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This plug-in version of the original hardware VSC- The basic concept of the VSC-2 hardware Precision
2 compressor has been faithfully modeled by
Brainworx, working closely with Vertigo Sound. The Vertigo Sound VSC-2 hardware version Its precision makes the VSC-2 a first choice for
incorporates two discrete 1979 VCAs for each mastering applications and the stereo mix bus.
Based on Vertigo’s Big Impact Design. The VSC-2 channel. Each channel is equiped with one VCA
plug-in sets a new standard for tracking, mix bus and in the audio path and another one inside the Tracking
mastering applications. audio sidechain.
Although the VSC-2 was developed as a stereo bus
Four discrete VCAs In stereo mode both sidechains are active (they compressor each channel provides a complete set of
are not summed together), and the higher signal controls which also makes the VSC-2 a dual mono
Unlike other compressors on the market the VSC-2 is peak of either of the 2 channels determines the "must have" in recording and mix situations.
equipped with four discrete VCAs and lots of compression for both channels (Stereo SC in
matchless detailed features. Stereo Mode). Plug-in

This unique set-up gives you the real analog sound Therefore the VSC-2 is able to react even on out The VSC-2 plug-in is a faithful emulation of this iconic stereo
from 1979 plus a bunch of versatile extras available in of phase signals ("peaks") – and without image compressor offering the same flexibility and precision as the
today´s studio environment. shift! Variable harmonics (2nd & 3rd order) original.
depending on Gain Reduction and Make Up Gain
make this compressor one of the cleanest yet
“colored” devices out there.

General Tip: Threshold Ratio

Start using the plug-in on a stereo mix bus or a stereo Sets the level above which signal peaks will cause Sets the compression slope, which determines how the
mix file to get a feel for what this extraordinary compression. Rotating the control clockwise output signal will change in relation to the input signal
compressor can add to your music. raises the threshold. once the input signal exceeds the threshold.

Presets: The Threshold is adjustable within a range of The higher the ratio, the stronger the compression,
approx. 48 dB. and the more “squeezed” the sound.
We have added a number of useful presets you should
browse through as a starting point. Please make sure We incorporated a “Zoom In” to give you a more Example: With a setting of 2:1, a 2 dB input change for
to adjust the Threshold according to your signals if sensitive control and resolution in the most signals above the threshold results in a 1 dB output
needed. commonly used “Level Area”. change.

The controls Tip: Soft Mode: This is not the commonly known soft knee
Set the Threshold fully clockwise-then turn the characteristic. Soft is better described with TipToe - a
Let’s take a closer look at the controls from left to right. control slowly anticlockwise until the right amount Ratio which increases with input level – a Threshold
of compression is processed. related Ratio from 1:1 up to 8:1!

Re-adjust setting if other parameters are changed. The compressor “tiptoes” into compression with very
low ratios, then automatically increasing with higher
input signal, providing an inaudible start of com-


Ratio (continued) Brick Compression Curves:

Soft Mode Tip: Use the Soft-Mode (aka “TipToe Brick Mode = Limiting
Mode”) for all applications where a harsh start of gain
reduction or audible compression is unwanted. In Brick Mode the VSC-2 will serve as an analog
limiter, effectively cutting off signal peaks.
Please feel free to experiment. Try the TipToe Mode
on a single Snare track for example. Please notice though that the VSC-2 is not a
“Brickwall Limiter Plug-in” preventing audio from
This characteristic comes close to the sound of some sample peaks. An additional limiter plug-in may
classic Opto-Compressors. still be required to deliver final masters leveled
as close as possible to 0dB.
Medium to Hard Knee Characteristics: A special tip from VERTIGO:
(2:1 - 4:1 - 8:1 - 10:1) – it’s a numbers game...
Use two VSC-2 compressor channels for one
signal to create “customized compression”:
“Hard knee” or “soft knee” response. Each type of The VSC-2 compression curves offer an “equal loudness
Set plug-in #1 to Soft Mode and plug-in #2 to
response results in a different musical behavior of the impression“.
compressor. The soft knee response sounds more
“musical and transparent” while the hard knee Soft Mode gives you the unique “TipToe” curve for an inaudible
Now use Attack and Theshold of plug-in #2 to
response is generally considered more severe and start of compression with automated higher Ratio settings at
create your own compression curves.
“punchy”. louder input levels.


