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Class : TYCS/A

Department : CS

Roll Number : 602

Date: 18th May 2021.

Q.1 ) Explain about the Cause, Effects and Solution of Air, Water and Noise Pollution in detail.

Ans: Cause of Air pollution

Air pollution is caused by solid and liquid particles and certain gases that are suspended in
the air. These particles and gases can come from car and truck exhaust, factories, dust,
pollen, mold spores, volcanoes and wildfires. The solid and liquid particles suspended in
our air are called aerosols.

◼ Effect of Air pollution

Pollutants can cause respiratory illnesses and allergies ranging from coughs to asthma,
cancer or emphysema. Inhalation of toxic agents directly affects the lungs and other
organs that make up the respiratory system. Also, poor oxygenation can lead to
cardiovascular problems.

◼ Solution of air pollution

The most basic solution for air pollution is to move away from fossil fuels, replacing
them with alternative energies like solar, wind and geothermal. Producing clean energy is
crucial. But equally important is to reduce our consumption of energy by adopting
responsible habits and using more efficient devices.

Causes of Water pollution

Water pollution is a change caused in the chemical, physical or biological

properties of the water that has the capacity of hurting the living organism. In
simple terms, water pollution is the contamination of water bodies like lakes,
rivers, oceans, aquifers, groundwater, or the sea. The pollution is usually caused
due to human interference.

◼ Effect of water pollution

The main problem caused by water pollution is that it kills organisms that depend on
these water bodies. Dead fish, crabs, birds and seagulls, dolphins, and many other
animals often wind up on beaches, killed by pollutants in their habitat (living
environment). Pollution disrupts the natural food chain as well.

◼ Solution of water pollution

the most effective way to reduce water pollution is by treating some of the water before
it's reintroduced into the waterways. This is a highly effective solution because
wastewater treatment facilities are able to remove nearly all pollutants in wastewater via
a chemical, physical, or biological process.

Causes of Noise pollution

Sound is produced by vibrating objects and reaches the listener's ears as waves in the
air or other media. When an object vibrates, it causes slight changes in air pressure.
These air pressure changes travel as waves through the air and produce sound.

◼ Effect of Noise Pollution

Noise pollution impacts millions of people on a daily basis. The most common health
problem it causes is Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL). Exposure to loud noise can
also cause high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep disturbances, and stress. These
health problems can affect all age groups, especially children

◼ Solution of Noise Pollution

As a short-term solution to help with things such as construction work being carried out
on your street or a nearby road or carriageway, whilst ensuring you still get a good
night's sleep, earplugs or noise cancelling headphones can be an effective remedy to
deal with these types of noise pollution in the short term.

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