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Alcohol drinking is present among the lives of people, it is mostly done during special occasions,
events, gatherings or at leisure time. Drinking alcoholic beverages for one’s own enjoyment is
not bad, but too much can lead to possibilities of short- and long- term health risks. According to
the Department of Science and Technology-Food And Nutrition Institute (DOST_FNRI), 64.4%
Filipino males are adult binge drinkers while it was 31% for adult females last 2018. With such
data on alcohol consumption, proper awareness on drinking responsibly is important.

7 Precautions on Drinking
● Know Your Own Alcohol Intake. –Determining your limitations and the number of
drinks you can handle is dependent on your age and body health. This is relevant
because too much only increases risks of chronic problems to your body.
● Eat Appropriate Food Before (and During) Drinking. –Drinking with an empty
stomach would lead to alcohol entering your bloodstream faster. Avoid consuming
sugary and salty food, drink plenty of water to balance food and alcohol intake.
● Count Your Drinks. –Avoid drinking in rounds, always practice finishing the current
drink before starting another. Set your own drink limit and follow it.
● Controlled Drinking Consumption. –The human body can only take 1 standard drink
at a time, so don't overdrink. The faster your drink, the higher your blood alcohol
concentration (BAC).
● Think Before Acting. –Avoid reckless drinking games, shots or anything that would
likely make you more intoxicated. Becoming drunk ill-advised would only get yourself
hurt and be put into dangerous situations.
● Never Drink and Drive. –Drunk driving would risk you causing road accidents. Plan
ahead of time on how to get yourself home in case of becoming drunk.
● No is always an option. –Drinking alcohol is not for everyone. If you are young,
pregnant, indisposed or just uncomfortable, it is ok to refuse alcohol. Avoiding alcohol is
also drinking responsibly.

Link References:
● Responsible Drinking. (n.d.). Retrieved from
● Ronda, R. (2019). Survey: More than Half of Pinoy Adults are Binge Drinkers. Retrieve
● Top 7 Tips for Safe Drinking. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Photo References:
● Fleischmann. (1972). Fleischmann’s Mixer Manual. [PNG]. Fleischmann Distilling Corp.
● Lund. (2021). Margarita Cocktail with Lime and Strawberry. [PNG}. Eastleigh, England.

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