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Modelling of hot deformation for microstructural

Y. V. R. K. Prasad and T. Seshacharyulu

Bulk metal working processes are carried out at
elevated temperatures where the occurrence of
Bulk deformation processes like rolling, forging, and
simultaneous softening processes would enable extrusion are conducted at temperatures higher than
the imposition of large strains in a single step or about two-thirds the melting point of the material.
multiple steps. Hot working also causes a These processes generally involve large strains and a
significant change in the microstructure of the high speed of deformation, both of which help in
material and this contributes to one part of achieving high productivity. The high temperatures
workability generally referred to intrinsic of the process permit the imposition of large strains
workability, which is sensitive to the initial in a single step without the onset of fracture thus
conditions of the material and the process obtaining the final product shape in the fewest poss-
parameters. The other part, related to the state of
ible steps. In addition to forming near net shapes, hot
stress existing in the deformation zone, is specific
to a metal working process and may be controlled
deformation is associated with a change in the micro-
by changing the applied state of stress and/or structure. Thus, one of the important objectives in
the geometry of the deformation zone. An hot deformation is to control the product micro-
understanding of the constitutive behaviour of the structure such that it does not contain micro- or
material is essential for the optimisation of the macro defects or flow instabilities and that it is
intrinsic workability and control of microstructural achieved on a repeatable basis in a manufacturing
evolution during hot working. In recent years, environment. The development of a robust control
modelling techniques have been developed for this system for metal processing requires a fundamental
purpose and these are critically reviewed. These understanding of the constitutive behaviour of the
include: (1) the kinetic model, (2) the atomistic
different elements.1•2
model, (3) the dynamic materials model, and
(4) other models including activation energy maps
A generic method of representation is in terms of
with stability criteria and polar reciprocity model. physical modelling concepts3 in which sources, stores,
Since the first two models do not lead to workability and dissipators of power are identified, constitutively
optimisation directly and are not useful for characterised, and linked together for designing a
commercial alloys, the dynamic materials model control system. A schematic of such a representation
has been developed. This model forms a bridge is shown in Fig. 1 with reference to an extrusion
between the continuum mechanics and the process. Here, the hydraulic power pack is the source
microstructural mechanisms occurring during hot of power, the tools including the extrusion container,
deformation, and consists of principles of ram, die holder, and die are the stores of power, and
irreversible thermodynamics of large plastic flow.
the workpiece and interface friction are the dissipators
The dissipated power is related to the rate of
entropy production due to metallurgical processes
of power. Energy is generated by the source, trans-
obtained by partitioning the total power between mitted to the tools, which elastically store the power
that due to the temperature rise and the and transfer it to the workpiece through an interface
microstructural change. In view of the viscoplastic (lubricant). The workpiece itself dissipates the power
nature of hot deformation, the strain rate sensitivity while it undergoes plastic flow in the deformation
of flow stress has been found to be the power zone. Since such a system is 'dynamic', it is important
partitioning factor. The development of processing to consider the energy transactions occurring in the
maps using this model, their interpretation and system in terms of power (or rate of energy conver-
application for optimising hot workability and control
sion) thus making time an independent variable. Thus,
of microstructure are reviewed. The development of
activation energy maps and their use in the control
the response of the system depends on how fast or
of microstructure are useful for obtaining robust slow the energy is being input to the system. While
process control for microstructural optimisation, sufficient research has not yet gone into integrating
while the use of the stability criteria puts undue the various system elements, the characterisation of
restrictions on the processing regimes. Several the mechanisms of hot deformation has been the
mechanisms of hot deformation, with special subject of intense study.4.5
reference to dynamic recrystallisation, are discussed The key word that describes the material behaviour
in the light of results from processing maps obtained in bulk metalworking is 'workability'. A detailed
on a wide range of materials. Finally, the application review of all the parameters influencing workability
of the processing maps in designing bulk metal
has been presented by Dieter.6 Workability is sensi-
working processes is briefly explained. IMR/332
tively dependent on (a) the material's chemistry, the
© 1998 The Institute of Materials and ASM International. initial microstructure, and the processing history
At the time the review was prepared the authors were in including the thermomechanical treatments, (b) the
the Department of Metallurgy, Indian Institute of Science, applied temperature, strain rate, and strain, (c) the
Bangalore 560012, India. The authors are currently at the
Materials Process Design Branch (MLMR), Air Force
applied state of stress (SoS), and (d) the SoS existing
Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH in the deformation zone. It is now generally accepted
45433, USA. that workability may be considered to consist of
two independent parts: (1) intrinsic workability which
International Materials Reviews 1998 Vol. 43 NO.6 243
244 Prasad and Seshacharyulu Modelling of hot deformation for microstructural control

CONTAINER LUBRICANT DIE useful in evaluating the die designs without resorting
to expensive and time consuming shop floor trials.
The intrinsic workability of the material depends
on its constitutive behaviour which is the response of
PRODUCT the workpiece with a given 'history' to the imposed
---. processing conditions including temperature, strain
rate, and strain. The response is implicitly embedded
in the constitutive equations which depict mathemat-
ically the manner in which the flow stress varies with
the above process variables.1o,11However, explicitly
the response of the material is in two complementary
ways: initially as a temperature rise and more import-
antly as a change in the microstructure of the material.
1 Schematic representation of metal processing
As the microstructural changes decide the intrinsic
system with extrusion as example
workability, modelling techniques were developed for
predicting them during hot working and for optimis-
depends on the constitutive behaviour of the material ing intrinsic workability. In this review, the current
(aspects (a) and (b)), and (2) SoS workability which status of development of these models is presented
depends on the nature of the applied state of stress and the models are critically evaluated. Significant
in the process and the deformation zone geometry changes in the microstructure also occur during post-
(aspects (c) and (d)). The factors influencing the SoS deformation process cooling and these are not covered
workability are briefly discussed first. in this review. Such changes are modelled using
During plastic flow through the deformation zone, empirical and phenomenological equations as dis-
the workpiece will experience a three dimensional cussed by Sellars12 and Yoshida et al.13
SoS which consists of six independent components -
three shear stress components and three hydrostatic
stress components. While the shear stress components Materials modelling in hot
cause plastic flow of the material, the nature of the deformation
hydrostatic components will decide the SoS work- The materials models for hot deformation are
ability. For example, if these are tensile, the occurrence expected to predict (1) the response of the workpiece
of fracture or damage processes is promoted since the material in terms of microstructural evolution, (2) the
weak interfaces in the microstructure will get opened optimum process parameters without trial and error,
Up.7 On the other hand, compressive hydrostatic and (3) the process limits for controlling the process
components are beneficial for improving the work- in a manufacturing environment. It is an added
ability. Since the SoS workability depends on the advantage if the model is generic and applicable to a
applied SoS in the process and the geometry of the wide range of commercial materials. Also, models
deformation zone, the techniques needed for its con- based on science based principles are preferable
trol are specific to the particular process. For example, to the phenomenological models. The approaches
in rolling it may be optimised through the roll pass available for modelling hot deformation have
design (geometry and sequence of the roll pass and been reviewed by Prasad14 and Kutumba Rao and
the reduction per pass), or in forging by the preform Rajagopalachary,15 and are essentially of the follow-
or blocker die design, or in extrusion by the design ing types: (1) kinetic model, (2) atomistic model,
of the die cavity. However, for a given geometry of (3) dynamic materials model, and (4) others. The
the component, the available variations in the roll principles, applications, and relative merits and limi-
pass or preform geometry are somewhat restricted. tations of these models are discussed below keeping
In extrusion, on the other hand, for a given product in view the requirements of modelling. For consist-
and container geometry, there is considerable scope ency, the experimental data on 316L stainless steel
for innovation to design the geometry of the die published by Venugopal et al.16 are utilised for evalu-
cavity such that the SoS in the deformation zone is ating these models wherever needed.
essentially compressive. Streamlined die design8 is one
such option in that direction. For reducing the lead
time in manufacturing and for designing dies without Kinetic model
resorting to expensive trial and error methods, finite It is experimentally observed that the steady state
element method (FEM) modelling techniques9 are flow stress in hot deformation may be related to
generally advocated and commercial codes are avail- strain rate and temperature through an Arrhenius
able for this purpose. Other than by controlling type of rate equation4
the die geometry, the SoS may be enhanced by the 8 = Aan exp( - Q/RT) . (1)
application of external hydrostatic compression
(classical Bridgman experiment, now advocated for where 8 is the strain rate, A a constant, a the steady
reducing porosity in superplastic forming) or by side state flow stress, n a stress exponent, Q the activation
pressing in open die forging or by a ring constraint energy, R the gas constant, and T the temperature.
in upsetting. It is generally recognised that the SoS In order to fit the experimental data more closely
workability is not sensitive to the constitutive behav- and over a wider range, several functions of a like
iour of the material and can be optimised independ- the hyperbolic sine function have been used,4 but
ently. Also, numerical simulation techniques are very apparently these do not have any other significance.
International Materials Reviews 1998 Vol. 43 No.6
Prasad and Seshacharyulu Modelling of hot deformation for microstructural control 245

