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Developing a virtual classroom system to promote a greater count of students to splurge

into the field of education. It integrates the benefits of a physical classroom with the
convenience of a ‘no-physical-bar’ virtual learning environment, minus the commuting
hazards and expenses. It will usher in the immense flexibility and sophistication in the
existing learning platform structures, with the perfect blend of synchronous and
asynchronous interaction. It provides a means of collaborative e learning for the
This online application enables the end users to register online, select the subject, read the
course and appear for the exam online. The results of the exams are also declared just
after taking the test. The candidate should take tests in a particular sequence and also he
can attempt the next test only if he has completed the previous papers. The correct
answers for the questions are displayed after the exam. The date of the registration, date
of exam, test result etc. is stored in the database.


Manual system involves paper work in the form of maintaining various files
and manuals. Maintaining critical information in the files and manuals is full
of risk and a tedious process. Including a framework showing how to apply Internet
technology progressively as skills and confidence grow, the project demonstrates the
route from adapting materials to developing a virtual course.

Nowadays, when people are not having time to visit an institute. Therefore, the software
is designed to provide the education through Internet. The project “Virtual Classroom
System helps the common world in any field they are to get the knowledge what they
want even sitting at there places. This helps them to spare time in their busy schedule and
save their time during transportation.

Education through the internet, network and a computer is virtual classroom system. This
helps in network enabled transfer of skills and knowledge. Virtual classroom refers to use
of electronic applications and processes to learn. This is a web based application which
can be hosted in the website of any training institute. The students will be able to register
online, read the course material and write online exam.

The objectives of this project are

• To provide distance learning
• To make it convenient for people who have other commitments
• Cost reduction
• Reduced paper work
• Computer evaluated tests


Number of Modules
After careful analysis the system has been identified to have the following modules:

1. Registration Module
2. Participant Module
3. Guide Module
4. Online Exam

1.Registration Module:

This module consist of registering the participant details inorder to login.The exsisting
parcipant can directly login along with userid and password and view the course details.If
it is new participant they should register their details with userid and password.The
details of participant will be maintained by the database.

2.Participant Module:

In this module, participants from different locations interact with the instructor
simultaneously through online mode in real time.After registration they can login and
view the course details inorder to buid their carrier.They can select any course and
enrolled the course by registering their details.The Course enrolled can be viewed by the
participant and they can edit.Participant can view the course material and learn through
online and appear for exam. The results of the exams are also declared just after taking
the test.

3.Guide Module:

In this module, guide view the participant registration, course enrolled status and
participant doubts. The participant can clear the doubts by choosing the domain and
entering the question. The guide view the participant doubt and sends reply according to
the queries. The Questions will be hosted for the participant inorder to take exams. Guide
will host question paper according to the domain and send to the participant.

4.OnlineExam Module:

In this module,parcitipant will appear for taking exam according to the course would they
enrolled.The participant should clearly read the instruction once before they appear for
exam.Click on start exam button to start the exam.Questions are basically of Multiple
choice type i.e., only one answer is correct, these answers  are represented by four Radio
Buttons.After clicking start exam button time would count simultaneously.Once the
participant completed their exam they should enter the particular details what they
given.Then the result will be viewed along your particular details.

Software requirements:

Operating System : Windows

Technology : Java and J2EE
Web Technologies : Html, JavaScript, CSS
IDE : My Eclipse
Web Server : Tomcat
Tookit : Android Phone
Database : My SQL
Java Version : J2SDK1.5

Hardware requirements:

Hardware - Pentium
Speed - 1.1 GHz

Hard Disk - 20 GB

Floppy Drive - 1.44 MB

Key Board - Standard Windows Keyboard

Mouse - Two or Three Button Mouse

Monitor - SVGA

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