral and intellectual foundation used to guide the actions of Katipuneros. Upon
joining the Katipunan, members were required to read the Kartilya and adhere to its code of conduct.

In 1896, Andres Bonifacio, wrote the Duties of the Sons of the People, a list to be followed strictly by
every member of the organization. The rules constituted a decalogue, and embodied bonifacio's
beliefs. Bonifacio would then later adopt Emilio Jacinto's Kartilya as the official teachings of the

[Sometime in 1896, Andres Bonifacio, the father of the Philippine Revolution, and once the President of
the Supreme Council of the Katipunan, penned the Duties of the Sons of the People, a list of the duties
and responsibilities to be followed strictly by every member of the organization. The rules constituted a
decalogue, and embodied Bonifacio’s passionate beliefs.

In admiration of Emilio Jacinto’s literary style, Bonifacio would later adopt Jacinto’s Kartilya as the
official teachings of the Katipunan. Similar to the Decalogue, the Kartilya was written to introduce new
recruits to the principles and values that should guide every member of the organization.]

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