T ~ °c
• • • • 600
€ ,5-1

2.6 900 22 0 0.001

1000 6 0.01
1100 0 0.1
2.4 I
21 0 1. a
1200 ~
2.2 1250 8' 20 0
a.. LJ n=5
~2.0 19

o o
1.8 18
1.6 17
1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.4
log (a, MPa)
3 Variation of Zener-Hollomon parameter Z with
flow stress a for 316L stainless steel for
1050-1250°C (data from Ref. 16)

1.0 deviations have occurred for higher strain rates (e.g.

-4 3 1·0 s -1) and these may be accounted for in terms of
changes that would have occurred during post-
deformation cooling.
2 Variation of flow stress a with strain rate t for
The above example demonstrates that the kinetic
316L stainless steel at strain of 0'4 for wide
temperature and strain rate ranges (data from
rate equation (equation (1)) is valid over a narrow
Ref. 16) range of temperature and strain rate, and when
considered over a wide range, nand Q become
temperature and strain rate dependent. The apparent
For use in finite element models, simple polynomial activation energy estimates are too complex to inter-
fits are found to be convenient.ll From plots of n log (J pret in terms of a single rate controlling mechanism.
versus 1jT, apparent activation energy is evaluated The correlation of Z with the microstructural para-
and compared with that for a known process like meters is valuable but it exists only in a narrow range
diffusion, to evaluate the mechanism of hot deforma- of temperature and strain rate. Further, the kinetic
tion. Further, a temperature compensated strain rate
parameter (Zener-Hollomon), defined as
Z = 8 exp(QjRT) . (2)
is plotted against log (J to establish the validity of
equation (1) and is correlated with the grain size
variations occurring during hot deformation.17
With respect to the hot compression data on 316L
o 0.001
• 0.1
stainless steel16 in the temperature range 600-1250°C
and strain rate range 0'001-100 s -1, a plot of log (J
o 1.0
~ 22
versus log 8 is shown in Fig. 2. It is clearly seen that I
the stress exponent n, given by the inverse of the slope, ~
is temperature and strain rate dependent when consid- 0')
ered over a wide range and hence equation (1) is not - 20
valid. However, over a narrow range (1000-1250°C
and 0'001-0'1 s -1), the stress exponent is nearly con-
stant (~5). The apparent activation energy in this 18
range is estimated to be about 600 kJ mol-1, which
is higher than the activation energy for self-diffusion
(280 kJ mol-1) (Ref. 18). The values of the Z para-
meter (equation (2)) are evaluated and plotted against 16
log (J in Fig. 3 to establish the validity of equation (1)
20 40 ro 80 mo 120
and against the measured grain size in Fig. 4 to obtain
a microstructural correlation. The latter plot may be 4 Variation of average grain size with Z parameter
used for controlling grain size in a component by in 316L stainless steel at different strain rates
evaluating the local Z values. However, significant (data from Ref. 16)

International Materials Reviews 1998 Vol. 43 NO.6

246 Prasad and Seshacharyulu Modelling of hot deformation for microstructural control

model does not specifically lead to optimisation of 10

intrinsic workability nor can it be applied universally I
for microstructural control without knowing the I ADIABATIC
specific ranges or domains where it is valid. 10 I SHEAR
I /
\ //
FRACTURE I')...---~
Atomistic model - Raj maps 1
Several atomistic mechanisms that can cause micro- ("-

structural damage during hot working, have been Vl
modelled by Raj19 with the aim of calculating the eW
limiting conditions of temperature and strain rate for I
their occurrence. If these boundaries are established,
it is possible to arrive at a 'safe' regime where hot

working may be done without the onset of any of I
these fracture processes and the component will be 163 , I CRACKING
free from microstructural damage. Four different pro- ,,
cesses are considered by Raj: (1) void formation at
4 ,,
hard particles (lower temperatures and higher strain
rates), (2) wedge cracking at grain boundary triple 25 275 525 n5 1025 1275 1525
junctions (higher temperatures and lower strain rates), TEMPERATURE~C
(3) adiabatic shear band formation (very high strain
rates), and (4) dynamic recrystallisation (higher tem- 5 Raj map for 304 austenitic stainless steel with
grain size 50 Jlm (Ref. 20)
peratures). Of these mechanisms, the first three are
damage mechanisms and the fourth one is a safe
process for hot working.
Fig. 5 (Ref. 20). There is, however, a serious limitation
Considering the void formation (ductile fracture) at
in extending the calculations to commercial alloys
hard particles, the critical strain rate is calculated for
because of lack of data on the fundamental para-
the condition that the stress concentration around
meters. Also, the map gives only a broad regime for
the particles due to deformation of soft matrix would
safe processing (not a specific set of optimum process
be more rapidly relaxed by creep or diffusional pro-
parameters) and leads to a control of microstructure
cesses than it is produced. Above this critical strain
essentially through the avoidance of defects. More-
rate and at temperatures where the recovery processes
over, it is not possible to know a priori all the
are slow, the regime of ductile fracture will dominate.
atomistic mechanisms that possibly occur in a given
On the other hand, at slower strain rates and higher
material for adequately modelling them. Nevertheless,
temperatures which promote grain boundary sliding,
the concept of atomistic maps for processing is a
a different type of damage occurs at grain boundary
pioneering attempt in modelling the constitutive
triple junctions resulting in wedge cracking. If the
behaviour of the material.
strain rate is high, the matrix deforms faster than the
grain boundaries can slide and wedge cracking will
not occur. If the strain rate is very slow, the high Dynamic materials model
stresses at the triple junctions will be relaxed by With a view to introduce the constitutive behaviour
diffusional flow and wedge cracks get repaired. The of the material explicitly into the finite element flow
upper limit of the strain rate above which wedge analysis, the dynamic materials model (DMM) was
cracking does not occur depends on the grain bound- first developed.21 It is based on the fundamental
ary sliding rate and the grain size. Dynamic recrystal- principles of continuum mechanics of large plastic
lisation (DR) is a safe process for hot deformation flow,22 physical systems modelling,3 and irreversible
and Raj modelled this process using the kinetic thermodynamics.23 Dynamic materials modelling may
approach described in the section 'Kinetic model' be viewed as a bridge between the continuum mech-
above, the Z parameter (equation (2)), and the critical anics of large plastic deformation and the develop-
strain for the onset of DR. Raj also calculated the ment of dissipative microstructures in the material
strain rate regime (generally very high) where adia- and encompasses the area of deterministic chaos24 in
batic shear bands occur. It is assumed that they describing the patterns of the dynamic response of
are caused by flow softening where the stress value the material in hot deformation. In this model, the
decreases by more than a factor of 2·7 when the true workpiece is considered to have the following
strain increases by unity. This stress depends on the characteristics:
adiabatic temperature rise during deformation and 1. Dissipative: The workpiece essentially dissipates
therefore on physical constants such as the density power during hot deformation and does not store
and specific heat. The approach is somewhat phenom- energy significantly. There are four different types
enological and again uses the kinetic rate equation of stress-strain curve that represent the dissipative
to convert the critical stress to strain rate. nature: (1) flat types as for aluminium where the
Raj maps were developed for pure metals and dilute stress does not vary with strain, (2) flow softening
alloys20 for which the required fundamental data are after a critical strain leading to a steady state at larger
available. A typical map for 304 stainless steel having strains (e.g. copper and nickel), (3) stress-strain curves
a grain size of 50 Jlm, (carbide) particle size of 0·5 Jlm, with oscillations which become damped at larger
and a particle volume fraction of 0·05 is shown in strains, and (4) continuous flow softening curves