Attack settings: (0.1 ms · 0.3 ms · 1 ms · 3 ms · 10 ms · 30 ms) Attack settings on a bass (Example): Release times: (0.1 s · 0.3 s · 0.6 s · 0.9 s · 1.2 s · Auto Mode)

“Attack” determines how fast the compressor’s internal Setting a longer Attack time with a bass guitar This control determines how long it takes for the VSC-2 to
circuitry reacts to changes of the monitored input level. allows more of the picking attack to come return to unity gain after going into compression.
Slower Attack times make the VSC-2 respond more to Short Release times let the compressor track every little
average signal level – now the VSC-2 acts more like The Attack times of the VSC-2 could be set fast change in level, producing a potentially “nervous” but “fresh”
common RMS Detectors. This produces a smoother enough to use the VSC-2 as an “overload effect. This can decrease the dynamic range and increase
sound that tends to retain dynamic character, but the protector” but in order to receive a more musical the average output level.
trade-off is that the VSC-2 cannot react as rapidly to result we recommend to rather use a bit slower
sudden level shifts. Attack times like 3 ms or 10 ms. Longer release times tend to produce less overall output
level but retain more of the original dynamics of the signal.
Faster Attack times give you more precise control over This leave transients unprocessed and offers a
the peaks and let you raise the average volume of a quite “musical squeezing”.
One (of two)
signal. If Attack and Release are set too fast the
VSC-2 boards
speedy changes in volume can result in pumping and
hosting 2 of the
even distortion on punchy and rhythmic material. General proposal for Attack times:
1979 VCAs
Setting the Attack times right is about finding the Start with a 3 ms setting, then adjust and listen.
“sweet spot” where the signal can be controlled well
This represents
without distorting it. Even shorter Attack times may be musical in Soft
one channel of
Mode though - just experiment and you will find
the VSC-2.
A VERTIGO tip for getting a great sound fast: “your” sound!

Dial in a big amount of compression (10 dB gain

reduction) with the Threshold of the VSC-2, then Excessive release times...
change the Attack settings and check which setting
sounds best with your signal. Now reduce the amount ... can be used as an effect!
of gain reduction to a sensible amount (2-4 dB) with
the threshold knob. Try this strategy with the Release One of four discrete In the 60s the use of lots of limiting with a long release time
times as well. 1979 VCAs from e.g. on drums was a popular recording technique.
within the VSC-2


Make Up Gain Sidechain Filters (SC Filters) - 60 Hz – 90 Hz Stereo Mode Switch

The process of reducing dynamics with a compressor If the VSC-2 should react too much to kickdrum, bass In stereo mode both sidechains are active (they are
lowers the signal's overall level. Use the Make Up Gain or other bass signals in a mix – often resulting in a not summed together), and the higher signal peak of
to compensate by raising the output gain after the pumping effect – you can activate the SC Filter. either of the 2 channels determines the compression
compression stage. Cutting low end in the sidechain makes the VSC-2 for both channels.
“ignore” these bass frequencies and will result in less
The 1979 VCAs offer + 22 dBu of Make Up Gain. audible compression. Therefore the VSC-2 is able to even react to out of
phase signals ("peaks") – without stereo image shift!
The hardware knobs offer a “Zoom In” between 0 dB Both SC Filter curves were set very gently, smoothly
and + 6 dB to give you a more sensitive control and and musically to avoid a complete cut off which would Unlinked Stereo Mode
resolution between this commonly used “Level Area”. leave some bass parts in the audio material unpro-
cessed. This way the low end of your mix will still be The VSC-2 detectors work very precisely. Stereo
The VSC-2 plug-in precisely models this behavior. processed – but with less compression. signals can be compressed unlinked. To do so simply
adjust the parameters in Stereo Mode until you are
A/B comparison using Make Up Gain: The use of SC Filters accentuates the low end of your happy with your sound. Then switch the plug-in mode
audio material. You can choose between two switch to “Mono”. This strategy can widen your stereo
Adjust the output volume to match the bypassed signal different settings, 60 Hz and 90 Hz. These frequencies image. This procedure might be a cure and enhance-
and you can perfectly compare the processed and the were chosen to provide larger flexibility over treatment ment to your mix. If the stereo image gets too “shaky”
unprocessed signal. and balance of the complete mix. just switch back to the conventional “Stereo” mode.


Gain Reduction Metering Coloration, Distortion & Sound Coloration without compression

This metering shows the amount of gain reduction Coloration is one of the hidden secrets in mixing If you want to use the VSC-2 to add some coloration without
being applied to the input signal. The metering and mastering. It is the basis for a unique sound gain reduction then turn the Threshold pots fully clockwise
is equipped with a non-linear scale to visualize and a first step in creating a classic of tomorrow. to the right and use the Make Up Gain to control the amount
the commonly used area of up to 6 dB of gain of harmonics added to the signal.
reduction with higher precision. It shows quickly and In fact, the Vertigo 1979 VCA produces
exactly what is done to your material. mainly second harmonics depending on the Similarly, with many large format older consoles like SSL,
amount of gain reduction and Make Up gain MCI, and Quad Eight, the discrete VCA stayed in the
applied. The cocktail of clean precise sound and signal path of the output section also when deactivating the
the right mix of dynamic, frequency- compressor.
dependent second and third harmonics is
what makes the unique sound of the 1979 VCA. The signal path: Less components - more clarity

The VSC-2 hardware modeled contains Jensen

transformers and THAT 1646 output stages, along
with other high quality components throughout.

Please check for more info.


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