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Anon Inu


The Nihon Ken are Japanese breed of dogs that nearly went extinct during the second world
war but the breed persisted. An outbreak of distemper in Japan almost led to another extinction
of this dog breed but yet again it persevered. Today's Inus, a breed of Nihon Ken, is a very cute,
stubborn, and persistent dog that always likes to be the center of attention and because of this
most owners have issues training them. This has led to a lot of Inu being neglected or homeless
because they are mostly misunderstood. Yet again these cute breeds are also facing another
challenge even after the numerous challenges that it has had to face in the past. That's why our
community is greatly pleased to make this fighter our mascot and by doing so help this dog in
real life. By building a token with its name, we are utilizing the problem-solving potential of the
blockchain to bring the needed liquidity and attention that the Inus rescue mission needs. We
hope to build a community that would give rise to the kind of revolution that Inus and other
neglected dogs need worldwide.

The desire to save an Inu that has been maltreated all his life led to the creation of this token by
a friendly neighbor that decided to stay anonymous. And then Anon woke up one day and
thought, why can't I create a cryptocurrency project that is totally funded by the community? And
that was how ANON INU was born. It is hoped that this community of faithful Anon Inu token
holders would help more “furry friends” find shelter by buying more stakes in our Anon Inu
token. Also, Anon Inu would also fund charitable no-kill shelters in the future as the community
The dazzling ANON INU would be built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The plan is to keep
expanding the community thereby saving more Inu while also keeping its holders happy by
being a Defi token that has three functions: manual burns, adding towards liquidity, and
distributing to its holders. One thing is clear though, a community is built by having a goal in
mind that would drive Anon Inu holders as we progress on this journey. A community is as
strong as the vision that binds it together and what better vision is there than to make this world
a better place for our cute furry Inus.
Why Binance Smart Chain?
Binance Smart Chain is a blockchain that allows developers to build their own DApps using
smart contracts. It also incorporates a Proof-of-Staked Authority (PoSA) consensus algorithm
which is a combination of proof-of-stake and proof-of-authority models and thus allows it to
complete transactions in about 3 seconds. On top of that, BSC has one the lowest transaction
or gas fees in the entire blockchain ecosystem especially when one is dealing with
decentralized platforms with the gas fee 14 times lower on the average than similar transactions
on Ethereum. It is no wonder that the Binance Smart Chain is the most used blockchain in terms
of unique active wallets averaging 105,000 in March 2021. Binance Chain and Binance Smart
Chain are designed to work together, thus allowing holders to easily swap Anon Inu for Binance
Chain’s BEP-2 and BEP-8 tokens can likewise be swapped for the Smart Chain’s BEP-20
tokens. All these make it an excellent choice for this project.

Anon Inu tokenomics

Anon Inu token is a deflationary token that was launched to provide new hope to Inus
worldwide. Its native token would be depicted with $ANONINU. After minting, the total Anon Inu
token minted was 1 quadrillion tokens with plans to burn about 50% of that number when
various milestones are reached. In fact, 7% of the entire market supply has been burnt
immediately after the coin was deployed into pancakeswap a decentralized exchange.
In order to help provide no-kill shelters for Inu breeds around the world, 2% of the total market
supply has been locked in a charity wallet. Holders of $ANONINU tokens would earn by simply
holding the tokens as 5% of each transaction on the smart contract would be set aside in a
reward pool. A further 2% of the total market supply of $ANONINU would be kept aside to help
marketing efforts in pushing this token to every corner on Earth. NFTs would also be issued for
unique Shiba/Anon related projects and thus can also be traded with $ANONINU after being

Anon Inu token ($ANONINU)

Anon Inu smart contract would employ 3 simple functions: Reflection + LP acquisition + Burn.
In each trade, the transaction is taxed a 10% fee, which is split in two equal ways.
Total Supply: 1 quadrillion tokens
Burn: 50% burn with 7% projected as at listing on pancakeswap
Smart contract: 0x9425315fea3412fd4a0afbfb69b99d8312dc749a
5% fee = redistributed to all existing holders
5% fee = split 50/50, half of which is sold by the contract into BNB, while the other half of the
$ANONINU tokens are paired automatically with the previously mentioned BNB and added as a
liquidity pair on pancakeswap.
2% of the total supply to marketing efforts.
2% of the total supply to charity efforts.
Transfer: The transactional charge of 2.5% would also apply to the transfer of tokens with
private wallets and direct withdrawals of tokens.
Road Map for $ANONINU
A guideline for the release and proposed full scale operations of $ANONINU has been laid out
in this road map. The essence is to provide the team, investors, and the general community with
a clear path on how we hope to grow even bigger. The roadmap is as follows;
Q3 2021
Website Launched
1,000 Holders
$100,000 MC [Market Cap]
Coinhunt Listing
Logo Submission On BSC

Q4 2021
2,500 Holders
$250,000 MC [Market Cap]
CoinGecko Listing
Influencer Collaborations

Q1 2022
5,000 Holders
Donation to no-kill shelters
Community Airdrop

Q2 2022
CoinMarketCap Listing
10,000 Holders
Massive donations to dog rescue from abusers
Merchandise Creation.

In accordance with the guidelines from the road map, $ANONINU has successfully listed on
Pancakeswap with significant works to add Coinhunt to the mix before the end of the third
quarter of 2021. The developers are also in talks with developers at Binance Smart Chain so as
to add our very own Anon Inu icon to our token. By the end of the year, $ANONINU hopes to
have added Coingecko to its list of decentralized exchange.
Plans to issue NFTs art for Nihon Ken breeds and Anon would commence in the first quarter of
2022. As well as a community airdrop and donations to no-kill shelters around the globe. The
second quarter of 2022 would be for $ANONINU listing on CoinMarketCap.
This journey started out with just one homeless Inu and we are hoping that with the help of this
amazing community, we would be able to take it to another level.
The mission of Anon Inu is to create a strong community through our native token that would
prioritize the rescue, provision of a sanctuary, and ultimately a place that Inus all over the world
can call their home. By locking a percentage of our total supply to charity projects, we are giving
the community the power to have a say in this project. We hope to further this goal by
● Rescuing homeless Inu: With the help of our strong community, we hope to reach as
many neglected Inus as possible through a shared goal of our $ANONINU.
● Adopt them in a care home: From the locked charity liquidity funds, we hope to do more
than just rescue them by providing a home where they can be catered for and loved.
● Funding no-kill shelters: While no-kill shelters are doing a massive job taking Inus and
other dogs off the street, the truth is that they are poorly funded. By donating the majority
of our charity pool to these shelters all over the world, we can do more to save our furry
We hope to work with traditional Inu rescue missions around the globe by lending our voice and
support to their causes.

This project started out as an action to save one Inu by someone that is still anonymous till
today. The world of decentralized finance has helped bring liquidity to ideas that traditional
financial systems wouldn't have been interested in and we are glad at what blockchain
technology has done for the world. Now we are hoping to create our own place in history by
building this community that would solve a problem. This is just the beginning of something
bigger than one idea, thus is a community that we believe would change the future of meme
coin financing through our Anon Inu. We hope to be a crucial piece in the puzzle of the
decentralized world and widespread usage of meme coins in the future. We would like to thank
our wonderful community of Anon Inu faithful who have taken our mission as theirs. Without
your support, this project won't have been possible.

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