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Prasad and Seshacharyulu Modelling of hot deformation for microstructural control 247


( ~'(7)

----- Kinetic

(0 )

7 Comparison between dynamic and kinetic

constitutive equation curves for viscoplastic

J The above characteristics of the workpiece make it

an ideal candidate for the occurrence of deterministic
chaos which leads to specific or strange attractors in
a given state space.24 This aspect is not discussed in
m=1 this review.
At a constant temperature and strain, the dynamic
response of the workpiece material undergoing
G hot deformation is represented by the constitutive
. . (3)
..1. where K is a constant and 111 the strain rate sensitivity
€ of flow stress given by
6 Dynamic constitutive equation for a viscoplastic 111 = v(ln o-)/8(ln £) . . . (4)
solid following power law behaviour and b ideal
The dynamic constitutive equation given by equa-
linear dissipator, at constant temperature and
strain; see text for definitions of symbols tion (3) is represented by the curve given in Fig. 6
which represents the stress-strain rate path the work-
piece system takes to reach the limiting value set by
without any critical strain as in spheroidisation of the applied strain rate. If the limiting strain rate is
acicular or WidmansHitten structures and in flow changed, the path may be different (different 111 value)
localisation. and so will be the response (flow stress). Joining all
2. Dynamic: The constitutive response of the such stress-strain rate points for different strain rates
material at a given temperature during hot deforma- (Fig. 7) gives the 'kinetic' constitutive equation, which
tion depends essentially on the strain rate and to a relates the flow stress to strain rate in a non-linear
smaller extent on strain as in the flow softening fashion. Referring to Fig. 6, the rectangle (0-. £) gives
systems mentioned above. Thus, it is viscoplastic. the total power dissipated instantaneously by the
3. Non-linear: The response of the workpiece (e.g. workpiece and manifests as a temperature rise in
flow stress) to the imposed variables such as strain, the material and a change in the internal energy of
strain rate, and temperature is non-linear. the material through a change in the microstructure.
4. Away from equilibrium: The workpiece under- The dynamic constitutive equation (equation (3))
going large plastic flow at high temperature is away decides how the power is partitioned between these
from equilibrium since the strain is not being applied two manifestations. The total power P may be rep-

in infinitesimally small increments. resented as a sum of two complementary functions
5. Irreversible: As the large plastic flow at high
temperatures causes major changes in the micro-
structure of the workpiece and in an irreversible fashion,
P=er.B= f erdB+ Bder .. (5)

the extremum principles of irreversible thermodynamics In systems modelling terminology,3 the first integral
as applied to large plastic flow22 are applicable. is called the G content and the second integral the J
International Materials Reviews 1998 Vol. 43 No.6
248 Prasad and Seshacharyulu Modelling of hot deformation for microstructural control

co-content which is a complementary function of G

content. From equation (5) the G content represents
the area under the dynamic constitutive equation
curve and the J co-content represents the area above
it. The factor that partitions power between these two
complementary parameters is the strain rate sensi-
tivity of flow stress m, since
dJ £ dO" £(J d In 0" ~ log 0"
-=--=---~---===m . . . (6)
dG 0"d£ 0"£ d In £ ~ log £

Power partitioning interpretation

In D MM, special significance is attached to the
physical interpretation of power partitioning using b
strain rate sensitivity. The origin of viscoplasticity in
hot deformation is in the dissipation of power by a
change in the microstructure of the workpiece that
does not directly contribute to plastic deformation
(strain). These processes that occur simultaneously
with deformation at elevated temperatures (e.g.
diffusion) cause a change in the potential energy
because of the change in the energy of atoms associ-
ated with their new positions (e.g. at a grain bound-
ary). The rate of this potential energy change is time
and temperature dependent and hence is influenced
by strain rate and temperature in hot deformation.
However, their occurrence has a significant effect on €
the movement of dislocations since they affect the
stress required for causing slip. The rate of potential 8 Response of viscoplastic solid when strain rate
energy change that occurs due to dislocation move- sensitivity is on either side of unity (after Ref. 25)
ment is discussed using a simple slip model by
Ziegler.22 When slip occurs by dislocation movement, essentially as a store of power. The power is dissipated
an extra half-plane of atoms moves over a slip plane as a temperature rise due to dislocation movement
when the applied stress increases the potential energy which may be unstable (discontinuous or jerky flow).
to a peak corresponding to the top position of the The common example of this behaviour is the process
atoms of the plane below. Further movement into the of dynamic strain aging. When the strain rate sensi-
adjacent low potential energy position does not tivity is unity, the material reaches a situation close
require any more energy since it is a downward to that of a viscous fluid and a superplastic material
movement and the potential energy is converted into may be considered as an example. In this case, the
kinetic energy, which is instantly dissipated as heat. rate of dissipation through diffusional flow is high
For simplicity of the present discussion, this may be and matches that by dislocation movement. There
called kinetic energy conversion, which depends can be situations where m can be higher than unity25
directly on the rate of plastic deformation. In hot and these materials are called 'locking solids'26 where
deformation, the rate of potential energy conversion the power law breaks down, the curvature of the
due to microstructural changes and the rate of kinetic stress-strain rate curve is reversed and at a critical
energy conversion due to dislocation movement are strain rate the flow stress increases steeply to become
complementary, since the stress for causing dislo- nearly independent of strain and strain rate. Experi-
cation movement at a given strain rate is influenced mentally, such a behaviour is observed at very high
by the extent of microstructural changes that would strain rates27 where the phonon and electron drag
occur during that time period. The dynamic constitut- together with the relativistic effects restrict the plastic
ive equation (equation (3)) describes how the stress flow by dislocation movement. Processes of twin-
for the dislocation movement is varying with strain ning, micro cracking, adiabatic shear banding, or even
rate and the area under the curve therefore gives the incipient melting may occur under high strain rate
power that is converted instantly into a temperature conditions.
rise associated with the conversion of kinetic energy The above physical interpretation of the power
associated with dislocation motion. The complemen- dissipation does not directly follow from the consid-
tary part of this power is associated with the metallur- erations of classical continuum mechanics as expected
gical changes. by Montheillet et al.28 since it borders on the physics
The different types of behaviour of viscoplastic of the process. But it does not go against any of the
solids are illustrated by Ziegler25 and are shown in continuum conditions required for stable flow. The
Fig. 8. For stable flow, the limits for the strain rate theory of viscoplastic deformation as dealt with in
sensitivity are between 0 and 1. The lower limit is the continuum mechanics of large plastic flow,
easily understood, since the material does not dissi- considers only the area under the curve described
pate power through metallurgical processes when the by the constitutive equation without giving any
strain rate sensitivity is zero or negative but acts interpretation as to the origin of viscoplasticity in
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Prasad and Seshacharyulu Modelling of hot deformation for microstructural control 249

