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A Patient With Acute Cervical Cord Injury and COVID-19

A First Case Report
Sintip Pattanakuhar, MD, PhD, Chatchai Tangvinit, MD, and Apichana Kovindha, MD

Abstract: During the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019, it is pos- numbness of upper and lower limbs bilaterally were observed.
sible for rehabilitation physicians and personnel to take care of pa- Computed tomography scan of the cervical spine revealed a
tients with concurrent spinal cord injury and coronavirus disease burst fracture of the C5 and C6 vertebrae with retropulsion of
Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC4/OAVpDDa8KKGKV0Ymy+78= on 06/28/2021

2019. Here, we describe a case of acute cervical spinal cord injury fragments. Sensory examination showed absent pinprick and
resulting in complete tetraplegia C5 American Spinal Injury Associa- light touch sensations below the C5 dermatome bilaterally.
tion Impairment Scale A with unrecognized, severe acute respiratory Manual muscle testing revealed grade 5 of biceps brachialis
syndrome coronavirus 2 infection. This resulted in large-scale quaran- and grade 0 of all muscles below the C5 myotome of both sides.
tines of related surgical and rehabilitation staff, and the unexpected Digital rectal examination revealed absent deep anal pressure
death of the patient despite receiving the treatments according to the and voluntary anal contraction; anal and bulbocavernosus re-
standard guideline. Rehabilitation personnel who take care of acute flexes were absent. The diagnosis of C5-6 burst fracture with
spinal cord injury patients with coronavirus disease 2019 should con- SCI resulting in complete C5 tetraplegia American Spinal cord
sider the effect of spinal cord injury on the course of coronavirus dis- Injury Association impairment scale A was made. No abnor-
ease 2019, the effect of coronavirus disease 2019 and its treatments on mal electrocardiogram finding was noted on admission. A lo-
the course of spinal cord injury, and risks of severe acute respiratory cal protocol for screening COVID-19 in all patients before
syndrome coronavirus 2 transmission between patients and rehabilitation admission to the hospital, which was a set of questions asking
staff, to continue providing safe and effective rehabilitation programs. for a history of being in an epidemic area or contact with the
confirmed COVID-19 case, as well as a symptom screen for re-
Key Words: Spinal Cord Injury, COVID-19, Coronavirus, spiratory tract infection, was applied. A patient under investiga-
Tetraplegia, Rehabilitation, Case Report tion would be indicated if the patient had both a history of
(Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2020;99:674–676) exposure and symptoms consistent with COVID-19. Because no
information regarding exposure and no respiratory tract symptom
was detected, the patient was not included in the patient under in-
cute cervical spinal cord injury (SCI) is a severe, vestigation group on admission.
A life-threatening condition causing functional impairments
and affects multiple body systems including the respiratory sys-
Ten hours after injury, anterior cervical discectomy and fu-
sion with plates and screws and iliac bone grafting were per-
tem.1 Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) resulting from se- formed. An endotracheal tube was immediately removed after
vere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) the operation, and no immediate postoperative respiratory
infection, which is currently pandemic, also causes severe respiratory complication was detected.
problems.2 In this case report, we present a patient who had these two On day 2 of admission, he was transferred to an orthopedic
devastating health conditions concurrently, resulting in catastrophic ward and a rehabilitation physician was consulted to prevent
consequences to both the patient and related health care staff. complications and maximize his function. Daily subcutaneous
This study conforms to the consensus-based clinical case injection of 0.6 ml (60 mg) of enoxaparin was initiated for ve-
reporting guideline and reports the required information ac- nous thromboembolism prophylaxis. No mechanical prophylaxis
cordingly (see Supplemental Checklist, Supplemental Digital of venous thromboembolism was applied. The rehabilitation pro-
Content 1, A 28-yr-old, previ- gram consisted of range of motion and isometric strengthening
ously healthy man was transferred to an emergency department exercises of bilateral elbow flexors was provided at the bedside.
of a provincial hospital because of a motorcycle accident. He On day 3 post-SCI, he complained of muscle pain in the
presented with preserved consciousness, but weakness and neck and both shoulders and presented with low-grade fever,
37.8°C. Acetaminophen was prescribed as a symptomatic
treatment of fever. On day 4, it was the first time that the pos-
From the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai sibility of COVID-19 was considered as his friend told that he
University, Chiang Mai, Thailand (SP, AK); and Department of Rehabilitation
Medicine, Patong Hospital, Phuket, Thailand (CT). stayed in an epidemic area of COVID-19 for 2 wks before the
All correspondence should be addressed to: Sintip Pattanakuhar, MD, PhD, accident. A nasal swab was done and the SARS-CoV-2 RNA
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai was identified with reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain
University, Chiang Mai, Thailand 50200.
Financial disclosure statements have been obtained, and no conflicts of interest have reaction technique. The patient was then transferred to the
been reported by the authors or by any individuals in control of the content of COVID-19 cohort ward. In addition, droplet precautions were
this article.
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear
applied. All related hospital staff including rehabilitation per-
in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article sonnel were investigated for SARS-CoV-2 virus infection,
on the journal’s Web site ( and the results were negative in all tested personnel. However,
Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 0894-9115 104 hospital personnel had to be quarantined because of hav-
DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000001485 ing close contact with the patient. Oral hydroxychloroquine

