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Topic: The Debate

1 How is debate related to one’s everyday life experiences? Explain.
Learning debate will help you win future arguments, and maybe even save the planet. If you can make a
concise and factually coherent argument, you might even convince others of the correctness of your
side. Feel passionate about something like climate change, don’t just tell us how you feel, make a logical
argument for your side.

2 How different is the formal debate from the informal debate? Explain
The differences between a formal and an informal argument is in the burden of proof. A formal
argument clearly states the claim or position it argues and presents a well-developed chain of evidence
leading to a reasonable conclusion supporting the claim. ... Informal arguments contain little or no
supportive evidence.

3 What roles do the other language macro- skills play in a debate? Explain.
Macro skills are most commonly referred to listening, speaking, reading and writing in English language.
Listening: This is a communication technique that requires the listener to understand, interpret and
evaluate what he or she hears.

Topic: Literature, Sweet Summer y Cyan Abad Jugo

1. How would you describe the following characters discussed in story Sweet Summer by
Cyan Abad Jugo?

- person who is conventional and old-fashioned.

Camilla and Faye

- the two have fair complexion and are tall


- who wants to find love and infatuation.


- a Young Boy who influenced by h is brother Frederick

2 How do Camilla and Faye see Sara? Explain
They are bullies because they bully Sara about having different physical appearance.

3 How do Camilla and Faye see Frederick? Explain

They don’t like Frederick because Frederick insulted them

4 What realities about the human experiences does the story portray? Explain
Bully, because mostly people think they are perfect and they criticize those who have different physical

5. What is the moral lesson of the story? Explain

Never judge the person by its physical appearance. We must not underestimate anyone based
on their looks. In fact, the deeds and characters of the person matter the most.

B Topic: Literature, The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin
1. Describe the following characters of the story.

Loiuse Mallard
- She understands the “right” way for women to behave, but her internal thoughts and feelings
are anything but correct.

Brently Mallard
- Louise's husband, supposedly killed in a train accident. Although Louise remembers Brently as a kind
and loving man, merely being married to him also made him an oppressive factor in her life.

2. Describe Louise Mallards reactions to the news of her husband’s accidental death. Explain
a woman freed from a long prison term. She is shocked into silent disbelief, overcome with emotion,
struck with a sense of relief at being free from the burden of marriage.
3. How does Louise Mallard see her husband? Explain

a kind and loving man but she feels trap when they are married/

4. Explain the significance of the last paragraph of the story.

"When the doctors came, they said she had died of heart disease--of the joy that kills." The beginning of
the story reads " Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to
break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death.

5. What reality about human experience does the story present? Explain
the reality of human experiences in the story is the women wants to freed from message when
they feel they no longer happy.

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