materials. Only in the thermomechanics considera- entropy,30 which is due to the conduction of heat
tions by Ziegler,29 was the origin of high temperature generated by dislocation movement to the colder
creep behaviour discussed. parts of the body, and the second part is due to the
rate of change in the microstructure of the material.
Power dissipation maps
The power dissipation through the temperature rise
The integral for the instantaneous power J co-content
(G content) is related to the rate of conduction
may be evaluated as follows
entropy generation while that due to the micro-

J =

0 8 d(J =
,n +1 . . . . . . (7)
structural change (J co-content) is related to the rate
of 'microstructural' entropy production. Since
efficiency is obtained by normalising J with Jmax, it
The value of m in the dynamic constitutive equation represents the relative rate of entropy production due
(equation (3)) is a constant and hence the above to microstructural dissipation. The power dissipation
integration is valid. The value of 111 in the kinetic maps therefore are the relative rate of entropy maps
constitutive equation (Fig. 7), however, could vary and efficiency characterises a dissipative state. Since
with strain rate and is not relevant to the above the system has deterministic chaos, there will be
integration. Since the value of 111 varies non-linearly domains within the state space to which the dissipat-
with temperature and strain rate, the J co-content ive states will be attracted and these represent certain
variation is also non-linear. The variation may be microstructural processes. Thus each of the domains
normalised with respect to a linear dissipator for corresponds to a specific microstructural process and
which In is unity and then the J co-content will may be characterised with the help of a typical value
assume a maximum value given by of efficiency of power dissipation and the variation
J=Jmax=(J8/2 . . . . (8) of efficiency with temperature and strain rate. Such
interpretations may be validated by the micro-
The value of J may be normalised with respect to structural observations. It may be noted that it is not
J max to obtain a dimensionless parameter called the possible to freeze a dissipative state and that the
efficiency of power dissipation defined as 'quenched' microstructures would have undergone
'1 = J/Jmax = 21n/(ln + 1) . (9) some changes during cooling depending on the dissi-
pative state, rate of cooling, and the nature of phase
Thus, efficiency is directly related to the strain rate transformations in the system. On the basis of the
sensitivity. The question arises then instead of the above discussion, it is clear that the use of the efficiency
efficiency parameter, why not use strain rate sensi- term has the advantage of interpreting the domains
tivity itself since its connection with superplastic in terms of dissipative states unlike the 'mechanical'
deformation is well known? This question is answered parameter m. Further advantage of the efficiency term
below where the power dissipation is correlated with is realised when the extremum principles of irrevers-
the rate of entropy production. The efficiency para- ible thermodynamics are applied to delineate the flow
meter should not be confused with the process instabilities in the system; this is discussed below.
efficiency or overall efficiency of energy for the process
since it only refers to that with respect to a linear Continuum instability criterion
dissipator. Ziegler22 has shown that the condition for the plastic
The variation of efficiency of power dissipation flow to become unstable is given by
with temperature and strain rate constitutes a power dD D
dissipation map which exhibits various domains in
which specific microstructural mechanisms occur. The
d8 <-; . (11)

efficiency map itself represents the power transactions where D is the dissipative function that is character-
within a continuum and the understanding of its istic of the constitutive behaviour of the material and
origin and its interpretation in terms of atomistic is given by the dissipated power. If the power is
mechanisms requires a correlation with some of the separated into two parts G and J, D may be replaced
concepts of irreversible thermodynamics. It is possible with J and a condition for flow instabilities that are
to extend the theory of deterministic chaos and inter- microstructure related is obtained as
pret the behaviour in terms of domains of local order
separated by bifurcations. Also, it helps in interpreting a In [In/(ln + I)J
~(8) = + In < 0 . (12)
the microstructures resulting from hot deforma- a In 8.
tion as 'dissipative' and characterise them in terms
of atomistic mechanisms. In terms of irreversible The parameter ~(8) may be plotted as a function of
thermodynamics, the total power P dissipated at a temperature and strain rate and the regime where it
given temperature is related to the rate of entropy is negative will give flow instabilities. Such a plot
production22 according to the equation is called an instability map. The above instability
criterion has the physical meaning that if the system
diS is not able to generate entropy at a rate that at least
P=(J8= T- ~O
dt . (10) matches with the imposed rate, the system will localise
the flow and cause flow instability.
where diS/dt is the rate of entropy production and
the inequality is for irreversible processes. Under Processing maps
isothermal conditions, the rate of entropy production The instability maps may be superimposed on the
is totally 'internal' and consists of two separable parts. power dissipation maps and the regimes of flow
The first part may be called the rate of conduction instabilities may be delineated. Such maps are called

International Materials Reviews 1998 Vol. 43 No.6

250 Prasad and Seshacharyulu Modelling of hot deformation for microstructural control

processing maps. The processing maps for metallic 2

materials exhibit several domains safe for processing
and may also contain regimes of flow instabilities
and cracking that should be avoided. In general, the
safe domains represent atomistic mechanisms such 1
as dynamic recrystallisation, dynamic recovery, and 'If""

superplasticity. The damage processes include ductile

fracture at hard particles, wedge cracking, intercrys- ~ 0
talline cracking, cracking along prior particle bound- 0::
aries, and the instability processes include flow Z
localisation, adiabatic shear band formation, flow «
rotations, and dynamic strain aging. The temperature r- -1

