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Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology (ISSN: 2281-4876)

Volume 10 Issue 1 (2021)

Learning and Knowledge Technologies in school management in

times of covid-19. Theoretical Review
Hernan Oliver Dionisio-Flores
Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Lima, Perú.
ORCID: https//

Juan Méndez Vergaray.

Universidad Cesar Vallejo,Lima,Perú.

Dennys Jaysson Picho Durand

Universidad Cesar Vallejo,Lima,Perú.

Johnny Felix Farfan-Pimentel

Universidad Cesar Vallejo,Lima,Perú.

Edward Flores
Universidad Cesar Vallejo,Lima,Perú.

Article History Abstract

Article Received: The purpose of this article is the analysis of the use of Information and Communication
9/04/2021 Technologies (ICT) in school management in times of COVID-19, to seek the
Article Revised importance and relevance the use of new strategies and methodologies for the sake of
10/05/2021 improving all teaching and learning processes. Whose research is with the literature
Article Accepted: review of the different bibliographic references in the range of 2018 to 2021.25 Articles
15/06/2021 were examined; of which 20 were analyzed from the different databases found in the
trilce campus of our Universidad César Vallejo such as Scielo, Scopus, Ebsco,etc in
Spanish and English languages. In this sense it is demonstrated that in the face of the
need of our students and the closure of schools due to the pandemic in Peru and the
world, we must not stop attending to teaching; with the adaptation of virtual media in
order to close the digital gap in our education.
Keywords: Technology, learning, knowledge, management.

1. Introduction.
Currently, covid 19 has changed the way education was conceived around the world, leaving us many
challenges to meet and needs in our students that have to be addressed promptly. The closure of
Educational Institutions to stop contagion by covid 19 has left more than 165 million students without
the possibility of being able to attend their classrooms in 25 countries in the region (Unesco, 2020,
cited by Álvarez et al., 2020). Despite this, the teaching-learning process has not stopped, and it has

Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology (ISSN: 2281-4876)
Volume 10 Issue 1 (2021)

sought to implement a remote education system that is sustained in the use of information technology
(Numas, 2019),
In this sense, it is necessary to specify that ICTs are a collection of tools that favor the
teaching process. In that sense, Gómez el al., (2018), pointed out that ICTs are a component that
significantly contributes to the training process in students. But, when the teacher identifies
applications that become resources that favor teaching, it is because we are already talking about
Learning and Knowledge Technologies, which, as Martinez-Garcés (2020) emphasizes, can be
adapted to the nature of the curricular experience. In the same way, Santana et al., (2021), point out
that Learning and Knowledge Technologies are a fundamental part of virtual learning environments,
they are present in their development, in their contents, in their products, with didactic elements that
provide students with the opportunity to gain new knowledge.
In addition, Guerrero et al., (2020) emphasize that the use of Learning and Knowledge
Technologies in teaching leads to an understanding of a new conception of teaching and learning,
considering it a flexible process that introduces reforms in the role of the teacher and your students.
That is, the teacher becomes a mediator of learning, while the student assumes a leading role in their
own process.
Now, the unification between technology and methodology is what has given rise to Learning
and Knowledge Technologies, which, according to Lozano (2011), seeks to guide Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) towards a more formative use, both for the student and the
teacher, with the purpose that more and better can be learned. Therefore, according to Santana et al.,
(2021), the great difference between ICT and Learning and Knowledge Technologies lies in the
methodology with which it is taught and not only in the use of computer tools in a given course. In
other words, Learning and Knowledge Technologies not only include the effective use and
management of ICTs, but are also used as exploration tools at the service of learning and the
acquisition of knowledge. Regarding the tools used in the Learning and Knowledge Technologies,
García & Pérez (2018), specify that these integrate electronic equipment and digital materials that
have been designed with pedagogical objectives. In addition, to enhance skills to use the networks,
software and devices offered by digital technology.
Regarding school management, Pacheco-Granados et al., (2018), indicate that school
management is the set of actions carried out by the manager with the purpose of developing various
processes, such as planning, organization, control and monitoring of academic activities, resources,
materials, definition of expenses, among others. In the same way, Vivas (2020), points out that in
Chile, managers have had to implement new modalities in school management, in the development of
academic activities, making use of remote or virtual education and Gallegos (2017), emphasizes
which is a basic process through which the management team plans activities according to the
Institution's objectives, in relation to its needs and interests and that also have a future projection.
Therefore, the objective of this theoretical review is to identify and analyze the literature
related to the subject of Technologies for learning and knowledge in school management in times of
COVID-19. In that sense, this article is made up of a summary of various investigations, from which
theoretical aspects, results and conclusions relevant to this study are obtained, giving a new
perception of what the management of the use ofInformation and Communication Technologies scans
represents in the lives of students. and teachers who connect and live learning from virtuality.
2. Method

Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology (ISSN: 2281-4876)
Volume 10 Issue 1 (2021)

In this research, methods such as interpretive and synthetic analysis have been used, which
according to Popper (1980), start from the particular to the general, engaging in an integral activity.
On the other hand, the epistemological, hermeneutical and practical paradigm of the development of
Learning and Knowledge Technologiesin school management in times of COVID-19 was considered.
All this information is based on the synthesis of 20 articles out of a total of 25, found in "Open
Access" located in the database: Scopus, EBSCO, Scielo and Latindex. The search was carried out
with the Boléan connectors and the equations: “learning AND knowledge technology”, “School
Management”, “teachers”. The search was carried out in the range 2018-2021.
Inclusion criteria: To carry out the research, articles related to the communicative approach
and oral expression at different educational levels were taken into consideration.
Exclusion criteria: investigations that used methods other than the communicative approach
and those articles prior to 2018.
3. Results
When analyzing various articles related to the use of Learning and Knowledge Technologiesin school
management in times of COVID-19, the relevance of the use of new strategies and resources that
improve teaching-learning processes in this globalized society is found. As Hernández (2021)
mentions, information and communication advance geometrically, which means that Educational
Institutions, students, families and basically teachers must involve educational technologies in
pedagogical work.
In this sense, in the review of various studies and mainly scientific articles on the use of
Information and Communication Technologies in school management in times of covid 19, the
following results are found:
In the research carried out by Gómez et al. (2019), results were evidenced that allow affirming
the existence of a need for training teachers in technologies, from a manipulative and didactic-
pedagogical dimension. In addition, the ignorance of certain concepts that are related to the use of
technology didactics such as Learning and Knowledge Technologiesis verified. However, Martínez-
Garcés & Garcés-Fuenmayor (2020), in their descriptive design research, where the population was
52 teachers, obtained as a result the ease of classifying digital information, sharing information
through virtual media, editing and curation content, among others.
On the other hand, Guerrero et al., (2021), in their exploratory and explanatory design
research, resulted in an articulation between the teaching processes in a synchronous and
asynchronous manner, strengthening the quality, warmth and relevance of this experience. In this
sense, the search for an improvement in learning in these times involves a series of adaptations and
changes, as argued by Santana et al., (2021), in their research it was demonstrated how technology
affects education, emphasizing the relevance of the use of various technological tools, and even more
so in times of pandemic.
Zambrano et al., (2017) emphasize in their research that it is necessary to know and explore
the probable didactic utility of ICT to achieve learning. In addition, he points out that Learning and
Knowledge Technologiesgoes beyond a simple use of ICT, and that the aim is to discover new tools
that favor learning and the acquisition of knowledge. In this sense, the relevance of the use of digital
tools as a didactic strategy in the technical domain is highlighted, in such a way that teachers can
incorporate it into their pedagogical practice (Prete & Cabero, 2019).
Valarezo and Santos (2019), in their descriptive study of bibliographic review, where the
objective was to analyze the importance of Learning and Knowledge Technologies, concluded that

Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology (ISSN: 2281-4876)
Volume 10 Issue 1 (2021)

knowledge management is possible, which is aimed at the use of training of technologies that seek to
ensure the achievement of learning and the development of technological skills.
But it is not only about introducing these learning and knowledge technologies in schools.
This must start from a pedagogical leadership that is open to these changes, as referred to by Vivas et
al., (2020), in their study of descriptive designs and with a sample of 25 managers and teachers, it was
found that teachers consider that the director does not have the necessary preparation to fulfill the
management function in the educational center.
4. Discussion
The use of Learning and Knowledge Technologiesin Regular Basic Education is an innovation that
aims to repower the way people learn. All this in the light of technological advances in such a way
that learning is favored, didactics are improved and the necessary skills for this century are developed.
Therefore, Learning and Knowledge Technologiesand their implementation in Educational
Institutions is not an easy task. This represents a creative, dynamic work that takes into account the
participation of several people who handle the subject, who have time and also who invest in this
project (Lugo, 2020); hence, the study centers must have a vision for the future of what virtual
education represents, without neglecting the social, civic and values work that took place in face-to-
face classrooms.
Likewise, an innovative school is one that includes in its processes novel elements, which add
to the improvement of the Institution, which improve its results and that these can be graphed in
scientific and technological advances (Meléndez, 2018), in this sense, the Innovation takes into
account being up to date with the latest educational trends, but at the same time, that they materialize
in projects that seek to improve the educational reality.
Now, the usefulness of the Learning and Knowledge Technologiesis reflected in how the gaps
of social inequalities can be closed, specifically in education, since what is sought is to bring
knowledge and information to the least benefited García & Jaramillo (2020), in In this sense, all these
technologies applied to education must be publicly managed, where our students can have free access.
All these changes allow the use of Information and Communication Technologiesto improve
little by little, reinforcing learning and aspects such as collaborative work, which must be updated and
where significant skills are developed according to the needs of this century (Mackencie et al., 2020),
given what has been stated if we seek to improve learning through Learning and Knowledge
Technologies, we must understand that this is achieved with teamwork.
But all this work, although it is true, involves several actors, mainly falls on the teacher, he is
already considered a promoter of the use of Learning and Knowledge Technologies(Reynoso et al.,
2020), it is thus, that as education professionals We have a great responsibility to train ourselves in the
digital skills that are required today to improve our education.
In the same way, the use of these digital technologies is cause for reflection, since their use
today corresponds to a need for the training of both students and teachers themselves (Toto and
Limone, 2020), in that sense, knowledge and use of these practices favor the professional
development of the teacher of the XXI century.
5. Conclusions
The use of Learning and Knowledge Technologies is intended to generate a new look at
pedagogical and formative training. That is, in the educational aspect, an adequate use of these

Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology (ISSN: 2281-4876)
Volume 10 Issue 1 (2021)

learning and knowledge technologies is required in relation to the teaching-learning process and
knowledge, in such a way that students develop meaningful learning and generate skills.
Likewise, the Learning and Knowledge Technologiesseek the guidance of the educational
pedagogical use of ICT, where teachers and students can interact dynamically, in such a way that they
achieve better learning. For this reason, the incidence that is made in relation to the Learning and
Knowledge Technologies, is in its methodology on the uses of technology that are directed to a
didactic use within the pedagogical work of the teacher, in the search to improve the learning of
students .
Finally, the school is the environment where teachers can gradually acquire and insert these
new technological strategies typical of Learning and Knowledge Technologies, and from the
educational management, this development must be promoted, in such a way that the learning
achievements do not stop, to Despite the pandemic situation that is being experienced, education
cannot be stopped, we must only adapt to the change that education represents from virtuality.

6. References

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Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology (ISSN: 2281-4876)
Volume 10 Issue 1 (2021)

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