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Senses within ourselves

By: Gerald Ian Salomon

In Rene Descartes' cogito ergo sum or I think therefore I am, he argued that once you doubt
that means you're existing. His strategy is to doubt or not believe any claim that is false or
could be false. Doubting means you’re thinking and to exist means to doubt and to think. He
also argued that our senses are just deceiving us therefore he doubts all beliefs from his senses,
that it might be false. In Rene Descartes our existence is based from how we doubt and think
without using our senses. He only used his mind and say that he is existing but did not use the
physical way. He mentioned the most extreme reason why we should doubt, it’s because of the
so called evil genius. Evil genius is the one who has the power to control all of our thoughts,
tricking us into believing anything but Descartes can’t provide proof or cannot prove that this
evil genius really exists. He blames this evil genius who is capable of making him wrong. He put
all beliefs, ideas, thoughts, and matter in doubt. Descartes’ cogito ergo sum, evil genius and
doubting our senses is purely from his experience alone, some of his arguments tends to be
questionable for some of his arguments ends without a clear explanation and proofs. Why
could our senses be false when we rely unto them? And how can it be false? Does doubting
really means you are existing? Is it the only basis and fundamental of our existence?

In my study doubting is not the only basis of our existence. How can you tell that you are
existing? How sure are you that it’s the reason why you exist? Is it with just simple doubt? No!
because our existence do not rely on our doubting only. For example, you are breathing, having
dreams or nightmares, you can you see yourself changing and growing with the help of your
experiences and learnings with that you can say that you are existing. Without our senses our
doubting will always lead into unanswered questions. If you are doubting of your existence,
then you will find a way to prove your existence. Descartes’ said that our senses can be
doubtful because of these so called evil genius. I agree to some of Descartes arguments but his
argument about our senses being false to our existence. In our life, we rely on our senses, what
we see, what we hear, what we smell, what we taste, even what we feel and what we believe is
real. Our senses are one of the reason why we must consider ourselves existing. Yes, it is true,
that once you doubt or think that means you are existing. We exist not only by thinking or
doubting, we also exist because of our senses this just prove that not only the mind can work
but also the physical body. You cannot doubt that you are existing where in fact you are
thinking of your existence in the first place, therefore self is existing because of our senses, how
think or doubt about something and how we see our lives.
The self can rely also in senses not only the mind in order to exist because once the senses
work, the mind will also work. There are times that this senses connects to the mind. For
instance, you feel sad, how can we tell that we are really sad? Our mind will react on based on
how we feel and because of that, you are going to think of a way to cope the sadness you feel.
Without the connection of mind and senses, there will be no self.

The self is consisting of the senses; we must not doubt our senses for this is the one that will
help us in exploring more about our self. The basis of determining our self or our existence is
based on how we live our life, if you are doubting of why you existed or your existence, it is just
a test almost everyone encounter or experienced it already in determining thy self. We face
challenges, problems and different kind of hurdles in life, it just happens that our senses
sometimes are false but it doesn’t mean that our senses are always wrong and cannot be
trusted and with that it only proves that your self is existing. The self is the senses and
therefore you exist because of your mind and senses both of them are connected that comes
from within to build the true form of thy self.

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