and strain rate regimes for several of these processes ~

match with those calculated by Raj19,lOas discussed S
in the section 'Atomistic model- Raj maps' above. -2
The technique of generating a processing map,
general guidelines for the interpretation of the
domains in terms of metallurgical processes, and their
use for designing industrial processes are all discussed -3
in a recent publication?l Briefly, a processing map is 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
generated using data of flow stress as a function of TEMPERATURE: C
temperature and strain rate over a wide range and
9 Power dissipation map showing contours of
these are best obtained using a hot compression test.
efficiency of power dissipation expressed as
The flow stress variation with strain rate at a given percent, as function of temperature and strain
temperature is curve fitted using a spline function rate for 316L stainless steel (data from Ref. 16)
and the strain rate sensitivity is calculated as a
function of strain rate. The efficiency given by equa-
tion (9) is then calculated and plotted as a contour boundary triple junctions particularly in the area of
map in a frame of temperature and strain rate. The the specimen where a tensile component of stress
instability parameter ~(8) given by equation (12) is occurs (e.g. bulge region of a compression specimen).
calculated and plotted as an instability map which For confirming superplasticity, it is important to
may be superimposed on the power dissipation map measure tensile ductility under the peak conditions
to obtain a processing map. The following inform- of the domain,
ation is useful for the interpretation of processing (c) the manifestation of flow instabilities is easily
maps: identified by microscopic examination of deformed
(a) the DR domain generally occurs in the temper- specimens. The adiabatic shear bands occur at an
ature range 0·7-0'8 Tm and at intermediate strain rates angle of 45° with respect to the applied stress axis
0'1-1 s -1 for materials with low stacking fault energy and, under intense conditions, there could be cracking
(SFE) while it is 0·001 s -1 for high SFE materials. along these bands. Bands due to flow localisation
The maximum efficiency of dissipation is about occur at an angle of about 35° and exhibit inhomo-
30-35% for low SFE materials, 40% for medium geneous deformation.
SFE metals, and 50-550/0 for high SFE materials. For optimising intrinsic workability and controlling
The microstructure of the specimen exhibits major microstructure, the domain of DR is identified and
reconstitution and generally has wavy or curved grain the temperature and strain rate corresponding to the
boundaries. The average grain diameter measured as peak efficiency in this domain are chosen as the
a function of temperature across the domain increases optimum processing parameters. The temperature
sigmoidally and a 500/0 change in the grain size occurs and strain rate ranges for this domain are the pro-
at about the temperature for the peak efficiency. cessing limits on the basis of which the controls may
The grain size variation with log strain rate at the be set. For obtaining finer grain size in the component
DR temperature exhibits a minimum at the peak at the finishing stages of the operation, lower temper-
efficiency. The tensile or torsional ductility variation atures of the domain may be chosen at the strain rate
with temperature at the DR strain rate is similar to corresponding to the peak efficiency. The process is
that of the efficiency, safer if the temperature and strain rate ranges do not
(b) the superplasticityjwedge cracking domain enter the instability or cracking regimes of the maps
occurs at temperatures in the range 0'7-0'8Tm and at any stage of operation.
strain rates lower than 0·01 S-l. Both processes are The power dissipation map, the instability map,
characterised by a high efficiency of power dissipation and the processing map for the sample material
(> 600/0) and a steep rise of efficiency with decrease chosen, namely 316L stainless steel, as obtained by
in strain rate (contours in the map appear closer). Venugopal et al.16 are shown in Figs. 9-11, respect-
There will be no major change in the microstructure ively, for a strain of 0·4. The power dissipation map
but if the angles of the grain boundaries with respect exhibits only one domain in the temperature range
to the direction of applied stress are measured, there 1000-1250°C and strain rate range 0'001-1 s -1 which
will be much higher population at about 40-45° is characterised to represent the process of DR. The
(diamond configuration). Wedge cracking may be peak efficiency in this domain is about 35% and the
identified by microscopic observation of the grain grain size and hot ductility have increased with
International Materials Reviews 1998 Vol. 43 NO.6
Prasad and Seshacharyulu Modelling of hot deformation for microstructural control 251

2 700 130
H 650 110

I 600 90 ~
~o Ill)
App. activation
.~ ~(E) ~

d 550 70
Ol A -0.88
.Q -1 8 -0.75 t9
C -0.63
o -0.50 500 50
E -0.38
-2 F -0.25
G -0.13
450 30
H -0.00 800 1000 1100 1200 1300
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
TEMPERATURE ~C 12 Correlation of apparent activation energy with
grain size in dynamic recrystallisation domain
10 Instability map for 316l stainless steel showing of 316L stainless steel for strain rate 0'1 S-1
contours of instability parameter c;(lt) in frame (data from Ref. 16)
of temperature and strain rate; instability is
predicted when this parameter is negative There are two aspects that need some attention:
(within contour H) (data from Ref. 16) (a) strain, and (b) state of stress; which may have
some effect on the processing maps. The vast amount
increasing temperature (Figs. 12 and 13). The map of experimental data available has shown that strain
gives the temperature and strain rate for optimum has no influence on the processing maps for materials
hot workability for 316L to be 1250°C and 0·1 S-l. with flat type stress-strain curves. However, some
In the regime of instability, the various micro- minor changes have been recorded in the case of flow
structural manifestations are validated by Venugopal softening materials excluding the continuous flow
et al.16 Processing maps for a large number of metals, softening types. The results indicate that the strain
alloys, intermetallics, and metal matrix composites effects in hot deformation may be safely neglected at
have been systematically compiled together with a large strains. This is consistent with the concept in
summary of metallurgical interpretations.31 Maps continuum mechanics of large plastic flow that the
have also been generated on TiAI- TiB2 composites rate of entropy production inside a micro system with
by Zhao et aI.,32 micro alloyed steel by Omar et aI.,33 given initial conditions is determined by the strain
and are applied for the rolling of aluminium.34 rate alone and the strain itself defines the frame of
the micro system.22 As regards the effect of state of
stress, processing maps have been generated using
2 data from hot compression tests, hot torsion tests,
and hot extrusion.16,35 It has been concluded that the

50 10


~ 0 40
z ~
a:: >

til -1 z
UJ 30
~ U Ductility
g u:

-2 20

-3 10 I 2
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300

11 Processing map for 316L stainless steel where 13 Correlation of torsional ductility variation
contours of efficiency of power dissipation are with that of power dissipation in dynamic
expressed as percent and instability region is recrystallisation domain of 316L stainless steel
shaded (data from Ref. 16) for strain rate 0'1 S-1 (data from Ref. 16)

International Materials Reviews 1998 Vol. 43 NO.6

252 Prasad and Seshacharyulu Modelling of hot deformation for microstructural control

safe domains are unaffected while the instability 2

regimes have been expanded under the influence of
shear stress. It is well known that flow localisation is
more intense under shear stress conditions. Likewise,
the domains representing cracking processes will
expand in the map obtained under tensile conditions.
~- 0 1------,
Other models I I

Activation energy maps .~ I Pro~ess I

I DesIgn
The kinetic model discussed in the previous section ~-1 I Window
has shown that the strain rate sensitivity of flow stress I
and the activation energy are temperature and strain L _
rate dependent when considered over wide ranges. -2
One of the techniques used to delineate deterministic
domains where a single atomistic mechanism controls 4
the rate of deformation, is to plot the variations of
apparent activation energy given by 900 1000 1100
Q = R[a In O"/a(l/T)][a In 8/a In 0"] . . (13) TEMPERATURE ~C

