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Healthy Meals
at Home
Jennifer Lew-Vang, RD
Director of Child Nutrition
Vanessa Paulo
Dietetic Intern
 By the end of the presentation, the audience will demonstrate the
ability to:
 Describe three ways to fill half their plate with fruits and
 Name three sources of whole grains and detail what portion
of their plate should be sourced from whole grains.
 Name three sources of protein and detail what portion of
their plate should be sourced from protein.
Objectives  Identify two sources of dairy.
 Describe one dessert that can be made using fruit without
added sugars.
 Describe two ways to build a healthy meal using MyPlate as a
 Two Truths and a Could Be - About Food and Me
 Introduce yourself
 Come up with three statements about food in your life
 i.e. how you shop or cook, food preferences, food
nightmares, etc.
 Two of the statements are to be truths and one is to be
Ice Breaker something that did not take place, but just as well could have.
 Each person gets a turn saying their three statements,
followed by a period in which their partner(s) have to guess
which of the three statements is a falsehood.
 Vegetables and fruits are full of nutrients that support good
 Eating seasonally can help save money.
Make half your  Keep fresh fruit & vegetables rinsed and where you can see
plate veggies  Vegetables
and fruits  Go well with a dip or dressing.
Snack idea:
 Hummus with raw broccoli, peppers, sugar snap peas,
celery, cherry tomatoes or cauliflower.
 Vary your veggies
 Popcorn is a whole grain!
 Pop a bag of low-fat or fat-free popcorn for a healthier snack.
 Ready-to-eat, wholegrain cereal
 Whole grain pasta
 If you choose refined grain pasta, make sure it's enriched
Include whole by checking the ingredient list.
 Aim to make at least half your grains whole grains.
grains  Look for the words “100% whole grain” or “100% whole
wheat” on the food label.
 Whole grains provide more nutrients, like fiber, than
refined grains.
 Make dinner once and serve it twice!
 Roast a larger cut of lean meat.
 Make a second meal using the ‘planned-over’ meat.
Add lean  Pack a snack on the go:
protein  Nuts, seeds, dried fruit
 Canned seafood:
 Salmon, tuna, or crab and frozen fish are quick and easy
to prepare.
 Make a smoothie
 Blend fat-free milk or yogurt with fresh or frozen fruit.
 Try bananas, peaches, or mixed berries.

Don’t forget  For breakfast try low-fat or fat-free yogurt.

 Mix in cereal or fruit for extra flavor, texture and nutrients.
the dairy
 Indulge in a naturally sweet dessert dish—fruit!
 Serve a fresh fruit salad or a fruit parfait made with yogurt.
Satisfy your  For a hot dessert, bake apples and top with cinnamon.

sweet tooth in
a healthy way
 Whether you’re making a sandwich, a stir-fry, or a casserole, it’s
find ways to make them healthier.
 Try using less meat and cheese and adding in more veggies that
add new flavors and textures to your meals.

Get creative in
the kitchen!
 Using a checklist can help you stay on track throughout the day.
 Use a premade one
 Or create your own
 Personalize your checklist and make it fun!

Use a

* Adapted from USDA Choose MyPlate MyPlate, MyWins |



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