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‘The Supporting Act’ is a short clip made by the BBC.

The theme (idea) is ‘oneness’ - that is, being together.

A ten year old girl is practising dance day in day out (all
the time) for a very important event, a Christmas
talent show. She is going to dance and she is hoping to
do well. She wants her dad to be there, but he is very
busy. He has a job and he has to do all the household
jobs. Where is Mum? We don’t know: what do you
think? Will dad turn up at the talent show? Let’s see! from the BBC ‘The Supporting Act’

Watch the clip and answer the questions

1) What colour is the girl’s coat?

2) How many children are sitting in the background?
3) What does it say on the leaflet she gives to her dad?
4) Is there a robin redbreast or a snowman on the leaflet?
5) What colour are her earphones?
6) What chore/household job is her dad doing?
7) There is a small scooter beside the bookshelf. What colour is it?
8) As dad is carrying the Christmas tree along the road, what charity shop can you see?
9) Now they are back at home in the kitchen, what is the second chore dad does?
10) What colour is the car that dad is fixing?
11) As they go up the escalator in the shopping centre, what shop can you see in the
12) Now they are at home, in the living room, what is dad doing?
13) Where do they go next?
14) What logo is on dad’s T-shirt?
15) As the girl slams the door, what falls to the floor?
16) What colour are the curtains on the stage?
17) What happens when the girl comes out onto the stage?
18) What is the logo on her shirt?
19) Dad tries his best, but which dance move does he refuse (say ‘no’) to?
20) Which one smiles and which one bows?

1. The coat is yellow

2. There are two children sitting in the background.

3. It says: Christmas talent show.

4. There is a snowman.

5. They are green.

6. He is doing the ironing.

7. It is red.

8. A Dog's charity shop.

9. The washing up.

10. The car is red.

11. Gift Zone

12. He is decorating the Christmas tree.

13. They go to the supermarket.

14. R&R

15. The leaflet.

16. The curtains are red-purple.

17. She freezes up and can't dance.

18. Classic 07

19. He doesn't do the cartwheel.

20. Dad bows and his daughter smiles.

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