as a function of temperature and strain rate which 14 Apparent activation energy map for 316L
gives an activation energy map.36 In the regimes stainless steel, numbers against each of
where a single rate controlling process controls the contours represent apparent activation energy
deformation, the apparent activation will remain con- in hundreds of kJrriol-'; process design
window represents regime where grain size is
stant and hence it is possible to apply linear controls.
fine and its variation is small (Ref. 37)
Also, in the regime of activation energy plateau, the
microstructural variations will be small and less sensi-
tive to the fluctuations in the process parameters. A have sufficiently high temperature dependence of flow
typical activation energy map is shown in Fig. 14 for stress. Processes that have lower temperature depen-
316L stainless steel.37 The map exhibits an activation dence of flow stress are likely to develop flow
energy plateau in the temperature range 1000-1150°C instabilities.
and strain rate range 0'01-1 s-\ where the apparent 4. aSIa log 8 == S < 0: this means that the temper-
activation energy is about 500 kJ mol-i. In this ature dependence of flow stress should decrease with
region, the grain size is finer and nearly constant with increasing strain rate for stable flow. This criterion is
temperature and strain rate.37 Further, the grain size directed towards flow localisation due to adiabatic
variance has been found to be much smaller enabling heating and if the temperature dependence of flow
good microstructural control. It is interesting to com- stress is less at higher strain rates, the temperature
pare these observations with those obtained from the increase in the adiabatic shear bands will be less and
efficiency map (Fig. 9). The activation energy plateau hence less localised and more stable will be the flow.
occurs in the lower temperature part of the efficiency All these criteria are necessary conditions for ident-
domain and the activation energy increases with ifying stable flow regimes and are probably not
temperature and strain rate when the temperature sufficient to ensure that flow instabilities occur in the
exceeds 1150°C and so does the efficiency. The vari- rest of the regimes. The use of flow stability criteria
ation of apparent activation energy with temperature to avoid instabilities imposes considerable restrictions
is compared with that of the grain size in Fig. 12 and on the useful ranges of processing parameters and
the agreement is good. However, the hot ductility these restrictions may often be unnecessary. Also
variations match with the efficiency variations very considerable validation and microstructural corre-
closely (Fig. 13). lation will have to be made before they can be used
The activation energy maps are generally combined for industrial process design.
with 'stability' maps which are based on the follow-
Polar reciprocity model
ing four different criteria36 developed on the basis of
This model was conceived with the purpose of includ-
Lyapounov functions:
ing history dependence of flow stress like that required
1. 0 < m < 1: this criterion is based on the principle
in work hardening material, while at the same
that the material will no more be dissipator of power
time retaining that the strain rate dependence of flow
when m = 0 or negative and will undergo fracture. It
stress represents the flow characteristics of the work-
is also well known that increasing m reduces flow
piece.15,38 In this model the associated flow rule of
localisation and leads to superplasticity.
classical plasticity is used as the basis for splitting the
2. ami a log 8 == m < 0: the material flow will be
power into two complementary components with
stable if the strain rate sensitivity decreases with
dual potential functions.39 The two potential functions
increasing strain rate. If this function is positive,
have a pole and its polar plane relation and the
catastrophic fracture occurs.
constants are presumed to be scalar functions of
3. [a log O"/a(l/T)] == S > 1: this ensures that the deformation history and temperature. In this model,
rate of entropy production is always positive as
an intrinsic workability parameter is given by
required for an irreversible process. It also means
that the process occurring in the stable region should ,= 1- [2m'/(m' + l)]{[S - H(EP)]/O"} (14)
International Materials Reviews 1998 Vol. 43 NO.6
Prasad and Seshacharyulu Modelling of hot deformation. for microstructural control 253

where In' is a strain rate sensitivity exponent, H(EP) Dynamic recrystallisation models
a function of strain history. When the material exhib- Traditionally, DR is associated with the hot working
its ideal viscoplastic flow (no history dependence), the of low SFE metals such as copper and nickel, which
history dependent term in equation (14) will be unity
and 111' ,n and ,= (1 - 17). The features that are
identified as hills in the efficiency maps will be basins
exhibit flow softening after reaching a critical strain.
The flow curves eventually reach a steady state at
large strains. At lower strain rates, oscillations in the
in the' maps and vice versa. Thus, the predictions of flow curves are observed before reaching a steady
the polar reciprocity model become identical to those state. Nucleation and growth models have been pro-
of the dynamic materials model in the absence of posed to explain the DR process41,42 and these models
strain history. As the strain effects in hot deformation consider the effect of simultaneous hardening (due to
are considered insignificant at large strains, this model the generation of dislocations) and softening (due
does not add anything more than that characterised to grain boundary migration). The initial model of
by the D MM for bulk metalworking. Its usefulness Luton and Sellars41 considered the relationship
in predicting transients is yet to be established. The between the critical strain and the strain for the
model does not contain any criterion for predicting completion of DR for explaining the transition from
instabilities, the limiting conditions for which are single peak to multiple peak flow curves. To explain
more important for designing industrial bulk metal this transition, the dislocation mechanics occurring
working processes than the optimum parameters. during DR are modelled by Stuwe and Ortner,43
Sandstrom and Lagneborg,44 and Roberts and
Ahlblom.45 Reviewing the mechanism of DR, Sakai
Hot deformation mechanisms and J onas17 have correlated the transition to the
The general regime of hot working covers a tem- initial grain size with that obtained from micro-
perature range of 0'6-0'8T/Tm and strain rates structural observations made on carbon steel speci-
of 0·00 1-1 00 s - 1. In these ranges, several domains mens deformed under steady state conditions. Such
(stable) and regimes (unstable) may occur and these correlations, however, are not valid for other materials
represent several atomistic mechanisms. Although such as non-ferrous alloys and microalloyed
some of them are covered in Raj maps, the approach steels.46-49 An important limitation in most of these
of processing maps has revealed several important models is that the microstructures observed may not
characteristics of these processes. A comprehensive be true representations of those existing under the
look at these mechanisms indicates that the follow- dynamic conditions due to post-deformation recrys-
ing are the dominant ones for hot working: (1) dyn- tallisation during cooling and/or the actual DR
amic recrystallisation, (2) superplastic deformation, domain may be away from those conditions where
(3) adiabatic shear band formation, (4) flow localis- microstructures are being observed. It may be noted
ation, (5) wedge cracking, and (6) intercrystalline that the dissipative processes are highly sensitive to
cracking. The processes of dynamic recovery (stable the initial conditions like the chemistry, processing
flow) and dynamic strain aging (flow instability) are history, and the preform microstructure. Thus, great
more relevant to warm working, though not com- care is to be exercised in identifying the T -8 conditions
pletely restricted to that range. Out of all these for the DR process before microstructural investi-
mechanisms, the DR process is safe (the product will gations are attempted.
be free from microstructural defects or flow instabilit- Another area of debate has been whether or not
ies), the superplastic deformation under controlled aluminium exhibits DR. Neither the flow curves exhi-
conditions is relatively safe, while the rest are not bit flow softening features nor the 'frozen' micro-
desirable and will have to be avoided in hot working. structures show significant DR features such as nuclei
Further, DR is used extensively for bulk metal at the prior grain boundaries and grain refinement.
working and its importance in hot rolling of steel is A strong school of thought reviewed recently by
emphasised.40 Dynamic recrystallisation is a highly McQueen50 is that DR does not occur in aluminium
beneficial process in hot deformation since it not only in view of its high SFE and the primary softening
gives good intrinsic workability by simultaneous mechanism is only dynamic recovery, though excep-
softening but also converts the microstructure. The tions have been made for very high purity aluminium
as cast (columnar, dendritic, or microcrystalline) and some particle containing alloys. While the basis
structure may be 'broken down' to produce a wrought for these exceptions has not been clearly understood,
microstructure, the acicular preform microstructure several different DR mechanisms have been proposed
may be spheroidised as in titanium and zirconium and these include continuous DR in the initial stages
alloys, the prior particle boundary defects may be of superplasticity and 'geometric' DR, both of which
redistributed in powder metallurgy (P /M) compacts refine grain size. Since these models heavily rely on
to facilitate further processing or the discrete particle the observations and measurements on frozen micro-
effects in P/M compacts may be eliminated by trans- structures, the limitations explained above apply to
ferring mechanical energy across the hard particle the conclusions. On the other hand, processing maps51
interfaces to refine them by recrystallisation. Thus, revealed a domain of DR in aluminium of different
DR is a chosen domain for optimising hot workability purity in which the DR temperature increases with
and controlling the microstructure. Since DR occupies impurity content in a way similar to that of static
a special significance in bulk metal working, the recrystallisation. These conclusions are based on the
characteristics of this process are discussed in much measurements of flow stress under dynamic defor-
greater detail than the rest of the hot working mation conditions and can therefore be considered
mechanisms. to be more reliable than those based on frozen

