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by Emilio Jacinto (1892)

Group 7
Jane S. Delos Santos, Rose Anne Mae D. Domingo, Princess Aira M. Espejo
The Kartilya was made, mainly for the

Upon joining the Katipunan, members

were required to read the Kartilya and
adhere to its code of conduct. Changing the
way people thought and acted was the most
important to the early Katipuneros, they
understood that it was the only way to
change the Philippines for the better.
The Kartilya ng Katipunan was written by Emilio Jacinto
in 1892.

The Kartilya was about the thirteen lessons that serve as

the Katipuneros’ guide in living with morals and good
values. It was like a code of conduct that shows how to be a
true Filipino in words and action.

The Katipunan was not the only organization working

towards independence. They built on the Ideological and
political foundation constructed by men and women who
sacrificed much for their dreams of independence. I believe
that this Kartilya ng Katipunan shows the path on how to
live a meaningful life for every Filipino.
Historical Importance
In 1896, Bonifacio, wrote the Duties of the Sons of the People, a
list to be followed strictly by every member of the organization.

The Dekalago had only 10 points, and mainly focused on one's

duties to God, country, family, neighbor, the katipunan and himself.

However, the Kartilya was longer, more philosophical. It presented

Its concept of virtuous living as lessons for self reflection.

The Kartilya became not only a primer for the Anak ng Bayan
members, but an ideology embodying moral and nationalistic


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