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Course : _ Date :
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Choose the correct expressions to complete the statements. Don’t use all the words.
Example: I always__ go running at 6:30 am in the mornings.

1. If you play soccer , you can burn 501 calories in one hour.

2. I am in great shape! I eat fruit and vegetables every day .

3. My cousin Andrew is watching TV and doing nothing now. He is a couch potato .

4. I lift weights in the park on weekends and I can walk my dog there too.

5. My half-sister goes to the gym in the afternoon. Her personal trainer is good.

couch potato never every the park always

eat burgers twice a usually the gym play
month soccer


Complete the statements with the correct form of “can” or “have to”. Don’t have to

6. Michael can’t go to the rock concert, he _ have to study for his final exam.

7. My aunt can’t _ visit her mother-in-law tomorrow. She have to _ go to the


8. I can’t_ play the guitar tomorrow at 5:00 pm, I have to_ do my homework.

9. Sorry, I can’t go to the party tonight. I _ have to _ help my sister with

her homework.

10. Oh, no! I have to go to the mall. I can´t _ see the electronic
devices online.
C. READING: Read the passage. Then check ( ✓) True, False, or No information.

True False No information

Example: Harry avoids desserts. ( ✓) ( ) ( )

11. Harry doesn’t exercise because he’s busy. ( ) (✓) (

12. Harry wants to lose weight to look better. ( ) (✓ ) (
13. Today Harry is riding a bike for an hour. (✓) ( ) (
14. Harry always exercises by himself. ( ) ( ) (✓
15. He can burn 644 calories in two hours playing (✓ ) ( ) (

Write about your Healthy Habits (Use The Simple Present, you can use Frequency
Adverbs and Time expressions), AND write about your Obligations (Use Have to )

I eat fruit in the morning every day and exercise in the afternoon.
On weekends I go for a run with my dog at 3pm.

I usually clean my room after breakfast. And then to clean the house at 2 pm.
On weekends I clean the car and the cat litter.

If you do not understand the instructions, ask your teacher.

God bless you!

0-10 = 0 11-13 = 1 14 – 16 = 2 17-20 = 3

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