International Materials Reviews 1998 Vol. 43 NO.6

254 Prasad and Seshacharyulu Modelling of hot deformation for microstructural control

microstructures. The recent direct observations of 3 1.0

Yamagata52,53and Ponge et al.54 have confirmed DR DR Parameters
in high purity aluminium. The characteristics of DR e. T/Tm
in aluminium, as revealed by processing maps are
discussed in the section 'Stacking fault energy' below. 2 0.9
Recently, Monte Carlo simulation of DR has been e A Cd ( impure)
attempted55 in which the stored energy of the grains • «-Ti
is increased at a fixed rate and nuclei of new grains
are added continually at a constant rate. It is interes-

en OCZr

• Mg(impure)
ting that these simulations suggest that DR can occur 0)
.1Fe ~ oe fcc
.Q Pb
without obvious oscillations in the flow curves or o 9,ltZr 6 Mg 6. hcp
necklacing in the microstructure. Indeed, these fea-
tures are observed to occur only at under lower -2
temperature and strain rate conditions of the DR
domain. Another recent simulation technique is that 6
using cellular automata 56in which a grid of uniform «Ti Cd
cells are updated randomly at every time step and -4
connected to neighbouring cells. The predictions of o 10 20 30
the model compare well with the experimental results (y/Gb) X 103
on DR. The critical conditions for the onset of DR
have been modelled57 using principles of irreversible 15 Correlation of dynamic recrystallisation strain
thermodynamics where the energy storage v. rate rate with normalised stacking fault energy for
some fcc and hcp metals
of dissipation are considered. These conditions are
found to be very similar to those required for flow
The linear dependence of the steady state grain size low SFE metals is nucleation rate controlled since it
on flow stress has been established in DR by Derby58 is lower than the migration rate while vice versa in
and is modelled by Derby and Ashby59 on the high SFE metals. On the basis of this model, the
basis of competing processes of rate of nucleation characteristics of the DR process as revealed by the
and rate of grain boundary migration. Prasad and processing maps,31 are explained in a wide range of
Ravichandran60 have used simple calculations based materials including pure metals, single and multiphase
on the rate of nucleation and the rate of grain materials, metal matrix composites, and aluminides.
boundary migration, which are the two processes Some of the results are reviewed below.
competing under a given constraint like a constant Stacking fault energy
true strain rate. The rate of nucleation has to reach The DR temperature and strain rate corresponding
a critical value before DR can occur and this is to the peak efficiency in the DR domain of some
proportional to the rate at which dislocations are fcc and hcp metals are plotted as a function of their
generated times the probability of recovery PR stacking fault energy y normalised with shear mod-
ulus G and Burgers vector b in Fig. 15. This plot
N = f3(e/bl)PR . . . . (15)
shows that DR in low SFE metals occurs at higher
where f3 is a constant, I the dislocation link length, strain rates and homologous temperatures. In
and b the Burgers vector. The highest probability is Fig. 16, the peak efficiency in the DR domain is
chosen by the material for recovery and this depends plotted as a function of the SFE and lower SFE
on SFE. For high SFE metals, where cross slip metals have a lower efficiency of power dissipation.
occurs easily These two plots clearly indicate that the SFE is the
most important fundamental parameter influencing
. (16)
DR characteristics.
where ex is a constant, G the shear modulus, d the The nucleation rate controls DR in low SFE metals
stacking fault width, and k the Boltzmann constant. and since it is lower due to the requirement of thermal
For low SFE metals, however, cross slip process gives recovery, the efficiency of power dissipation is lower.
very low probability of recovery and hence it occurs Also the flow curves exhibit a critical strain at which
by the dislocation climb process for which the critical nucleation rate is reached for the migration
to start and the second order effects result in a steady
PR = exp(-QsD/RT) . . (17)
state at large strain. If the nucleation rate is slowed
where QSD is the activation energy for self-diffusion further by lowering strain rate or decrease of temper-
and R the gas constant. The mobility of the grain ature, repeated nucleation and migration will have
boundaries which decides the rate of grain boundary to occur as a function of strain (time) to satisfy the
migration is given by imposed constraint (e.g. constant true strain rate). On
the other hand, in high SFE metals, there is no
M=cDr/kTb . . (18)
nucleation barrier and DR is controlled by the rate
where c is a constant, D the diffusion coefficient, and of migration and hence the rate of diffusion and the
r the driving force for grain boundary migration. In driving force will decide the characteristics of DR.
the DR process, this energy force may be taken to Thus, DR in aluminium has a higher efficiency and
consist of essentially the reduction of subboundary occurs at lower strain rates which permit the occur-
energy. Simple calculations have shown that DR in rence of diffusional processes.
International Materials Reviews 1998 Vol. 43 NO.6
Prasad and Seshacharyulu Modelling of hot deformation for microstructural control 255

