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Mortgager:- _______________ _____________a Bank Ltd.

____________ Nagpur

Document deposited on 14/06/2019

On the date mentioned, the Mortgager above named attend and deposited with the office of
__________ Bank ________________Nagar Nagpur Branch Nagpur before Mr.
_________________ Br. Manager __________ Bank ________________Nagar Nagpur Branch
(hereinafter called The Officers) the documents of title, evidence deeds band writing more
Particularly described in the A Schedule hereunder written (hereinafter called the Said Title-
Deeds) in respect of Mortgagors property particularly described in the B Schedule hereunder

Whist making the deposit of the said title deeds, the Mortgagor stated that he was making
deposit of the said title deeds with intent to create a security by way of mortgage deposit of
original title deed on the said property together with structures standing thereon and/or to be
constructed in future (hereinafter referred as the said immovable property) to secure the due
repayment and discharge by the above named Mortgager to Karnataka Bank of the principal
Amount of Loan of Rs. _________________/-together with interest, compound interest and /or
additional of further interest in case of default , liquidate ,damage ,commitment charges,
primal on pre-payment or on redemption ,cost, charges expenses and other money/s payable
by the Mortgager to __________ Bank ________________Nagar Nagpur Branch.

The Mortgager stated that the said title deed so deposited was the only documents of title
relating to said Immoveable property. The officers acting on behalf of __________ Bank
________________Nagar Nagpur Branch accepted the said Deposit of the title deeds made by
the Mortgager security for the aforesaid facilities in presence of Shri._________________

Dt. ____________

NAGPUR Manager

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