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Environmental Sustainable Practices


Table of Contents

3. Relationship between environmentally sustainable practices and positive public relations.......3

3.1 Environmentally sustainable practices and impact on brand image......................................3

3.2 AJ Hackett Bungy approach to environmentally sustainable business..................................3

3.3 Business public relation communication targeted to gain from being a sustainable business


3.4 Ways for business to enhanced the public relation by practicing environmental sustainable


4. Analysis the tourism business marketing to improve the public relations within tourism

business model.................................................................................................................................4

4.1 Overview................................................................................................................................4

2. Goals and objective..................................................................................................................5

4.3 Actual Campaign....................................................................................................................5

4.4 Evaluation..............................................................................................................................7


3. Relationship between environmentally sustainable practices and positive public relations

3.1 Environmentally sustainable practices and impact on brand image

The practices which are environmentally sustainable mainly concerned on the issues related to

long term health of ecosystem. This may provide protection to the productivity in long terms and

health of resources in order to meet the social and economic needs such and fishing and farmland

stocks and decision making process that is intergenerational. The sustainability practices within

environmental mainly incorporates the relationship with natural environmental, corporate

governance and social causes [ CITATION Int15 \l 1033 ]. With the help of practices, the leading

brand mainly translates their customers which are highly relevant to the world and impact on the

whole buying behavior of the customers. This may also able to develop the strong relationship

with the customers as it of its different offering, and inspiring customers to repeat the

purchasing. The program of sustainability will consist the brand positioning that create value for

the company. The sustainable practices increase the reputation of company and also secure their

future earning along with the help of help stakeholders advocacy and loyalty in order to increase

the value.

3.2 AJ Hackett Bungy approach to environmentally sustainable business

Within this section, the business of AJ Hackett has been selected who has been started bungy

jump from Eiffel tower in 1987. There are various types of environmental sustainable practices

adopted by AJ Hackett which can be described as below-

The visitors and guest of the business are always being encouraged to dispose and recycle waste

responsibility. This will mainly ensures that they act at ethical and social manner in the context

of providing support to natural environment [ CITATION Hac12 \l 1033 ].


The company is always working to reduce any type of environmental impact. At the same time,

AJ Hackett Bungy Queenstown has been operating at the high level of environmental

sustainability [ CITATION Aus20 \l 1033 ] . Therefore, all levels of the company has been applied

themselves to meet the minimum requirements that is set down by qualmark of managing,

monitoring and tracking various areas such as electricity and waste across the different sites

where the business operated.

3.3 Business public relation communication targeted to gain from being a sustainable


Being the sustainable business, Business public relation communication mainly targeted the

audience who want by the business. The company mainly uses two way communications

between the relationship of organization and public. This must flow their desire between public

and organization so that the receiver and sender must communicate at proper manner to maintain

effective public relation. The business public relation communication promotes the business

reputation that is derived from the accumulated the effective image of the business which is

mainly held by the stakeholders [ CITATION Bib20 \l 1033 ] . To being the sustainable business, the

business public relation communication focuses on the value of creation of corporate

sustainability and also analysis the trend to explore stakeholder’s environmental and social

concern to analysis the inevitable change and sustainability. The communication tools are mainly

used by the business to improve the whole brand image of the organization.

3.4 Ways for business to enhanced the public relation by practicing environmental


The practices which are environmentally sustainable can be more than their business efforts to

environmental friendly. Public relation is known as management tool that is mainly designed for

establishing support among the various external and internal public. The practices will mainly

provide strength to public relation efforts with the help of creating and building of trust

relationship with the business. Most of the big as well as small companies must explore their

sustainable practices within environmental to improve the reputation of business with customers,

investors and employees [ CITATION Riv14 \l 1033 ] . This can be considered as more than business

efforts for the process that is environmental friendly. These types of sustainable practices provide

strength to public relations with the help of building trust and also create the effective

relationship for business. It is really important for the business to analysis the sustainable

practices to analysis the benefits of public relations. This may improved by the business by

embracing corporate sustainability which is built around the structure of organization which

embrace practices and public relations theories. Moreover, it can be explored that

environmentally sustainable practices improve the public relationship to meet the goals and

objective of business at easy manner.

4. Analysis the tourism business marketing to improve the public relations within tourism

business model

4.1 Overview

Challenge- The national air line within India i.e. Air India has been faced the issue related to

data breach which involved the personal data of the passenger by including contact details,

number of credit card, information related to passport and so on. The company said that it

compromise the data that has been registered between 26 August 2011 and February 20, 2021.

The data was breached during a hack on their data processor i.e. SITA that has been disclosed a

cyber attack in March [ CITATION Muk21 \l 1033 ]. The issue has been faced the bad media

coverage as it affects around 45 lakh passengers across the world. Air India said that the

company firstly notified towards this attack on 2 February 2021 and this was provided the

identity in the context of affected data subjects because of its data processor on 25 March 2021

and 5 April 2021. Because of the issue, the company advised their customers to change their

passwords wherever applicable.

