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Table 1: Significant statements

Significant statements Transcript Page Lines

number number number
“Mixed crew. In mixed crew, you can interact with other nationality and
will be able to know their culture.You will be able to understand them
which will play a huge role in your relationship between them.”

“Yes, because communication is a barrier in terms of nationality. If we

cant communicate with each other onboard, it may cause several
accidents which can be worst if no initial actions are applied. That’s why
communication is essential onboard for the safety of environment, ship
and crew.”

“Having basic knowledge of understanding and speaking English

language especially in a mixed crew ship, then must maintain a good
relationship with other crews.”

“In effective or good communication, you understand each other and

create a teamwork and to avoid accident onboard vessel.”

“Yes, because English language is used in international vessels. Crews

with different language should speak on the standard language which is
English for the safety and understanding of one another.”

“Yes, it influenced the safety because communication is the only way to

understand each other and understanding each other may avoid
troubles and mistakes which could trigger to worst situation.There’s no
room for mistake onboard.”

Table 2: The Process of Creating Formulated Meaning from the Significant Statements
Significant Statements Formulated meanings

Seafarers like to be in a mixed crew because they will be

able to know different culture and by knowing it, they will
form a good relation together.

Communication is essential onboard because it is a big

factor influencing the safety of the environment, vessels
and crew.

Knowledge in English language will help the

communication between the crew enabling them to
prevent misunderstandings and will help them preserve a
good relation to each other.

Effective communication is the ability to communicate and

understand each other completely without troubles.

Seafarers use English especially when dealing with other

nationalities to communicate and understand properly.

The safety of the ship is also influenced by communication

of the crew on it.
Formulated meanings Theme Clusters Emergent Theme
Interaction of seafarers in a Psychological impact and
mixed crew Its effect

Importance of Welfare of the Crew


Good Relationship of Crew Inclusion

Efficiency of having Social Wellness

effective communication

Usage of International Overcoming Language

Language Barrier

Promoting safety through Safety of the vessel and

interacting crew

Table 3: How the first theme Social Interaction of crew

Was constructed from different clusters of themes and formulated meanings

Table 4: The Final Thematic Map

First Theme: Second Theme:

Interaction of seafarers in mixed-crew Psychological Impact and Its Effect

 Sense of Belongingness  Isolation from the Crew

 Open mindedness  Adverse effect on work performance

 Safety  Absence of Mind in work

 Trust Building  Lack of Motivation

 Understanding each other

 Good Relationship

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