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Wind energy

1. Warm up activities
(facts about wind energy)
 When did windmill start being used?

A)1500 B)200 B.C

C)500 B.C D) 1850

( Windmills have been in use  since  200BC .They were first developed in Persia and China. Ancient mariners
used wind power to sail to different lands, and farmers used it to pump water and for grinding grains. )

 Where was the largest wind turbine in the world built?

A)Hawaii,USA B)Xinjiang, China

C) Kanyakumari, India  D) Hamburg, German

(It stands 20 stories tall and has blades the length of a football field!)

 Which country is the most installed capacity of wind energy?

A)USA B) China

C) India  D) German
(China is by far the largest installer of wind power capacity in the world, more than doubling the second-
ranked United States. As of 2019, China had cumulatively installed over 237 gigawatts of wind energy, in
comparison to 105.4 gigawatts of wind energy installed in the United States)

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