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In signal processing, data compression, source coding, or bit-rate reduction is the process of

encoding information using fewer bits than the original representation.[2] Any particular compression is
either lossy or lossless. Lossless compression reduces bits by identifying and eliminating statistical
redundancy. No information is lost in lossless compression. Lossy compression reduces bits by removing
unnecessary or less important information.[3] Typically, a device that performs data compression is
referred to as an encoder, and one that performs the reversal of the process (decompression) as a

Dynamic compressor:


This compressor is used to compress the huge file into the tiny file [GB file to MB file or KB file].

This software can be a computer software or ANDROID or IOS application . And the future
implementation is process of this software as a background process.


1. The compressed file can be easily send to the one person to the another person in whatsapp ,
emails and telegram etc.
2. The huge file can be easily store in the anywhere and it saves the mobile or computers storage.
3. The advanced compressor software act as background process then the high specified software
or applications is easily run the computer sytem , mobile phones ,smart watch , tablets etc .

Approach to implement:

1. First of all we need to convert the given file into binary format
2. After conversion we need to split those binary data into length of 10 or 20 bits
3. Then we assign some characters for the each possibility of the 10 or 20 bits combinations
4. Later we got some data it reduces the original data
5. The we again follows the step 2,3 with specified characters and place again 1 character in the
front of special characters
6. Again we got reduced data.
7. Continuously the step 2,3 are going to be executed for 7 times.
8. Finally we got the tiny compressed data
Compression Example:

Text file content has:

1. 10110101010101010101010111011101010001010101101010100000101010101010111111010
2. 1011010101 0101010101 0101110111 0101000101 1011010101 0000010101 0101111110
3. Assigning some character to the splitting binary data
4. 1011010101 0101010101 0101110111 0101000101 1011010101 0000010101 0101111110


5. Fifth step is to encode the previous data into next level character conversion


1a 2b

7. 1a2b


9. Finally the resultant data will be stored in the zip format.

10. Now the conclusion is , This type approach is compulsory compressed the huge data into small
11. Our work is to make this approach in efficient way and our vision is to try to prove this software
gonna change our technology.


The reversal approach of the compression process is the decompression process

Dis advantages :

1. This process may takes so much time to complete the compression process.
2. Implementation is much more difficult.
3. Time complexity is high.
4. Its better to use the dynamic programming

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