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Evidence 5: Case study? The importance of learning a language?

• What communication problem did you find between the two parties?
The problem presented in the video is a problem of language understanding, since,
at the time of asking the questions and answers, one of the parties did not
understand the language, causing the message to be distorted and to be totally
different, generating comprehension errors. and meaning.

•Was the information given by the announcers correct? Justify your answer.
The information provided by the announcers was totally incorrect, since the answers
to the questions by the musicians were correct, but the interpretation of them by the
Hispanic announcers was totally different, even the meaning of the information was

• List other similar situations that you know of where this problem occurs.
Generally, the encounter of 2 types of culture where different languages are spoken,
present this type of situation, since on the one hand, when the language is very
different, it will be difficult to achieve some type of verbal communication, since the
message between transmitter and receiver it will never arrive, additionally when the
language shares certain similarities either in words or sounds, these may also be
misinterpreted as in the video Les Luthiers - Radio Tertulia - Part VI, where the
interpretations were made by the sound emitted than by the meaning of the words
These generally or are more noticeable today in some songs in the English language
where the sound of some words could be interpreted as others in the Spanish
language since phonetically they would sound very similar to "the Rhythm of the
night" with "Son Reebok o son Niike? ”, Which generated a phenomenon with
other songs due to the interpretation given in the Spanish language.

• What do you conclude from this situation?

It is important for us to be able to have certain knowledge in other languages,
especially if we are constantly in contact with them. In the situation presented in the
video, although it is comical, it is a reality that occurs in our countries, since due to
ignorance and to make us believe that we know a lot, we make these mistakes,
which can cause major problems if the message to be transmitted is of total
importance .

There is a movie called "Life is Beautiful" where a person in the case of the movie to
make his son happy, mistranslates, without understanding the language in a
concentration camp, the given message, totally changing the message. This
happens very often, when people believe that they master or speak another
language, leaving others expectant and surprised by a totally different message.
For this reason, it is vitally important for us as students of an international negotiation
program, to understand several languages, particularly English, to avoid making
mistakes when carrying out a negotiation, that is why we must learn it, since this is
the language most used for international negotiations.

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