674 American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation • Volume 99, Number 8, August 2020

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Volume 99, Number 8, August 2020 A Case Report of Acute Cervical SCI With COVID-19

and azithromycin were administrated according to the local common cause of death in patients with COVID-19 is reported
COVID-19 treatment guideline. to be acute respiratory distress syndrome.2,3 Acute respiratory
On day 6, the patient developed high-grade fever, 39°C distress syndrome in COVID-19 is a result of severe COVID-19
with mild dyspnea. The chest x-ray revealed mild thickening pneumonia, indicated by definite pulmonary infiltration and se-
of left lower lung marking (Fig. 1). The diagnosis of a mild de- vere hypoxemia. However, none of these findings were found in
gree of COVID-19 pneumonia was made. The oxygen satura- this patient. The characteristics of death in this patient were
tion was 94% then noninvasive, 3 liters per minute, oxygen acute, unexpected cardiac arrest, or sudden death.4 Sudden car-
therapy was started, and it was effective to keep the patient’s diac death is commonly due to ventricular arrhythmias.4 The
oxygen saturation more than 95%. A mechanical ventilator causes of ventricular arrhythmias in this patient could be divided
was not administrated because there was no characteristic of into COVID-19– and non-COVID-19–related conditions. The
severe pneumonia. Oral lopinavir/ritonavir was added accord- COVID-19–related conditions are viral myocardial injury,5,6
ing to the local COVID-19 treatment guideline. On days 7–9, cardiac tamponade,7 and torsade de pointes from an underlying
the patient was still febrile, but cooperative. No sign of pro- long QT syndrome superimposed by hydroxychloroquine and
gression of pneumonia was detected. The respiratory rate was azithromycin use.8,9 In this patient, myocarditis and cardiac
18–24 times/min and the oxygen saturation was 95%–99% tamponade are less likely because there were no symptoms of
with noninvasive, 3 liters per minute, oxygen therapy. No severe dyspnea. Although torsade de pointes could not be ruled
extrapulmonary organ dysfunction was evident. out because it could induce a sudden death without a prodro-
At 12.00 a.m. on day 10, his body temperature was 38°C, mal symptom of dyspnea, it is less likely to be the cause of
heart rate 72/min, blood pressure 110/80 mm Hg, respiratory death because the electrocardiogram of the patient did not
rate 20/min, and oxygen saturation 95%. At 2.30 a.m., the pa- show a long QT interval.
tient was found unconscious. His pulse was not detectable. An A non-COVID-19–related cause of cardiac sudden death
electrocardiogram showed asystole. Sudden cardiac arrest was in this patient could be pulmonary embolism (PE),4 which is
diagnosed, and advanced cardiac life support was performed commonly found in patients with acute SCI.10,11 Pulmonary
for an hour but failed. The patient was declared dead on day embolism seems to be less likely as this patient had received
10 of admission. Cervical spine injury leading to cervical cord the prophylactic dosage of enoxaparin when the sudden death
injury was indicated as a cause of death in legal documenta- occurred. However, PE could still develop because this prophy-
tion, and the COVID-19 pneumonia was indicated as a comor- lactic dosage is lower than the treatment protocol for venous
bid condition. An autopsy was not performed in this case thromboembolism.10 Another possible cause of sudden death
because of safety and resource preservation issues during the in cervical SCI patients is secretion obstruction from an inabil-
COVID-19 epidemic period. ity to effectively produce cough.12 However, this patient had
