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Should of Collingwood senior coach Nathan Buckley left mid-season?

On the 9th of June 2021 at 11am Collingwood football club CEO Mark Anderson , GM of football
Graham Wright , and senior coach Nathan Buckley all sat down to discuss Nathan Buckley Contract
and how he will coach his last ever AFL game for the Collingwood Magpies on the Queen’s Birthday
match against Melbourne Demon’s which they won, the perfect way to end an era. Buckley’s
contract was already up at the end of the year and a lot of fans speculated If he was leaving due to
some incidents happening in the off season and in the 2021 season. Like the Adam Treloar Ordeal
and the terrible 2021 they are having. Buckley was one of the main features in the Collingwood
documentary “from the inside out” which discusses some of his behaviours of the past. Personally, I
feel like the departure was expected to happen and something we needed for the clubs sack.

During the off season we saw a huge scandal involving Buckley and one of the best players in the
AFL: Adam Treloar. Treloar’s girlfriend Kim Ravaillion (Netball Player) finished up with the
Collingwood magpies netball team back in 2019 but decided to get pregnant and take the 2020
season off. For 2021 she chose to go back to her original team Queensland Firebirds. Buckley and
Ned Guy (Collingwood’s old list manager) thought it would now be a great time to be selfish and try
to send Treloar to a different club even though he had no plans on leaving the pies and his contract
was not up until 2025. Buckley said to Treloar that other Senior players wanted him gone over the
phone. Ravaillion said this statement to the Herald Sun; “Then they started to blame it on me. They
were making excuses for why he is going when in actual fact they just wanted him gone. You feel like
you trust someone (the club) and then it all goes.” This disgusting behaviour was held to Bucks and
Ned Guy and the club would not be forgotten about this til they both leave. Personally, this situation
was held terrible unwell and really influenced a lot of members and fans opinion on Bucks leaving at
the end of the season. We also got rid of 2 other 2018 grand final players and Adam Treloar for
terrible picks in the draft. (If we chose to trade Adam Treloar the year prior we could have received
the number one draft pick.) It looks like he is not caring about players anymore.

In 2019 A documentary came out discussing Nathan Buckley and 3 other Collingwood players.
Throughout the parts with Buckley involved his players used words such as “tried to control to much
early on”, “got a few people offsided” and “wasn’t considered of people being different. Brodie
Grundy even said “if you don’t know what the answer is the answer is more, more, more, more.
When he was saying that I couldn’t disagree any more. Just an upwell of unhappy people in their
workplace and it wasn’t translating to success.” this quote really explains Buckley and the
Collingwood football time they weren’t winning games they weren’t where they need to be at for
Buckley to get a coaching contract extension in 2017 with only winning 38.4%. Buckley even called
him and the club argent and a chest beating club, saying they always wanted to pick fights. These
words in itself describe how terrible he thinks the Collingwood football club is. He mention due to
this their focus was not where it need to be and blamed himself for that too.

The commentator of the documentary called Buckley “selfish as a player, driven by ego and desire to
be the best person around” these are not things you wanted to be called as an AFL player. This even
affected him as a coach as he was so meticulous in his preparation as a player he ended up doing the
same things as a coach. This ended up making him believe every detail belonged to him. there was a
video they added where Buckley was pushing his player yelling at him for not doing whatever
Buckley wanted him to do. This video and what’s going on within the documentary shows how
terrible his mindset was at a time and makes you question should his contract even gotten extended
in 2017. Some people believe Collingwood football club wasn’t a well-run club, how Buckley needs
to be shouldered some blame and some of those blames including stubbornness and not always
great at listening. They also mention how he needed to be showed the door. In august of 2017 an
independent review came out and Buckley’s future as a coach was expressed to the media. He was
granted a 3 year contract which would finish up at the end of this year. Currently Carlton is doing the
same thing as what Collingwood did in 2017 and the Collingwood board knew they would be next if
they didn’t make their mind up about what to do.

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