2. Goals and objective

Air India company has been faced the issue of bad media coverage because of data breach crisis

so that the company will follow targeted marketing campaign which is the part of yearly

marketing program. The marketing campaign has their own goals and objectives which can be

described as below-

Goals –

Improve awareness of the customers

The experts within marketing department must priorities alert their customers and asking them

for taking specific preventive steps. The main goal of the campaign is to focus on protective

measures as compare to make investigation on alone basis. The marketing department will

release a public advisory to their target customers with the help of emails and SMSes and asking

customers to beware for dubious emails or calls [ CITATION The212 \l 1033 ] . The company will

tell to their customers to change their passwords and debit and credit cards on immediate basis.

Investigate the data security incident and take steps to secure compromised servers

For providing data security in future, the marketing campaign will issue a notification on the

website of the company for their passenger and also urging them to change their passwords. The

marketing experts of the company should take steps to secure the compromise server besides

engaging external specialist of data security [ CITATION The212 \l 1033 ].


 The main objective of the campaign is to provide security to their customers and the

company will aware their customers with the help of sending those SMS, Emails and


 The company should measure the objective with the help of make an investigation in the

context of data security incidents and also take proper steps for the identification of cyber

attack at extremely quick manner [ CITATION The212 \l 1033 ].

 The goals which has been set off by the marketing campaign is reasonable to be

accomplished because it is easy for the company to provide information to their

customers about data breach crisis and request them to change their passwords and debit

and credit card on immediate basis.

 This goal is worthwhile for the organization and it will able to meet the needs of the

company that is providing security to their customers. The goals will take time of around

1 year to accomplish.

4.3 Actual Campaign


The company the campaign of public relation will be adopted by Air India after data breach

crisis to maintain and build the positive brand image. The company should make apology from

the customer about the problem faced by the customers because of data breach problem within

the organization [ CITATION Car201 \l 1033 ]. With the help of this, the company will improve their

customer loyalty to maintain whole reputation of the organization. The company should adopt

strategy to provide them information related to data breach

Target Audience

The company targeted he customers on the basis of behavioral segment. The company targets the

people on the basis of their purchasing or spending habit, brand interaction, status of the users

and so on. With the help of marketing campaign of air India, the company mainly targeted the 45

lakh passengers whose data compromised. The information related passport, debit card, credit

card. The company can reach the target audience with the help of social media and other

networking sites like SMS, emails and so on [ CITATION Sma20 \l 1033 ]. The marketing campaign

of Air India should improve their relations with the customers by providing them information to

change the passwords of their account to provide them high level of security.

Key Message

There are two important messages which the company is going to tell to their audience which

can be described as below-

 To solve the problem, the company will say that the company tries to improve their

network security. The company uses VPN (Virtual Private Network) for the additional

security which mainly encrypts the data of customers so that the company will hide the

data from future potential attacks [ CITATION Air20 \l 1033 ].

 Air India tells to their target audience that to solve the problem, the company make

request to the customers to protect the privacy and proprietary databases with the help of

not sharing information to other person such as flying return password and number to any

unauthorized individual because it will allow them access to the sensitive account



The marketing tactics are known as strategic actions which mainly promote the services provided

by the business. The aim of tactics is to improve the competitive goods and service. There are

various activities used by the experts to improve the awareness within the customers about the


Within the social media account like face book, Instagram and Twitter, the company is going

with the press release where it mentioned that we deeply regret towards the inconvenience that

has been caused and also we always appreciate the continues trust and support of our customers [

CITATION New21 \l 1033 ].

The company also sends mails to their existing customers and targeted customers to change their

password setting. The company has been ensured that no password of the customers was affected

in this data breach but the business still advised to the customer to change them as soon as


Creativity and problem solving

One of the creative problems solving approach adopted by Air India is the Cyber Situational

Awareness so that the team of cyber security may understand when threats raise and also note

that the system of artificial intelligence is mainly used for the identification and predication of

attack. One of the creative approaches adopted by experts to solve the problems is to analysis the

cloud that includes SaaS, IaaS and PaaS [ CITATION Jai21 \l 1033 ] . With the help of this, the

experts can use combination of both public and private services of cloud to provide effective

level of security to the customers effectively.


The estimated cost for the public relations activities within Air India is around $50000 that is

mainly depended on the range of geographies to be covered.

Factors Amount ($)

Analysis of Target audience 15000
Content marketing 5000
Email campaign 10000
Wire releases 7000
Website and Google Ad words 13000

Total $50000

4.4 Evaluation

From the above discussion, there are various measures which the experts of public relation

campaign can use to solve the problem faced by Air India and improve their relation with the

customers with the help of providing them data security. These measures are helpful for the

business in achieving objectives like investigating data security incident, make an engagement

with specialist of data security incidents and make a liaising with the issuers of credit cards

[ CITATION Fre \l 1033 ] . The marketing experts can reduce the problem by the reset of passwords

of Air India FFP program and make a request to the customer to change the password wherever

applicable for ensuring the safety of their personal data.



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