To our knowledge, this is the first case report describing never reported that he had sputum throughout the admission.
COVID-19 in a patient with acute SCI. Although the exact Another possible non-COVID-19 cause of death in this patient
cause of death in this patient has not been proven, which is is bradyarrhythmia, high-degree atrioventricular block, or
the main limitation of this report, the differential diagnosis asystole. This condition is related to a disruption of the sympa-
leading to death in this case is important to consider. The most thetic pathway resulting from cervical SCI.13 Cardiac dysrhyth-
mias after SCI are primarily due to intact parasympathetic
(vagal) control simultaneously with impaired supraspinal con-
trol of sympathetic system after cervical and high thoracic
SCI. In this patient, the last record of heart rate before the cardiac
arrest was 72 beats/min. Therefore, the cause of death might not
be related to this issue.
This case raises four important issues that health care pro-
viders who take care of people with SCI need to consider. The
first issue is about the effect of COVID-19 on the clinical
course of SCI. Patients with acute SCI have a very high risk
of venous thromboembolism.10 In addition, it was previously
reported that COVID-19 could induce disseminated intravas-
cular coagulopathy,14,15 as indicated by increased intravascular
clotting markers (D-dimer).14,15 Therefore, patients with acute
SCI and concomitant disease of COVID-19 might be in the
highest risk of developing venous thromboembolism, includ-
ing PE, which could be one of the suspected causes of sudden
death in this patient, despite routine prophylaxis as PE should
be a differential diagnosis in all acute SCI patients who
abruptly develop dyspnea or in a severe case with a sudden loss
of consciousness, regardless of COVID-19.
The second issue to consider is the effect of SCI on the
clinical course of COVID-19. Cervical cord injury results in
FIGURE 1. Portable chest x-ray on the third day of COVID-19 symptoms weakness or paralysis of limbs and trunk muscles, including
(day 6 after SCI), revealed mild thickening of left lower lung markers. respiratory muscles such as intercostal, pectoral, abdominal,

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Pattanakuhar et al. Volume 99, Number 8, August 2020

or even diaphragmatic muscles. This respiratory muscle func- of infection to all staff.16 Whenever possible, hospital-based re-
tion impairment change reduces the vital capacity of the pa- habilitation services should be replaced with other alternatives
tient’s lungs and decreases the ability to cough effectively.12 such as home-based rehabilitation and telerehabilitation, based
Therefore, having COVID-19, patients with cervical cord injury on safety, appropriateness, availability, and cost-effectiveness.16,17
might develop the symptoms of dyspnea and respiratory failure In conclusion, during this COVID-19 epidemic period, acute
earlier than those without SCI. In this case, although the patient SCI patients could have concurrent COVID-19. Therefore, re-
had a complete C5 tetraplegic condition when COVID-19 habilitation personnel who take care of acute SCI patients with
symptoms developed, the course of COVID-19 disease seemed COVID-19 should always consider the effect of SCI on the
not significantly different from those without SCI. This might course of COVID-19, the effect of COVID-19 and its treatment
be because he was young and had no underlying disease. on the course of SCI, and risks of SARS-CoV-2 transmission
The third issue is about how to prevent SARS-CoV-2 between patients and rehabilitation staffs, to continue providing
transmission between patients and health personnel including safe and effective rehabilitation programs.
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