SFE metals and even flow softening is observed in

the flow curves of these materials.31
In low SFE metals, hard particles in the matrix
move the DR domain to lower strain rates and higher
temperatures, the effect being more significant on the
temperature than the strain rate. Typical examples
are oxides in tough pitch copper,61 and stable precipi-
tates, carbides, or carbonitrides in nickel alloys64 or
austenitic stainless steels.65 The rate of nucleation is
increased by the presence of these particles since they
increase with the rate of dislocation generation. The
long range back-stress is also higher and therefore
higher temperatures are required for reaching the
required rate of recovery for the nucleation to occur.
Also, if the dispersoids pin the grain boundaries to
ODS alloys, DR may not occur at all. Instead a
domain of dynamic recovery is exhibited as in MA 754
(Ref. 66).
Solid solutions
In substitutional solid solutions of low SFE metals,
20 the strain rate and the temperature for DR are
o 10 20 30 40 influenced by the solute content.31,62,67 For example,
(-, 1Gb) x 103 in (X-brass the DR strain rate decreases with increasing
zinc content in the same way as the activation energy
16 Correlation of peak efficiency of power for diffusion of Zn in Cu (Ref. 67). This effect is
dissipation in dynamic recrystallisation dom-
explained in terms of nucleation controlled DR since
ain with normalised stacking fault energy for
these materials have a very low SFE. In general, a
some fcc and hcp metals
higher DR temperature is required in solid solutions
since the long range back-stress due to solid solution
Impurities strengthening has to be overcome for the process to
In aluminium, the DR temperature increases with occur. If the activation energy for diffusion is not
increasing impurity content while the DR strain rate greatly influenced by the solute additions as in
remains nearly unchanged, i.e. the domain moves on (X Cu-AI alloys, the DR characteristics in the maps
the temperature axis.51 The DR temperature is higher are essentially unaffected.31
than the static recrystallisation temperature by about In solid solutions of high SFE metals such as
200 K. It is well known that impurities segregate to AI-Mg alloys, the DR domain is shifted to higher
the grain boundaries and reduce the driving force for temperatures with increasing Mg additions and the
their migration. Since DR in aluminium is migration DR strain rate is unaffected.31 Although there is
controlled, a higher temperature is required for the an uncertainty in the SFE measurements in AI-Mg
migration and hence higher DR temperature. On the alloys, these results suggest that the SFE in aluminium
other hand, in low SFE metals the DR strain rate as is not significantly lowered by the addition of Mg, at
well as temperature are lowered by the interstitial least to the degree that it can cause a change in the
impurity content, e.g. oxygen in Cu (Ref. 61) or C rate controlling step in the DR process.
and Ni (Ref. 62). Since DR in low SFE metals is
nucleation rate controlled, these interstitial impurities Superplastic deformation
pin dislocations and reduce the average dislocation
Materials with a stable fine grain structure when
line length and reduce the strain rate required for
deformed at elevated temperatures and slow speeds
reaching the critical nucleation rate (equation (15)).
exhibit abnormal elongation. The process is termed
Thus the interstitial impurities help the DR process
as superplastic deformation,68 which basically consists
in low SFE metals.
of grain boundary sliding with a simultaneous occur-
Hard particles and dispersoids rence of diffusion accommodated flow at a rate that
The presence of a large volume fraction of hard can repair the wedge cracks forming at grain bound-
particles in the aluminium moves the DR domain to ary triple junctions. Superplasticity is also observed
higher strain rates and temperatures and also reduces in coarse grained bcc materials like p-brass69 and
the efficiency of power dissipation.63 Particles in alu- Mg-Li alloys,70 in which the diffusion rates are very
minium reduce the rate of dynamic recovery in alu- high. In these cases, it is believed that subboundaries
miniumso and hence the rate of nucleation for DR is play an important role. Although traditional super-
lowered to levels below that of the migration rate. plasticity requires low strain rates « 0·1 s -1), there
Thus, the rate of nucleation controls DR rather than have been recent reports of high elongation at higher
the rate of migration unlike in pure aluminium. This strain rates in certain metal matrix composites 71 and
change is reflected in the increase of strain rate and ultrafine grain materials.72 This is referred to as high
temperature for DR as well as the decrease in the strain rate superplasticity and is expected to be ben-
efficiency of power dissipation. Dynamic recrystallis- eficial for mass production of components. In super-
ation thus becomes similar to that occurring in low plastic deformation, the flow curves are steady and

International Materials Reviews 1998 Vol. 43 NO.6

256 Prasad and Seshacharyulu Modelling of hot deformation for microstructural control

the flow stress is smaller and hence low capacity about 35-40° with respect to the principle stress axis.
machines may be required. However, superplasticity A phenomenological criterion for the occurrence of
at large strains may generate microporosity particu- flow localisation is that developed by Semiatin and
larly when the local state of stress is tensile and co-workers,76 where a parameter a given by
may require external application of hydrostatic com-
pression. Further, the process does not cause any a = - v(O"m) = (1/e:)(de:/d8) . (19)
large scale reconstitution of microstructure unlike DR where v is the work hardening rate (negative when
and hence may not be useful for billet conditioning. flow softening occurs). A value for a higher than 5
In view of the slow strain rates, superplastic forming will result in flow localisation. The agreement with
is done under isothermal conditions and may be the experimental results is good in titanium alloys
conveniently combined with diffusion bonding for the and stainless steels but the actual value for a may be
manufacture of sheet metal components for aerospace different for different materials. However, the con-
applications. tinuum criterion given by ~(e:) equation (12) has
been found to predict the occurrence of adiabatic
Wedge cracking and intercrystalline cracking shear bands and flow localisation in hot working in
At low strain rates and higher temperatures where a consistent fashion and the predictions are micro-
grain boundary sliding occurs under shear stress and structurally validated in a wide range of materials.31
when the diffusional rates are not fast enough,19
wedge cracking occurs at the grain boundary triple Other metallurgical effects
junctions. The state of stress will have a significant
In addition to the processes mentioned above, the
influence on the manifestation of these cracks. Wedge
processing maps have brought out several other
cracking is reduced by increasing the strain rate or
important features that are of significance to micro-
decreasing the temperature, both of which reduce the
structural control. Three such aspects are discussed
extent of grain boundary sliding or by grain growth
which lowers the area of sliding. In the processing
The occurrence of any phase transformation, pre-
maps, the wedge cracking and superplasticity domains
cipitate formation, or dissolution including carbides
appear similar since the fundamental process involved
or carbonitrides, is shown by inflexions in the effi-
(grain boundary sliding) is the same. To distinguish
ciency contours at the transformation temperature.
between these two requires detailed microstructural
Indeed, the temperature for such transformation as
examination and/or tensile ductility measurements.
revealed by the maps has agreed accurately with those
The catastrophic propagation of cracks along the
obtained independently by other methods such as
grain boundaries during hot deformation results
DTA or DSC. Even if such data are not available for
in intercrystalline cracking which may be caused by
complex alloy systems, the maps do not fail to reveal
formation of low melting compounds or segregation
them. This is not surprising since the efficiency con-
of alloying elements at the grain boundaries. This
tours are nothing but the variations of the 'relative'
process is often encountered at higher strain rates
rate of entropy production which exhibits points of
and higher temperatures and the adiabatic temper-
singularity when phase changes occur. This feature is
ature rise at higher strain rates may aggravate crack-
of great assistance in designing processes for advanced
ing by causing incipient melting.
materials like titanium alloys, nickel base superalloys,
and aluminide alloys.
Adiabatic shear bands and flow localisation In view of the sensitivity of maps to the initial
At higher strain rates since the time is short, the heat processing history and microstructure of the preform,
generated by plastic deformation is not conducted it is possible to apply the technique for designing
away to the colder parts of the body, a drop in the multiple step processing routes such that workability
flow stress occurs locally and therefore slip becomes is enhanced in a connected fashion. Processing maps
localised. This is called adiabatic shear band and this may be used as effective tools for optimising homo-
generally occurs sharply at 45° with respect to the genisation treatments, intermediate forging sequences
principal stress axis. When intense, adiabatic shear to refine grain size, or 'condition' P/M billets for
bands may result in cracking within the band or when enhanced workability.
the conditions are favourable, recrystallisation or Processing maps have also been effectively used77
phase transformation may OCCUr.73Several criteria to understand the effect of preform microstructures
have been derived19,74 for predicting this process and in titanium alloys (e.g. equiaxed v. WidmansHitten)
all of them consider that when the decrease in the on the mechanisms of hot deformation in the a + f3
strength due to heating is more than the increase due and f3 ranges. In a + f3 titanium alloys, for example,
to combined strain and strain rate hardening, the the Widmanstatten preform deforms by strain depen-
material exhibits adiabatic shear bands. Detailed dent spheroidisation while the equiaxed preform exhi-
modelling and analysis of adiabatic shear bands in a bits superplastic deformation. The mechanisms of hot
wide range of viscoplastic materials are presented by deformation of f3 are also sensitive to the preform
Batra and Kim.75 microstructures.
Flow localisation is a less intense form of adiabatic
shear band formation and is also undesirable in the
microstructure of components. The manifestation of Materials 'driven' process design
flow localisation is generally in the form of curved or Modelling the constitutive behaviour of the material
wavy type macroscopic bands which are oriented at and identifying the processing conditions for different
International Materials Reviews 1998 Vol. 43 No.6
Prasad and Seshacharyulu Modelling of hot deformation for microstructural control 257

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International Materials Reviews 1998 Vol. 43 NO.6

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